40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    On a UD2 cut/recomposition that ends soon!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    LOL at Beeps. Yes we all have abs like you solarpower. (looking down, I know they are there some where... :wink: ) Though I think some of us are still a work in progress! I have a hernia I am working on getting rid of thru exercise. It has gotten smaller so keeping fingers crossed that I won't have to have surgery!

    I hope you all had a good day and got everything done you needed to do!

    I am off and running early tomorrow so I wish you all a good night and lovely morning!

    Cheers :drinker:

  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I think we'll accept that you fit in here, solarpower, as all of our members have abs quite similar to those you are sporting in your avatar!


    This is true, mine are currently hidden for personal reasons.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning cool kids! Went to the gym today and just did weights. Still takes me about an hour give or take 5 minutes. Good work out though! No Jake tomorrow since my daughter is off for the summer. We only have him once a week for the summer and a couple of weekends. I will use the extra time to walk a bit more and continue to work off this weight I need to lose.

    Have a great day all!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    I think we'll accept that you fit in here, solarpower, as all of our members have abs quite similar to those you are sporting in your avatar!


    This is true, mine are currently hidden for personal reasons.

    LOL you guys crack me up! mine too are currently in hiding.

    Grueling last couple of days, rest day for me today. Have a good day cool kids!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    I have a question. I'm confused about calories. Many trainers, chris powell for example, say to multiply your weight by 12 to figure out your calorie intake if you want to lose weight, so that would be like 1900 calories for me. But, when I inputted my info to MFP it only allowed me 1300 calories, which seems really low. Is there anyway to change that set calories by mfp?
    Looking forward to chatting with you.
    Thank you,

    CW ~ 160
    H ~ 5' 6.5"
    GW ~ 145

    Have you tried roadmap? TDEE? search for it on topics and yes you can manually set your macros.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I lifted again yesterday! :bigsmile: Oh my, I was sore. But as I got going , the hurts were less and less. Still sore today, but not as bad.
    My workout partner was out of town and I was worried that I would back out on myself, but I didn't.

    After dinner yesterday, my husband and I headed to visit our local potter to buy a few gifts. He lost his house and pottery shop in the major flood we had last fall, so he is in the progress of reburishing an old garage into a new pottery shop. I was their first customer in the "new" shop. The stuff he has for sale was all salvaged from the flood. He thinks that the shop filled with water before the building shifted and stuff fell off the shelves and walls and then filled with mud...so much of it was still intacked. Thanks to some keen volunteers, they carefully managed to literally dig up his work . It really is beautiful stuff, so he and all his regualr customers are thrilled most was salvaged. :happy:

    Raining today, but its a nice warm rain.
    Speaking of rain, Beeps are you anywhere near the flooding in Alberta? That is unbelieveable!
    Wishing you all a great day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    sdereski - my whole family lives in the flood region (except us!) - and they are totally fine, homes are safe. But, now there's a train derailment (carrying petroleum products) right over the Bow River (the river that flooded) - yikes! News reports aren't very good.

    I'm busy planning a 50th wedding anniversary party for my parents. How awesome that they've been (happily) married for 50 years! How TERRIBLE that they totally said they would "plan their own party" and then, 2 months ago, simply dropped the ball and said, "you kids do it". Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

    My brothers don't care and are otherwise uninvolved. My sister has done TONS since she lives in their same city. From a distance, I'm doing as much as I can....but it's very frustrating.

    Anyway, 3 weeks until THAT event and since I already have a full-time job and motherhood/wife duties, this is DRIVING ME BONKERS.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - glad to hear you and your family are all safe!
    UGH! on the party planning though. Why is it the boys never want to do anything? Geesh! In my family it seems to be me that does the organizing all the time, the boys just hand over their share of the funds. :ohwell:
    I'm sure the party will be lovely - certainly hope it all goes well despite the devestation the city has endured.

    I thought I heard something on the news about the train derailment. Oh no! I know when we had our flood in the fall, the two bridges I cross to get to work were compromised so they have to replace them. As a result I have a 8km drive along a bumpy, washboardy dirt road to get to town. At least I have a road, so I'll stop my whining. :wink:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Good luck on the party planing Beeps. Think caterer or friends and family that can cook lol. I do hope the flooding lessens and train wrecks too! good grief!

    I have all my errands done for the morning, time to exercise and do some more yard work! Hoping it will be cooler later in the early evening. It is 106 right now but as everyone in Arizona says "it's a dry heat" ha!

    Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of your day!

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning Cook Kids,

    It FRIDAY!! :bigsmile: Long weekend for us Canuks. YIPEE!!

    Chelle - 104! Yikes, that is hot, dry heat or not. Hot is hot!

    Didn't get to workout yesterday. Was at work until 8 p.m.
    My husband is home recovering from surgery, and is alone all day, so I didn't want to be too late. He is finally able to hobble around without his crutches which helps! At least he can get himself a cup of coffee without having to drink it at the counter standing up. :tongue: By the time I got home, unpacked the groceries, it was already past 9 and I still had to eat.

    It's been feeling like summer these days....:happy: Hoping the lake warms up soon so I can start swimming. There is a little triathon in our community in August and I usually like to take part. But, I need to practice my swimming! Lasy year it darn near killed me! :laugh:

    Wedding shower for my future DIL this Sunday, so am headed out of town to help out tomorrow. Shower is Sunday, and will head home shortly after (again, don't want to leave hubby too long on his own)

    Wishing you all a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning All! Feeling a bit blah today. Not sure why. It's rainy here today. Hoping it clears up later so that I can get out for a walk. Also hoping to squeeze in gym time tomorrow, but hubby has an appointment tomorrow morning and then the Jeep goes in for inspection and oil change- busy, busy , busy. I'm off on Monday for hubby's birthday, but may sneak out to the gym early before he is up for the day- He wants to go out to eat and possibly up to Alex Bay if the weather is decent.

    Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    HEAT WAVE has finally struck. 10 days of 30+ degree weather. YAY! Monday is our holiday (Happy Birthday Canada) and I have that day off! so, great weather, a 3-day weekend, and I can get photos/measurements out of the way FIRST THING upon waking up Sunday morning.

    No lifting today - it's "staff bbq" at lunch so I have to stay. Boo.

    Alas, I'll fast tomorrow so that my waist measurement comes in as low as it can - if I hit 26", I HIT VENUS!
  • jazcox
    jazcox Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, new to this site. I'm 51 (people say I look younger) LOL! I'm 5'2 125lbs, gain hips/abs gut due to the big "M" and now trying to lose it. I workout w/weights Mon-Wed-Fri including HIIT afterwards, eat clean and healthy. My problem is binging on the weekends and I really could use the support::devil: : Thank you for this site.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Welcome jazcox! We'll support you in your health/fitness goals!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Did my longest Brazil butt lift work outs today! 80 mins. Cardio axe and sculpting! I have been back at this now for almost 4 weeks and have lost 4 inches on my waist, 3 on my hips and one on my thighs and arms.

    I just love this workout! lol Maybe cause it's fun and it works! Then again I do believe that if you really work at it anything will work! What helps is enjoying it! ; )

    Take care all! xoxo

  • jazcox
    jazcox Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you Beeps2011, appreciate the welcome:smile:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Yes...this would be the cool ppl thread... we're gaining the wisdom of all the crazy things we used to do that we'd pass on now.

    Great idea for a group!
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    Wow! And my son tells me I'm definitely NOT a cool kid. Can I be a cool kid? I'm 44, starting weight way too much, but I've lost 65 pounds with a goal of losing at least 20 more, if not 20 more, or 20 more. :laugh: I'd love to hear about what everyone else is doing - peeps on MFP have definitely inspired me. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    My apologies for being MIA the past couple of weeks! I continue to log my meals and my workouts.

    I was within 1 lb of my GW and then as a result of a HARD core hamstring workout - gained 3 lbs in my legs. It was truly weird - you could see where the muscles had retained the water from my knees up to mid thigh. Have since lost the water but still up about a pound and a half. I'm not letting it faze me though. My legs and arms are stronger and I am getting much better at my jump and speed drills.

    Tomorrow, I take it to the track and get my times for the mile and 3 miles recorded. My previous times were 10:37 for the mile and 33:45 for the 3 mile. I did this about two weeks ago and am looking to see a little improvement.

    I see there are some new "kids" on the block (no pun intended). Welcome and looking forward to getting to know y'all better.

    And to Beeps and all others here for some time....Youcontinue to inspire me!