Day by Day Challenge



  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thank you Leela :flowerforyou: for posting this onto your status! I might not have seen it otherwise........

    I'd like to join from tomorrow and thought I'd post my 3 goals for tomorrow now in case I can't get on here in the morning.

    1. L2 Shred ( I have let this slip of late, but did it today so determined to do it tomorrow!)
    2. Drink at least 3 mugs of green tea (averaging about 2 at the moment)
    3. Eat less sugary food as I do have a really bad sweet tooth.

    Hope everyone is doing well today and looking forward to seeing how everyone is getting on.
  • Hi all you new folks. You're going to love it here. least I think you will :laugh:

    Good work making your 3 daily challenges.

    I'm off to the gym UGH have I mentioned how much I HATE going tot the gym???? HOWEVER I adore the results

    See you all tomorrow

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hi to everyone new to the thread!! Thanks for joining and thank you Leela for spreading the word!

    One thing I discovered this week for water which helps me with some of my fruit intake too-- I bought some 100% White Peach Grape Juice and it's so sugary ... I find that if I mix it with water... started out with less water and now I'm averaging about half and half it's really good! And it's a double hitter. I'm sure it won't be for everyone but it would be worth a shot!

    Just got back from the gym-- it takes everything I have to get myself there... but I love the workout once I'm there. Hopefully eventually it'll get easier to just go.

    Talk to y'all in the morning!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole, that's a good tip about getting in more water. I'm sure it would take some getting used to. Its so funny that you mentioned goldfish. I was bit by the goldfish bug yesterday too. 2 and a hlaf servings= 350 calories. I would have much rather eaten a meal and actually got full than to eat those empty calories. Good luck on making captain. Please let us know when you know.

    Maureen, Simone, thanks for stopping by.

    Sharon, great job making it to the gym. How was your spin class?

    We made if over the hump, everyone is doing so well with meeting their daily goals.

    So here's my recap:

    Wednesday's goal:

    1. Make it to the a.m. Zumba class.
    (yes, and I loved every minute of it!)

    2. Do not drink any diet pop! (that one's for you ivygirl11)
    (I survived, a little tough, but I'm going to try to do it every other day)

    3. To eat 4-6 servings of fruits and veggies--Thx for the reminder Sharon!
    (I actually had six servings yesterday YAY!)

    Thursday's goals:

    1. Complete day 3 of Shred 2.

    2. Watch my portions.

    3. Organize the basement.

    Yesterday, "no pretzels" didn't make it in my top 3, but it was an unwritten rule. Going to try to avoid them again today, or limit myself to one serving (tying in to goal #2)

    Let's have a great day.
  • Wednesday Challenge
    30 minutes on the treadmill and spin class at 6:00p :noway: that's tough but I know it works to burn fat - made it through my spin class. New instructor---OH MY---is was tough. Only gave us 15 seconds between climbs/songs. WOW I was a sweaty mess. Also did 30 minutes on the treadmill but it wasn't intense. 3.5

    eat or exceed my fiber requirements--- I exceeded my fiber requirements by -6

    respond and support all my friends on MFP to encourage them after all their status updates. ---I was very supportive yesterday. I think I hit all on my "friends" list.


    Ok today is going to be extremely difficult. I have come down with a BRUTAL cold. My throat is extremely sort, I'm having difficulties swallowing liquids. I have physical therapy at 11 and work at 12. I'm going to not go to the gym today. I think I need to take it easy for one day.

    I will try to come back here later to chat but right now I'm feeling a tad 'BLAH' :frown:

    Thursday's Challenges
    1) Stay active at work. Even if there's no customers, continue to walk around, clean the woodwork or windows, march in place
    2) Eat 4 - 5 servings of vegetables and/or fruit
    3) Get rest. Try to get to bed before 9pm so I can get rid of this horrific cold.

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Leela- thanks! I'll definitely let you know when I do!

    Sharon-- I hope you feel better! Take it easy today! We all need a break now and then.

    Goals from yesterday-- I didn't do too badly. I made it to the gym and I drank all my water. I worked on my THON application. I didn't finish it though. It's so hard to put my love for THON into words. Luckily, I talked to my captain from last year and she says everyone has problem with the same thing so ... I'll get it done.

    3 Goals for today:
    1. Finish that THON application! (It's due tomorrow so there really can't be any excuses today)
    2. Get some kind of workout in. Thursdays are really busy for me but I'm also hitting the bars tonight so it's kind of imperative that I burn a few extra calories today.
    3. Work on my sodium intake since I seem to be over but thousands every day.

    Good luck everyone!!! Have a great day!

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thank you Leela :flowerforyou: for posting this onto your status! I might not have seen it otherwise........

    I'd like to join from tomorrow and thought I'd post my 3 goals for tomorrow now in case I can't get on here in the morning.

    1. L2 Shred ( I have let this slip of late, but did it today so determined to do it tomorrow!)
    2. Drink at least 3 mugs of green tea (averaging about 2 at the moment)
    3. Eat less sugary food as I do have a really bad sweet tooth.

    Hope everyone is doing well today and looking forward to seeing how everyone is getting on.

    Well, today is almost over so thought it was time to check in!

    1. I did the L2 shred as well as 60 mins dance on my new wii game.
    2. I did drink 3 mugs of green tea. Not sure if it is helping or not but I like it.
    3. Well, I tried to cut down on sugar but I had a banana with my lunch and then it took me over! So maybe I shouldn't worry about this too much as I do eat a lot of fruit especially when I am back at work.

    Still thinking about 3 goals for tomorrow........hope everyone has had a good day and is doing well :drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Simone, thanks for checking in and congrats on meeting your goals. I can't have green tea because it interferes with my medication.
    I just jumped back on to remind myself what my 3 goals were. Still need to organize the basement. But that's a project that's definitely going to take longer than a day to complete. I will try to get the bulk of it done.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I don't know what time I will be able to get on tomorrow, so I will post my Thursday's recap and Friday's goals now.
    Thursday's goals:

    1. Complete day 3 of Shred 2.

    2. Watch my portions.

    3. Organize the basement.

    Yesterday, "no pretzels" didn't make it in my top 3, but it was an unwritten rule. Going to try to avoid them again today, or limit myself to one serving (tying in to goal #2)

    1. I did complete day 3 of Shred 2 and it felt great.
    2. I used my measuring cups and spoons for everything today.
    3. I started organizing the basement, the task is much bigger than I thought.
    *I did have pretzels, but tried to keep the numbers down.

    I had too many snacks today, I was able to stay under my calories, only because I had good calorie burn.
    I didn't eat many fruits and vegetables, I could have easily substituted pretzels or a fudge pop for a serving of grapes or an apple.

    So Friday's goals are as follows:

    1. No diet soda or soda of any kind. I am going to try to do it every other day.

    2. Do day 4 of shred. I was feeling really good today and think I can do it tomorrow, even though Friday is not one of my normal days to do it.

    3. Make time to do something good for myself. Not sure what that will be yet.

    Those are the top three. There are a few that are ongoing daily goals. I will still try to avoid extra snacks, keep portions under control, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables.

    Have a great weekend! Anyone have any plans?
  • lihe94
    lihe94 Posts: 1
    Hey there--just joined myfitnesspal--does this really work???? That is, are the caloric intake that is calculated at the beginning what I should be sticking to??? I like that the charts give you real calorie intake as opposed to a "point" system. Good luck!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good morning all, yesteday was a good day and hopefully today will be just as good! The sun is shining which is unusual for England, we have had so much rain these last few days!

    My goals for today are:

    1. Log everything. Sometimes I'll eat something small like a crisp and not log it.
    2. Do at least one hour exercise. Feeling tired today but I want a good calorie burn. And it's good stress reliever.
    3. Sounds strange but i'm gonna try and smile more today. Life has been getting me down of late and I need to get happy!

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Leela, shame you can't drink green tea because it's lovely and very good for you. Is it the caffeine that you can't have?

  • Thursday's Challenges
    1) Stay active at work. Even if there's no customers, continue to walk around, clean the woodwork or windows, march in place--- I had no choice but to keep active at work because we were really busy.
    2) Eat 4 - 5 servings of vegetables and/or fruit--Nope didn't make this one. I basically didn't eat a lot yesterday as I was feeling terrible HOWEVER I definitely drank a whole lot of tea with honey & lemon.
    3) Get rest. Try to get to bed before 9pm so I can get rid of this horrific cold. ----Took a nap after work, still got in bed by 11:30 and slept until 8:30. I got up about 4 times in the middle of the night.


    This cold is now in full action. My nose is stuffed, my eyes are achy and actually my stomach had been bothering me all night. I'm not working until 5 tonight so I'm going to go see and ride my horse. I know that's not the best idea being sick and all but I have no choice. He needs to be exercised and I have been working so much I haven't seen him in over a week.

    Sim I think your #3 challenge is delightful. It doesn't have to be about the "diet" or eating healthy. Leela had one challenge to clean out her car. Yesterday I challenged myself to get more rest so I could woop this cold LOL

    Lihe94--this really does work but you have to be committed. Its a really really healthy way to lose weight

    Leela - great job on your daily challenges. You girls are making me want to pick up that 30 day shred dvd LOL I have no plans for the weekend. I'm going to be working Saturday & Sunday day so I'm hoping to ride my horse. Do you have anything planned?

    Friday's Challenges
    1) Ride my horse
    2) Try to eat at least 100-200 calories every 3 hours
    3) Drink no less than 64ounces of water or crystal light (this is difficult when I'm at the farm all day)

    So ladies, we've been doing this for a few days and I thought I'd tell you all a bit about me. I just turned 51 this month but I feel more like 35. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I'm shocked to see an old lady staring back LOL I had children at a young age (21 and 23) so I basically never took the time to "discover who I am". My sons are now 27 and 29. When they went out on their own, I began discovering life. I live with my boyfriend of 15 years. We're not getting married because its my experience that marriage just screws up a good thing. I have a 7yo horse that I like to Jump and take into horse shows (when I can afford it). I've been a yo-yo dieter for most of my adult life. I'm definitely a food addict. I think this time I've come to realize this is not a phase. This time I have to lose weight and then work hard at keeping it off because if I don't, it WILL return. LOL

    Time for me to get ready to ride. I'm really happy you all have been keeping up on this board. This board has really made a huge difference in kick-starting my healthy life

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    A little late today but I made it. I didn't quite meet all my goals yesterday. My THON app didn't get done (but it's handed in now so it's ok)... I didn't get the time to exercise... but I did take the long way to class so helpfully that helped a little bit. It was a really busy day.

    Sharon! That's a great idea. (I hope you feel better soon). So here's a little about me. I'm a Penn State student majoring in Human Development and family studies and hoping to minor in recreation, park and tourism management. I want to be an Occupational Therapist when I grow up and someday run a summer camp for kids with disabilities and/or kids that are sick with cancer and other varying diseases. I also want to do Teach for America after I graduate. I love love love THON and I shamelessly advertise it when it gets closer to the date so be prepared. And I'll do a little shameless plugging here. I know some/most of you probably know who Joe Paterno is ... but he had a quote that I love about THON.. Ahh I get teary eyed when I watch those videos. It's kind of sad. I'm on this site because I gained the freshman 15 ... and the sophomore 10... and the junior 5... and need to get back to a healthy weight.

    Goals for today...
    1. Clean my room.
    2. Get to the gym.
    3. Water! I've been slacking so far.

    Hope everyone's having a good day.

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good morning everyone, didn't think i'd make it on here this morning. Now for yesterdays goals.........

    1. Log everything. Sometimes I'll eat something small like a crisp and not log it - think I logged everything but had to guess the calories of my dinner!

    2. Do at least one hour exercise. Feeling tired today but I want a good calorie burn. And it's good stress reliever - Did more than this! I did the shred, dance, exercise bike then sorted the garden! My arms ache today......

    3. Sounds strange but i'm gonna try and smile more today. Life has been getting me down of late and I need to get happy! - Wish I could say that I did this but it'll be a while before I am feeling like me again.

    Anyway, not sure what to put down as my goals for today so i'll have a think and post them on here later.

    Have a good day all

    Simone x
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    This seems to be a very supportive thread and I'm game if its not to late to join.

    I work retail and this is just the thing to get me going first thing in the am.
    Goals for today

    1) Drink only water and decaf unsweet tea. After my am 1.5 to 2 cups of coffee

    2) Get a 45 min workout in, (Saturday is usually my day off. This week I have been slacking)

    3) measure and log all my food, I was measuring everything and this week again..I have gotten slack about it..
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member

    3. Sounds strange but i'm gonna try and smile more today. Life has been getting me down of late and I need to get happy! - Wish I could say that I did this but it'll be a while before I am feeling like me again.

    Simone x

    I like this one and if you dont mind I think I am gonna make this # 4 on my list...I to need to smile more. Thanks for the reminder.

    Remember even if we dont quite reach our goals we have faced tham and that makes us a winner.

  • Friday's Challenges
    1) Ride my horse-FINALLY I got to ride Tony and it was wonderful!! I missed that ride so much. I'm never going 10 days without riding my horse again
    2) Try to eat at least 100-200 calories every 3 hours--Completely failed this. I don't think I managed to eat 1200 calories yesterday. Will explain
    3) Drink no less than 64ounces of water or crystal light (this is difficult when I'm at the farm all day)--Completely failed this one too

    So yesterday was nearly a wash for me. I prepared my water bottle to go ride my horse and then promptly left the house without it :blushing: I did pick up an aquafina bottle (about 20oz) to have while I rode. I got to the barn around 10a and didn't leave until 3:00. I didn't eat while I was there and of course I only had the aquafina. Got home around 3:25, took a nap (should have made 1 of my challenges to get rest) before going to work at 5. After waking up from my nap I popped one of the Weight Watcher frozen meals in the microwave - it was one of those steak sandwich type meals. I worked from 5-10:30, grabbed a meal at work, came home and went to bed.

    Being sick isn't helping. I haven't been to the gym since Thursday but riding my horse yesterday counts as exercise. I wont be going to the gym today because I have to work from 10:45 - 4 then we're going to a friend's surprise birthday. So I have to be really smart when thinking about today's challenges.

    Crazybxrmom - WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME We're a small group but really supportive and committed!!

    Nicole- Loved reading about "You". I have to confess, I've been wondering what THON is but felt too embarassed to ask so I copied your link into a browser and WOW!! Yes it totally does make you teary-eye'd I'm so impressed with this organization. WOW and I think you totally should promote at every opportunity. I dont have a lot of money but I certainly will donate when I get some extra funds. Thanks for sharing that.

    Simone - I'm so glad you did make it here today and good work with your challenges. Don't worry about the "smiling" yet. Look the fact you even listed it, that you're aware of it is half the battle. The more you exercise the more your endorphins will kick in and help you feel better, the more you remain committed to your challenges and ultimate goal of losing weight the better you'll feel about yourself. I believe in you and I'll bet before long you'll be smiling even when no body is looking :wink:

    Now my challenges

    Saturday's Challenges:
    1) Drink 64oz of water (or more)
    2) RESIST all temptations at the party this afternoon.
    3) Remain positive (sometimes I get frustrated at work with being overlooked by management)

    Hope you all have a great Saturday

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So Friday's goals are as follows:

    1. No diet soda or soda of any kind. I am going to try to do it every other day.

    2. Do day 4 of shred. I was feeling really good today and think I can do it tomorrow, even though Friday is not one of my normal days to do it.

    3. Make time to do something good for myself. Not sure what that will be yet.

    Those are the top three. There are a few that are ongoing daily goals. I will still try to avoid extra snacks, keep portions under control, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables.

    1. I broke down and had a can toward the end of the night. So bummed about that one.

    2. I did the shred and I felt great. I woke up this morning and my back was a little sore, but I just know I'm getting stronger.

    3. I was able to go to out to a few stores. I found a pair of shoes. I almost always shop for my daughter so it was nice to get myself something this time.

    As far as my ongoing daily goals, well I kinda fell of the wagon with most of them, had extra snacks, larger portions...ughhh. I did drink more water and have more veggies. I just have to keep working harder.

    Saturday's goal:
    1. no diet pop, since I didn't do it yesterday. I'll try again today.

    2. Eat only when I'm hungry. I know that's probably self explanatory, but sometimes I eat while watching tv or when I'm bored.

    3. Get to the gym for atleast 45 minutes.

    Everyone take care, I haven't read what everyone has been doing, but I will try to catch up later.
    Make it a great day!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354

    3. Sounds strange but i'm gonna try and smile more today. Life has been getting me down of late and I need to get happy! - Wish I could say that I did this but it'll be a while before I am feeling like me again.

    Simone x

    I like this one and if you dont mind I think I am gonna make this # 4 on my list...I to need to smile more. Thanks for the reminder.

    Remember even if we dont quite reach our goals we have faced tham and that makes us a winner.

    I don't mind at all! I hope it helps you and let's get smiling! :smile:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    SharonsJetSet, thank you for saying this. You are very supportive and you are right of course! That is why I love to exercise so much, because it takes my mind off of things and I always feel better after. I hope you are feeling better .

    My 3 goals for today:
    1. Stay within my calories because dieting is always so much harder for me at the weekend.
    2. Drink 3 mugs of green tea.
    3. Maybe try the 'smiling' thing again? Or maybe just stay positive......

    I am finding it hard to think of 3 new goals everyday and once I am back at work next Wednesday, I won't be able to get on here as much. So I was wondering, would it be ok to maybe choose 3 goals and try and stick to them for a few days at a time? Once I am back at work there may be more temptation in my way so my goals may change daily anyway.
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