It's NOT Just Calories In VS Calories Out!!!



  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I'm sorry "Rocbloa" but for weight loss or weight gain even, it is as simple as calories in, calories out, period.
    That was helpful. I'm glad you could share your insights and show everybody exactly what kind of person you are. Are your parents proud of you? This is a forum for helping people lose weight. Some people bring intelligent, productive things to the conversation. For those not smart enough to come up with honest, insightful, and intelligent things to say, please go bounce a ball somewhere.

    WOW! Someone's a little pissy aren't they. I'm sorry that you don't like it but that's the way it is. Eat over your BMR, gain weight. Eat under it, lose weight. I don't see how you can argue with that. Now body composition is something different entirely, but the very first sentence of your original post said "it's not jsut calories in vs. calories out for weight loss" and for strictly weight loss yes it is!

    Oh and by the way, yes, my parent's are very proud of me, thanks for asking! :drinker:
    I didn't change your name to something childish because i disagreed with you. This is a forum for people helping people, and i put myself out there to help. It's ok to respectfully disagree. Would you call me "rocbloa" if we were having a conversation in a different setting? If you are not here to help, and only here to act childish, then what kind of a man are you? Do your parents know who you really are? And from the picture, it looks like you are an adult!?!? Pathetic.

    First of all I didn't change your name because I was being childish, I mistyped it. But by the way you sound you don't make mistakes, although I am man enough to admit when I made one.

    Now back to your original post, you seem to be very angry with everyone that has disagreed with you in any way, shape or form, but the simple fact remains, for strictly weight loss it's calories in calories out. Don't get mad at me about it, I didn't design the system, you'll have to talk to the man upstairs about that.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm sorry "Rocbloa" but for weight loss or weight gain even, it is as simple as calories in, calories out, period.

    If you sleep deprive yourself, don't exercise, and only eat junk food, then it's going to be a lot harder to have the motivation to meet your caloric goals (especially in the long run). So while it may boil down to calories in calories out, there's much more to successful long term weight management than simply counting calories in/out.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I whole heartily agree with the fact that eating the right foods is much better than eating crap foods. If this were a perfect world we'd all eat 100% organic fruits, vegetables, and meats, but the fact is if all your concerned about is losing weight one of the easiest ways is calorie counting. I could eat 1500 calories a day of cookies until I reach my target weight and then eat 2100 calories of cookies a day to maintain. Obviously it's not healthy or safe for that matter, but it would work. I've lost 28 pounds in 60 days by doing nothing but counting calories. I don't exercise and I still eat a small amount of junk food almost everyday. I currently live a sedative lifestyle. I log what I eat and do my best to not go over.

    That is excellent, keep up the good work. Keep in mind though that if you're sedentary, a portion of that weight you lost was muscle. If you gain the weight back, it'll come back as all fat and you'll be worse off than you started. So while yes, weight loss is still technically based on calories in vs calories out, that's not the optimal mentality IMHO.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm sorry "Rocbloa" but for weight loss or weight gain even, it is as simple as calories in, calories out, period.
    That was helpful. I'm glad you could share your insights and show everybody exactly what kind of person you are. Are your parents proud of you? This is a forum for helping people lose weight. Some people bring intelligent, productive things to the conversation. For those not smart enough to come up with honest, insightful, and intelligent things to say, please go bounce a ball somewhere.

    WOW! Someone's a little pissy aren't they. I'm sorry that you don't like it but that's the way it is. Eat over your BMR, gain weight. Eat under it, lose weight. I don't see how you can argue with that. Now body composition is something different entirely, but the very first sentence of your original post said "it's not jsut calories in vs. calories out for weight loss" and for strictly weight loss yes it is!

    Oh and by the way, yes, my parent's are very proud of me, thanks for asking! :drinker:
    I didn't change your name to something childish because i disagreed with you. This is a forum for people helping people, and i put myself out there to help. It's ok to respectfully disagree. Would you call me "rocbloa" if we were having a conversation in a different setting? If you are not here to help, and only here to act childish, then what kind of a man are you? Do your parents know who you really are? And from the picture, it looks like you are an adult!?!? Pathetic.

    First of all I didn't change your name because I was being childish, I mistyped it. But by the way you sound you don't make mistakes, although I am man enough to admit when I made one.

    Now back to your original post, you seem to be very angry with everyone that has disagreed with you in any way, shape or form, but the simple fact remains, for strictly weight loss it's calories in calories out. Don't get mad at me about it, I didn't design the system, you'll have to talk to the man upstairs about that.
    And i said many times that the simple formula for weight loss/maintenance gain IS in fact calories in, calories out. I also said that there are many other factors involved. And this thread is for the newbies who think eating a 110 calorie cookie is the same thing as eating a 110 calorie grapefruit. You aren't new to losing weight, you already have the info you need, obviously, because you have lost 35 LBS according to your ticker. So why split hairs?

    And about the "system that the man upstairs created", he didn't create pop tarts and biscuits, he created fruits and vegetables. I'll take my calories from god-food over the exact same number of calories of man-food, any day.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Wow, is all I can say to all of this.

    All I know is that what I am doing works for me, and I can maintain this eating style for life. I try my best to eat as healthy as I can, but life happens and sometimes the food that enters my body isn't the best, but I am in it for the long haul. I don't need a quick fix.

    I eat 2300 calories a day, plus 300 for breastfeeding. I am eating at maintenance right now, and will be cutting at 15% in a couple of weeks. I am still losing at TDEE so I might be burning more than I think I am.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Wow, is all I can say to all of this.

    All I know is that what I am doing works for me, and I can maintain this eating style for life. I try my best to eat as healthy as I can, but life happens and sometimes the food that enters my body isn't the best, but I am in it for the long haul. I don't need a quick fix.

    I eat 2300 calories a day, plus 300 for breastfeeding. I am eating at maintenance right now, and will be cutting at 15% in a couple of weeks. I am still losing at TDEE so I might be burning more than I think I am.
    I love the "in it for the long haul" attitude!
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    nope, it is just that simple- actually.
  • RougeR93
    RougeR93 Posts: 3
    I have BSC in Bioscience and recently became extremely interested in nutrition so I AGREE 100%. The body is truly miraculous and very smart! It's all about chemicals, and how these effect signalling networks within the body.

    Oh, weight loss would be so simple if we all just jumped off all these ridiculous diet band wagons (keto, low carb etc etc) and just got back to B A S I C S.

    Hungry? Then EAT :) but make sure its REAL food!
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    When I ate processed food (with high fructose corn syrup and that other crap) and carbs, I didn't lose any weight. Now still with the same amount of calories I eat clean food and more protein and keep losing.......

    You sound like me.....totally agree with YOU!
    I know im 2 years late but i been reading this if you are not losing weight eating what you want while even in a deficit then thee is literally something wrong with your hormones. Because recently i been eating anything and working out thus remaining in a deficit and still losing fat.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    edited November 2014
    OK someone said 'god-food'
    Whoops I didn't see the date