So how much over were you for the 4th?



  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    About 200 under.
  • wrascoe1
    wrascoe1 Posts: 2
    Didn't do to much eating. Went to the gym first thing yesterday and burned 596 calories just in case i ate to much.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Did the math/finished logging. I was 190 calories over.

    Not NEARLY as bad as I thought...considering how much I drank. Lol.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I went for a run in the afternoon, and ended up about 165 calories under for the day. But I am at maintenance now so I have room to play with.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Did moderately well! I'm actually super proud of myself. I ate everything I wanted, but didn't eat more than just a little bit of each thing.

    That's what I try to do on special occasions. In our case, we had no plans at all so I made it one of my 5:2 fast days. I did well with that despite a 20-mile bike ride and 20 minutes in the pool later, so definitely a nice calorie deficit. Back to normal eating today.
  • sw0301
    sw0301 Posts: 46 Member
    Under by 192 :)

    Got 782 from my early morning workout!!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Well I said this elsewhere- we had a work event ( I'm not in the US) that happened to be on the 4th, and it was a catered BBQ. I planned for it - had a good workout before, had a lighter breakfast, and the at the BBQ iahd chicken , steak and kebabs, lots of salad and grilled veg, and a small piece of watermelon. I didn't have hummus, bread, couscous, potatoes or dessert. I estimated the meal at 1069 cal. The two good things that came out of the day:
    1. I felt great! The food was scrumptious and I enjoyed a great meal with great company. I didn't feel at all deprived or like I am being" punished". I didn't get that urge to "compensate" myself because I missed out. I *didn't* miss out - I had a great time.

    2. I woke up with a weight loss! I know, fluctuations, look at the weekly picture blah blah but dammit I am embracing this loss as a prize for being good.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Right on target. I'm boring like that.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I was under, but I'm just getting over being sick and injured so I didn't really have an appetite until this morning. And since my total intake for Tuesday and Wednesday together was under 1200 (I know, not good, but I slept for 2 days straight with a back injury and fever) even if I had been over, I'd have been OK for the week.
  • I was not over at all. but I think the only reason is because I have a stomach virus and basically the only thing I can eat is soup. but in a sense I was lucky because my and made her famous white bean/fennel soup which is extremely healthy and taste. I was under my calorie goal by a few hundred unfortunately.
  • Runmaster12
    Runmaster12 Posts: 4 Member
    I was 180 calories over my goal. I am using that as inspiration to stay on track today!
  • buttercup68110
    buttercup68110 Posts: 86 Member
    I didn't even bother to count my calories on the fourth. For one day I ate and drink (mostly alcohol and water) whatever I wanted.I didn't even feel bad since its one of my rare times I jumped off the wagon. Now that the holiday is over its time to get back to workout mode and back into eating right.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    Under by 198! Yay! I did eat back most of my workout calories though... :)

    Got 986 from my early morning workout!!
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    NoExcusesAllProgress Posts: 159 Member
    I was smart and went for a 5 mile trek first thing in the morning. Worked well, since I was still under for the day!
  • Xeldadog
    Xeldadog Posts: 15 Member
    I went about 800 over. Even though I ran in the morning, what killed me was not planning for lunch. By the time we arrived at the picnic, I was really hungry; everybody wanted a hot dog so I had one too. Hot dogs make me feel crappy, but I ate one anyway. *Always do that--eat something I shouldn't because everyone else is* I also had a homemade hamburger for dinner, however my husband bought piedmontese beef which is the leanest beef you can purchase. I'm a grazer when it comes to eating. Holiday picnics offer fertile ground for me to graze :(.

    On the upside, I'll have exercised 6 days this week and moving on to W4 D1 on C25k!

    Not going worry about those deviled eggs and Doritos. :)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Well I said this elsewhere- we had a work event ( I'm not in the US) that happened to be on the 4th, and it was a catered BBQ. I planned for it - had a good workout before, had a lighter breakfast, and the at the BBQ iahd chicken , steak and kebabs, lots of salad and grilled veg, and a small piece of watermelon. I didn't have hummus, bread, couscous, potatoes or dessert. I estimated the meal at 1069 cal. The two good things that came out of the day:
    1. I felt great! The food was scrumptious and I enjoyed a great meal with great company. I didn't feel at all deprived or like I am being" punished". I didn't get that urge to "compensate" myself because I missed out. I *didn't* miss out - I had a great time.

    2. I woke up with a weight loss! I know, fluctuations, look at the weekly picture blah blah but dammit I am embracing this loss as a prize for being good.

    Great job! It's really important to learn how to deal with those occasions, and I also enjoy small portions of meat, much larger portions of salads and veggies, and avoid most of the starches. Socializing helps, too- it's not all about the food.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I added an extra workout to compensate for the extra later. No ribs, but we did have buttered popcorn and I was still in a calorie deficit. I get worried when I do not have my deficit so I always try, plan, rework, or just add an little more exercise for the end of the day.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Today was the day for BBQ's, potlucks, and dinners with friends, a day most people probably planed to go over and not be to worried about it. So how much were you over?
    There are so many holidays throughout the year if I planned to go over on holidays I'd never have made it this far. It was just another day food wise.
  • astitchinthyme
    astitchinthyme Posts: 22 Member
    I was over by about 1000, almost double my calorie budget. MFP has really opened my eyes to quantity/quality of food values, and made me realize how I have gotten to the point I have. It was shocking to see how many calories and sodium I got from that one Zaxby meal yesterday. I had my scales and measuring cups out this more guessing!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    It was my sister's birthday, so I didn't log dinner, but I had lots of sushi, including the kind with fried stuff in it, and they gave us banana tempura with chocolate syrup and ice cream that was to die for. So I probably went over like 500-600 calories. I resisted having cake though, and I was proud of that.