What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • donnalee120
    donnalee120 Posts: 27 Member
    OMG I thought it was just me, I thought maybe I just forgot how to shave my armpits. LOL
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    I've been married 20 years so I'll be blunt. I've lost almost half my goal weight and my husband has shed all 25lbs he needed to lose. There is so much less belly between us that we noticed how much better we "fit together" when we are in the heat of passion. Reason enough to stay motivated.
  • donnalee120
    donnalee120 Posts: 27 Member
    Somewhere on this thread I read about people saying their underarms had changed and it was harder to shave now. I thought that was weird and it stuck in my brain. BUT IT'S TRUE!!

    I went to wax on the weekend and it's so weird. Obviously in the last 2 weeks there's been some loss of fat and now they are all caved in and much harder to deal with.

    Strangest thing I've found so far that's for sure.

    OMG I thought it was just me, I thought maybe I just forgot how to shave my armpits. LOL
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    MORE stamina and enjoyment

    being able to RUN

    not having to buy clothes in the Plus size section

    not taking forever to shave

    even though i'm curvy, having hip bones and collarbones that i can feel/see

    actually being noticed instead of just blending in.
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    I am most surprised that I don’t feel better about me..I thought that being less huge would have made me feel pretty or something. Surprise! Still feel the same about me...there is just less of me to feel that way about.

    oh my!! Work on fixing that just as hard as you've worked at losing weight!! You have done so so well! How you see yourself, loving and appreciating yourself is even more important than the weight! Be proud, you should be! and build more good self feelings from that. Maybe, as sappy as it sounds, start a thankfulness book about yourself! Things that you've done that are good, healthy, self affirming... yadda yadda. :) *hugs!!
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    I've lost 32lbs so far and the thing that surprises me the most is that MY CLOTHES STILL FIT!!! I only have a couple articles that I can't wear anymore and by now I thought I would have a whole new wardrobe

    On the good side, I'm shocked at how I'm living without the white foods that I used to eat! I never thought I could live without bread at every meal. I would literally put mashed potatoes on my garlic bread at least three times per week before... I probably eat 1200-2000 calories less per week just by cutting down on potatoes, bread, pasta and rice.

    I'm also shocked at how proud of myself I am :)
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I've been used to the minus 40 prairie winter weather here for years but this year I was FREEZING! oMG. Never ever warm.

    During hot yoga instead of being all overheated and worn out feeling I was all "ahhhh, I am FINALLY FINALLY warm" and wouldn't want to leave.

    A more positive surprise was that by losing weight gaining strength I was able to improve my flexibility greatly, would have been handy when I was dancing year ago, but its still pretty sweet to be able to do the splits
  • nmiller0813
    nmiller0813 Posts: 109
    I love this question and the responses. I am almost to my FIRST Goal, have 14lbs to go. But, there have been a few negative and some positive.

    On the negative side:
    -The cellulite on my legs has become more prominent, and I am not liking that (so, weight training is in order)
    while my breast have shrunk, because I had a biopsy, I now have extra loose skin on the biopsied breast. (sorry TMI)
    -I am having issues with seeing the new me. There are days where I am so excited about it, but then there are days where I still feel as if I haven't lost any weight. I have these unrealistic feelings, especially if I happen to overeat on a particular day! :-(
    -my knees (athritis) has become a major issue due to all of my ZUMBA (but I will find a way to manage it, not giving it up)

    The plus side:

    -I am managing my anxiety and depression better though exercise. I still have my moments, but they are manageable and I don't get overwhelmed and linger in that, quite like I used to.
    -my shoe size has gotten smaller
    -My waist is showing now
    -I am excited about getting on an airplane, because I now don't have to wonder if I am going to be able to fit. I Know that I will.
    -I fit in ALL seats now
    -I NOW realize that this has to be a way of life, not just a temporary weight loss (DIET!)
    I have finally found an execise that I ABSOLUTELY love. ZUMBA.. have become a ZUMBAHOLIC
    -looking foward to being the smallest that I have ever been, as an adult (actually, I am close to that now)
    -I too realize how short I really am (being all of 5' 3 1/2") - even my son said.. oh wow mom.. u are really short! (being heavier makes you appear taller, I guess)
    -having my children become involved and having their tremendous support in my getting healthy
    -just overall feeling better about my health and who I am as person
    -being an inspiration to other people.. now that was a shocker to me!!!! WOW...

    And knowing that there will be more surprises.. to come...
  • Cheddars13
    Cheddars13 Posts: 38 Member
    Bump :)
  • JellyBelly1978
    JellyBelly1978 Posts: 22 Member
    Since 2009, I've lost 80 lbs, but I've just recently started to notice certain changes, since I'm pretty much the smallest I've ever been. One that I noticed over the last couple of days (and I was actually thinking about it this morning) is that I actually feel my height now. I'm fairly short at 5'4", but I've never felt short. I guess my extra girth made me feel like I had increased stature, but I work with a bunch of guys who are 6'+ and we do a lot of heavy lifting. It's really put in perspective for me just how small I am. And the more weight I lose, the smaller I feel. I feel like Alice drinking the shrinking potion sometimes. Lol

    I find this interesting because I'm having the opposite feeling, as I'm losing weight I'm feeling taller :) I'm only 5'4, but I think with that extra weight I was slouching more and just looked depressed. Now I walk with my shoulders back and my head high.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I crave some things I ate all the time before less and less now lol and it's pretty cool.
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    The fact that I went from being hot and sweating all the time, to freezing all the time! I used to think that I was "hot natured". Nope, just to much fat lol. Also, how my taste buds changed. Stuff I couldn't stand is now some of my favorites!
  • parker146
    parker146 Posts: 4
    I love the 'kindle jeans pocket' detail. Been there! Great job.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I have noticed I can rich my bum lol
    toilet sit doesnt get lose.
    gym walking is not 30 min but 15 min
    going up the hill is no problem
    I actually have a waist!
    Guys look at me on the street
    Belly is hanging a bit but I do exercise hoping to get rid of it soon
    Thats my story
  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    Maybe TMI, but my periods are lighter & I don't feel as ill as I used to before & during them!
  • parker146
    parker146 Posts: 4
    I'm sexy and I know it ;)

    Seriously, though; the whole world treats you better.

    Also, the cold affects me much more, my libido has increased, and I have more energy for everyday things.

    I think it also evolved my outlook. I can do IT - whatever it is. Try and stop me. If I can fight my own demons and win, then I have less fear facing outside 'demons.'
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Since 2009, I've lost 80 lbs, but I've just recently started to notice certain changes, since I'm pretty much the smallest I've ever been. One that I noticed over the last couple of days (and I was actually thinking about it this morning) is that I actually feel my height now. I'm fairly short at 5'4", but I've never felt short. I guess my extra girth made me feel like I had increased stature, but I work with a bunch of guys who are 6'+ and we do a lot of heavy lifting. It's really put in perspective for me just how small I am. And the more weight I lose, the smaller I feel. I feel like Alice drinking the shrinking potion sometimes. Lol

    YES!!! When I got down to 185 last yr,....I felt smaller/shorter,..like b4 I was feeling 5'7(am really 5'3) Cant wait to feel that again,last yr got sick and almost died,but I'm here,and back on track,..and HEALTHY!!!:drinker:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Since 2009, I've lost 80 lbs, but I've just recently started to notice certain changes, since I'm pretty much the smallest I've ever been. One that I noticed over the last couple of days (and I was actually thinking about it this morning) is that I actually feel my height now. I'm fairly short at 5'4", but I've never felt short. I guess my extra girth made me feel like I had increased stature, but I work with a bunch of guys who are 6'+ and we do a lot of heavy lifting. It's really put in perspective for me just how small I am. And the more weight I lose, the smaller I feel. I feel like Alice drinking the shrinking potion sometimes. Lol

    I am sorta the opposite, I feel taller the more weight I lose. Maybe it is standing up straighter or something. I always felt bigger than most of the women around me (I'm 5'8" and most of my girlfriends are around 5'3-5'5) but as I get smaller width wise I start to see, oh i do have longer arms and legs and simply take up more space not JUST because of big breasts or belly and so on.
  • PanaMericann
    PanaMericann Posts: 47 Member
    I've lost about 40 (About 35 on MFP) and compared to before, I'm always freezing. On top of that, people treat me way better than before. t's really sad that people are more likely to approach me or be nice to me just because I lost weight. The positives include the less sweat I create when exercising or even being outside in the heat, and a slight confidence boost from before, as well as me not being able to fit clothes that at one point, I barely squeezed in!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    I have stopped biting my nails! I have nails for the first time in my life. I am 63:laugh:
    I think it is a combination of feeling more confident and less stressed, better nutrition, so they don't break, wanting to look my best, and not wanting (TMI) to fill my mouth with saliva and sparking my appetite, which is what happens when you bite them. My mum was a biter and my granddad and they say it runs in families. I have been about 9months now not biting, with the odd slip up, but it is great and totally unexpected ! :flowerforyou:
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