Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    There are to many to count but the one that sticks out happened 33 years ago. Seventh grade math and we had a sub. I was teased quite a bit during my school years because of my weight. This particular day one of the boys decided to play on my name a bit while we had a sub. My maiden name is Long. Jerry went up to the chalkboard and wrote "Christy W I D E". Of course the entire class erupted in laughter. Kids can be so mean but that has stuck with me and to this day still hurts.
    I wonder what Jerry is up to these days....hmmmmmm.... :tongue:

    Jail. :devil:

    You do not look old enough to have done anything but wear diapers 33 years ago.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I had someone today tell me "I was gonna ask for your number but then I saw your body, you'd be pretty if you weren't fat"... Urm thanks but my boyfriend thinks I'm pretty already!
    And a fee months ago a man told me that I was part of the nations obesity problems because I fared to eat a gummy sweet in public.. *sigh*
  • wmako
    wmako Posts: 36 Member
    My husband once blamed my weight for causing his depression. I'm about 20 pounds overweight and apparently this is enough to cause him to go into a severe depression. I told him to go to therapy and get on some meds or else I was leaving. It still makes me cry when I think about it.
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    The winters here are brutal- like record snow fall, and minus 35-45 degrees celcius isn't out of ordinary so people dress up for it.

    Since I refuse to pay for parking downtown, I bus it. It's cheaper and greener. ($150/month minimum for close outdoor parking, vs a $40 bus pass for a month).

    So I was waiting for the bus, and wearing a heavy winter jacket, mitts, scarf, hat, etc. And it was WINDY- so of course the bus pulls up and everyone races to form a line to get on their bus and a boatload of people let me go first. I was freezing and grumpy, and just accepted their kindness and got on. I was suspicious that they may have thought me pregnant so when I got home I left my gear on, checked myself out in the mirror and was horrified to see that not only were my suspicions confirmed but that I looked MEGA PREGGERS. (Without the jacket I just looked fat, but I had always avoided mirrors so I made myself ignorant of what I actually looked like.)

    So the following day I started my weight loss journey. And no one (not even when I'm belly dancing with my pudge way out there) has ever thought me pregnant since. I also have to wait in line like the rest of the people to get on my bus (now summer so we're at 30-38 degrees above. Nice and sweaty)

    I vowed that the next time people think I'm pregnant, I better damn well be pregnant vs gaining weight like a hibernating bear.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Oh goodness. I have so many stories that it makes me wonder why I haven't crawled into a coffin and disappeared!

    My most recent story took place at Lane Bryant. My sister, and niece were flying out from West Virginia and we were heading to California for a Disney vacation. I all ready knew we were planning a beach trip, so I went to Lane Bryant to buy a swimsuit. I had seen some really cute suits on their website, and I am a very big girl. I gained a lot of weight back from my original weight-loss success (had lost 70lbs...) and I knew my size pretty well.

    Well, I asked to try on a size 22 because it was a little bigger than what I wear. I went into the dressing room and wanted to die. I could not get the swimsuit over my thighs! A size 22 and I couldn't slip into it. Needless to say I was dieing of embarrassment when I went outside and wore a fake smile. I put it away, and said that I didn't like it and then when I got out to the car informed my fiance that it didn't fit me. I was so embarrassed.

    I did end up finding another bathing suit, same size... and it fit beautifully.

    Another, older story is from winter. I was still thinner than I was when I tried on the bathing suit and we went out to watch my FMIL's friends kids ice-skate. Well, when I was getting in the car, I ended up getting in the car and ripping my jeans. You could hear them rip. Talk about bad luck! :(
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Lady. At kohl told me my size was in plus size not juniors. Really I knew that I was shopping for my daughter. I am in juniors now so no worries. Its strange Ive lost 60 lbs and I see myself the same. Others don't. I use to be scared to shop because I thought people would say I'm in the wrong area. But they don't make comments like that to me anymore thank God.

    Had that happened at the one in WV, that would have been grounds for disciplinary actions or termination for that employee if they were heard saying that. How rude!!!

    I know I got tons of disgusted looks when I would shop for my sister or friends in Victoria Secret (even to just purchase a gift card sometimes!). It's like, 'What? You don't think I have a mirror at home that tells me I don't fit the worlds so called ideal body size?' :-\ Why is it, people are so...evil?
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 270 Member
    What a nasty comment from your boyfriend/husband. Mine wouldn't dare to say something like that.

    For the humiliating fat experience: In my previous company the rumor went around that I was pregnant...... I didnt know about this, but when I started losing weight and when I was longer in the company someone accidentally told me so while we had a group conversation. The whole group had to laugh so apparently was involved. I also know some people of other departments had the same thoughts, so I think the whole building spoke about it (about 90 people).

    I think I get asked at least once a year (since i'm 12) if I'm pregnant based on how my stomach looks. I hate it!!

    The same thing happened to me. I'm 5'2 and at the time the rumor was going around, I was 135 pounds. I had to threaten to turn in the guy I think started the rumor for harassment because he wouldn't shut up about it and was making fun of me. When I reach my goal weight, I'm debating over whether or not I should rub it in his face.
  • Jennaissance
    Jennaissance Posts: 212
    A week or two after I became engaged, I broke my foot. The wedding was exactly 8 weeks after the break and the first day I was okayed to walk without crutches. I got the dress the day before I broke my foot. When I tried it on a week before the wedding it didn't fit. Luckily they had it in a size larger and I was able to exchange it. Trying it on in my crutches, even the lady behind the counter was sympathetic. I was married the heaviest I've ever been and while most people hope to fit in their wedding dress forever I hope I never fit in mine again. In those two months prior to the wedding I gained almost 40 pounds and I have 25 or 30 to lose still to this day. That dress motivates me like nothing else. So do the wedding pictures. I know it was my special day but I feel like I'm looking at a stranger. I'd like to keep it that way.
  • sshilcr
    sshilcr Posts: 3
    It was right after I gave birth to my daughter. I had gained 50 lbs--she was very large and so was I. I only lost 10 lbs of it after
    childbirth. I went from a size 9 to a size 16 in less than a year. We had just moved to San Diego and one of the workers was
    helping me unpack. When he came across one of my cute jackets he told me you can't wear this! I said there was a time
    when it fit me. He told me if he was my husband he would tell me to lose weight. I would love to see how this worker looks now
    after 26 years ago. People say the cruelest things to people and don't even get it.
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    I am a very proportional hour glass shape but with a protruding stomach. I get asked frequently, "when are you do?" I have never been pregnant.

    Another one is a friend who called me out for dressing like a grandma (dressing modestly to cover up) and then publicly told me she was glad I stopped dressing like a grandma when I lost weight. I was wearing the same outfit. It's amazing how losing weight makes you look less frumpy, but it was absolutely humiliating for her to point it out both times..
  • griffith5150
    griffith5150 Posts: 123
    My most humiliating experience, was when I had to borrow my dad's jacket because I forgot mine and I realized I couldn't fit in it. I had became bigger than my father.
  • Itsmylifenow13
    Itsmylifenow13 Posts: 20 Member
    My fat moment was I went to see my family in Colo 3 years ago. we were going out to dinner and my brother asked me to ride with him I hadn't seen him in a year so I thought cool we can catch up! I went to put the seat belt on in his car and it didn't fit I was sooooo embarrassed!!! I must have turned 12 shades of red. :laugh: :blushing:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    The worst one that sticks with me is being 14 yrs old and in 9th grade gym class and some 8th grade boys sitting on the floor near the girls' locker room and saying "Whoa, those girls are SO fat" and "I know, wow" about my friend and I. I'm not sure why but that sticks with me more than anything else ever. I'm sure part of it was those boys were still so young-looking, like 4' something tall and under 100 lb and we were tall, very big girls with figures of grown women. But I could tell by their tone that they did NOT intend for us to hear them in the echo-y gym, and it was just mortifying.
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    Mine is from yesterday.

    I started talking to a really nice guy online. I made him aware of my size, that I was losing weight and I was self-conscious about it. He said he didn't mind and he liked me for who I was anyway. I met with him and we went for coffee. He said he had left something in the car and ran to get it. He didn't come back. It was the most awkward and humiliating moments of my life.

    This was compounded by him giving my number to his friend to call me up riduculing me for my size and my "friend" saying 'Well I'm not surprised he ran looking at you.' Awful. I still haven't recovered from it.

    Wow I'm so sorry. It would be bad enough if he just left but having his friend call you and ridicule you about your weight is unnecessarily cruel. How old was he, 16? Ridiculously childish. And I think you are very beautiul! I don't know what is wrong with your "friend" to say something like that!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Stood in line for three hours to ride The Batman roller coaster at Six Flags in St Louis. When I was getting into the ride, I was too fat and had to make the walk of shame off. Didn't get to ride it after all those hours in line. Humiliating and hurt beyond words. My family got to ride it, though. And that's all that really mattered to me.
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?


    No I do not find them motivating...
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Being spit on by boys at school, being screamed at by a carload of young men who were making fun of my size, being humiliated by both of my husbands about being fat? Being told by a former best friend that she couldn't believe how fat I had gotten, being called pregnant when I wasn't? Not riding the rides at amusement parks because I can't fit, wearing all black all the time to try to hide the fat, wearing the largest size in the house?

    Take your pick.
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Dear Mallory, You are beautiful on the inside and outside! Find a suit that YOU LIKE, wear it, and have fun! You don't have to be the perfect size to wear a suit! I hope and pray that you will reach your goal, but realize life is what happens a long the way, it's not a destination! Take good care of yourself! A fitness pal friend, Nancy :flowerforyou:
  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    my favorite one by far still has to be the time i had to "run" from one side of the building to the other for an emergency and i hear a customer yell "you know for a fat chick, you're pretty damn quick"! i turned red but kept on going but i can still hear that in my head and use it for motivation
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I have been heavy for all of my adult life and my most humiliating experiences have been people asking me if I was pregnant and/or when my baby was due. I've never been pregnant. Thankfully a change of job has stopped that. It was all from tactless overnight customers at anywhere from 1-3 in the morning. I hated it so much.

    The first few times I just let it roll off my back but after hearing it about once a month for 6 months I finally broke down and cried.

    But thankfully like I said I haven't encountered it again, knock on wood.