Is giving up diet soda really worth it?



  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    My husband is a HUGE Pepsi fan/addict and the same with me and Diet Pepsi. We used to go through 2 12pk + a week. I would go weeks and weeks and probably months without consuming straight water. Because surely, water didn't taste good with my Crunchwrap supreme or 6 pieces of pizza. Diet Pepsi/Coke did. Since starting MFP, I quit cold turkey (May 15). However, I have had some when I go out. And I end up feeling like an addict all over again. I overeat, I retain water weight, and then have to go through the withdraw symptoms. Like right now. I had one last week and right now I have a monstrous headache and would probably beg for a carne asada burrito and Diet Coke right now. But, just know that once you get past it all, since I was recently, you feel so much better. You don't have headaches. You save a lot of money.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I quit diet pop and meat April 2012- did real good for a year- did not miss them much but did miss the meat- so now we only eat organic meat, which has made me start drinking diet pop some too- and I do have to say, that the days I have a diet pop, I eat a lot more- they make you want to eat- good luck

    Or it could be that the days you are lacking willpower are the days you indulge in diet pop and other things..
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Who knows. I gave up diet soda because of the Aspartame. I have chronic pain, arthritis, etc. and Aspartame is known to cause joint issues so I gave it up along w/ all other stuff with Aspartame. Has it helped? I have no idea. I still have pain, but I don't want to risk drinking anything that might make it worse. Stopping the diet coke didn't make me lose weight, like some people say. Now, I just drink regular coke, but I try to limit it. Is regular coke, worse than diet coke? I don't know. I think you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. All I know is I also have chronic fatigue and sometimes I just need a coke or something with caffeine just to get through the day.

    Regular coke is probably just as bad, but I don't drink as much since I switched back to regular because now I have to count the calories, where with the diet coke I could drink it all day every day and not touch a drop of water.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I drink a 6-pack of pepsi max everyday. I'll up it to 8-10 now that it is summer.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Aspartame is known to cause joint issues

  • reneewl
    reneewl Posts: 16 Member
    I've lost 196 pounds and cured diabetes while drinking diet soda. Love it and have NO plans to give it up. :)
  • reneewl
    reneewl Posts: 16 Member
    Hang on. I need to put down this diet coke down to type my response.
    Diet soda has not hindered my progress whatsoever.

    Bwahaha... I was drinking one when I typed my response, then almost spit it out, laughing, when I read yours.
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    I gave up pop, and I went through two weeks of hell, headaches and crap. Then after awhile I started drinking diet soda, and the headaches came back! Then I gave it up and ended up having the migraines and crap. Basically soda, and diet soda is crap. It has aspartame in it and you don't want that toxic crap in your body if you can help it.
    Just take ibuprofen and Tylenol during the day to ease the withdrawals. and yes it is worth it. Diet soda will keep you fat. Get rid of it! Keep up the good work.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Diet soda will keep you fat

  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    Diet coke also staves off any cravings for sweets I may get.
    Opps, Just cleaned off the diet coke I spilled on my keyboard.
  • zazielascaux
    zazielascaux Posts: 35 Member
    Ywup. Not had a migraine since giving it up. Used to get one every 4 to 6 weeks. Plus now I have more money.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    I have diet soda.. I need something to put my alcohol in..

    I like mixing it with water/Mio :)
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    I've tried quitting cold turkey a couple times but never been able to stick with it. This time I switched to caffeine free first, then to only drinking one caffeine free in the evening as a sort of 'dessert'. I would often drink ONLY diet soda all day long and now I drink water all day until I get my one soda. I was having bladder spasticity problems which could be due to pH issues that seem to be better now - but I've only been doing this for a couple weeks. It could just be the increased water helping too LOL.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I used to have about 5 cans a day for, oh, the past 15 years. Today is day 12 cold turkey. I am irritable, unfocused, and kind of a witch to be honest. No, I can't have like, one a week or whatever the same way someone could probably not have just "a little" crack cocaine. Could someone please tell me that they felt better after giving up soda? I know all of the articles that are like "diet soda is the devil and ruins your bones and gives you cancer etc." but I'm looking for someone who experienced readily identifiable benefits of giving up this diet carbonated nectar of the gods and not just "I abstractly reduced my chance of cancer and a heart attack"


    Yes i gave up REAL coke! Classic coke. no funky diet soda for me. I was drinking about 2 a day.

    Took about 3 weeks, i just gave it up, and thats how long it took for me. yes i was addicted to it and i know it sure felt good going down when i was so overheated especially.

    i now drink water and milk and ice tea with extra lemon and 1 sugar packet and coffee.. thats about it for drinks for me. and im happy with it.
  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    Are you addicted to the carbonation or the caffeine? I use to drink regular Pepsi daily but I was addicted to the carbonation. I bought a soda stream soda maker so whenever I want a soda, I make my own. The diet mixture uses natural sugar instead of aspartame. Eventually, I got to a point where I have about 3 glasses a week.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    If you give up diet soda and in exchange drink coffee with sugar-free creamer or crystal light, aren't you in essence drinking the same thing without the fizz? It's the fizz I believe I'm addicted to. I am ready to give it up, but sounds like I'd have to give up sugar-free creamer and any crystal light or additive to water because of the artificial sweetener. I think I'm setting myself up to fail trying just straight water after 25 years of diet soda consumption. Any thoughts on the sweetener dilemma?
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,177 Member
    I am glad I never liked diet colas. The only diet soda I drink is ginger caffeine in it.

    I used to drink regular Coke, although only a few bottles a week (the green glass bottles, not the 2 liter) But I haven't had one since I started here. I cant say I don't miss it, but I am sure part of the weight I have lost is due to not drinking it any more.
  • Overall giving it up will be better for your health, and will help you live longer. Overtime it will get easier. Try tea in place of it, or something.
  • BlackBeltInTraining
    BlackBeltInTraining Posts: 30 Member
    I personally allow myself to have ONE serving of diet soda every day. I cut back from three per day down to one and I don't plan to change that anytime soon. If I do not exercise, though, then I admit that I do not drink that diet soda for that day. I guess it is my incentive to get up and run or practice martial arts :) Really, one can is much different than four or five cans. I guess it depends on moderation and the like. If you're going to quit then replace it with something for sure.