Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • Just realized I can't subtract! I would be 217.2 by Halloween if I lost 20lbs. What a ding dong!

    My name is Susan and I want to join this group.

    Current Weight 237.2
    Halloween Weight 227.2

    Struggles- I know this is the case for everyone but weight comes off very slowly for me. I have to be 100% on my game to even lose 1lb per week. This has been my biggest struggle in the past. I would join groups (WW or Biggest Loser Groups) and get frustrated b/c everyone else was losing so much faster. This time is different. No more comparing to anyone else and I am just doing what I have to do to get the job done. The end result is the goal not how fast I get there.

    I am working out 3x per day for about 30 minutes per time. I am hoping this will help give the weightloss a little kick. I have two obstacles with that- I work full time and I am a mom to a very busy little 10 month old. I have found ways to sneak in workouts so I don't lose time with my baby girl. I feel like this is a huge win just in itself. The next couple of months are going to be really hard. My husband is a high school football coach so I don't have his help during this time. Right now, Ava (my baby) and I workout together in the evening. She hangs out in her exercauser while I do the elliptical. We both enjoy watching the Wiggles and singing along :wink: If you don't have "Hot Potato" on your should really check it out.

    Another struggle for me is staying on track on the weekend. At first, I had kind of told myself the weekends were kind of a break for me. I thought thismight help feel less deprived and not so isolated. However, that has to stop. I am hoping this challenge will help keep me motivated.

    Ok- I want to be like the cool do I get that cute pumpkin on my posts? I am still really new to this site so I don't understand how everything works.
  • lesliejsilva
    lesliejsilva Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Leslie, I'm 24 from New Jersey. I have a 3 1/2 year old, am married, work full time, and am in college full time. This past year of doing alllll of this caused me to gain 40 lbs that I worked so hard to lose before my wedding.

    I'm pretty sure my current weight is 210. (My scale batteries are dead....I just stepped on it and it said 204...which how could I have lost 6 lbs in a couple days and still feel/look the same? I'll be re-checking it and on the hunt for more batteries lol!)

    I'd love to be 190 by Halloween! I have no willpower and this is my biggest problem. I start school September 8th, but am going on vacation September 18th so hopefully that doesn't screw me up too badly!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I think one of the easiest ways to get discouraged is to simply weigh yourself too often! I'm seriously thinking of hiding my scale away and only weighing myself once a week as well as taking measurements once a week. It seems it would be more encouraging to see that 1 -2 lbs loss once a week than the .2 lbs over night, y'know?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I think one of the easiest ways to get discouraged is to simply weigh yourself too often! I'm seriously thinking of hiding my scale away and only weighing myself once a week as well as taking measurements once a week. It seems it would be more encouraging to see that 1 -2 lbs loss once a week than the .2 lbs over night, y'know?

    I agree.. I see people that weigh themselves daily and thats where they get discouraged. then they give up the journey that is soo worth taking. Im glad Im actually taking this journey this time. Yes its hard, but its what makes me stronger.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Just did my weekly weigh-in - I'm down to 187.4! *happy dance* I've got 15.8 more pounds to go.
  • Danielle84Duncan
    Danielle84Duncan Posts: 48 Member
    Hello, my name is Danielle. I am from Tennessee. I have been struggling to get below 200 for the past year now. I would love to joing this challenge to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. Ughhh... I remember going to Party City to find a costume for a party at work last Halloween and My goodness, I felt and looked horrible. This year will be a different story........ Bring on the weight loss!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Just did my weekly weigh-in - I'm down to 187.4! *happy dance* I've got 15.8 more pounds to go.

    way to go!! :) Im happy for you!! :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hello, my name is Danielle. I am from Tennessee. I have been struggling to get below 200 for the past year now. I would love to joing this challenge to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. Ughhh... I remember going to Party City to find a costume for a party at work last Halloween and My goodness, I felt and looked horrible. This year will be a different story........ Bring on the weight loss!!!

    welcome Danielle.. Were here for any support you may need!! :) Looking forward to achieving this goal along with you!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Great job Pinky (thats my official nickname for you)!!! I hope to catch up soon! :D

    For the first time in months I have put weight on :(
    2lb in 5 days, I stopped smoking two days ago so I figure its not smoking related, so now I have smoked as well :(
    Not doing so good.
    sw 169


    Like I said, sometimes cold turkey is too hard. Maybe you cold add an extra "meal" on your track food tab and use it to keep track of how many cigarette's you have. Then we could root you on from here too!
  • dhurford
    dhurford Posts: 18
    Hello my name is Diane, and I've been struggling with my weight for it seems forever. My current weight is 213 and would love to be under 200 by Halloween!! This is a pretty great challenge for me! I'm new to MFP and I look forward to the weight loss! and the support!
  • Hi everyone my name is Kathy. I started MFP 2 weeks ago. I have lost weight before I will lose 40 then something will happen to set me off and I will gain back 60 I am tired of being tired. Before I had my kids I was around 135 pounds and was never out of energy now that I am over 200 I just don't have any energy anymore. I would love to join this challange to help keep me going.

    My starting weight today for this challange is 235 pounds so my goal weight on Halloween is 215 pounds.
    Any encouragment is welcome feel free to add me as a friend.
  • It's been 1 week since joining MFP and I've lost 4lbs, not much but a great feeling anyways! Keep it up everyone!
  • dbmom
    dbmom Posts: 16
    Hello...My Name is Linda (dbmom= dog& bird mom)
    Started MFP 1 wk ago
    I cannot get to 1200 cal a day No Matter what!
    I am always way over...I eat healthy....Would love to get to 1200 daily ...and LOSE 20 bls
    Anyone want to add me as a friend...Thankyou
    Think my diary is open to public...any advice more than welcome

    SW 174
    CW 172
    GW 152
  • I just started this on Monday and I would love to loose 20lbs by Halloween. Is that even possible I ask my self??
    My Starting weight is 183 so it is my current weight as well. So that would mean I would be a svelte(thinking positive here!!) 163 by Halloween. Now that would be scary, but in a good way!:wink:
  • mom2mykiddos
    mom2mykiddos Posts: 50 Member
    I just started this on Monday and I would love to loose 20lbs by Halloween. Is that even possible I ask my self??
    My Starting weight is 183 so it is my current weight as well. So that would mean I would be a svelte(thinking positive here!!) 163 by Halloween. Now that would be scary, but in a good way!:wink:
    I ask myself the same it even possible? Well, let's find out!

    Just have to say....I love the little H2O pumpkin, he's so cute!
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member

    This is actually my very first post on MFP and I cant think of a better group to share it with! It was my personal goal inititally to lose 20 lbs by Halloween and then I saw this post and just had to join in on the fun! I am currently 175 lbs and would looooove to be 155 by Halloween. I am an ex water polo player so a lot of my weight is muscle, however, now that I do not play anymore I am trying to "de-bulk" I guess I would say. Look forward to this journey with you all, let's keep each other motivated so we all look that much better in our Halloween costumes!! :happy:
  • patr_carpenter
    patr_carpenter Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. My name is Trish. I am 31, married, mother of four. Most would say I am not overweight, but I feel like I am. I am not a healthy foods person. I joined MFP on Monday, 23 Aug. I would like to join this group so that I too can be healthier. I can't stay within the 1230 calories this is recommending so I guess I am going to have to up my exercise. Please add me so I can stay on track. Losing 20 by Halloween would be awesome although not necessary.

    Current weight: 144
    After losing 20: 124
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Great job Pinky (thats my official nickname for you)!!! I hope to catch up soon! :D

    Dude, one of my nick names is Pinky. F'reals! My college besties named ourselves Pinky, Orangie, and Greeny, after our favorite colors, and then I found a 3-pack of Troll Dolls with those hair colors. They were our mascots! :laugh:

    With your dedication to getting up early and exercising, and your calories being within your daily goal consistently, you're going to be even more of a rock star than you know!
  • hey! i'll join, don't know about 20 pounds but i would like to at least lose 10 pounds by halloween, count me in!
  • klke
    klke Posts: 2
    I'm up for the challenge. I would love to get rid of 20lbs by halloween. My starting weight is 259 and 239 by Halloween would be awesome. There is still many many many more to go, but is a start! I've just started my lifestyle change again this week. I've started over and over for the 100th+ time. I hope this one goes good!
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