Embarassing Moments with Children



  • audra0831
    audra0831 Posts: 244
    On vacation with the kids, then aged 7 and 5, in the middle of a restaurant they start singing at the top of their lungs:

    ♫ ♪ When you've got nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea...Pepto Max! ♫ ♪
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am kidless and will that way......

    as a youngster, maybe 5. was at my grandmothers house as she had her church group over to play cards. i had asked if they wanted to hear any jokes. when they said yes, i proceeded with the following:

    whys a fire truck red? if someone was pulling your hose all day youd be red too

    whys a pool table green? if someone was racking your balls all night youd be green too

    everyone thought gram was to young to have a stroke.....

    was at dinner with my friend and her daughter. since the daughter wouldnt eat i challenged her to a race who could eat their food the fastest. if she won, i would buy her ice cream at dairy queen.

    i let her win so ice cream it was. walking back to the car everyones all happy especially the little one when she missteps on a speedbump. down she goes, ice cream and all. she starts crying and in perfect sync with the moments between sobs she farts. loudly. i immediately start laughing as the couple who were sitting outside looked at me like i was the most terrible parent on earth
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    When my sons were 4 and 1 (now they are 24 and 21) we were in Montgomery Ward and I was trying to find a dress and my oldest was pushing his little brother around in the stroller. He ran into a rack of clothes knocking it over into another rack of clothes and taking it out, too!! I can laugh now, but i was crying that day!! lol
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    "aloud to touch it"???????????????? REALLY???????????
    Dear God............what is wrong with you??????? Please report this person; this screams "grooming".

    While i appreciate the concern and im sure my daughters father enjoys being painted as a child molester i can tell you with out a doubt there was no hidden meaning behind my daughters story other than she had a bath with her dad...end of story.

    So you're ok with her bathing with him AND touching his penis? I don't get it. How is that ok???

    Yes i am fine with my daughter who was pre school at the time having a bath with her father, the touching was a non event, a pointed curious finger corrected by her dad. But in her mind made a great argument as to why she should be able to see my husbands.

    Although im not with my daughters father anymore i trust that he is not a child abuser, and i know my daughter well enough to know that there has never been anything sinister going on.

    I feel sorry for fathers who feel they can't share a bath with their children for fear of accusations, i shower with my toddler frequently yet nobody has shouted child abuse when he points or pokes at my boob.
    I'm all for teaching children the proper, scientific name of body parts and taking away the silly taboo of one's body, but I'm not too sure I want my kid using my body as their point of reference nor experimenting with it. I think it's kind of inappropriate, especially if there isn't a conversation and explanation about the body and the correct way to act with others. I don't get why parents shower with their kids in the first place, but I know plenty that do. No judgment. Just not my cup of tea :)

    ETA: I have a 2-year-old.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    I quoted the wrong thing. Whoops.
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    I let my sister in law watch my son when he was like ... 2 years old maybe a little younger. We had all been sitting in the livingroom chatting for a while and he ran off into the play room, or so we thought. When he comes back hes dragging my sister in laws vibrator across the floor then he looks up sweetly and hands it to me and says "thank you" I don't know who was more embarrassed me or her lol
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    My kids are 20, 15 and 13, When my 20 year old was 2, she was learning the names of body parts, and she would tell me "I see your nose/eyes/lips/etc. Mommy" One day we were in the grocery store, she was in the cart and she very loudly exclaimed "I see your boobies Mommy!"
  • fernandesg
    fernandesg Posts: 54 Member

    I'm all for teaching children the proper, scientific name of body parts and taking away the silly taboo of one's body, but I'm not too sure I want my kid using my body as their point of reference nor experimenting with it. I think it's kind of inappropriate, especially if there isn't a conversation and explanation about the body and the correct way to act with others. I don't get why parents shower with their kids in the first place, but I know plenty that do. No judgment. Just not my cup of tea :)

    ETA: I have a 2-year-old.

    I never planned to bath with my kids either. I didn't have a choice with my 2nd one, she was terrified of the bathtub and ktichen sink from the first time she saw the tub drain. From 6 months old she was convinced all the toys were going to disappear, even though she could see her big sister was just fine. The ONLY way to wash her was for me to shower with her, and to hold her the whole time, and make sure nothing was on the floor of the shower. That lasted about 6 months or so. She still is leery about water deeper than her waist, and she is almost 8 (although she loves to play in water, I can't keep her out of it, go figure). Sometimes parents have to deal with things as best they can, in a way that works for them. :flowerforyou:
    That being said, my husband has not been comfortable with being naked around his girls pretty much from the time they started moving on their own, although there have been a few accidental exposure along the way! :blushing:

    For parents who's kids haven't gotten there yet, you will get your chance to get them back. When they hit puberty and start to understand what is really going on behind closed doors, and what their favorite songs are REALLY about - well I tell ya, it is SOOOOO much fun to embarass them back! Gotta love payback! :laugh: :laugh:
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member

    I'm all for teaching children the proper, scientific name of body parts and taking away the silly taboo of one's body, but I'm not too sure I want my kid using my body as their point of reference nor experimenting with it. I think it's kind of inappropriate, especially if there isn't a conversation and explanation about the body and the correct way to act with others. I don't get why parents shower with their kids in the first place, but I know plenty that do. No judgment. Just not my cup of tea :)

    ETA: I have a 2-year-old.

    I never planned to bath with my kids either. I didn't have a choice with my 2nd one, she was terrified of the bathtub and ktichen sink from the first time she saw the tub drain. From 6 months old she was convinced all the toys were going to disappear, even though she could see her big sister was just fine. The ONLY way to wash her was for me to shower with her, and to hold her the whole time, and make sure nothing was on the floor of the shower. That lasted about 6 months or so. She still is leery about water deeper than her waist, and she is almost 8 (although she loves to play in water, I can't keep her out of it, go figure). Sometimes parents have to deal with things as best they can, in a way that works for them. :flowerforyou:
    That being said, my husband has not been comfortable with being naked around his girls pretty much from the time they started moving on their own, although there have been a few accidental exposure along the way! :blushing:

    For parents who's kids haven't gotten there yet, you will get your chance to get them back. When they hit puberty and start to understand what is really going on behind closed doors, and what their favorite songs are REALLY about - well I tell ya, it is SOOOOO much fun to embarass them back! Gotta love payback! :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, that's what many of my friends say...their kids are afraid/uncooperative or they have limited time & have to bathe together. Thankfully, my daughter lovessss the bath! She loves to get her hair washed, face cleaned all that! lol

    I think it's hilarious when parents start embarrassing their kids with sex talk! I remember the first time my mom talked about sex like we were girlfriends (I was like 19) but I was stilllllllllll mortified lol
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Hands down the most embarrassing moment ever with my son (7 now) was when he was about 6 years old. I was getting dressed and he came in the room. I was wearing a new-ish bra. He actually said, "Is that new? It looks nice." I didn't know what to say or do. I mean, I was proud of him for giving a woman a compliment, I want him to harness that forever, but I was so skeeved out!
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    I had one today.
    I came home from running an errand while my brother watched my son and my sons cousins.
    As soon as I came home I heard all the kids giggling. Turns out my 8 year old son raided my panty drawer and was showing his cousins my bra and panties and threw them around in the living room....

    Ha wait till they find the TOM products.. LOL " Mooommm whats that fooorrr?" My answer. Nunya ask when you are 20
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.

    Oh, Lawd! I'd die.

    Brother you have NO clue how bad it was. My wife would still go and give me so much flak! "The ladies are wondering why you aren't there any more? Seems you have a few fans now" OIEE!

    You should have owned it! Bought a shirt that said "Large and In Charge" and flaunted it every Sunday! Seriously, though, I would have wanted to puddle-ize on the spot. Hysterical!

    My son and husband were peeing into the toilet together at home.....he was maybe 3.

    Son looks at himself, looks at my husband then very loudly announces:

    Daddy, I have a tiny penis, but your's is HUGE.


    He didn't know what to say and was giggling. I walked around the corner and said to my son: It's ok honey, it will grow as you grow, just like your toes and fingers and nose.

    Son looked a little relieved that his penis wouldn't stay little. :laugh:
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    When my son hit about 2 until he was 3 if I was in the bra section of any store he would pat at the bras all while singing loudly


    I have pictures of this, I only wish it were video. That would be soo much better. "-)
  • chaimcoon
    chaimcoon Posts: 18 Member
    When my son hit about 2 until he was 3 if I was in the bra section of any store he would pat at the bras all while singing loudly


    I have pictures of this, I only wish it were video. That would be soo much better. "-)

    that's hilarious, my son, who is 4, will do the same thing, only randomly and for no reason and then crack himself up laughing
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    My wife and I were out with our 6 year old daughter and 2 1/2 year old son looking at houses with a realtor this weekend. Our son is *almost* fully potty trained, so we've been telling him that, if he needs to go, go into the potty and go. Don't stop to ask, just do it. We're walking around one of the houses, the realtor comes around the corner, and there's my little boy, pecker hanging wide out in the open, peeing in the toilet.

    At least it was in the toilet, not on the floor.

    This was, of course, a week after, in church he asked to go potty. And on the way back shouted across the sanctuary to me (in the middle of Mass, of course) that "I MADE POOPIE, DADDY!" Thanks, little man. For telling me, and letting everyone know...
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    These are so funny.
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    About 17 years ago when my friends wee boy was three, I was carrying him in my arms as we walked through the carpark of a department store. An older man who had tried to commit suicide years before with a shotgun to his head walked by us. His last name is Watt. Mostly he is known in our town as "bad shot, what!" I very unthinkingly said to my friend "oh look, there goes bad shot what - and the three year old yelled out at the TOP of his lungs "BAD SHOT WHAT". I was mortified - and learnt my lesson :(
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    A few weeks ago I promised my 4 year old daughter I'd let her watch Brave and buy her popcorn. On said shopping trip we're standing in the aisle looking for popcorn when she shouts out "mummy's buying c0ck p0rn". It got a few laughs and I saw the funny side but I was mortified all the same :embarassed:

    Lmao!! Omg these are hilarious...this one made my night :laugh:
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I was breastfeeding my now 6 month old and of course my 2 year old saw this on a regular basis.I always tell her that the baby is having ba-ba ( our word for food).I had some friends over one day and was wearing one of my v neck shirts when suddenly my daughter comes up to me with her baby doll saying "ba-ba ba-ba" and proceeds to yank down my shirt....nearly exposing me to everybody lol. The other time she really embarassed me was...before I realized how quick she would pick up on things.We had watched a movie with a make out scene...she decided to try to copy it where she would take my head in her hands,stare deeply into my eyes say "I love you" and then swoops in for a big kiss.I thought she had stopped doing that and then my babysitter said that she did it to her 14 year old daughter during her very public ballet class.My babysitter then tells me that it's ok...it must mean that her parents really love each other....so I had to explain with a really red face that she saw it in a movie lol.