Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- I just attempted mine and had a hard time since no one was there to hold my feet. I guess Ill be going back and doing what you did lol I did 25 half situps lol more like crunches but either way I felt it for sure. then did my "girly" pushups for the 100 day thing Im sorta doing. Kinda doing that just upping my count 1-2 more each day.
  • addiograsso
    Good Evening All -
    You guys are all so great - I'm so impressed by each and every one of you. Each of you has overcome something amazing to make you even more of a beautiful person - now the world can see th beauty on the outside that's always been on the inside. Thanks for the support and encouragement. I just finished my 2nd day of "under calories" - yay me! Not a lot of exercise today, but tomorrow is another day. I'm off to do my 25 situps - (i'm actually good at those) - there's my positivity... ;) and then try to convince my 2 1/2 year old that bed time is not 11pm (tee hee hee).
    Tomorrow - big day - 1st day on the scale.
    Look forward to catching up with all you lovely ladies tomorrow,
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Woohoo....I completed my W2 D1 of C25K. On the way during one of my repetitions a neighbor told me..."I don't know how you can walk in this is so humid and muggy". It rained this afternoon and you could literally see the steam coming off the pavement. Usually I would have said you know you are right and probably sat there and talked with her, but instead I told her "I want the result more" and kep going. Yay me! :happy:

    I managed to do my 25 sit-ups but they were not pretty...this is a challenge for me! Thanks Tamara! :tongue:

    Shari...yes I did notice we are on the same track. I agree to be twinnies, but I will bet he younger one! :laugh:

    Good night all....TTY tomorrow!
  • nilabhakuni
    nilabhakuni Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jessica. To answer your question about when to work out-- I don't think that it matters whether or not you work out in the morning or the evening-- as long as you do it. You mention that you ride the bike--what does your workout look like? Is it steady for 30 minutes? Because maybe you could change it up a bit with some intervals. Your body gets used to activities if you do it the same way, so you need to change it up. You could start simply with 3 minutes steady and 1 minute with a faster cadence or add resistance. That way, you can get more bang for your buck out of your workout!

    I can relate to the spending more time with my kids and having a hard time waking up in the morning. I have two toddlers and a demanding full time job. My husband stays at home, so I want to spend time with my kids and he needs a break. I just can't get my groove with working out. I can't find the time that works for me and be consistent. I am ok with the food, just the portions, and myfitnesspal is helping with that. My goal is 3 times a week to do something. I hit it last week, but I need to step it up---I need the stress release. I want to run again, but I need to lose some weight first (my knees can't take it).

    Taking inspiration from you, I will try to wake up early tomorrow and do 30 minutes on my spin bike!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202

    Shari...yes I did notice we are on the same track. I agree to be twinnies, but I will bet he younger one! :laugh:

    Hahahaa, I can't argue with that cuz you are quite a few years younger than me, but look out - you better work hard or I will end up LOOKING younger than you, lol!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    OK Ladies, I am back from the Casino, and I only did about half of my plan right. I am stuffed, but it could have been way worse. I did observe that we were half skinny people and half chubby people, and that the skinny people put just as much food on their plates but ate much less of it. I am not good at leaving food on my plate, especially if it will be thrown away.

    I'm glad it is only Monday and I have a week to make up for my overage!
  • GLW1969
    GLW1969 Posts: 23
    hi all us late nighters i am just finishing my long exhausting day of deck scrubbing my kitchen floors, laundry, dog wrangling , and the whole "mom where's my _____" for today all to start promptly again @ 6:30 am . i will add the 25 sit ups Tuesday at some point . i used to take the kids for walks to the play grounds and play along with them when they were younger and i was slightly thinner and hurt less. i have my soon to be 16 year old son working out with me in the evenings before supper . i am trying to make it a fun thing for us by changing things up . we are doing NJROTC PT drills 2 times a week . any way i have to buy a new scale lost my old one moving. hoping to have lost a couple of pounds.

    and Shari call me Gail ( glw1969) :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    hey gang add me to your friends please moral support is the best support :)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hello team and good morning...

    I am glad to see people getting their 25 sit -ups (crunches) in..

    Deneen- Glad to see you here..

    Marcie- Good job on the c25k

    Shari- You are a work in progress, it takes time you cat do it overnight,its just to difficult, I still struggle at buffet becasue I have the mentallitlty I want a little bit of everything!!!

    Gail- Good job working out with your 16 year old. I wanna work out with 12 year old but he has a heart conditon and is not allowed to lift weights and thats what he wants to do..

    Bobbie- Good job on our run last night ma am... I am gonna have you down to a 9 min 30 second mile before

    Anyone I forgot I am sorry.. Stay positive today and we choose our mood... Dont let anyone choose it for you!!!

    Get your water and crunches in today and post something postiive about yourself!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Im hoping we dont get rain and the black clouds go away today. They have been here since yesterday and I didnt get anything done and now we have over due library books. I was afraid ti was gonna rain and we would be stuck in the library untill it stopped (we walk everywhere). Today I really need to return them and walk the 25 minutes to walmart for vacuum belts since my lovely husband broke the one in the vacuum. Oh and we have a wic apt we need to get to. so since we have no vehicle right now I have to walk and dont want to walk in the rain lol. Its soo cool outside its a nice break from the humidity and I wish I could take advantage of it and walk walk walk but stupid blakc clouds. Im getting so nervous about tomorow. Tomorow starts school for my 5 year old and Im starting to get nervous because this is something thats gonna last all year , not something we can do for a week and stop. Im wondering if I really am ready for part of our lives or if I was just crazy to sign us up for it. I keep saying to myself "its fine its just half day" and it make sme feel better and I get that boost of confidence and then I start doubting it again. I thik that is a big issue Ive had for a long time, self doubt, and I really wish I could get over it because I know it will make me a better mother, wife, and over person.

    Oh and tomorow is wiegh in and yesterday I finished the kids dinner plates so Im not feeling too great about it. BUT we will see right.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Jessica- you have to stay positive, even if you ate your kids plate lastnight, thing can happen... we dont change over night..we didnt put it on in 5 days its not gonna come off in 5 day..

    We are here for you and with you walking everywhere you never know, walking is the bext medicine.. Stay postivie. I told Bobbie last night can't never could..and she ran longer then she ever has before at one time, it was simply amazing to witness this..

    You have done so well. dont beat yourself up, today is a new day!! Smile and go out and conquer the world!!

    I am off to lift weights with personal trainer as friends.. We challange each other then home for my 25 sit ups..

    Have an awesome day everyone!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- Yep things happen and they will. The dinner thing is somethign Ive been struggling with for a long time and usually I just leave alittle less on my plate just in case. I really hate seeing food get thrown away and I can really pack up food that was already cut into little pieces for the kids so I find myself cleaning up the table and just picking at the plates and then next thing I know ive ate the rest of the plate lol. Its easier when my husband is home for dinner cuz I can make him eat it lol.

    walking is how I started this. I was forced to walk everywhere when we moved here in march and then next thing I knew I was losing some weight so then I started using sparkpeople (similir to here but here is much easier to manuvuer) and I was half way tracking and then 20 lbs down later I found this site and then I slowed down abit on losing and now im back up at average 2-3 lbs a week but i also upped my exercise to add the bike plus whatever walking we end up getting in during the day. Though I am abit bummed MFP doesnt have an option for pushing a toddler, just an infant and the calories that come up on that are less then when I put in a brisk walk so I just use brisk walk since IM pushing an almost 40 lbs toddler around and sometimes I use the double stroller and push the almost 40lbs 5 year as well lol
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone is off to a great start. I forgot to rest my clock this morning and did not get up and run. I did get my 25 situps/crunches in and also 15 tricep dips. I am also working tonight waiting tables. That is always a good workout. Hopefully I will be as far away from the kitchen as possible. Tomorrow I will definitely get up and workout. I am thinking a 4 mile run before work sounds nice.

    I had a fabulous day yesterday. I had the best run ever with Tamara. I know she already told you, but I did run the longest that I ever have and the fastest as well. My normal time for a mile is 12.5 to 13.5 mile pace. Last night was an 11.5 mile pace. I am so proud of that. I just have to keep pushing forward and continue to get stronger and faster. I did 25 crunches and got all my water in. Yesterday was just a good day. I was under on calories too.

    Shari - Today is a new day. Buffets are always a dangerous place to go no matter how long you have been doing this. I am proud of you for holding yourself accountable and planning to start fresh today. Keep it up lady.

    Marcie - That is awesome about your workout. With determination like you have right now, you will soon see results. It is hard to get motivated to workout sometimes, but once you do it then you feel great.

    Deneen - How was weigh in this morning? I hope it was a good one. Let us know how the stroller works out and how you feel afterwards. Start out with small goals and then slowly increase your times. I have to have something to work towards. When I run, I always pick a spot that I want to run to when I start to get tired and I make sure I make it all the way. It gives me soemthing to feel good about, you know.

    Jessica - Why do you despise exercise so much? Are you bored with what you are doing? Is there anyway to change it up? Sometimes if the routine gets boring, then we lose the desire to do the workout. Plus if your heart isn't in it, then it isn't always the greatest workout. I used to hate working out. It felt like more of a chore, but now I honestly enjoy it. I don't like the getting up at 4 or 4:30 part, but I know I will feel fantastic once it is done. I love to run outside in the mornings. I am usually out while the stars are still out and I get to see the sky change from night time to morning and it is absolutely beautiful. I try to find the beauty in things when I am running or working out. After a workout, I like to flex and feel how solid my muscles are becoming. It is kind of an instant gratification thing. As far as you home schooling, do not doubt yourself. You made the choice for you and your child for a reason. Put your heart into it and have faith that it will workout. Stick with it for this one year and if it is not something you or your child enjoys, then put her into regular school next year. Find the positive in everything. It is all going to workout. I hope the clouds go away so you can walk and get all your errands done. Good luck.

    Gail - It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. I am happy to hear you are working out with your son. The JROTC workouts will work. My husband did PT and lost 84 pounds to join the Navy. Just stick with it and keep having fun with it.

    Tamara - Thanks for pushing me so much. I would not be able to run this way without your encouragement. I really do appreciate you and I value our friendship. Now lets just hope I can run like that again on Thursday before our Friday weigh in. I need to do a 2 a day Thursday and possibly Friday as well. Lets get it girl. Have a good workout with Stephanie.

    Today is a great day. I have already done the sit up challenge and I am well on my way to getting my water in.
    Today I like how small my waist looks. We have company at work today so we had to dress up. My shirt ties around the waist and it is really showing my true size. I have already been complimented today. It is such a great feeling.

    Everyone have a great day and stay positive. Remember eat to live and not live to eat.

  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    Hello! I too am here because of Tamara on the Today Show! My name is Christina and would like to lose (and not find again) 50ish lbs and a total of 70.
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning, all -
    Today is weigh in day for me, and.... drum roll, please - (and here comes my positivity, too...) - I am down FIVE pounds. Week 1 down, 5 pounds down. I am very, very pleased. I realize that 5 pounds is likely not too noticeable, since I need to lose 135, but I feel good. From all the water, my skin looks better, and I feel like I am just carrying myself better. I have tried this weight loss "thang" before but this time it just feels right. It's about choices, and I'm going to be making better ones.

    Jessica - You are an amazing person - REALLY! I don't know how you do it! Walking everywhere?!?!? You are an inspiration. It seems to be you are doing a fabulous job. In this day and age to take on all the roles you have and to continually lose 2-3 pounds a week - that's great. It sounds like to me - you ARE exercising - it's just not the traditional DVD/Jillian/Denise Austin/Tae-bo way. Believe me - walking 20 minutes with 2-3 kids in tow - is EXERCISE! Congratulations to you on your achievement. As far as the home schooling, like Bobbie said, just try it and If it doesn't work, change it. Life is about changes and you seem to be able to meet with tenacity any change life throws at you. God Bless you and your family.

    Bobbie - Yay for you! Again, that is truly inspiring! Even in my thinner days (notice I said thinner and not thin), I wouldn't have dreamed of running miles and miles... Even in my fit days, I ran to get to first base or to catch a pass, not just to run, so I find what you and Tamara do very impressive... My mantra on here has been no excuses, so I think i need to find myself a pair of tennis shoes that will work for me and my post-accident foot issue and give it a shot. Running/Walking and seeing the sun comes up sounds beautiful - even if it takes me 38 minutes to go a mile at first... :laugh:

    Tamara - I know I've said inspiring and don't want to over use it, but WOW - how much bigger of an inspiration can we all have than you!??!? Thanks for bringing us here and for showing your support and for just "keeping on" everyday! You are an amazing model of success - I truly hope to join you someday.

    Shari - Thanks for all the positive notes. You are a beautiful person inside and out and thank you for pointing out "life". We all encounter our "buffets" in life and it sounds like you did a fabulous job of making good choices. Thanks for keeping a positive spirit and for all the kind words and enthusiasm... :flowerforyou:

    Well, I've rambled on enough so.... I'll close with - wish me luck - tonite is a big challenge for me. I'm meeting my since high school girlfriends for what is usually lots of fattening food and drinks plus we're going to a place that serves these AMAZING french fries and I'm looking forward to making good choices. As one gentleman pointed out on here somewhere - "go ahead - eat the fries, but once you realize just how much they "cost" you realize what a better choice may be..." I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist.

    happy tuesday, ladies and gents -
    Thanks to you all.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- you know I really dont have any one big reason for not liking exercise and it sounds so silly. I just dont like the sweating, which I do easily even when I was smaller, and the out of breath and the sore feeling right after. I dont know what it is, It probably is a mind thing and I definately need to work on the way I think and everything.

    as for homeschooling I am taking ti one year at a time or at first it was half year at a time because I know I can always chose something else. I just again have this problem with overthinking things and self doubt. It goes in spirts. Thats probably why in school I was a horrible test taker lol.

    deneen- your post really makes me smile and I really never thought of it that way. It was just a gotta do those things kinda thing, if that makes sense. So anyways here is to a much much better day and the drk clouds are still outside BUT Im not letting them stop me today like i did yesterday. Alittle rain wont hurt us if we are stuck in it. :)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning all!

    Deneen, I hope your girls night out goes better (food-wise) than mine. Just have a realistic plan and try your best to stick with it. Then learn from any mistakes. We need to figure out how to live in the real world and still get and stay thin.

    Gail, that is so awesome that your 16 yr old son would work out with you. I'm actually quite close to my 19 yr old son, but I just assumed he would never want to work out with me. I will have to ask him!

    Jessica, Lol, I need to warn you of something with homeschooling.... You will have self doubt about it all the years you do it, and that is normal! I'd suggest finding homeschool groups to join in addition to your charter school group. Just google homeschool support groups for your state. We (WA) have a couple big state wide groups with local chapters and activities, plus numerous informal fun groups with play days, field trips, coops, etc. Also, keep in mind that young children don't really need a lot of formal education. Until my son hit 6th grade (!) we were what are called "un-schoolers." (you can google that too) True un-schoolers have no curriculum but just live life and learn anything they are interested in (and end up doing just as well as schooled kids). I was what I called a "math and phonics" un-schooler. Every day we did workbook math, a phonics lesson, and reading. Everything else was unstructured. We went to the library weekly, tons of field trips, educational tv, etc. My son was very interested in sciencey stuff, so we frequently went to the science center and he was always reading things like the space encyclopedias and nature books. Well guess what? With no science curriculum at all, and me not "teaching" him one thing about science, he consistently scored at the highest percentile in science on standardized tests. He knew way more than most kids his age who had been "taught" science in school. From 6th grade on we did online distance learning like you. As I said before my son made it into an excellent university, so it works!

    Marcie, just a shout out here to give you additional encouragement after your (disappointing to you) weigh-in Monday. Just keep on truckin'! This is for the long haul and we are all in it together. We can do it!

    Marcie and Bobbie, thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!

    Today I volunteer as an ESL classroom assistant at an immigrant center. I really enjoy that. I will do my 25 sit ups before I shower to go.

    Something positive about me - I am making the effort to grow and improve instead of living in a rut. I'm proud of that!

    Oh, suggestion to all - you can put your name in your signature block. It works well and you don't have to try to remember to sign your name. If you have not made a signature block before, click on "community" at the top, then "signature" in the blue words under "Message Boards" and above "Topic".
  • shannon_miller
    A couple days off the boards and look at all I missed! Some amazing stories here. I'm still struggling on incorporating the exercise bit into my long days.... excuses I know but seriously I hate the idea of giving up the little sleep i get. Gonna keep working on it, I know i'll figure it out once i really put my mind to it. I need to figure out something I really like and then it wont be something i wanna put off. ( i know its important but being honest here)

    Sit ups? okay I can squeeze those in while the coffee brews :)

    Lets see, I've always liked my eyes they are a neat shade of blue/green. Other than that, i'm pretty smart and can usually figure something out once i've put my mind to it. =D (hehe guess i need to put my mind to liking exercise eh?)

    Homeschooling is something I really wish I had done with my son, kudos to all of you who are doing it.

  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome Christina! Just jump right have come to the right place. We are here for support and encouragement.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    shari- I am very familiar with the different forms of homeschooling, which is why it irks me when ppl say that the charter school is not homeschooling. Its one of those words that the meaning gets distorted like the word diet. We are doing school at home so hense its homeschool right lol. Anyways I am an over thinker and so it took me 2 years to decide what to do about school. I always make a decision and then decide maybe its not the right one and go back and forth. I was all for sending her to school and even picked out a pre k, because my thinking was that I didnt want her to miss out on the cool things they do at school that we cant afford to do here. But then I saw the free charter school and it got me thinking about that, and at the same time we had moved out of the wonderful school district we were in and so there goes prek i picked out and everything. We moved again in march and this is a nice school district and everything I just decided that I was not ready to be apart from her. SHes never even had a sitter, not even grandmas (which my mom complains abut all the time). So I then started my search on tradition homeschool and the online school. I then realized that tradition homeschooling would cost me nothing except a printer which isnt expensive anyways. So it was more back and forth deciding lol my lovely husband is too supportive and just said whatever I chose would be perfect lol NICE. I ultimately chose online school because they do field trips and get together and being new in teh area My daughter has no friends and I do think its important for her to learn how to play with other girls and develope friendships . I am apart of a few online homeschool groups for our area BUT im finding that they are very judgemental and closed minded to the online school and pretty much tell me Ive made a horrible mistake. Howeever I found a mom who is doing the online school as well who lives very close nad her daughter and my daughter share a birthday. Alivia (my daughter) is 2 hours older so Im hoping we can meet up alot to play.

    I just got in my walk. I aparently was gone for 2 hours but some of that was wlaking around walmart so Im just put in the brisk hour walk and the half hour as lesuirely though I was briskly walking alittle while shopping and Although I wasnt sitting that long at the WIC office I figured I would rather over estimate then underestimate. Anyways pretty good and my legs are sore but I feel great and we still need to walk the alittle less then 10 minutes to the library in a few. WHEW my daughter is not happy about this lol
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just a quick shout out to all.. I have had a very busy day today, havent been on computer but a few times.. My house is clean the laundry is done dishes are done got a great workout in with trainer and she made me do 200 sit up so I didnt do my 25 at home..I will be feeling it tomorrow. Did home work with big ole first grader..

    Now I am cooking my kids and hubbie home made meatballs and spaghetti I already ate dinner so it does not effect me anymore.. It used to let me just tell you.

    Jessica- Good job for getting your walk in

    Marcie- You are right this is the right place, we need to stay strong we all need each other.

    Shannon- Great idea to get sit up done while coffee brews, but I set my coffee pot to come on at 310 since I get up at 315 am, so I would have to do them in bed..LOL But really like your attitude on finding a way to get them in..

    Shari- Great idea on having people putting there name in signature box.

    Bobbie- Make awesome money tonight and rest well.. You have a workout bright and early!!!

    My postive for the day is I felt awesome and pretty in my workout clothes today..

    Well off to start noodles and sauce.. I hope everyone who weighs in in the morning has an awesome weigh in, I weigh in on friday then eat what I want within reason friday for dinner after I burn 1300 calories...

    And if I dont get back on here before bed..Good night ya'll I have to go to JcPennys and buy new work shirts..since I havent done it yet.. I know I keep saying it..I am working off one work shirt but only work 4 days..2 days on..2 days off...2 days on..1 day off.. pretty awesome schedule if you ask me!!