Halloween Challenge



  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    I would like to join. Halloween this year will be my 1 yr anniversary :) So I am currently at 233.6 and I would like to be 220.0 by Halloween -- I will be over 100lbs down since I got married :) how exciting!! anyway that is 13.6lbs to lose in 82 days (including today)...we will see how it goes. Since I will be done with school on Monday, I will have more time for exercising. YAY!!

    I am now at 231.8lbs so i am moving in the right direction, just very slowly. So now I am 11.8lbs away from my goal of 220 by Halloween.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Yay, lost 2lb, might change my goal back up to 14lb

    SW 171
    GW 157
  • Fayegill
    Fayegill Posts: 39 Member
    Yeh I love Halloween - So my goal is to be 162 - That's 10lbs.
    So glad I joined
  • I would love to join this challenge. My anniversary is the 21st so I would love to have a goal of Halloween to work on. I am currently 234 and I want to be 210 by Halloween. I guess that means a loss of 24 lbs! I think that is doable because this is my first week. I look forward to celebrating with everyone in October!
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I would love to have some motivation! lol!

    Highest Weight-192.5
    Current Weight- 170.5
  • Mrs_Demeanor
    Mrs_Demeanor Posts: 8 Member
    Halloween's my fave and this could be a great motivation to look better in whatever costume I buy! =D So my current weight is 255, and I'd like to be 245 by Halloween!
  • I'm in!

    Highest weight: 158
    Current weight: 151
    Halloween goal: 145

    so 6 lbs by halloween.. I want to say 140 by then, but I'll set a small goal first :)
  • Count me in! My favorite holiday is Halloween, so it's a great day to have a goal. I would like to be down to a total weight loss of 15 lbs by then so -9 by Halloween. Good luck to all!
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey can i jump in as well? I am going on a cruise on oct 11 and would love to be 180 by then... I weigh 197 now so i hope that i can totally do it!!!
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Monday weigh in

    CW 245.4 lost 1.5lbs last week, 2.2 lbs this week aiming for 2.3 next week to get me back on track to reach my halloween goal.
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    Monday weigh in- I lost 0.4 pounds . CW- 249.8. a little bummed cause yesterday morning I was 248.0
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    I know I am a little late to join but I am definitely in! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I am at 170 now and would like to be 160 by then. :)
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    I would love to be apart of the group and set a goal of Halloween since I love halloween :)..

    Im 23yrs old, 5'9, 191 lbs..my goal before my husband leaves for Afghanistan in Feb. is to be back at 155 at most. In the end of November we will have our vow renewal goal 175 so It would be great to have a....

    Halloween Goal: 180

    I wish everyone luck on their journey and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kimmi33
    kimmi33 Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in...Setting a goal at 15lbs...Hopefully more. Anyone please feel free to friend me... I am new and needing moral support lol. Have a great day.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    monday weigh in: down 2lbs! 10lbs lost so far this month! wooooo hoooooo!

    15-20lbs to go for my halloween goal! i can do it!!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Can we move the weigh-in to Thursday? I have a hard time tracking sodium on the weekends so I'm always up come Monday lol. And always much better come Thursday. That's my normal weigh-in.

    Regardless, up 1.6 lbs. today to 145.0, so 10 lbs. to go.
  • I am in! My current weight is 158, I would like to be 145 by Halloween. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi, my name is Ericka. I would like to join this challenge. I am challenging myself to lose at least 15 pounds by Halloween, and if I lose more that is even better. Just had a baby in June of this year, so I am looking to lose all the baby weight, and all the extra weight I have gained over the years. My ultimate goal is to weigh what I did when I got married 5 years ago, and to fit into my wedding dress again. Hoping by this time next year I will have reached my goal of 75 pounds. Good luck everyone and feel free to add me! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    ok.. fiday is my normal weigh in day I was 231.2 which was a .8 lb loss from 232 and I weighed again today so I could be accurate on today's posting and its was 230.4 which is another .8 lb loss for a total of 1.6 lbs. So only. 10.4 lbs to go in roughly 10 weeks. I think I can do it..
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    My scale is currently out of service until I get some new batteries for it. I will update my weight as soon as I can. For the others on here --keep up the great work!!
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