Is giving up diet soda really worth it?



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Any thing in moderation. Whatever you eat drink if you do it to excess it's likely to cause problems even water to excess is bad
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Look at it this way, is DRINKING diet soda really worth it? What benefits do you get from it? There are many better ways to quench your thirst.
  • tgr1025
    tgr1025 Posts: 3
    I gave up Diet Coke about 15 months ago. Everyone said "oh you are going to feel so much better!" Honestly, I don't feel any different than I did 15 months ago. I occasionally will have a diet soda without caffeine in a mixed drink but I don't make a habit of it. I mainly drink water. I think if you just cut back to one or two a day to start with instead of going from so many to nothing that you may feel better and it may be easier to ween yourself off instead of cold turkey. I had a horrible headache when I quit for at least a week and I only had one or two a day at the most.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    If you knew just how bad 'diet' sodas are for you health you would not want to put them back into your body.
    Please elaborate with a peer reviewed clinical study showing how bad they are. Oh and make sure the dosage being used on a mouse or rat isn't equivalent to drinking a case of diet soda a day.
    Over 25 years of drinking it and it seems that actual science is ain't bad as the anti diet soda proponents make it seem.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • js3013
    js3013 Posts: 7 Member

    Aspartame has, to my knowledge, not been shown to cause any negative health outcome. There's no reason to give it up if you like it.

    I took this to be a positive claim from you that aspartame is safe. Perhaps you did not intend it as such.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    The poster said that there is equivalent evidence for poor health outcomes for diet soda that there are for smoking and lead paint. This is absolutely, 100%, completely false. I can't stress that enough. It's absolutely, absolutely false.

    You must know something that every reputable medical, fitness and health organization doesn’t.

    Congrats - the way that you vigorously advocate eating fast food and drinking diet pop is undoubtedly providing a valuable service to countless MFP users as they continue their journey to better health.
  • Jsneel
    Jsneel Posts: 24 Member
    Google the ingredients in the soda along with side effects and that should be enough to make everyone wanna stop drinking diet soda or diet food. To each there own drink what ya want but be advised of the SIDE EFFECTS. I understand even medicine has side effects that's why I said to each there own. You weigh the pros and the 90 something side effects.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I used to drink a pop (soda or whatever..) about 3 times a week. Nothing major, but when I wanted one, I really wanted one. I've completely given up any type of pop (unless it's in a rum & diet), and have replaced the sweet carbonated drink with Seltzer Water with 1 or 2 squirts of Liquid Crystal Light. It's just like pop to me and 0 calories. :glasses:
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I drink diet Pepsi or diet Coke when I want soda, but not the calories. I know it is so bad for you, there is no nutrition in them, they have aspartame, and they are empty calories, but I like to drink them a few times per week. If I run out of them then I just drink whatever I have.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Google the ingredients in the soda along with side effects and that should be enough to make everyone wanna stop drinking diet soda or diet food. To each there own drink what ya want but be advised of the SIDE EFFECTS. I understand even medicine has side effects that's why I said to each there own. You weigh the pros and the 90 something side effects.
    Lol, there are side effects to everything we consume in life. Quit scaremongering and if you're going to report it then post the 90 something side effects and let's compare them to some foods/drink that are "healthy" to see.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Keep it up. I do not trust diet soda we are not meant to ingest that much of that fake sugar. Its just not good for our bodies. Water is the best thing to do. It really cleanses the body. Plus think of the money you will save!!

    Its normal to have withdrawl symptoms when quitting something but like all things it will pass.

    I gave up regular soda about a month ago I feel so much better, more energy, less sluggish. I will never go back. Water, milk, or tea for me from now on.
  • TheGr8Kimbini
    It was really hard for me too, but I replaced it with different flavors of Crystal Light, and so that helped me not want to drink pop and keep it interesting. I had an over all inner-body cleansed feeling when I stopped drinking it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Aspartame has, to my knowledge, not been shown to cause any negative health outcome. There's no reason to give it up if you like it.

    I took this to be a positive claim from you that aspartame is safe. Perhaps you did not intend it as such.

    I did not intend it as such. It does not say that. It doesn't say "aspartame is definitely safe." It says "aspartame has not been shown to cause any negative health outcome."
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Giving up diet soda is only worth it if you've suddenly decided you no longer enjoy it. If you still enjoy it, keep drinking it.
  • 4Decades
    4Decades Posts: 6 Member
    I was so used to drinking diet soda, but I gradually have phased it out. I think more than anything it was the caffeine in it that I enjoyed, but I am still drinking coffee, between 1 and 2 cups a day, I just drink it black though. It helps me not get the dreaded withdrawal headache.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's an interesting thing I'm noticing....

    A lot of people demonize diet soda because of aspartame, though no one seems to have much of a problem with Crystal Light. And you never hear much about sucralose. Coke Zero has sucralose instead of aspartame but it's still part of the "diet soda = evil" group.

    A lot of people demonize diet soda because of caffeine, but no one seems to have a problem with coffee.

    A lot of people demonize diet soda because of the carbonation, but no one seems to have a problem with seltzer.
  • Jsneel
    Jsneel Posts: 24 Member
    Wow u are very hateful I was saying the same thing there is side effects had u have read the post. I sd google bc I'm not sure how to post link lol some people should use a glue stick not chap stick LOL. Read the post

    This is ment for the one that said I was trying to scare folks.... My Father inlaw passed away from diabetic ketoacidosis that's were ph in blood get to acidic and caused full cardiac arrest. Had he drank more water instead of diet it might have helped him. Just be cautious And to each there own.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    The poster said that there is equivalent evidence for poor health outcomes for diet soda that there are for smoking and lead paint. This is absolutely, 100%, completely false. I can't stress that enough. It's absolutely, absolutely false.

    You must know something that every reputable medical, fitness and health organization doesn’t.

    Congrats - the way that you vigorously advocate eating fast food and drinking diet pop is undoubtedly providing a valuable service to countless MFP users as they continue their journey to better health.

    I read this as "I can't back up my ludicrous claim that diet soda is proven bad just as strongly as smoking and consuming lead have been proven bad, so I'm just going to point at the guy calling me out on it and say he's an idiot."

    Just sayin.

    I like the way that the burden of proof is on everyone else to provide you with evidence that is readily available from countless reputable sources through a simple internet search. You've been lead to water over and over...just sayin'
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The poster said that there is equivalent evidence for poor health outcomes for diet soda that there are for smoking and lead paint. This is absolutely, 100%, completely false. I can't stress that enough. It's absolutely, absolutely false.

    You must know something that every reputable medical, fitness and health organization doesn’t.

    Congrats - the way that you vigorously advocate eating fast food and drinking diet pop is undoubtedly providing a valuable service to countless MFP users as they continue their journey to better health.

    I read this as "I can't back up my ludicrous claim that diet soda is proven bad just as strongly as smoking and consuming lead have been proven bad, so I'm just going to point at the guy calling me out on it and say he's an idiot."

    Just sayin.

    I like the way that the burden of proof is on everyone else to provide you with evidence that is readily available from countless reputable sources through a simple internet search. You've been lead to water over and over...just sayin'

    The burden of proof is on anyone who makes a positive claim.

    You want to drop into a thread and tell everyone that there's scientific research showing that diet soda is as bad as cigarettes and lead poisoning? Then show us the scientific research.

    You can't show us that research, so you just point and laugh at anyone who calls you out on the nonsense.
  • js3013
    js3013 Posts: 7 Member

    Aspartame has, to my knowledge, not been shown to cause any negative health outcome. There's no reason to give it up if you like it.

    I took this to be a positive claim from you that aspartame is safe. Perhaps you did not intend it as such.

    I did not intend it as such. It does not say that. It doesn't say "aspartame is definitely safe." It says "aspartame has not been shown to cause any negative health outcome."

    Okay. So, you're not claiming it's safe, basically you're just arguing that you can't say its unsafe either. If you are right and neither can be proved, I guess people just have to decide whether it is more significant to them that it isn't proven safe, or that it isn't proven unsafe.