Men, what do you REALLY think of girls w/ stretch marks?



  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Doesn't bother me
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    I have really bad stretch marks from the result of gaining 4 stone when i was pregnant with my eldest, it really bothered me for yearsas i was only 17 when i had my daughter but each bf i have had have never been bothered by them, my current bf who ive been with for 6months i asked him out of curosity does he think my stomach looks digusting because of them and he said no, he doesnt mind them. So i wouldnt worry about men think about them id be more bothered about yourself learning to love your own body. Took me a good few years mind but now i couldnt care less about them my stomach looks better than most people who havent had kids quoted from a past bf lol and i worked hard to get my stomach toned after all the weight gain and 2 csections later so sod the marks :))
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    39 year old woman here who was divorced within the last year and has lost a lot of weight so I not only have horrible stretch marks (breasts, stomach, hips, and even behind knees) but also a lot of loose skin. I have to say I as totally scared to death re-entering the dating scene because I had such a fear about how guys would react to my body. Honestly though I haven't had any of the guys I've dated (and been intimate with) say anything or act put off my either the stretch marks or loose skin. Of course I'm up front and they know I have lost a lot of weight.

    That being said, my ex husband who was normal weight had stretch marks as have most of the guys I've dated. It doesn't bother me at all. My current boyfriend has also lost a lot of weight and because of the way guys tend to carry their weight mostly in their stomachs, his stomach has a lot of stretch marks and saggy skin. It doesn't bother me, but it bothers him. I think he is more bothered by his stretch marks and saggy skin than I am mine.

    I think guys expect women to have some stretch marks especially if they have had children, but if a guy can't overlook any "flaws" then he isn't for you.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I went a long time when I was younger after having my two boys feeling self conscious it was ridiculous to the point where I had to be covered until I was under the covers and the lights had to be out. Wow talk about adding to the mood NOT! Once I accepted myself for how I look and that the good person on the inside also projects outside I realized what I was doing. I see my life marks as beautiful because I got them from carrying a life inside me. It doesn't matter how you get them they are a part of you. So I took my image of myself to another level and decided to show just how sexy I really am and if my life marks are noticed and disliked by a man then honey there's the door don't hit yourself on the way out it's your loss not mine. I have better things to do with my time than to be bothered with a man that is only after perfection. Besides there is no such thing as perfect! All women and men are unique we all have our own beauties not flaws and those beauties are a part of us and I'd rather be proud, confident and secure in myself as a woman then walk around with insecurities about what you can't change its so unnecessary life is too short for that. Be confident be happy enjoy life and leave the negative self image behind..:wink:

  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    I never had any stretch marks anyone could see until i had my daughter, even then i got them because of the c-sec and the doctors pulling her out i was SO MAD! 9 months of oils, lotions, butters, ect ALL ruined in about 1 hour of delivery friggin a! Anyways they were terrible looking purple and deep! They never faded until i started working out. Now they are so white you wouldnt even know i have them :) i was super sensitive about them i never complained but i did my damndest to hide them always.
  • hadiyajade
    hadiyajade Posts: 41 Member
    LMAO.... i like the Katt Williams Quote.... it is so true... men are not paying attention to the fact that you have stretch marks... there just happy to be spending time with you...
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    I have never had a guy comment on my stretchmarks. Honestly, if they are close enough to see them, they better be focused on other things.

    This ^^
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    Why does it matter what men think of girls with stretch marks?
    Surely it is only your own thoughts on your stretch marks that matter? And from the sounds of things, you need to work on that, as confidence is more of a turn on for men, than stretch marks would be a turn off.
    If a guy were to judge you based on something so common and trivial, would he really be right for you anyway?

    I agree! The day that I care about what SOMEONE else thinks about my body will be a sad day. The question is "WHAT DO I REALLY THINK ABOUT MY STRECH MARKS!" Another sad day for women-kind! SMDH...
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I have some stretch marks on my tummy from having 2 wonderful (10lb) boys and a beautiful baby girl, they are worth every mark!! They still bother me sometimes but my husband (34) has absolutely NO problem with them! I agree with other posters confidence is HUGE! Be the best, strongest, healthiest that you can be, love yourself and that will be attractive! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • emzyloo88
    emzyloo88 Posts: 145 Member
    Hang on... Men have more than us. My two brothers have them all on their arms from weights...
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    my bf has more than i do and hes in way better shape than me. i used to be ashamed of the 3 on my left hip and the 2 right next to my belly button. but you know what?


    THIS ^^^^^ love it !! Lol.....I recieved all my " stripes" carrying three pregnancies over a four year back to back span !! No sham here ... :) hubby doesn't say a word ;)
  • DonnaC1986
    DonnaC1986 Posts: 10
    my bf has more than i do and hes in way better shape than me. i used to be ashamed of the 3 on my left hip and the 2 right next to my belly button. but you know what?


    ^ This, I Love It!!! :love:
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I went a long time when I was younger after having my two boys feeling self conscious it was ridiculous to the point where I had to be covered until I was under the covers and the lights had to be out. Wow talk about adding to the mood NOT! Once I accepted myself for how I look and that the good person on the inside also projects outside I realized what I was doing. I see my life marks as beautiful because I got them from carrying a life inside me. It doesn't matter how you get them they are a part of you. So I took my image of myself to another level and decided to show just how sexy I really am and if my life marks are noticed and disliked by a man then honey there's the door don't hit yourself on the way out it's your loss not mine. I have better things to do with my time than to be bothered with a man that is only after perfection. Besides there is no such thing as perfect! All women and men are unique we all have our own beauties not flaws and those beauties are a part of us and I'd rather be proud, confident and secure in myself as a woman then walk around with insecurities about what you can't change its so unnecessary life is too short for that. Be confident be happy enjoy life and leave the negative self image behind..:wink:


    Me too! This is great! :drinker:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    "Yay, naked girls"?
  • JenniferH007
    Good Morning,

    My Name is Jennifer. For years I was worried about what I looked like. even tryed different lotions. Until I came across Jergens Skin Firming Lotion. It has worked to the best that I can see it does firm up the skin.. and I love it. The Stretch marks may not go away total but it is hiden a little I would recommend giving it a try.

    Don't worry what a guy say or think. If they don't like you for who you are on the inside they are on worth hangin out with. You need to be satifid with who you are as a person on the inside and out before other will be.... God love you for you.

    If you have any question please email mess me.

    fyi you can get the firming lotion at any walmart ect
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I have 2 daughters and with the oldest I had no stretch marks. I was thrilled. My 2nd daughter made up for the first and I was bothered for awhile. I was told to by a good friend to see the stretchmarks as a road map to my children's life. With that said, It is a part of life.

    Once you are fully confident it will radiate to anyone you date. If he has a problem with it, open the door and let him walk through it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    . My teenage boy even has them pretty badly on his back just from growing tall too quickly, never been fat a day in his life.

    I got my first few stretch marks at 17. I went from being a straight hipped girls to an hourglass figure almost over night, it seemed.
    Yes! I developed early, so my hips were covered in them in elementary school. I didn't really care even then, though. Other girls had them, so I figured they were normal.

    Those you can barely see now unless you're really looking for them. Same with my breasts.
  • kayladawn31
    More importantly, what do YOU think of girls with stretch marks? The most intense stretch marks I ever saw was on a man, not a woman and I've yet to hear a man ask if women think it's a turn off.

    The feminist is coming out and I have to say I wait eagerly for a generation of women who won't need to ask these questions - I don't mean to be unkind here - the reverse is true. How about asking this question: Would you really want to hang out with a guy that's got some primal hang-up about stretch marks? You're better than that! Have faith in your character.

    NOW THAT IS A TOP NOTCH ANSWER! :flowerforyou:
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    "We don't have no time to worry bout no **** like stretch marks... They came from either 1 of 2 things... Either you was big & got small, or you were small & got big ! Either way we f$&@ing... Either Waaay!" -KATT WILLIAMS

    This has been my experience. They don't care.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Seriously I do not care about them one way or the other. They are just another feature. What matters to me is how comfortable and confident a woman is with hersefl. For me a truly sexy woman is one who is happy with herself, and knows what she wants and goes after it.