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I feel like giving up.



  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    Unfortunately, you can do squats all day long and still not hav ethe body of your dreams if you are eating junk.....but junk tastes so goooooooddddd

    I know people who eat ice cream everyday who have the body of my dreams...
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    My guess is you misinterpreted what people were saying when they said, "No."

    You can't spot reduce fat. It comes off where it comes off, and often our "problem areas" are the places they come off last.

    Walking is okay cardio if you can walk at a pace to raise your heart rate, and raising your heart rate is what makes it cardio.

    As for "toning," I'm not sure what you're necessarily doing--by butt and thigh workouts, are you doing body weight-style aerobics? That'll be mildly strengthening to your muscles and predominantly cardio... again, which is fine.

    Quicker/more noticeable changes in your thighs/butt/body overall will come from a bit more "oomph," like weight lifting and HIIT for cardio. Yoga/pilates is good step before these, though, in terms of cardio and body weight training.

    If you're looking to just target making your thighs/butt smaller, you ultimately just have to keep eating at a deficit and, ideally, incorporate strength training and some cardio.

    Do you think if I do 50 squats every other day that my thighs can get firm and nice? I just did the 10 minute workout for my butt and thighs and it really didnt do much.

    A 10 minute workout is going to take a long time for you to see results. You need to be consistant your expectations seem a bit unrealistic, it take alot of time to tone. A month at the very least.

    Yeah that's true. Of course like a month or two but since I own a pair of dumbells that are 5 pounds do you think that if I do them with squats everyday, no quitting, also running or jogging everyday that it will make a difference?

    Yes....consistency is key. You really need to work your "butt" off to get results. This means at least 30 mins of sped up heart rate exercise! You need to feel your heart rate go up....enough for your to slightly be out of breath but can still talk. If you can't run then do Zumba or like someone mentioned youtube jillian michaels. This also means working out 3 - 5 times a week. It takes sweat and tears to get what we want to achieve.

    Also, if you're not very strong then yes 5 lbs is okay to start with, but eventually you want to go up in weight at least 10lbs. I believe Target sells weights pretty cheap. Also, someone mentioned running uphill. That's also a great way to tone your legs...find a park and do uphill intervals while on your walk or jog.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    There are plenty of workouts you can do without a gym.

    Rock Climbing
    Push ups
    Pull Ups
    Chin Ups
    Chair Dips

    The list goes on....Google is your friend.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I lost about forty pounds just walking a couple years ago. Don't get discouraged! Last go round for me, walking and some pilates dvds were all I needed. You got this!
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    Since December 4th of last year I have walked 505 miles. I've lost 5+ inches off my gut alone.

    Don't listen to the naysayers, they are like jailhouse lawyers.

    fact is walking is an excellent form of exercise and uses the whole body. Swing your arms and walk faster, push yourself to walk further too. I walk 4.2 miles 3 to 5 days a week (this is my 'lunch' workout when I don't ride my bike) and also walk 2-3 miles a few times a week after dinner (when it isn't too hot). My early walk is usually around 4mph whereas my evening walk is about 3.5mph (slower to allow digestion of dinner).

    Granted I also cycle now too (have a bike?) and have ridden nearly 500 miles now.

    The key to losing fat is 'diet and exercise' and walking IS exercise but you also have to take a look at the foods you eat to fine tune things. If you only want to lose a small amount (which by your pics I'll assume) then try this:

    Determine your daily caloric needs (BMR times your daily activity level) then eat 10% BELOW that for 3 days and 10% over that for one day. This is what I did when I needed to drive off body fat only when I was in the service and wanted to trim up nicely for a school I was going to (a leadership course). I dropped from a fit 226lbs to a trim and fit 208 in under two months though at the time I walked everywhere, worked out in the gym 3-5 days a week and ran 3 days a week so bear that in mind.

    Good luck!
  • agtapia09
    agtapia09 Posts: 94
    Sorry but everybody saying its not enough is right.walking is not really any workout.need to step up your game,watch your diet..for toning you will have to do lot of sweating.good luck

    I call "BS" on this.

    <~~~ this take a hell of alot more then walking. Sorry but i call BS on your BS. You want tone thighs and a tone bum Squat go out and get a $12 workout dvd and $14 weights if you cant right now then google "workouts without weights." Dont give up, find a way to acheive thats what everyone else here has done instead of walking run.

    I'm going to take your advice. Tomorrow morning I'm going for a run. I own 5 pounds dumbells so do you think if I do 50 squats every other day and also run that I should see improvement?

    I think if your consistant and do squats with your weights you will see results, you have dumbells look up jillian micheals 30 day shred on youtube follow that program and in a month you will have what you want IF your at a calorie deficit and IF you stay consistant.

    ^^^^^ THIS. It's a great workout, esp if you already own 5lb dumbells. I started off with cardio 6 days a week (running and spin) and when I got to my goal weight I started Jilian's 30DS with 5lbers. Just keep at it. Somebody mentioned body workouts like pushups, chair dips etc. which are also great!
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    Chair dips kick your *kitten*!!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    My guess is you misinterpreted what people were saying when they said, "No."

    You can't spot reduce fat. It comes off where it comes off, and often our "problem areas" are the places they come off last.

    Walking is okay cardio if you can walk at a pace to raise your heart rate, and raising your heart rate is what makes it cardio.

    As for "toning," I'm not sure what you're necessarily doing--by butt and thigh workouts, are you doing body weight-style aerobics? That'll be mildly strengthening to your muscles and predominantly cardio... again, which is fine.

    Quicker/more noticeable changes in your thighs/butt/body overall will come from a bit more "oomph," like weight lifting and HIIT for cardio. Yoga/pilates is good step before these, though, in terms of cardio and body weight training.

    If you're looking to just target making your thighs/butt smaller, you ultimately just have to keep eating at a deficit and, ideally, incorporate strength training and some cardio.

    Do you think if I do 50 squats every other day that my thighs can get firm and nice? I just did the 10 minute workout for my butt and thighs and it really didnt do much.

    Squats are probably the best move you can do for thighs/butt. 50 of your own bodyweight's probably fine, but if you can manage to do them weighted (barbell or dumbbell), you can do even less with more results (I think I take less than 10 minutes squatting three sets of five repetitions with 135 lbs, though I currently am in a deload and just squatting 90 lbs. I worked up to all of this.) Just look up "squats" or even "how to make my butt bigger" threads on here--tons of women always end up posting pictures showing their results (my legs in my profile pic are predominantly from squatting and deadlifts).

    Remember: Squatting is strengthening those muscles, but firming is two-fold: strengthening and/or building muscle PLUS a calorie deficit to help lose the fat. Be patient with both and you'll get results.

    firstsip has it... :flowerforyou:
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Sorry but everybody saying its not enough is right.walking is not really any workout.need to step up your game,watch your diet..for toning you will have to do lot of sweating.good luck

    I call "BS" on this.

    <~~~ this take a hell of alot more then walking. Sorry but i call BS on your BS. You want tone thighs and a tone bum Squat go out and get a $12 workout dvd and $14 weights if you cant right now then google "workouts without weights." Dont give up, find a way to acheive thats what everyone else here has done instead of walking run.

    I'm going to take your advice. Tomorrow morning I'm going for a run. I own 5 pounds dumbells so do you think if I do 50 squats every other day and also run that I should see improvement?

    I think if your consistant and do squats with your weights you will see results, you have dumbells look up jillian micheals 30 day shred on youtube follow that program and in a month you will have what you want IF your at a calorie deficit and IF you stay consistant.

    ^^^^^ THIS. It's a great workout, esp if you already own 5lb dumbells. I started off with cardio 6 days a week (running and spin) and when I got to my goal weight I started Jilian's 30DS with 5lbers. Just keep at it. Somebody mentioned body workouts like pushups, chair dips etc. which are also great!

    Lol thanks! I'll stick with it. :)
  • Rado_SVK
    Rado_SVK Posts: 442 Member
    Sorry but everybody saying its not enough is right.walking is not really any workout.need to step up your game,watch your diet..for toning you will have to do lot of sweating.good luck

    You realize that doesn't actually make any sense, right?


    This is exactly why Im not posting on these forums any more..yes walking is better than nothing but pls,we are talking fitness here...end of my post and its my last one..do whatever you want to do..
  • Obese people tend to lose weight/inches easily with just walking. And of course if you walk several miles you will burn hundreds of calories.

    I am a great advocate of walking and I enjoy it - as a hobby. However, this is a fit and healthy teenager...she can do a lot more than just walking...anything that induces a good tachycardia for 30min to 1hr.

    Don't take the easy road, your heart is in good shape and you have the fitness reserves. It's not all about looks and a tight tummy and thighs, you are improving your cardiovascular health and endurance for the long term.

    I love running, but HIIT cardio is all the rage now (and it does work). If you're really obsessed with 'toning' I can tell you that even before I start lifting weights I had a flat stomach and firm thighs - simply from running, interval training and eating at a caloric deficit. Now that I'm eating at a surplus the stomach isn't so flat but the abs are poking through :laugh:

    There are several good fitness DVDs if you can't afford a gym. My mum used the Biggest Loser one and despite being very fit I found it a surprisingly good workout. Otherwise, add sprint intervals to your walks.

    As for weights, you can buy them, but I know that if I didn't belong to a gym I'd never do any weight training. Haven't got the space to lug around 25kg plates and a bar (you find that the weights build up very quickly). So I can't offer advice on that. Some members have built weights rooms for themselves and I'd love to do that someday when I own my own place.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Try spinning .. maybe you could find a second hand indoor or
    outdoor bike. My legs would look better were I your age..I
    believe the bike does work. Just don't give up-unless you're
    happy. ;)
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    I honestly feel like giving up. I posted a topic asking if my routine which is walking and also doing but and thigh workouts would help because of my flabby thighs and everybody says no. I just lost all my motivation. What's the point then? I can't afford a gym because I don't work and yes I've applied and nobody is hiring because I'm still in high school and I don't have my diploma yet.

    This is how I look
    My body in a bathing suit - http://i.imgur.com/uAvHi2f.jpg
    My body I'n clothes - http://i.imgur.com/xfk0Ytw.jpg

    I do have strech marks also which make my thighs even more flabby looking. It's gross. I just lost all my motivation.

    INCLINES WORK GREAT for thighs and glutes. Even just walking up inclines, the longer the stride the more I feel it.
    This doesn't mean you will necessarily lose "flabby" thighs but you will tighten them and build muscle. (Atleast for me that's how it worked)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    You should just give up.
  • chelcdub
    chelcdub Posts: 49 Member
    Maybe I'm not the most sympathetic, but it feels like people tend to fish for sympathy on these boards at times. To get the body YOU want, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING you've never done and work your *kitten* off. Not mope around because a 10 minute walk only burned 20 calories and a 5 pound dumbell didn't beef you up. It's 2013 and if this person, or that person wasn't able to not give you an answer...but say what you WANTED TO HEAR, you can Google it. Dammit, don't they still teach p.e in high school? That's free.
  • don't feel bad! you'll get there. Your pretty and healthy, don't let your wobbley bit detract from your best bits. So what if it don't give yer buns of steel or abs to die for. mix it up a bit give yourself a chance.

    o, any parks by you got gym equipment in them, if not could stand on swing and pump legs up and down to swing yourself or use bouncy tiles like a trampoline...... :flowerforyou:
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Walking takes longer to burn calories, but it burns them. Have you considered picking up a cheap bike? That will trim up your transportation costs and if you don't currently drive it might expand the area you can get a job in.
  • not an option!
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Maybe I'm not the most sympathetic, but it feels like people tend to fish for sympathy on these boards at times. To get the body YOU want, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING you've never done and work your *kitten* off. Not mope around because a 10 minute walk only burned 20 calories and a 5 pound dumbell didn't beef you up. It's 2013 and if this person, or that person wasn't able to not give you an answer...but say what you WANTED TO HEAR, you can Google it. Dammit, don't they still teach p.e in high school? That's free.

    I'm not trying to look for sympathy but for motivation and of course I have to work my *kitten* off I know that. Lastly I passed P.E in school so I can't take it again.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    You need to start joggin. Walking isn't going to cut it. Also - get some skin firming lotion. That will help.