what do skinny people eat?!?



  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Ice cream.

    But yes.

    They eat everything everyone else does. Just not as much. Or else they move more.
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Buy a couple of healthy cook books, like Jillian Michaels Master Your Metabolism. It'll take some getting used to, but if you want to make a big change and teach good habits like eating healthy proteins, lots of vegetables, and complex carbs, buy a couple of books and try some new recipes. Good luck!
  • cmstraut
    cmstraut Posts: 15
    I got into this to not necessarily to loose weight but to get healthy. I was raised on quick food, since both my parents worked. The best veggies I got were from a can :) Knowing that a diet would not last or even work for me, I decided to take baby steps. I started with just trying to add more fresh veggies to meals. Easiest way was to find recipes that I could add fresh spinach, broccoli, or carrots to. I'm getting better at it, but it is a slow process and takes time to find and think of recipe ideas. What I have changed is when I cook meals, which has helped a lot. I spend half the day on Sunday cooking meals for the week. Egg casseroles with veggies, all lunch meals to take to work have a balanced portions.
    For me the biggest thing is that this is not a race, it is a change of life. Every little thing is a step in the right direction. So my suggestion is to take it slow and steady, making small changes every week. Before you know it, you will be down 5-10lbs and feel like you didn't do a thing :)

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Agreed that they eat less and move more for the most part. There are some skinny people that only eat whole, healthy foods. But there's overweight people that do that too. So yeah, eat what you love, just less of it. And for your health, try eating some healthy foods as well.
  • devinbear
    devinbear Posts: 38 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to friend me. I'm not perfect by any means (I love ice cream) but I try to keep it healthy most of the time. I'm 5'4 and 135 pounds. On top of the dietary patterns, I run 2- 4 miles, 5-6 days a week.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When my 2nd child was young, our pediatrician noticed his BMI was creeping up. This is what she told me, which seems like good advice for grownups and children alike:

    #1 Move more! It was then end of winter, so we'd been inside a lot. She wanted me to get him out and running around.

    #2 Fast food no more than once a week, less if possible. Make these outings a treat rather than the norm after a busy day.

    #3 Replace cookies and other sweet snacks with fruit and raw veggies. The main go-to for snack has become apples, and grapes last about 1 hour in our house :laugh: We should also take out stock in Chiquita, with how many bananas we go through, and a veggie tray gets cheers.

    #4 Eat together. When we sit down as a family for a meal, we spend time talking and enjoying company, we build good eating habits as a family, and we tend to eat less than if everybody grabs a plate and goes back to the tv, etc.

    I would add to that, learn how to cook not using a lot of boxed and convenience food. We keep a supply of frozen veggies on hand (if they don't have anything else added, they are just as good as fresh), but only make something out of a box a couple of times a week. Plan your meals in advance and know how long each one takes to make so you don't get down to 6pm and you have an hour of prep before you can eat :wink: Using smaller plates is also a nice trick, you look like you've got a full plate but it's a smaller portion and take small bites, chew well, and talk with your family in between.

    That's it. Ten years later, this same child is skinny and active, and my other children have also developed similar habits. We do tend to have cookies around, but they aren't our main fare
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Fruits/veggies/meats. Check out some of these good for you recipe websites:
























































  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Less then what they burn, I try to eat whole foods you can eat so much more calorie vs calories I can have a ton of oatmeal vs a Bowl of ice cream im talking stuffing my belly full (granted its oatmeal vs icecream) boy do I love ice cream. Get yourself educated and if you eat decent and excercise you can still have a couple pieces of Pizza or a bowl of ice cream
  • sullycc
    sullycc Posts: 37 Member
    I aren't skinn, I have a 'healthy' BMI, nor have I ever really been overweight so I can't preach. However, I am a mum and have a family I cook for. I have 3 meals a day and the odd snack here and there. What I do, and what my mum did, and therefore the way I was raised is, I cook! I make all my meals, I don't buy takeaways or fast food. I do eat chips (fries), I do eat pizza, there isn't anything I don't cook/eat, I just make it myself, hence I know exactly what goes into it. I was raised eating meat, fruit and veg and therefore its what I eat, my son also eats.

    I don't know how easy it is to have a lifestyle change as I haven't had to do it, but I dare say it isn't easy and will take time, and organisation to get it right.

    I am now organised when it comes to meal planning, which helps me stay on track. I am here because I can gain weight easily however it is very hard to take off!

    This is my way....On a Friday night, I sit down with the family and plan what meals they want over the weekend and the following week, including packed lunches for school/work. I then list every item I will need that I don't have in. On a Saturday, I go shopping. Butchers for the meat, green grocers for the fruit and veg and the supermarket for the rest.

    Yes it is a pain, to do this every week, however the relief of knowing what I am eating and knowing I have everything to make it without the odd trip to the supermarket every other day is immense, lol. I am a busy, work full-time mum and I hate wasting time!

    On top of organisation and a healthy meal plan, I also exercise. I go to the gym 3 times a week and I work out hard!!

    It isn't a fluke that people stay 'skinny/slim' it requires dedication, organisation and a will to do it!!

    If you want to send a friend request so you can see my diary then feel free.

    Oh! and a good basic cook book may help. We all have to start and learn somewhere, it is a progression....

    I better answer your question hadn't i, lol. I eat what I want, as long as it fits my calorie and macro allowance :)
  • I would like to know. Honestly I just know I need to change or I will never get this weight off. Not to mention I'm teaching all 3 of my daughters bad eating habits. I hate myself this weight and have been stuck around this weight for 2 1/2 years. My husband and I have horrible eating patterns fast food, pizza frozen or take out, lasagna, tacos and baked chicken nuggets and fries are basically our staples. I guess the surprise isn't that I now weight 280 lbs on my 5'4 frame. I'm drowning and I know if I don't change I will die, I've been dying on their inside. Please giver ideas of healthy eating.

    Aw hun we eat the same things and our family of 4 are all within healthy weight ranges. We are picky eaters and eat typical american diets. We get take out about 1 or 2 times a week. Tacos, lasagna, hot dogs, french fries etc. I make sure we dont drink our calories (except the kids do get milk in the morning and with their cereal of course) we just watch the portions. I make sure I serve veggies with every dinner and try to make baked chicken as often as I can throughout the week. We eat spaghetti, hamburger helper, etc. All in a reasonable portion though.

    Point is it doesn't matter WHAT you eat, it's how much you are eating. I know a woman is morbidly obese yet only eats whole organic foods, i also know "skinny" people that eat nothing but take out.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    In all seriousness, I learned to cook.
    I used to be a pop it out of the freezer and into the oven gal, but now I make a ton of 20-30 minute skillet meals, stir fries, etc.

    Also, I've found if I stay on the out skirts of the grocery store, I find better foods. Most of the processed stuff they keep in the middle.
    I still eat some processed stuff, because I still want to live my life and enjoy things, but for the most part I try and make healthier choices.

    This for me too! I have always cooked but not really healthy. I now follow a visual plate (veggie, veggie, protein) for dinner. If in fact you are the decision maker for meals, be strong for you and your kids.

    In all seriousness if you did yourself and your family 1 favor...STOP EATING OUT! Gain the control you need before you ever step foot in a restaurant again. Last night my husband and I got Chinese to go. Two years ago we would have each ordered off the menu and finished it all, last night we split 1 dinner and tossed what was left.

    Even if you drive to the park....GO THERE...get away from the kitchen and the food.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    My favorite sweet treat is grapes! I freeze them and they're like little popsicles :D

    Chia pudding&berries, fruit, fresh veggies, protein powder, lean meat (99.9% chicken), whole grains, sandwiches with natural PB&reduced sugar preserves, BROCCOLI, and baby carrots...om nom nom!
  • mflinn84
    mflinn84 Posts: 35
    A weakness for French fries notwithstanding, I do think there is A LOT of really good healthy food out there. Here are some things to try. I'm listing them in a Unhealthy vs. Healthy format:

    Potato Chips vs. Pita Chips and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (Wal-Mart Deli)
    Ice Cream vs. Frozen blueberries blended with low-fat yogurt and honey (<-IT IS AMAZING!)
    Normal Hamburger vs. Laura's Lean Hamburger Patties (super low calorie, organic, green box in frozen food aisle)
    Bun vs. 100 cal. Sandwich Thin (Bread Aisle)
    Regular Brownie vs. Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownie (snack aisle, very tasty!)
    Cookies vs. Dried Fruit or Popcorn
    Regular Hotdog vs. Hebrew National All Beef Hotdog (ONLY 45 CALORIES!)
    Sugar vs. Honey and Spices
    Regular Sausage vs. Turkey Sausage (I cannot tell the difference!!)
    Fried fish vs. White fish dipped in milk/egg, covered in bread crumbs and BAKED
    Fried Potatoes vs. Veggie 'Steamables' <-red bag, frozen food aisle
    Grilled Cheese vs. Broiled Roma Tomato Slices & Mozzerella on bread with spices. (Broiled is important here - only takes 4 min.)
    Soda Pop vs. Iced Tea (lightly sweetened if you want)
    Packaged Snack Food vs. Tortilla Chips w. Herdez Salsa (Herdez is made in Mexico, really good, avail. at Wal Mart)
    Fried Shrimp vs. Grilled or Sautéed Shrimp
    Pork Fried Rice vs. White Rice

    Hope this helps!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I would like to know. Honestly I just know I need to change or I will never get this weight off. Not to mention I'm teaching all 3 of my daughters bad eating habits. I hate myself this weight and have been stuck around this weight for 2 1/2 years. My husband and I have horrible eating patterns fast food, pizza frozen or take out, lasagna, tacos and baked chicken nuggets and fries are basically our staples. I guess the surprise isn't that I now weight 280 lbs on my 5'4 frame. I'm drowning and I know if I don't change I will die, I've been dying on their inside. Please giver ideas of healthy eating.

    My bff and my husband are seeming naturally slender. They claim to eat anything they want and I see they do have hearty appetites. But when I really took a good look at their diet, I noticed it was different from mine (and similar to each other).

    For one they both LOVE salad and don't consider it a meal without one. I copied that and now I love salad and eat one or 2 a day too ;). And they both prefer a drizzle of oil & vinegar type dressings and not so much globs of ranch or Russian.

    They also like veggies, but not so much covered in cheese and/or butter ;). They both just happen to prefer it with some garlic & oil.

    I can't say I've ever seen them eager to reach for the bread basket for a dinner roll, but if they do I see they don't slather it in butter.

    If given a choice of ice cream or Italian ice or sherbert, they often say "yum! sherbert please!".

    They snack, but within reason ~ eg, some pepperoni & cheese, but they don't make a 'sandwich' outta it with Ritz crackers LOL And they aren't ga ga over dips ;)

    Etc, along that line are some differences I notice and have worked to emulate.

    Good luck!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You can eat anything you want as long as you keep it within your calorie needs and maintain a deficit (to lose weight). Don't let any food nazi's scare you from any kind, type or specific food. Figure out your needs and stay within that.

    For example I at 24 oz (cooked weight, approx. 32 oz raw) of buffalo chicken breast, 1/2 pound of spinach, 1/2 pound of mixed veggies, & a 1/2 pound of white potato for dinner last night.

    For desert I had 3 cups of chocolate fiber one, 2 red velvet pop tarts, & a pint of Thin Mint ice cream. I am currently in weekly deficit. I eat the same amount of food daily and my exercise through out the week creates my deficit.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    They eat food, just like us fat people. They just eat less. And they move more. Pretty simple concept, really.

    Problem solved, end thread.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    They won't eat the whole, big portion, and opt to eat smaller portions, and they just keep active.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I eat pizza and burgers and ice cream and Pop-tarts and tacos, and I'm skinny.

    I ate the same stuff when I was fat.

    The magic? I eat less of it now than before.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    A weakness for French fries notwithstanding, I do think there is A LOT of really good healthy food out there. Here are some things to try. I'm listing them in a Unhealthy vs. Healthy format:

    Potato Chips vs. Pita Chips and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (Wal-Mart Deli)
    Ice Cream vs. Frozen blueberries blended with low-fat yogurt and honey (<-IT IS AMAZING!)
    Normal Hamburger vs. Laura's Lean Hamburger Patties (super low calorie, organic, green box in frozen food aisle)
    Bun vs. 100 cal. Sandwich Thin (Bread Aisle)
    Regular Brownie vs. Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownie (snack aisle, very tasty!)
    Cookies vs. Dried Fruit or Popcorn
    Regular Hotdog vs. Hebrew National All Beef Hotdog (ONLY 45 CALORIES!)
    Sugar vs. Honey and Spices
    Regular Sausage vs. Turkey Sausage (I cannot tell the difference!!)
    Fried fish vs. White fish dipped in milk/egg, covered in bread crumbs and BAKED
    Fried Potatoes vs. Veggie 'Steamables' <-red bag, frozen food aisle
    Grilled Cheese vs. Broiled Roma Tomato Slices & Mozzerella on bread with spices. (Broiled is important here - only takes 4 min.)
    Soda Pop vs. Iced Tea (lightly sweetened if you want)
    Packaged Snack Food vs. Tortilla Chips w. Herdez Salsa (Herdez is made in Mexico, really good, avail. at Wal Mart)
    Fried Shrimp vs. Grilled or Sautéed Shrimp
    Pork Fried Rice vs. White Rice

    Hope this helps!

    I am not a fan of the whole substitute philosophy. If I want a brownie, I want a real brownie and not some high fiber diet version of a brownie. If I want pork fried rice, a bowl of plain white rice isn't going to cut it.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    As a newly minted member of the "skinny people" club, I eat:

    Anything I want. So long as I burn more (or the same) as I consume. Chocolate, cookies, ice cream, pizza, fried chicken, burgers, fries, donuts. Everything.