I am going to GIVE UP like everyone else says



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    This thread is a comedy goldmine. I laughed all the way through the OP but the replies from the people who only read that, didn't realize it is a joke post then obviously skipped the other posts and are still giving heartfelt advice and encouragement 4 pages later are even more hilarious. Well played, OP.





    not funny.

    Exactly. "Meh."

    Mimicking a serious mental condition doesn't make the OP funny.

    totally not a gold mine...more like a sewer line...
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    this can't be serious...

    you ate some candy for the first time in 14 months and now you want to quit???

    bahahahahahahahaha please....I swear you people are funny....
    you read my mind. OMG you went over by 36 calories?? woopdie doooooo, go for a ten minute walk. bam gone.
    DONT GIVE UP!!!!!
    Nobody likes to feel crappy, but if you give up on yourself, you're always going to feel crappy.
    If I avoided candy etc for 14 months, I would be a miserable *****! :)
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member

  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I go over my calorie goal often. I have still lost a lot of weight. It really won't hurt to splurge or go over sometimes. In fact, it's even helped with my weight loss.
  • Wow! Get a Grip! You are HUMAN- Poor Meee's-No Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  • Don't give up! I was just telling my friend that the reason I'm finally losing weight is because I'm not beating myself up for the bad days. I used to be stuck and I couldn't even lose a pound because everytime I went on a diet I quit after a bad day telling myself the same things you are saying, that I would never be able to do it. Now after a bad day, I just tell myself it's alright and try to get back on track and I do. Every day is different, our days are not always perfect and we can't expect ourselves to be perfect either. :flowerforyou:

  • ETA2: more of OP's work this morning can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1035336-assistance-please

    HAHAHAHA! Full time trolling pedantic sycophant.
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Calm down people, lol. OP is obviously poking fun at those who take themselves too seriously, wouldn't necessarily assume he is a troll though. Seems to me to be an obvious joke even though it's gone over a lot of heads...
  • you weren't over by that much, we all go over because of certain things. I know I messed up Saturday, but heck, I started the next day off with a BANG! Don't give up , keep it going.
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    I hope you are joking. 1200 calories is not enough for anyone long term anyways.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    ima need you to remember that YOU ARE HUMAN and humans aren't perfect so what you went over 1200 calories one time, it happens, you are not a weakling and you should never give up! get up dust yourself off and keep on going.
  • Ashleyxjamie
    Ashleyxjamie Posts: 223 Member
    I feel like a total failure. I think i may just give up. I have had so much success overall but i just can't do it anymore. I had a M&M Halloween pack. I was doing so good!!! I avoided candy for like 14 months i think. I just feel like i should quit. I was unable to resist and for the first time i went over my 1200 calorie goal. I look at myself and i see a weakling. Someone that has no self-control anymore. Someone that will never make my goal weight. I only had 2 pounds to go but now who knows. After my failure today i just don't think i will ever make it. Not anymore. I just wish i had more self-control.

    I see all these guys that are big like me staying within their goals each day and now i feel like an outsider. Seeing that number be red really hurts at my core. I was hoping i would be strong enough to do this but know i just don't know. Most days i don't even know what to eat to get to my 1200 calorie limit but today i was over by 36. I am such a complete failure.


    Is this a joke.....
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    So you went off track...............

    Pick yourself up..........AND GET BACK ON IT!!!!!!!!

    You can do this.........COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • reneecooperman
    reneecooperman Posts: 8 Member
    I'm so glad you wrote this because this is how a lot of people feel when they mess up and it's just the truth to say how you feel. I also keep to 1200 cal/day. I'm 49 years old 5' 2", 125 pounds and sit at a desk for 8 hours + and I think that 1200 is perfectly reasonable for me and for lots of people. I get protein every 2 hours, bake my own protein breakfast muffins, drink a good amount of water and try to get in 30 min. of cardio (jogging or 1hr bike) every day. Don't let people freak you out. Most people in America eat waaaaay too much.

    As for messing up. Go ahead and feel bad, but the fact is, you have to still wake up and face the next day, and taking care of your health is all about self love. Losing the weight the first time is fun. Losing it again for the 15th time is a whole other ball game. I recommend you be prepared for that scenario. We're with you. You can still do it. You have to do it. We only get one precious body.
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for your help. I think i will be OK. Just got to get back on track you know. I really, really screwed up but i can still do this. Thanks.

    I think I love you. That is all.
  • BeckyW67
    BeckyW67 Posts: 20 Member
    You are are going to do great! I have gotten as far as I have because I did not deprive myself of anything! I have had chocolate, pizza, beer and even ice cream! If you don't allow yourself a taste of your favorite foods, even it it's just a bite, you could over-indulge at times and get to where you were, worrying about eating M&M's. Don't think of it as a Diet. Like Garfield said, "Diet is Die with a T." You are going through a life style change. Learning new ways of sustaining yourself with food. It's ok if you go over your calories once in awhile. It doesn't make any of us failures. It makes us human beings. Don't give up. You can do it if you want to. It's up to you and only you.
  • Via88
    Via88 Posts: 46
    You are over exaggerating completely....
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Honestly, as a dude sticking to 1200 calories a day, I bet your body was thrilled with those "extra" 36 calories. 1200 is the bare minimum for women - you should be eating more!

    Not a failure, and quitting certainly isn't going to help.

    Each day is a new day for a fresh start. Put on your big boy pants , recalculate your goals because you really should be eating more than 1200 a day (I'm a 45 year old chick, and I lose eating 1800+ calories a day!). Enter your numbers realistically - if you have less than 100 lbs to lose, don't put 2 lbs a week as your weight loss goal - .5 to 1 lb is sufficient.

    Then meet that daily goal, exercise, eating back what you burned (because this is how MFP works - daily deficit is built into the goal, so you need to eat back the exercise cals to avoid creating too large a deficit), drink plenty of water, and get good rest. Rinse, repeat. :bigsmile: And fit a bag of M&M's into your goals every so often - it's okay!

    But don't quit. That would just be silly.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I feel like a total failure. I think i may just give up. I have had so much success overall but i just can't do it anymore. I had a M&M Halloween pack. I was doing so good!!! I avoided candy for like 14 months i think. I just feel like i should quit. I was unable to resist and for the first time i went over my 1200 calorie goal. I look at myself and i see a weakling. Someone that has no self-control anymore. Someone that will never make my goal weight. I only had 2 pounds to go but now who knows. After my failure today i just don't think i will ever make it. Not anymore. I just wish i had more self-control.

    I see all these guys that are big like me staying within their goals each day and now i feel like an outsider. Seeing that number be red really hurts at my core. I was hoping i would be strong enough to do this but know i just don't know. Most days i don't even know what to eat to get to my 1200 calorie limit but today i was over by 36. I am such a complete failure.


    you ate a whole bag of MM's and you were only 36 calories over your goal for the day? Ummm is that all you ate?

    You don't know what to eat to get to 1200? I have 1200 for dinner sometimes. How about a steak and some roasted potatoes...

    two things here..

    1. This is a BS troll thread
    2. you have an eating disorder and should seek help...

    thats all I got...

    I agree...I think this is bs....
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