running.... inside or outside?



  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Outside. Most I can handle on Torture-mill is one mile.

    I don't even think I could stick it out a mile on a dreadmill :noway:

    Outside. Always outside.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Outside!!! Rain or shine!!
  • sidewinder76
    sidewinder76 Posts: 287
    I like both, Outside for fresh air and scenery. inside for pace training.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've never even been ON a treadmill - all outside for me! When I first started running (in the month of January!), there were days when I wished I had access to a treadmill, but I went outside anyway - rain, cold, fog, frosty mornings, wind - I was out there. And I loved it! It's fun being "the crazy one" out dodging puddles or putting your earbud in AGAIN because the wind blew it out for the third time. :bigsmile:

    Plus I figure race day will never be on a treadmill, so might as well get used to being out there in any conditions - you never know what you'll get. Not to mention witnessing gorgeous sunrises, various critters (all harmless -bunnies, birds, livestock, etc - well, the occasional coyote, but I haven't seen him lately, and he's usually loping off in the other direction :tongue: ), a bit of solitude to start the day....
  • Almost always outside, only inside a few days during the winter (roads don't always get cleared right after storms and I don't want to risk slipping on ice). I've completed up to 18.5 miles on the treadmill before, not the most "exciting" experience of my life. Couldn't imagine trying to do a full 95-100 mile week indoors, talk about boredom.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I like running outside cause it gives me something to look at... I only run indoors during the winter and when it's too humid (and not safe) to run outside
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    Outdoors, without a doubt. I love seeing the scenery (my 5k route involves a series of hills and as I begin my last descent, I can see across to a castle ~6 or so miles away and it's glorious); I love seeing the wildlife (deer, cows, horses, rabbits, foxes); I love the challenges it brings that I'm forced to overcome ( hills, goddamn), and I love the weather. Admittedly, I don't enjoy the heat as much, but is there anything that makes you feel more badass than being that "nutter" out there running in the wind, the rain or the snow? Is there anything that makes you feel more badass that being out there in the rain or the snow and owning that workout?

    It's tougher than running on a treadmill for sure, but that's why I love it so much. With a treadmill, I'm acutely aware of the distance I've run and the distance I have left to run; I feel like I never hit my stride and every mile is excruciatingly dull. Also, I feel as if I can run faster off the treadmill as I'm more free to moderate my pace and introduce speed play without messing with buttons.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    When I started out I found the tread mill easier - but as I progressed I found running out doors more and more enjoyable and the mill duller and duller.

    However - both have their place in my training regime....

    Long runs (once a week, 8 - 15 miles) - Outside - either cross country or on road
    Pace runs (once a week) - Outside, road/track - typically a total of 6 miles with 2 miles warm up, 3 miles at speed and 1 mile warm down
    Interval training (once a week) - multiple variants of effort/recovery - 45 minutes to an hour - tread mill or track.

    'other' training such as circuits / cycling / swimming to make up to 5 training days.

    The mill works well for intervals because it can be used to drive your effort - either as speed or incline - and it is easy to see the time or distance covered. Furthermore the variance stops it from getting too dull...
  • MelissaH0910
    MelissaH0910 Posts: 67 Member
    Outside. I'm fortunate enough to own 50+ acres of land that's full of trails, so I can run to my little heart's content without ever leaving home. Plus, I usually start my run between 4 & 4:15 a.m., so it's very peaceful. I get to watch the wildlife while I run and enjoy the sunrise while I'm doing my cool-down & stretching. I'll probably have to move back inside to the treadmill once winter comes since I live in Maine, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.
  • McMandy17
    McMandy17 Posts: 31 Member
    Outside! It makes the time go by faster. I love to go early in the morning while it's still quiet out.
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    running outside is a lot harder. On a treadmill you have a set speeds you kind of know how fast you like to run and can stop and be done whenever you want. Outside I tend to run too fast and wear myself out more because I don't know my pace and when I run now and I try to make certain time. I do enjoy the outside scenery more though and the idea that I can't just stop and go in the house when I want If I run 2 miles away from home I have to run 2 miles back. :)
  • MellyLikestoRun
    MellyLikestoRun Posts: 83 Member
    Outside. I'm fortunate enough to own 50+ acres of land that's full of trails, so I can run to my little heart's content without ever leaving home. Plus, I usually start my run between 4 & 4:15 a.m., so it's very peaceful. I get to watch the wildlife while I run and enjoy the sunrise while I'm doing my cool-down & stretching. I'll probably have to move back inside to the treadmill once winter comes since I live in Maine, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.

    I am SO jealous! Your property sounds wonderful!
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lets see, on my recent outdoor runs I have seen a couple of deer, a few foxes, dozens of rabbits, a few hawks (one let me pass within 15' or so; they are getting conditioned to the suburbs). I have gotten several ideas for things to do in the yard. I have been window shopping for extended cab pickup trucks. On the flip side, I have dodged thunderstorms and sweated so much in the heat that I left a trail of drips.

    Indoors at the Y track, it is always fairly cool and dry, the track is perfect and there is nothing to step over plus the impact is lower. You do have to watch for people wandering on with weights and not paying attention. Mostly it is just boring. I will do a few laps, then hit a few machines for a couple of reps and then more laps.

    I often run over an hour outside; sometimes up to 2. I rarely run more than 15 minutes at a time indoors. I may run 45 in a long gym session if you add up all the laps here and there, but usually less.

    ETA - I see most people are talking treadmill inside. I never use the treadmill anymore.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I've never been chased by a dog on the treadmill, so there are times when that is a better option...
  • midnight419
    midnight419 Posts: 77 Member
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I love outside but can't deal with the Georgia heat during the summer and don't want to run in the dark during winter, so I only get to run outside during spring and (hopefully) fall.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I feel like the odd one out! I love running inside, my treadmill has been my best friend... although I've been cheating on it with Insanity for the past month...
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    I prefer running outside because it's more entertaining and I like the fresh air. I even prefer it in lousy weather and will dress for it, rather than run on the treadmill!
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    which do you prefer if you run inside or outside?

    I just hate running outside. I think it is so much harder. may be it will be easier to run outside when I get better and I don't have to have the treadmill to make my feet go?

    I'm a convert to outdoor.

    I hated and I do mean hated outdoor physical activities period other than walking the dog lol. I'm from the south and breaking a sweat outside is something I actively tried to prevent rather than intentionally jump start. At least that's the way I felt until I reluctantly entered my first 5K. The energy from the crowd aside, I noticed that it addressed some other areas of trouble I was having on the treadmill.

    One is it combatted boredom. I have listened ot music, watched tv, carried on conversations, and anything I could think of to keep the treadmill from feeling tedious. Still, I honestly found it quite boring. Running outside gives me all sorts of things to occupy my mind from little secret races I'm running against others to the game I affectionately call "name that smell".

    Another is my speed has increased. I did not realize that setting my mph on the treadmill was limiting me. I still wouldn't know if it were not for the app on my phone. In addition to my average mph, it also gives me my max mph. I was shocked that my max outside is normally about 5 mph faster than anything I've set on the treadmill. And maybe I'm just uncoordinated lol, but it feels a lot easier and my strides are a lot longer than the balancing act I've been pulling on that little stretch of rubber on the treadmill.

    Now, I recognize that the anal side of me definitely appreciates the stats I get from the treadmill. But between the step tracker I was wearing anyway and the route app on my phone, that part of me gets satisfied as well.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Outside exclusively. I love how it engages stabilizers and the senses.