diet soda dangers



  • ElizabethLovesFood
    ElizabethLovesFood Posts: 54 Member
    lmao this some funny stuff the sun causes cancer too..nowadays everything causes something right? but your list is just funny i would fight someone over my diet pop i love all kinds..EVERYTHING is okay in moderation
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member

    what? Are you serious?
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member

    Relevant, because drinking diet soda is the same as consuming nothing but soda. And thanks for bringing in HuffPo, another bastion of scientific integrity.

    Still missing a Daily Mail article though.
  • dervingr
    dervingr Posts: 12 Member
    Drinking light soda has the same effect of those smokers that smoke light cigarettes. Except for the toxic artificial sugars.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Drinking light soda has the same effect of those smokers that smoke light cigarettes. Except for the toxic artificial sugars.

  • dervingr
    dervingr Posts: 12 Member
    What are diet soda and regular soda ingredients? Main ingredients are carbonated water, some sort of color and sugar. You replace the sugar with aspartame to take out the "calories" factor. It's better to make calories count rather than counting calories.
  • dervingr
    dervingr Posts: 12 Member
    Haha funny irrelevant post about your *****.
  • dervingr
    dervingr Posts: 12 Member
    What are the things from a light soda? Other than a stimulant?
  • dervingr
    dervingr Posts: 12 Member
    So are you going to red line your body until the wheels fall off?
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Diet soda is absolutely toxic for your body. This is an incomplete list of the health issues associated with soda consumption:

    Heart disease
    Liver damage
    High Blood Pressure
    Various cancers

    All the diet soda must be why I'm fat, diabetic, full of cancer, and have high blood pressure.

    Oh wait.

    While the OP's post was silly, so is this response. Ihave smoked more than my share of cigarettes and don't have cancer. Doesn't mean cigs aren't awful for you
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What about:

    QUOTE (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis)

    "When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose," Pepino explained. "Insulin levels also rose about 20 percent higher. So the artificial sweetener was related to an enhanced blood insulin and glucose response."

    UNQUOTE ( )

    The study quoted was:

    - on obese individuals
    - was only re sucralose
    - was very small
    - did not actually result in anything other than an increase in insulin
    - it ignores the fact that people do not just consume sucralose and glucose (which is what was used in the study)
    - the actual study is not cited in the link
    - nice cherry picking of quotes:

    "The elevated insulin response could be a good thing, she pointed out, because it shows the person is able to make enough insulin to deal with spiking glucose levels. But it also might be bad because when people routinely secrete more insulin, they can become resistant to its effects, a path that leads to type 2 diabetes."

    "She said further studies are needed to learn more about the mechanism through which sucralose may influence glucose and insulin levels, as well as whether those changes are harmful. A 20 percent increase in insulin may or may not be clinically significant, she added."
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Diet soda is absolutely toxic for your body. This is an incomplete list of the health issues associated with soda consumption:

    Heart disease
    Liver damage
    High Blood Pressure
    Various cancers

    All the diet soda must be why I'm fat, diabetic, full of cancer, and have high blood pressure.

    Oh wait.

    Really? Because I'm pretty sure bananas are what did me in...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Diet soda is absolutely toxic for your body. This is an incomplete list of the health issues associated with soda consumption:

    Heart disease
    Liver damage
    High Blood Pressure
    Various cancers

    said no scientific evidence ever.*

    *obviously someone jacked full of caffeine isn't going to sleep. But that's hardly insomnia.

    Here is a study regarding agressive prostate cancer. It has been published in a medical journal, so the truth is starting to come out.

    Yeah, read the link. It's the sugar that seems to be the link there. They repeatedly say "soda and other sugary drinks" and even compare it to men who eat lots of starchy carbs (rice, for example). So it's not the soda that they're saying is the risk, it's the sugar. And diet soda has none.

    (Also, this is a popular media report on an academic study in an academic journal, and while this one does seem to come across as unembellished, you can't really tell without reading the actual study. Newspapers, magazines, etc make mistakes all the time like this. Or so we learned in Research Methods.)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    So are you going to red line your body until the wheels fall off?

    Strong way to increase your # of posts bro.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Um No!!! but in for the popcorn....


    ...his little hoof....such cuteness!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member

    I read this article and this lady drank ONLY soda for 16 years. Most of which is cola. So duh, she would have heart irregularities from all the excess caffeine. Plus she had potassium issues. Carbonation affects the potassium levels in your body. Plus, she had family history of heart issues.

    Moderation is the key. :wink:

    Hey, why don't people pick on hot dogs? Hot dogs only have 11% protein. The 89% of hot dogs is fat and water. Not to mentioned the nitrates......
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    "Here let me inject these rats with 500000 grams of aspartame" Oh wow, aspartame causes cancer.
  • camper2022
    camper2022 Posts: 80 Member
    Life is way too short to not enjoy the finer things in life! I'm not going to watch every little morsel that goes into my body! There are things that are much worse!
  • salt160
    salt160 Posts: 44
    OMG!!! you people have way too much time on your hands!! who cares. If it helps her to lose weight, then more power to her. Science is dumb!