Can't lose anything thanks to Depo Provera!!!



  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    YES you can! It will take effort but I am in the same boat on it for two years gained two stoned but by eating at deficit, doing cardio on a daily basis and basic (I'm not that strong yet) strength training 5 days a week the fat is coming off quicker than ever! Don't give up I was dieting for months before increasing my exercise - once or twice a week is not enough! Jump into it hit the floor running and you will see results, considering changing my jab...but haven't yet
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I've heard that about depo :\ I hate BC sooo much. I'm on it myself only b/c 3 is our max kids and I'm not getting pregnant again lol..I can't wait to be birth control free some day.

    you could always get your tubes tied instead of being on BC if you don't want anymore kids?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't know anything about your situation or lifestyle but I personally hated EVERY type of birth control I tried in the past including Depo Provera. It made weight loss harder and I also had an unwanted pregnancy while on it.

    My fiance had a vasectomy so I won't need to use birth control any longer.

    Obviously that does not work for everyone, especially if you do want (more) children someday!
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    My current ob/gyn told me she ONLY prescribes that crap for women who are underweight and even then doesn't like to give it. I was on it for over a year 9 years ago. At that time I had lost all my baby weight and was at my pre pregnancy weight. Depo made me gain an obscene amount of weight (like 60 pounds!) and it made me turn in to a basket case. I developed PMDD while on it and struggle with it to this day. Hope it's all working out for you and you are able to finally lose weight! I understand how frustrating it is.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I've heard that about depo :\ I hate BC sooo much. I'm on it myself only b/c 3 is our max kids and I'm not getting pregnant again lol..I can't wait to be birth control free some day.

    you could always get your tubes tied instead of being on BC if you don't want anymore kids?

    or my area, a vasectomy is $1,100 (my fiance's cost around $1,350 TOTAL) and tubal ligation STARTS around $3,000 and goes way up from there!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Honestly it really depends on the person. Depo is awful. My GYN wouldn't put anyone on it and only if they had tried everything else because she said the weight gain and problems she had with her patients were not worth it. I have a friend who was on it so long and got pregnant while on it. It caused alot of pregnancy problems leading to a premature baby. The doctors told her too that in their practice they only use Depo as a last resort. I am one of those people that just cannot take birth control. The ONLY one that worked for me was the nuva ring. Even Mirena caused urinary retention, anxiety, hair loss, etc. Other birth control caused low sex drive, weight gain, horrible mood swings.

    I see you said you are working with a nutritionist. Is this person licensed or certified? Because 1100 calories and then exercise is very low. I know my body will hold onto everything when I am not getting enough calories and when I take a week break and eat whatever, I drop 6 lbs. So, if you haven't already, I would invest in a HRM for better assessment of calories burned and if your not already, at least eat back some of your exercise calories. 1100 calories is very low especially for women and your body will hold onto everything to protect itself. You need more calories then that just to fuel your heart, lungs, etc. Talk to your nutritionist or get a new one.

    Don't give up and keep up the good work.

    I also got pregnant on Depo. Used it EXACTLY as my provider scheduled, and still got age 35, too! I've met several other women it happened to as well.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I hated Depo.... and after being on the mini-pill after the birth of my child... I would rather not be on progesterone only birth control... which is what both of them are... they both cause me to gain weight... while I admit I wasn't the healthiest with the former, there should have been no reason for me to have gained on the latter as I was eating healthy (because I was breastfeeding) and I gained all 11 pounds of my pregancy weight back.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have been on depo for about 6 years. In the first 5 years, I gained 50ish pounds, but that is a bit misleading because I NEEDED to gain about 20 of those. 5'9 and 120lbs is way too small, with no muscle, fat, or curves to speak of. I started to blame depo when I continued to gain, but when I started using MFP, I aimed for 1lb/wk loss and hit 1.1 over a long period of time. The calories mapped exactly to what I lost and gained. My hunger could very well have been affected, but I'm not really sure.

    I was late to get to my shot by a month or so a while ago (I was overseas), and it did seem like I lost a little definition in my abs, and my boobs got just a little bigger when I got the shot again. Anyone else notice something minor like this?
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    Yikes. After seeing this post I will never ever even consider the depo shot. I religiously have been taking birth control pills since I was 16 due to my periods lasting 4 weeks, off 2 weeks and coming back. Birth control fixed that problem and I refuse to go off of it until I want to have a baby. I have gained weight, but I'm not sure if the pills are at fault.

    That's really terrible that it may be completely preventing weight loss :(

    If I were you I would look at other options! That's awful.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Same problem for me. I am managing to lose a little bit through exercise. It is a problem and my Doctor did tell me that weight gain is a side effect.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I have been on depo for about 6 years. In the first 5 years, I gained 50ish pounds, but that is a bit misleading because I NEEDED to gain about 20 of those. 5'9 and 120lbs is way too small, with no muscle, fat, or curves to speak of. I started to blame depo when I continued to gain, but when I started using MFP, I aimed for 1lb/wk loss and hit 1.1 over a long period of time. The calories mapped exactly to what I lost and gained. My hunger could very well have been affected, but I'm not really sure.

    I was late to get to my shot by a month or so a while ago (I was overseas), and it did seem like I lost a little definition in my abs, and my boobs got just a little bigger when I got the shot again. Anyone else notice something minor like this?

    I noticed a slight ab definition too when I was late for my shot. Unfortunately it doesn't make my boobs any bigger! Shame for me :( lol
  • SidsMom80
    SidsMom80 Posts: 97 Member
    When I was on that, my doctors actually told me it in and of itself won't make you gain weight, at least not any more than any other birth control. It actually just increases your appetite which leads to over-eating and that's what causes the gain.
    Your doctors are either liars or idiots.

    Wow!! Everyone is different. It's a POSSIBLE side effect. I was on Depo for many years, and I lost alot of weight while I was on it, and I gain weight on it, then I'd lose again. My problem was me, not the BC.

    To the OP: Talk to your doctor if you're concerned, and maybe look into another option.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Everyone is different. When I was on Depo Provera I gained weight. My dr even told me it was a side effect. I switched to Mirena and finally lost weight. Try switching birth control methods and you may notice a weight loss. Good luck
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    Everyone is different. When I was on Depo Provera I gained weight. My dr even told me it was a side effect. I switched to Mirena and finally lost weight. Try switching birth control methods and you may notice a weight loss. Good luck

    I am switching from Depo to Mirena once i get into my Gyno - period wise for you was it the same?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've read many times (don't ask me to find the sources now, please) that Depo is one of the few forms of BC that definitely does cause weight gain in many women.

    The first time I was on it, I gained a little at first, but didn't much care, until "a little" became about 30 pounds. I'm not attributing ALL of that to the depo, because my weight wasn't a priority at the time and I ate like crap.

    I went off it for a while, and started up again last fall. No problems at all with the first injection, but right after the second, my weight jumped about 5 pounds. I was logging and exercising the whole time. Third shot, another 5 pounds. I'm not terribly upset with the weight gain - my clothes still fit - but I don't want that trend to continue, so it's condoms for now.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I maintained a healthy weight for years on the pill. Switched to the depo shot for convienience and gained 15lbs in a month. Had other terrible side effects and decided not to get the next shot. Went back on the pill and dropped the weight with no effort. Hormones can do all sorts of things to your body. To the people who say "it's not the birth control" think about this: Birth control alters your hormones to trick your body into thinking it's pregnant. Some women gain a significant amount of weight during pregnancy before their baby even weighs a pound. And they're not gaining pure body fat due to overeating. Blood volume increases, breast tissue increases. It's all hormones and how your body reacts to them. Everyone is different and what happens to some may not happen to others. That doesn't negate anyone's personal experience.

    Thank you so much! This is soooo true! So many people are insinuating I'm overeating or something but I'm not! I eat 1100 calories (fish, chicken, rice) and am exercising 1-3 hours a day. Obviously I'm doing everything right and the only change is the Depo. I'm not getting a period, either!

    If you're still not getting a period then the depo is still in your system. I've known women who were on the depo and it took 1-2 years for their hormones to even out after being on it.

    If you are exercising 1-3 hours per day and eating only 1100 calories, you may potentially have a negative calorie intake on some days. And even onthe days you don't have a negative calorie intake, you are are seriously undereating. So similar to an anorexic not getting their period because they aren't feeding their bodies, I'm concerned this may be the same thing you are experiencing. You need to adjust your calories to fit with your activity so you are eating more. You have slowed down your metabolism to a crawl and that is why you can't lose weight.
  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    A cancer specialist told myself and my sister that the Depo shot is one of the worst things a woman can put into her body. We both stopped getting the shot immediately and I have been able to lose and maintain much easier.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    The first thing to ensure is that your intake and expended are correct.

    Do you have a food scale and do you weigh ALL of your food? Do you log your drinks that have calories? Are you logging EVERYTHING. Are you using a HRM or the estimates for exercise on MFP? In my experience, nutritional info on the back of bags, underestimate portions by weight and MFP overestimates calories burnt typically.

    (eg: bag of potatos lists a potato as 150g, none in bag less than 190g)
  • I was on the depo for over a year after my son was born and I gained a substantial amount of weight. I would suggest not to take it. I also had the Mirena(IUD) but it felt bad and unnatural. I am off all birth control and is feeling much better even though my husband isn't as happy as I am to be off it. I have been dieting for 2 weeks and lost weight and that is keeping me going. Try to find something hormone free if you can.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I maintained a healthy weight for years on the pill. Switched to the depo shot for convienience and gained 15lbs in a month. Had other terrible side effects and decided not to get the next shot. Went back on the pill and dropped the weight with no effort. Hormones can do all sorts of things to your body. To the people who say "it's not the birth control" think about this: Birth control alters your hormones to trick your body into thinking it's pregnant. Some women gain a significant amount of weight during pregnancy before their baby even weighs a pound. And they're not gaining pure body fat due to overeating. Blood volume increases, breast tissue increases. It's all hormones and how your body reacts to them. Everyone is different and what happens to some may not happen to others. That doesn't negate anyone's personal experience.

    Thank you so much! This is soooo true! So many people are insinuating I'm overeating or something but I'm not! I eat 1100 calories (fish, chicken, rice) and am exercising 1-3 hours a day. Obviously I'm doing everything right and the only change is the Depo. I'm not getting a period, either!

    If you're still not getting a period then the depo is still in your system. I've known women who were on the depo and it took 1-2 years for their hormones to even out after being on it.

    If you are exercising 1-3 hours per day and eating only 1100 calories, you may potentially have a negative calorie intake on some days. And even onthe days you don't have a negative calorie intake, you are are seriously undereating. So similar to an anorexic not getting their period because they aren't feeding their bodies, I'm concerned this may be the same thing you are experiencing. You need to adjust your calories to fit with your activity so you are eating more. You have slowed down your metabolism to a crawl and that is why you can't lose weight.

    To add to this, in 3rd world countries where famine is prevalent, women have fewer to no menstrual cycles and birth rate is lower.
    On a genetic level its the same in women who work hard and eat too little, causing cortisol elevation (the bodies fight or flight mechanism.
    So on a genetic level, why would your body allow you to have children in a fight or flight situation?

    Also once she adapts to the current caloric intake and plateaus, the only way to lose fat would:
    1) reverse diet out of the deficit to calculated TDEE, possibly gaining back several pounds in a rebound effect.
    Then cut calories later after adapting to the higher caloric intake.
    2) lower caloric intake more.
    The second choice would see cardiac issues as well as higher muscular atrophy due to the body attempting to maintain what little energy it has, in adipose tissue.

    Again i'll offer to help OP figure out her numbers and a training frequency that works.
    However, it only looks like shes looking for someone to say its okay to do what shes doing.

    Pretty sad IMO.