Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • carolynbergen1
    If this is just trolling some mod should just lock it stop the people wasting time because they genuinely want to help someone. There are more than enough real people desperate for some help to get started, so why continue feeding oxygen to this fire...

  • fireant777
    what's wrong with eating 2000+ calories a day?

    If you have the proper training program and are eating mostly healthy foods, you should be fine.. a few cheats here and there wont hurt you either..

    The recommended daily intake for adult females is 2000 cals per day.. when people are constantly eating in a deficit (1200 or so cals) your body starts to starve and you wont ever burn fat until you give your body the fuel it needs. . if your hungry. EAT!
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    You are eating way too many carbs. Cut out the bread potato and fries. I eat like a normal person everyday. Chicken veggies fruit. Why are you not planning for your day at work with snacks and lunch packed. 400 cals per meal plus 3 100 Cal snacks is 1500.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    For the record:

    I ate over 1500 calories at my birthday dinner Friday night! *gasp*

    Beer-battered shrimp, steak fries, and broccoli....and of course a couple ice, cold Buds to wash it down. Now wait for it..........................................................

    I didn't gain any weight! *gasp* And the truth is, I still maintained an average daily deficit of about 250 calories on my birthday week and in addition to my dinner, I had cake and ice cream, etc. :smokin:
  • carolynbergen1
    Well glad that eating like that works for your body. I've taken in a lot of info over the past 9 days. I upped my calories by eating lunch and eating back my exercise calories, while upping my cardio from 2-3 days per week to 4-5 days per week. I gained 2 lbs, but not only that I gained 1/2 inch around my waist and 1/2 inch around my hips while losing 1/2 inch off upper and 1/2 inch off mid thigh and of course 1/2 had to come off my bust, which is exactly where I don't want to lose. Sorry but I have great natural girls. Better at 50 than in my 20s, so I've been told.

    I'm not really sure why this happened but I had been consistently losing 1-2 lbs per week as well as inches for the past 7 weeks. I followed the advice of a lot of people on here who are saying you can't burn fat on eating a 1200 calorie diet consistently and I busted my butt with all the exercise I did last week to weigh in and measure at this? No thanks. I am going back to what was working for me. 1200 calories or less, super low fat, exercise 2-3 days per week max, don't eat back the exercise calories. My doctor who was once obese at 260 lbs and now is normal weight and has been for the last 20 years tells me 1200 calories works very well for women who need to lose 40-50 lbs and should be sustained until I am at goal. She also said it's a safe, slow, and steady loss that has been proven to be very effective in meeting goal. Once at goal increase calories to maintain for life. Since she's my doctor AND has been obese and now isn't after 2 decades, I think I'll stick with what was working for me. But something is off. I also did NOT feel good the entire past week, stuffing my face to try and eat back the calories I was burning up and killing myself with cardio. I was so full I wanted to puke after eating not to mention my legs are sore as hell today. Like I said though...glad it works for some.
  • megzee413
    megzee413 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, so I checked out your Food Diary. It's not how much you are eating, its the quality of food you are eating. If you want to lose weight, you have to improve the quality of food you are putting in your body. I heard something today from a guy at my local supplement store that made complete sense. He said, "If you want your body to look like a million bucks, why are you eating off the dollar menu?" For example, your breakfast can bee filling while still being healthy. Make sure that each meal has carbs, protein and fat. It will keep you fuller longer. Personally, I do best with a lower carb diet and a higher protein and fat diet. NOT to be confused with Atkins or South Beach, because I do eat fruits and vegetables. I follow the Paleo/Primal diet. I eat 35% carbs, 35% protein, and 35% fat. The fat content sounds high, but I don't eat Trans fat, which is the bad fat. I think you may be confused on what a "normal" person eats. "Normal" Americans are overweight, so if you want to lose weight, you have to change WHAT you eat. I'm in nursing school and my classmates joke about how much I eat. I literally eat every 2-3 hours. And I eat roughly 1800 calories a day. Try and improve what you are putting into your body, and I think you will see a change. I'm not saying eat veggies and chicken all day long, but just try and make things healthier by measuring out portions and looking up recipes to make things healthier. Feel free to message me if you have questions! Good luck!
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    Anyway I watch all the people at work eat garbage everyday this typical day for one of my coworkers is taco bell or fries and a dbl cheeseburger... another one she had a bag of marshmellos eating them like candy and a big bag of bbq potato chips and sour cream to dip them in and a bag of twizzlers.... i jut watch these people and im like wtf am I in bizarro world they all eat normal meaning just whatever nothing extra special or even healthy and are skinny to average body type.... i know i have to lose the weight in order to be able to eat "normal" but it would be nice to be able to eat what is considered a "normal or whats considered average amount of daily cals which is 2000 and lose" probably wont happen.. if anyone has done it let me know!

    The problem is you don't follow these people 24/7. How do you know they don't have a healthy breakfast or dinner, or that they don't go to the gym and burn all that junk they ate.

    I don't think how you're eating is "normal". You seem to be eating very calorie dense foods for each meal in the day. I would definitely recommend making healthier lower calorie choices, and MAYBE (if you can fit it in your 2000 calories at the end of the day) ONE calorie dense meal (tacos, burger, etc). I use to have trouble staying under 1200 all the time, however over time I've found foods/recipes I like that are lower in calories, and I've trained myself to eat smaller portions. If I have something like a taco, I'll limit myself to just one then have a side of veggies or salad to fill myself up, because no way I'll get by on one taco.

    It takes times but you just have to try and find alternatives. Over time you'll find more and more stuff and find it easier and easier to stay under your goals.

    You should consider bring healthy snacks to work so you're not tempted by the vending machine. My bottom draw at work is full of food (my coworker teases me and says it's like I have a super market in there) but it's healthy stuff like oats, nuts, and even those snack bars (be careful which ones you get, some are quite high in calories). No one expects you to eat carrot and grass, I myself don't like carrots (unless they're cooked), which is a shame since they're very low in calories.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Sorry but you are eating too much meat. Research mediteranean diet.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Cut out some meat and swap for veggies. Less cals more flavour and good for bowels.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cut out some meat and swap for veggies. Less cals more flavour and good for bowels.

    That may be your preference, but I think ANY meat tastes a helluva lot better than ANY veggies. Meat is an excellent way (the best way, imho) of getting adequate protein.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You are NOT eating the diet of a normal person. At all.
  • sadielankford
    sadielankford Posts: 17 Member
    900 calories for a meal is not normal, by any means. I mean, normal as in America is obese normal...

    Anyway, eat less, and more often. So for breakfast, eat 300 calories. Then, eat a snack like a hard boiled egg. Lunch can be about 400 calories, depending on how many calories you're allowed to have for the day. If you're hungry still, you need to drink more water.

    Basically it comes down to changing your mindset and not pigging out. Drink more water (and more water.. and more water) if you're still hungry.
  • sadielankford
    sadielankford Posts: 17 Member
    Cut out some meat and swap for veggies. Less cals more flavour and good for bowels.

    That may be your preference, but I think ANY meat tastes a helluva lot better than ANY veggies. Meat is an excellent way (the best way, imho) of getting adequate protein.

    I think this "meat" mentality is what gets so many of us fat in the first place. We don't need meat at every meal or even every day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Cut out some meat and swap for veggies. Less cals more flavour and good for bowels.

    That may be your preference, but I think ANY meat tastes a helluva lot better than ANY veggies. Meat is an excellent way (the best way, imho) of getting adequate protein.

    I think this "meat" mentality is what gets so many of us fat in the first place. We don't need meat at every meal or even every day.

    I was a vegetarian when I got fat *shrugs*
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    When a good chunk of the country is overweight or obese, "normal" probably isn't going to get you what you want. You can have parts of normal but the whole enchilada probably shouldn't be eaten. Big portions of low-calorie things will work. Small portions of tasty rubbish will work. But not big portions of tasty rubbish.

    You can have a burger and fries for less than 600... as fries and a small hamburger, not a quarter pound cheeseburger. You can have tacos and a potato, but maybe have one taco without cheese and sour cream and half a potato unless you've been exercising. In that case, have the whole potato. Hell, you could have a cupcake and a handful of fruit for breakfast if this is what you actually wanted - but you get ONE cupcake and it's going to be grandma-proportioned without icing.

    Or you could ratchet up the veggies and be full.