Customer On Mobile Refused Service



  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Not just rude, but you really should pay attention to checkout. Not that you'll be cheated, but legitimate mistakes are made. Things can be double scanned or the wrong produce number can be keyed. Much easier and less stressful to fix those as they happen than after your done with the transaction.
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    I don't think that an attendant should refuse service for someone on their phone. It's none of their business. On the other hand, as a customer, I get off my phone when I'm being checked out because I think it's so rude. I've been a chashier before and have had customers be rude by not getting off their phones, but I would never ever tell them I wouldn't take care of them. I would just scan their stuff real fast and get to the next customer.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    We get a lot of people at my store on cell phones, but a majority of them hang up or tell the person to wait when they get to the register. Many that are on the phone are buying for friends or parties (I work at a liquor store), so they're talking about what to get or things like that. If they're still on their phone at check-out, I just do things silently. If I need their ID, I'll say ID, but meh, usually they have it out already.

    Most people who come into my store are really friendly toward us, and enjoy having conversations with myself and my co-workers. My manager says it's because "they're getting their happy juice". I can imagine it's similar to being a bartender in that we hear all types of stories... :laugh:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Lots of customer service work history, including cashiering. I didn't care if people were on their phones so long as they paid me and kept things moving. It was kind of a relief to just have a minute's quiet time, actually.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Proper manners, more and more people seem to be lacking it.

    This!!! It seems that decorum in on a steady decline. :(
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190
    I think the cashier was on a power trip....OK so some think it's rude. What does the cashier have to talk to her about anyway? "Just keep scanning the groceries lady and I'll pay you when you're done" I use my phone for business and if an important client calls I am not going to hang up on them..... If a cashier ever told me to get off the phone or she won't check me out.....See ya. Go put all those groceries back then....Maybe it would be considered rude if you actually go somewhere where you HAVE TO talk to the clerk/cashier/ a bank, dry cleaners, etc... Otherwise I think this cashier was just being a b*&^%.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    It is part of my job to get at least 80% phone capture, and 50% email capture. If I skip through those steps without asking the customer for them and a manager sees, that's my *kitten*.
    Now this is what I find rude.
    It's not the cashiers fault but it is the fault of the business.
    I hate being asked this question every time I shop.
    If I've said no before I said no. live with it.
    The cashiers unfortunately have to live with being told to be rude to customers this way
    They should talk to the union.
    Some cashiers in Australia have managed to get the upsell and intrusive details type questions stopped thru negotiations.

    To be honest I totally agree. Do you really think I like hounding people for their freakin phone and email? If there's no manager around, I simply say "Feel like giving phone and email for coupons and promotions?" usually followed by a "Sure, it's..." or "No, thanks." At which point I skip it and give them the receipt. But because customers are apparently just letters and numbers, and employees are percentages, when there is a manager I'm forced into my spiel about "Oh, are you sure? We don't sell your information, we'll never call you, it's for demographic purposes blah blah blah" I hate even listening to myself saying it O.o It's really the only part of my job I dislike. I don't think it's really that rude when there aren't any managers around though. Just a simple Sure or No, thanks and I skip through it. and we're done.

    ETA: Did I mention that I'm also required not to actually ask, but to make it a statement? "Phone number, please." "Email, please." Again...these are things I only do when there's no manager.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    When I worked at Subway, people would actually try to hand me their cellphone so the person they were talking to could tell me what they wanted.

    Haha I had someone do this before, but with lingerie. She sent in her husband in and he handed me his phone. She wanted me to describe in detail all of the items she had on hold. I did it though, as there was no line and there were other cashiers anyway.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I work in a deli and it is super annoying when customers are on the phone and you have to say something four or five times because they're on their phones. It's also annoying when we call a number two or three times and no one answers, so we go on to the next one, then someone starts yelling we skipped their number. Well maybe if you weren't on the phone, you wouldn't have gotten skipped.
    OMG this! And policy was to call out the number 3 times in both french and english. Then move on to the next person and they would get so angry and complain that we skipped them.
    So glad this isnt my job any more!

    I do hate being asked for my phone number or email...or forced chitchat about the weather. Hi, yes, no, thank you is about as much as I want to interact. Im just anti social that way
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    When I worked at Subway, people would actually try to hand me their cellphone so the person they were talking to could tell me what they wanted.

    10 minutes ago, they were on the can pooping and playing angry birds on that same phone.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Where I work, there is no such policy. However, for me to do my job I must talk to you. If you are on your phone when you get to me, I politely stand there and stare at you with a pleasant smile on my face until you get off the phone. When you look at me like I have lost my mind, I politely say " I can wait for you to finish". See, now you are wasting your own time as well.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Should you be forced off of your mobile at checkout?

    In EVERY instance, yes. The people who have their phone attached to their ear like that are wallowing in self-improtance and completely disrespectful of other people's or company's time. Just like those who talk in movies, or at dinner, or any number of places. It is sad.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I try not to be on the phone when checking out at the grocery store, but i tend to ignore the person I'm on the phone with so that i can pay attention to the cashier anyways. so really for me i'm rude to the person i am on the phone with.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    as someone who works in shop, i cannot stand people who think that's it ok to talk on phone while they are being served. i work very hard and excellent customer service skills. but people regularly forget shop staff deserve respect. though it could also be argued people forget other people deserve respect
  • HouseWolf1960
    I think it's rude when a drive thru has a sign asking you to end all cell phone calls before you reach the window. And then you get to the window and the clerk is taking orders over their headset from people behind you the whole time they are taking your money and giving you your food.
  • apexgtp
    apexgtp Posts: 64 Member
    If a customer is on the phone when they are wanting service... just talk louder than they are at them. Interrupt their conversations when you need to ask a question.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    It's horribly rude to be on the phone while checking out. If it's an emergency, then people should kindly step aside and let others go before them until they are done with their business. It seems that in the past several years treating others with kindness and respect has taken a backseat.

    While I'm usually on my mobile a lot, I AM NOT while at the checkout counter, or at a drive thru window. Some people just think they're so important...That's that whole entitlement attitude. smh
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    it's the craziest thing ever, but this is what i do... are you ready to have your mind blown??

    "hang on a sec, i'm at the front of the line"

    This is me.... we are both brilliant!!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I think it's rude when a drive thru has a sign asking you to end all cell phone calls before you reach the window. And then you get to the window and the clerk is taking orders over their headset from people behind you the whole time they are taking your money and giving you your food.
    dumbest post of the day goes to ^^
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    It wouldn't bother me....just plunk your stuff down, check out, next, get off work, enjoy life

    just means less people i have to exchange inane drivel with :laugh:
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