Pregnancy 2010 - August



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I found some gummy prenatals today at Target the are made by VitaFusion and are very easy to get down. Just like candy :smile:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Angela, hopefully your swelling will go down on its own, with my first son the swelling got so bad I didn't have ankles and could barely walk. Unfortunately for me the swelling didn't go away until my son was 2 weeks old, I hope your doctors has some advice for you and I know it can be super painful
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I also take the gummy vitamins from Target, after trying 5 other ones! I'm back to teaching tomorrow, we have three days of meetings and students start on Thursday. Funny, I don't feel overwhelmed yet, although I have tons of things to do :)
  • Caliwaters25
    Congratulation sherijimenez!

    Angela- I hope your swelling goes down and you aren't in any pain. Congratulations on passing your certification test, its always nice to accomplish something and then move on.

    Sorry I have been MIA lately lots of stuff I had on my to do list kept me away. Today I have a 3D ultrasound and I am hoping to find out what baby is, I already had an anatomy scan and all went well. My logging has been non existent and I need to get back to it, had a lot of eating out dates and I think this little one is interested in packing it in now. Will weigh in on Wednesday and deal with the damage then, Have a great week everyone and I will keep you posted on baby.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Thank you Cali, I hope you get to find out your baby's gender.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Everyone! It's been about 2 weeks since I logged in because as you know - my little bundle of joy came 2.5 weeks early!!

    We are doing great! She is as healthy as can be and she likes to sleep! :flowerforyou:

    As you all know, I went to the doctor on the 10th and they scheduled me for an ultrasound because my belly was measuring big. So after work I went to get my hair cut and highlighted. I had a standing joke with everyone saying that I needed to get my hair done and then she can come anytime after that. I pulled out of the salon at 6:45 and stopped by our best friend's new house they just closed on that afternoon at around 7:30. (it's 2 blocks from our house). I literally was there for about 5-6 mins, was up stairs in her walk in closet and then it happened.....

    A big gush of fluid (not messy and thankfully I was wearing pants). I stopped for a second and thought, well maybe I peed myself. Took 2 more steps and realized it was not stopping. So being funny, I asked my best friend if she had a bathroom upstairs with toilet paper. She asked "Why?" answer " I think my water just broke!" So as I'm trying to figure out what was happening, she's screaming through the bathroom door..."does it smell, what color is it, is it stopping"...all I could do was laugh. My best friend has 2 kids of her own, so she came to me with a diaper and said "I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but put this on". she was right....boy did that help!

    So I drove home, still laughing at the situation. My hubby was on the phone when I got home and I must have given him a look. I told him he needed to get off the phone. He hung up 2 seconds later and then I told him that my water broke. He thought I was joking....I told him to feel my crotch. LOL. So in like 30 seconds, my bag, robe, pillow and such were at the front door. He was freaking out....I had to reel him back in and calm him down. He was so cute :) I called to on call doctor and we left for the hospital about an hour later. I was in no pain and really calm.

    Got to the hospital, got checked in (about 9pm). I was having contractions, but not feeling them. The doc came in and I was dilated to a 3. My full water was not completely broken, so the doc broke it for me. They moved me to my birthing suite and we met our nurse....she was an angel! My hubby is quite the chit chatter, so she realized that and gave him an entire packet of paper to keep his mind busy. It was cute. She talked with us for about an hour and a half. I got to a 4 without any pain meds. Then I got some type of pain meds through my IV bag (about 1am). That lasted for about an hour and a half and I started to feel the contractions again...and they were pretty intense. So about 3:30 am I got an epidural, I was at a 6 almost 7. Let me tell you I was SO sacred of getting one. But at that point you could have put an epidural in my skull and would not have cared. :laugh: It felt like a bee joke. It was easy peasy!

    So the epidural got me to a 10 in about an hour. I started to feel them pretty strongly again. I thought the epidural was supposed to help with the pushing pain - not in my case. I felt like I felt everything! I started to push at 5 am and I pushed for about an hour and a half. The pain was intense! My hubby was being so supportive, but I was in my own zone. My favorite words were "shhh" and "don't touch me". In order to concentrate and get through the pain I needed quite time. LOL So I must have pushed about 15 times (in sets of 3) and out she came. Towards the end I felt her head and everything...hurt, but it was so cool!

    Alexis Marie was born at 6:31 am 6lbs 15 oz 19 3/4 inches long on August 11th.

    She came out and they put her on my belly and it was love at first sight. She had my dimples and the sweetest lips ever. I was crying, my nurse crying, my hubby was crying. It was a beautiful moment.

    Hubby cut the cord and then she got a bath. I got stitched up. I didn't tear that much and not in your typical place, but I tore more internally. They cleaned me up - what a process! And I was all set.

    I was not in any pain afterwards....just the typical bleeding and such. We stayed in the hospital for 2 days, just to get rest and relax.

    At home it's fun! She's a solid sleeper and eater. I had one bad day with breast feeding. The day my milk came in was a bad one. My boobs were huge and she wouldn't latch on. I was an wreck. I felt like for a week, if a pen dropped I would cry! :sad:

    I'm good now and we are on a pretty good schedule! I'm enjoying my time off and just loving the heck out of her. :love:

    I weighed myself the Monday after we got home and lost 16 lbs from just delivering her. I'm down another 2 lbs so I have 8 more to go. YEAH!:happy:

    Hope everyone else is doing great!! I haven't had much time to follow since she came!

    Here's a link to my facebook album:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Congrats!!! That is so awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your story! She is beautiful!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    YAY! Congrats ShoppingQueen! The pictures are beautiful and you look great! Thanks for sharing your story, funny that it happened in your friend's new house. Glad to hear you all are doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • rmwilliams0519
    Hello everybody, I'm new to this line of posts. I found out Sat night I am pregnant. I haven't told anybody at work yet but have told my family. It will be #2 for DH and I. I'm excited but worried about gaining weight. I gained so much with my first pregnancy. Granted I kept McDonlads and Wataburger in business with super sizing everything during my first, and I'm NOT going to do that again. I look forward to seeing everybody's progress and hopefully leaning on ya'll to help me stay on path.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Shoppingqueen she is so beautiful. I know how you feel about being scared of the epidural all you can think about are the scary stories, but when I had my first all I wanted while they were doing it was a cheese burger.

    Thanks for sharing your story it has been 7 years since my last birth and I am already having anxiety, you make it sound so great and you look really awesome for just having a baby. Very inspiring.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Shoppingqueen, I pray I am able to have the calmness you did. I cant believe you drove home laughing from your friends house. I think I would be freeking out. Congratulations again, and she is BEAUTIFUL!!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    congratulations shoppingqeen, thank you for sharing your story. It's amazing how calm you were with this being your first pregnancy. I would have called from the friend's house and asked my hubby to rush over. I'm glad everything went well. She's really beautiful, great pics!
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for 4 years to concieve. No luck yet. This is a huge struggle, on top of both of us needing to lose a large amount of weight. Any tip? This is a great group.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Wow Shopping Queen love the story! It is that story you will tell your daughter when she gets older, lol. I drove myself to the hospital with my last labor and the parked and walked up, seemed calming to me. Your daughter is absolutely precious, enjoy every moment you get with her, even when youre dead tired and she is nursing for what seems like forever. :smile: My babies are 6, 3 and now I'm expecting #3, it is hard when you realize how quickly time flies.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Shopping Queen, congrats! You have a beautiful baby, and a wonderful story! Breastfeeding can be difficult--but it is doable. Just remember a warm shower and a cup can be your friend, especially in the beginning! :blushing: I wish you well with your new adorable one!
  • souldancer
    Breastfeeding can be difficult--but it is doable. Just remember a warm shower and a cup can be your friend, especially in the beginning!

    Good tip reminder.... A warm shower helped me when I breastfed...
  • souldancer
    Shoppingqueen congratulations on your little bundle of joy! Your daughter is beautiful.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    congrats shoppingqueen, I've been excited for the story! she's beautiful, and you did such a great job staying healthy through your pregnancy!

    So I woke up this morning and was SUPER sore. Every step I took felt like he was pushing on my pelvis and bladder, I was having really bad ligament pain in my crotch area (sorry for the wording lol) and 2 people mentioned I looked like I dropped. Then I was having lost of contractions, definately irregular and not labor contractions, but more than usual. So I was HOPING that at this appointment they would tell me that my cervix was coming forward and even better dialating ... but it ended up being even worse. *sigh, so still hard, closed and far away. I had to see a nurse instead of my MD because of the stupid schedulers so she couldn't answer any of my questions and didn't make it sound like he'd dropped at all. PLUS they told me that I'd gained 8 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! WTF?! I know I've been swollen and because of lack of money haven't gone grocery shopping resulting in high sodium diet the last few weeks and less than healthy food ... but seriously 8 pounds?! Then to top things off I'm measuring 37 weeks instead of 36 weeks, which puts me at risk for having a big baby. :-( I feel super irritated with myself, depressed, fat, ugly, and frustrated.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm sorry Angela, it can be really hard those last few weeks. The weight gain is probably mostly because of the swelling and the heat does not help. I gained about 7 lbs a week with my first son all because of the swelling, it goes away, it is just super uncomfortable. Keep your head high, you are almost there! The pain in the pelvis area is probably because of the size of your baby, it doesn't get better with subsequent preganacies, you actually get it earlier on. I wouldn't worry too much about the size of your baby, just that he is healthy. My first son was 9lbs 6 oz and my second was 8lbs 12oz, both big boys but both were delivered vaginally. You are doing wonderful, try to relax as much as possible and stay off your feet.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    this weeks gain: 3.5lbs

    Prepregnancy weight: 162
    Current weight: 194.9
    Pregnancy gain: 34.9

    :-( boooooooooooooooooo