Customer On Mobile Refused Service



  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I am annoyed standing behind a customer who is talking on his or her phone at the cash register. It delays the transaction process and I frankly don't care to hear about their personal business while I'm trying to get through the line because I don't have all day to wait for some rude *kitten* to act like they are that important that they can't put the phone down.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    wow people get upset and offended ay anything these days. who cares of someone is on the phone?

    everybody wants to be the victim.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    it's the craziest thing ever, but this is what i do... are you ready to have your mind blown??

    "hang on a sec, i'm at the front of the line"

    This -- I have a limited time to talk with my best friend (who lives several states away) ... We both use ear pieces and both will do the same thing, ask the other to hold on a moment. I pay attention to who ever is helping me, cashier, teller etc... Once done, a simple I'm back... We pick up our conversation where we left off.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    it's the craziest thing ever, but this is what i do... are you ready to have your mind blown??

    "hang on a sec, i'm at the front of the line"

    This -- I have a limited time to talk with my best friend (who lives several states away) ... We both use ear pieces and both will do the same thing, ask the other to hold on a moment. I pay attention to who ever is helping me, cashier, teller etc... Once done, a simple I'm back... We pick up our conversation where we left off.

    what is there to pay attention to? you walk to the cashier...say or nod hi...then unload your basket.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Its very rude to be on your cell phone speaking to someone while leaving any or either person that you are "interacting" with waiting on either side of the call. Unless its an actual emergency, it shouldn't happen at all.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    The level of self importance in this thread is ASTOUNDING!

    Note to egocentric twits everywhere, despite your personally held beliefs, you are not the center of the world and do not need to have 100% of a person's attention. It's not a slight, it's not rude, it's just not about you.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    In because it looks so fun.


    Not. Really.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.

    That's assuming the cashier has a union. Most retail and grocery stores in the US are non-unionized. If they were to try to fight to get the upsell and other type questions stopped, they'd lose their job. It sucks and is one of the reasons I am very happy to not work retail anymore
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    I work in a deli and it is super annoying when customers are on the phone and you have to say something four or five times because they're on their phones. It's also annoying when we call a number two or three times and no one answers, so we go on to the next one, then someone starts yelling we skipped their number. Well maybe if you weren't on the phone, you wouldn't have gotten skipped.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I didn't really care when I was a cashier. I got paid either way.

    At the local sub shop, they have a HUGE sign saying they won't serve you if you're on the phone. I can understand it there because they have to ask what you want on the sub and what not. But, a grocery cashier just has to scan your stuff, bag it and take payment. No real conversation is needed for that.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.

    That's assuming the cashier has a union. Most retail and grocery stores in the US are non-unionized. If they were to try to fight to get the upsell and other type questions stopped, they'd lose their job. It sucks and is one of the reasons I am very happy to not work retail anymore
    Time to unionise. Bosses should not be able to scare people out of joining unions. Aren't you guys in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
    no offence meant
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    When I worked at Subway, people would actually try to hand me their cellphone so the person they were talking to could tell me what they wanted.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When I worked at Subway, people would actually try to hand me their cellphone so the person they were talking to could tell me what they wanted.

    NOw I feel like having a sandwich. Can I PM you my order?

    And IN for shopper's unions.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    The level of self importance in this thread is ASTOUNDING!

    Note to egocentric twits everywhere, despite your personally held beliefs, you are not the center of the world and do not need to have 100% of a person's attention. It's not a slight, it's not rude, it's just not about you.

    ^ I'm stealing this graphic. Oh, and you used the word "twit" :heart:
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.

    That's assuming the cashier has a union. Most retail and grocery stores in the US are non-unionized. If they were to try to fight to get the upsell and other type questions stopped, they'd lose their job. It sucks and is one of the reasons I am very happy to not work retail anymore
    Time to unionise. Bosses should not be able to scare people out of joining unions. Aren't you guys in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
    no offence meant

    None taken. Yes, we are in theory land of the free and home of the brave. In reality, not so much. We're a bunch of wimps that allow ourselves to be beaten around by corporations. Humble opinion only, of course.
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    When I was a cashier I actually liked it when people were on their phone because that meant a) they weren't going to be nasty to me and b) I didn't have to talk to them.
  • bobbiejh
    bobbiejh Posts: 2
    Very rude to not give the person in front of you your attention. What if the cashier was on the phone??? Oh girl please:laugh:
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.

    That's assuming the cashier has a union. Most retail and grocery stores in the US are non-unionized. If they were to try to fight to get the upsell and other type questions stopped, they'd lose their job. It sucks and is one of the reasons I am very happy to not work retail anymore
    Time to unionise. Bosses should not be able to scare people out of joining unions. Aren't you guys in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
    no offence meant

    "Bosses" have every right to resist unions as long as their actions are legal.

    Depending on the particular state, employees who wish to form a union have protections against reprisal. Unions in this day and time offer very little for the employee and nurture mediocrity in the work place. Government employee unions are incestuous and should be outlawed.

    The real outrage is in some states people are forced to join and pay dues to the union regardless of their feelings. The choice is join, pay dues, or lose your job.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    It should be a policy.
    I hated it when I was a cashier.
    It's so rude.
    Since they ignored me, I wouldn't talk to them except to get payment

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