

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just heard the GREATEST news and had to let you know!!!!! The doctor called ahead of schedule to let my niece know that Mariah's spinal tap results came back completely negative, no sign of cancer at all! :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: YAYAYAYYYYYYYYYY what a relief!! Her family is sooooo happy as you can imagine! We're all so thrilled, breathing big sighs of relief....my mom's stomach is feeling better now, too, with this good news. She's been a nervous wreck over the whole situation, it's been a tough couple of weeks! Thank you all a million times over for your constant good thoughts and prayers. What a great group you are. :flowerforyou:

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    :smile: jb
  • melodybeaulieubenge
    My name is Melody and I am 5o+. I am a mother of four, grandmother of 8. Step mother of 2. I have an illness that caused me to have to take the medicine "prednisone". This made me retain water and also made me very hungry. With that I gained a lot of weight. Today I do not take the medication and trying to be more healthy using foods, and herbs. I started out weighting175 and now I am 156. I can not seem to lose any more. My you have some ideas.

    I would like to wish you all a happy 4th!
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Just logged on to post my gym workout and catch a few posts. Did 35 minutes on treadmill, got my heart rate up to 140-145 for a short time. Seems like if I use the "standard" that would mean I was working at 84 - 88% of capacity. But my armband recorded only moderate exercise the whole time - not sure how to adjust for unhealthy weight & fitness, just seems wrong. Also did 2 sets of 20 ad machine at 30 lbs. - today that was a struggle. I'd meant to do some bike time to get to vigorous, but I was pooped out! Maybe tomorrow, not too worried about it. 2 more dog walks before the end of the day will also get me to or above 10,000 steps.

    - jb - Great news on the spinal tap results! What wonderful news & it'll give the fireworks a little extra meaning for you all!

    - Kat - fantastic job on the virtual 5 K, I like that idea and might have to put it on my list of things to try. When I remember, I open a Word doc and note name & what I want to say as I scroll through everyone's posts. BUT, that's when I remember :laugh:

    Enjoy the rest of the day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today Jake fixed food that he had shopped for…….giant Hebrew National hot dogs made on the George Foreman grill (no bun for me), sauerkraut (cooked in the microwave), salad with spinach, tomato, peppers, onion, and garlic, corn on the cob, and watermelon. There was so much food that we haven’t eaten the corn or the watermelon yet. We were invited to two barbecues with nice people, grilling, and potluck but I wanted to stay home. We worked in the yard and walked the dogs and spent time together.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I love scones but don’t eat baked goods any more…….I loved reading about yours.

    :flowerforyou: Crittersue, when I took my dogs for a walk we could hear the sounds of fireworks close enough to possibly be happening in our “fireworks free” neighborhood. I resisted my impulse to track them down and instead took the dogs home where they are now napping peacefully on the living room carpet. We have A/C so we keep the windows closed so noise from outside is minimal.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, one of the things I admire about you is your tenacity…….you work at things until you get them right……I’m thinking of how you keep trying and improving recipes, how you kept working at getting the pictures to post, and how you continue to reach out with love to your son even when he bites the hand you stretch out.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, it is possible to refuse to eat treats at someone else’s house….just be firm and do it with a smile.

    :flowerforyou: Maureen, you can join the squat challenge any time….either start at day one or wherever in the sequence…..the challenge will start over at the end of the 28 days. Here is the link

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, my husband gave up diet soda “cold turkey” over four years ago. He even gave away a 12 pack so there would be none in the house. I didn’t think he’d be able to stick to it, but he has.

    :flowerforyou: Kat, I have a word document to write my reply and I go back and forth between windows…..some days I reply to everybody, some days I reply to a few people, and some days all I do it talk about myself….I love your change of attitude and your tenacity at finishing the 5K.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, when we got Bernie as a kitten I bought a harness and a leash for him and tried to train him to walk, but either he hated it too much or I wasn’t a good enough trainer, but it didn’t work. As much as I love the fantasy of walking all three animals together, the reality would be more than I could handle…..they are all very self willed.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jb, that is awesome news about Mariah

    :flowerforyou: Melody, welcome…..you’ve made an awesome start on your weight loss journey……there will be lots of good ideas on this thread about healthy eating and exercise…..keep coming back and reading and asking questions…..and do not be discouraged

    :flowerforyou: Janie, don’t get too caught up in the different measurements of exertion, just keep showing up and being as active as you can and you’ll see the progress over time.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

    July Resolutions:
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *continue with the squat challenge
    * a plank a day
    *18,000 steps a day
    *don’t take things personally
    *don’t expect praise or recognition
    *keep doing the things that have been working

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy 4th to everyone in the US. We had a relatively healthy BBQ at my sisters. The day before my DD baked up a storm (we were also celebrating 3 family b-days and family tradition is everyone gets to pick their favorite dessert which my DD and/or I make since we are the bakers). So we also had carrot cupcakes, pecan tassies and ugly babies (my mom used to make a German chocolate pound cake that would get a very "ugly" cracked top which the kids called ugly cake...we converted the recipe to cupcakes and so they they are now know as ugly babies - and quite yummy.:love::love:

    DH, DD and I went on a bike ride this morning so we'd have enough calories for all these desserts :laugh:

    Went to the parade with the family after we ate and then back to my sisters house to exchange gifts. She has lost a lot of weight with MFP so I'm going to take her shopping for new jeans when she is ready (my gift to her is a pair of jeans and cute top).

    Now we are back home - our furbabies are frightened of the fireworks so we wanted to be home for them

    jb - what wonderful news about Mariah!!!!:heart::heart:

    Michelle - beautiful pool and glad you got the picture posted at last :smile: so happy to hear Bryan is being more responsive :heart: Also, turns out my sister and her family are big fans of Mexican Train (which I had never heard of prior to meeting you on this thread!). They are going on vacation with us to AZ next year and she promised to bring a set and teach us how to play

    Heather - Whoo Hooo. Now you have to post a picture of you in your new "blue" jeans...so happy they fit and you feel great in them :drinker:

    Barbie - loved the pics of the fur babies :flowerforyou:

    Kat - Thank you for sharing what your conselor shared with you - very eye opening

    Welcome to so many newbies!

    I spent so much time reading the posts I've run out of time to respond. Know I'm thinking positive thoughts for all my VitF pals even if I didn't have time to respond to you individually

    Have a great evening. Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    BTW you can find the squat challenge by searching for this: TOPIC: Let's motivate each other! 4 week squat Challenge 6/12/13
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Big Stockings - welcome! You have great goals. You might want to make your lunch the day before and keep it in the refrigerator. I know how in the morning I don't have a lot of time. Just something to think about

    maureen in TX - I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Fantastic weight loss for June! No, no other home has access to our pool. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac. There are two lots (undeveloped) at the end. Honestly, I don't think the lot next to us will ever get developed. There is a BIIIIGGGGG dropoff, so in order to build the land would have to first be filled in and that would cost lots. There are power lines next to us, so even tho we own that land, we can't build any permanant structure on the easement. We have about 1-3/4 acres. We did built the detached garage a few years ago.

    Heather - I'm so so proud of you going out in your garden. Oh, how wonderful about your jeans! Oh happy day!

    Pat - the only problem is that the entire pic (and I don't know why) didn't post. You can't see the pergola or the lights that Vince installed. I'll get it yet one of these days. Of course, I may be 80 by that time....lol

    Happy 4th!

    Juanita - I wish I could get some of the other pics to post or even the whole pic. I don't know why that's happening. I also need to learn to resize -- can someone give me step-by-step directions?

    Gail - road trip sounds great to me! You're more than welcome. That's so sweet of you to offer to shovel rock. Not sure when we'll be able to get the last load.

    Eileen - to tell you the truth, shoveling that rock in a way was therapeutic for me. It helped to keep my mind off Bryan. Sometimes I would think about him and work harder just to get as much done as possible to be able to show him a pic. I know that I've been stress eating, but that's probably helped to keep me from really gaining

    All you North Carolinears - have you been having real weird weather today? We have. One minute it'll rain cats & dogs, the next the sun will be out. We were reading where in NM they actually had HAIL! There were pics of plows. Mother nature sure does need to adjust her meds! According to the paper, we're 50% over our average rainfall. Vicki - you sure can have some rain, as much as you want...lol

    Today Lance actually went downstairs! Shadow was out in the livingroom. Of course, she went back into the bedroom, but they're coming out and getting more and more comfortable. Just wish Lance wouldn't spend so much time behind or under the couch.

    Vicki - great inches lost. That means so much more than what the scale says.

    Kat - that's how I keep up with this board, I keep two windows open and then cut & paste at the end. That's just so wonderful what you did on the elliptical!!!

    Joyce - safe travels

    Rori - I agree with you. Pre-MFP I would many times treat going out (to someone's house, an event, whatever) as a time when I could just "let go". Not right now. These MFP voices keep me in line (well, most of the time). What's that saying "shhhhh, I'm listening to the voices in my head".....lol Wonderful NSV! I'm glad Janet was with you, too. We're going to have a Newcomer social on Aug. 24. In some ways it's actually harder to have one in summer than in winter. At least in winter I know that everything will be indoors. In summer, I have to have a plan for outdoors but also a backup plan in case it rains. With as much rain as we've been having, we'd better not have rain! Really love that animated cat

    kathy - hope your toe isn't broken, too

    jb - how absolutely positively wonderful! Doing a happy dance. Thanks so much for sharing. God certainly works wonderfully!

    Melody - is your diary open? Welcome!

    I made these donuts today. They're baked. I'm surprised at how good they are. I did put powder sugar on them right after they came jout of the oven, but it seems to have soaked into the donut. Not sure if it's because I have them in a glass-domed cake dish or if it's because I put it on while the donuts were still warm. So I just put some more powder sugar on them (and had to have one while I was doing so -- they are so good). We shall see what they are like tomorrow.

    Tomorrow we're supposed to go to a friend's house. They're celebrating their 50th (yes, you read right) anniversary. I made some pizza logs from SkinnyTaste to take with me along with some wine cookies. She's very Italian and from the recipe online these are Italian. Well, truth be known, I didn't have enough wine. The recipe called for 1/2 cup and I only had 1/4 cup. So I used the 1/4 cup and added 1/4 cup water. They're going to baptize their grandchild in the morning so I really need to get some gifts. She said she had something for me to give Diana, and I asked her not to. Told her that I really hadn't told people this, but then I told her how we weren't allowed to talk to Diana etc. etc.

    I'm thinking (maybe wrongly), really hoping, that one reason Bryan is communicating with us is not only that he's maybe less stressed, but also hopefully he realizes that he does need us. See, he needed 2 copies of his birth certificate with an apostile. Well, the state of NJ (where he was born) screwed up, sent two birth certificates but without the apostile. We're thinking that he'll need that for when he gets his American equivalent to a green card. Who knows? I'm not sure when in August his visa expires. Guess we'll just take it one day at a time. I'm sure he'll get it in time. So we sent them (NJ) the apostile form. Will they get it right this time? Who knows? Whatever God has planned is what will happen, that's the way I'm thinking.

    I was so tired today that I took a 4 hour nap. Not sure why I was so tired, but I was.

    Did anyone get a friend request from someone by the name of "his eminence"? I did, but I haven't accepted yet. That screen name just sounds "fishy" to me. I could be wrong, and I probably am. Has anyone had any experience with this person?

    kat - wonderful attitude change!

    jodios - what a nice gift for your sister! Mexican train dominoes is really easy to learn. I think I learned after playing it just twice. To me, the hardest part is having to count up all the points at the end. I understand that there is a dominoe set with the numbers instead of the dots on the dominoes. That would be neat to have

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Let's see if this one works:


    How do you resize ?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Oops, I see an "IMG" that I didn't put into lower case. Let's try this once again

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    There's ANOTHER one that I didn't see:


    Now how do you resize?
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Michelle - I got the same invite from HisEminence. Since I had no clue who he was or how he found me I declined his invitation. Jodios
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    No, I didn't move or delete the image. Why does that come up? ANd how do you resize?

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    OK, I'm going to stop. Hopefull, SOMEONE will tell me why I get that "moved or deleted" note and tell me how to resize the photos.


    Oh, jodios - thanks for telling me. Wonder how he did get our names. Well, he probably did some kind of search
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Let's see if I did, in fact resize this one:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Nope, I "moved or deleted" this pohoto. NO I DIDN'T!!!!! I'm going to check out tinypic like jodios suggested
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    OK, ONE more time, this time at tinypic:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Hey, that worked! Oh, I'm so happy, And looks like I don't even have to resize it. Happy Happy day!

    The part that is still red clay will be riverrocked as well as the area around the pergola that's over the equipment pad. We just have to wait for the next delivery.

    Nitey nite all
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Marvelous looking pool, enjoy!

    Okay, the day's not over; haven't done the night time dog walk, but I've got over 11,693 steps! Granted some of them were very slow, especially right after the gym today, but I don't care, passed 10,000!

    janie - Pacific NW
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :frown: Can't believe I am back at work on Monday, I've really enjoyed my 2 weeks off work.

    :noway: Last week we were on the Norfolk Broads on a boat. Spent most of the week in a state of anxiousness :ohwell: can honestly say the 'life on the ocean wave' is not for me! :bigsmile: It was an adventure I suppose, but pity the weather was so unsettled - we had some strong winds, which made the boat difficult to steer, (I was always glad when we moored up and got off the boat).

    :drinker: This Sunday I am doing the "Race for Life" in Hull with my sister in law Helen and her daughter Tracy. We've done it for the last few years now - it's a race for women to raise money for cancer charities, and have races all around the country. We don't run, we walk it taking Tracy's two children with us too. Last year we decorated the pushchair.

    :flowerforyou: Love the pictures of the pool and the fur babies, it's got me thinking that I'll try and post one from the holiday (from hell!) only kidding it wasn't that bad and I can laugh about it now I'm safely back home on "dry land". I might try and post a picture from the race for life too - getting very ambitious :bigsmile:

    Have a great day
    Love Viv from Sunny York UK
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    My NSV for this week: a couple months ago I bought several items in my “next” size (down). This morning I tried on one of the skirts and it fit perfectly. A couple pants/skirts are just ‘this’ shy of fitting but I’m confident they will in the next week or so. The skirt was NOT black - - fuchsia and purple, thank you very much! :wink:

    JB – More great news about Mariah – Yay!

    ElaineRN – Welcome and congrats for your loss so far! This is a terrific group of fun, funny and supportive women. Read/post often

    Michele – It’s lovely in your yard, now I want to go swimming :wink:

    BigStockings &
    Maureen B – Welcome to our group, come back often for laughs and words of wisdom!

    Heather – Yay for royal blue skinny jeans (that fit)!!!!!! Congrats :flowerforyou:

    Kat from MD – Wow, great work on the Arc Trainer!!!! The way I take part is I open a Word document and move back and forth with my comments as I’m reading, then I just copy and paste into my reply here. Haven’t lost a post yet (save as you go)

    Vicki in NE – Awesome success on your inches lost! I wish I’d taken a baseline when I started, but I didn’t :grumble:

    Rori – Love that you not only embrace but celebrate the pink shorts (thanks Jane!!!). Great NSV at the ballpark too

    Janie - Awesome steps!!!!!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “If you wait, all that happens is you get older.”
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    morning ladies,
    I am up early, and hitting the gym before I go out with my friend Doris...and we are going out to lunch, I have learned to sort of judge what kind of food I can eat...if we go to a seafood place will try and get something baked without and butter and have veggies and the salad.. going to have a yogurt once I get back from the gym...
    So excited for all of you getting new clothes, isn't it wonderful?
    Michelle- that pool looks awesome, if I lived closer I would be visiting alot!!!!
    well we have to bring baked beans and a veggie platter sunday to a picnic, Is there any recipes for low fat baked beans?
    well off I tootle to the gym, come home,take a shower and pic Doris up ..