Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies....bumping this to read in its entirety later. Have been toying with the idea of purchasing Turbo Fire. Anxious to read about how much you all love it and what it has been able to do for your body and soul.

    Hi! Welcome to the thread! You should definately get Turbo Fire! I've done a lot of Beachbody products and gotten great results but nothing quite like Turbo Fire! I just feel smaller! I love it! I'm sure you've ready my posts about having withdrawls, seriously, I do! That's how much I look forward to it! I also highly recommend using weighted gloves, does miracles for your arms!

    Let me know if you decide to purchase it!

  • mom2boys75
    mom2boys75 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this website but so far I'm loving it. I have ChaLEAN Extreme and have been through one round of the program. I just received my TurboFire in the mail yesterday and can't wait to get started. I keep hearing about the ChaLEAN Extreme / Turbo Fire hybrid program and I'd love to be able to combine both programs! Can someone please explain how the hybrid works? Thanks!
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Will be lurking around here to hear what you all have to say about the hybrid....sounds like sooo much fun! I am getting much closer to ordering TF but hubby wants to order Insanity. Anyway, I will be anxious to see what you all have to say. I am sure hearing all the good things will get me fired up to push me to order!!! lol
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    My Hubby will not let me spend that much money on a program....does anyone know how or where I can order it for cheaper? I have CLX but need TF.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this website but so far I'm loving it. I have ChaLEAN Extreme and have been through one round of the program. I just received my TurboFire in the mail yesterday and can't wait to get started. I keep hearing about the ChaLEAN Extreme / Turbo Fire hybrid program and I'd love to be able to combine both programs! Can someone please explain how the hybrid works? Thanks!

    Hey! This website is awesome and really helps hold yourself accountable! Also, if you're not already, you can go to and sign up for a FREE membership on Beachbody where you can log your workouts too and that also helps hold yourself accountable! You're gonna love Turbo Fire!!! It's highly addictive which is a good thing! In your Turbo Fire book, towards the back should be the TF/CE schedule, it will lay it all out for you. If not, let me know and get ready to burn som calories!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    My Hubby will not let me spend that much money on a program....does anyone know how or where I can order it for cheaper? I have CLX but need TF.

    Don't know where you can find it for cheaper other than maybe amazon or ebay, but you may not be getting all of the materials you'll need such as the guidebook or the recipe book. I know it's expensive, but it's actually a lot cheaper than a gym and the great part is, you can keep on using it!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm still here, just checking in! Vacation is going good but amazing how much I hate being off my routine!!!! I wasn't able to get my workout in yesterday and I was not in the best of moods!

    I definately got it done this morning! Felt great and somewhat normal. Other than the junk food lurking around, I'm doing good! I did bring my Shakeology and my veggie burgers and fruit for myself so that's helping!

    I just want to get back home and get on my schedule!

    Keep up the good work everyone and I'll see you when I get back!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Greetings everyone! I've been doing Chalean Extreme for a month now, I'm just about to complete Phase 1 on Sunday. I'm planning to start the CLX/TF hybrid on Monday with Week 4. I've pretty much done Weeks 1-3 without the Turbo Fire mixed in so I think Week 4 is a perfect place to pick it up. I've been looking to work in more cardio, I'll probably be skipping one of the 6 days each week since I already go to the gym Tues and Thurs to do cardio on the machine there, and I'm working on my running.

    Anyways, I'm really excited to give Turbo Fire a try! I love the cardio workouts for CLX, and I'm fairly coordinated (I've been taking an advanced Zumba class all summer), so this hybrid looks perfect for me! I'm 23 lbs away from my first goal weight and I think this program can get me there by the end of the year if I stick to it.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    had a decent week getting my workouts in this week even thought the kids are off school and i am still working ( i work from home so that makes it a tad easier)
    but now my daughter is sick and i think that i am catching it too so today i rested - no exercise - and of course went over on calories - but its okay
    i did lean 3 and burn it off yesterday and my chest muscles are super sore right now

    this was my first weekend without the kids and it was mighty tough - though i did have time for longer workouts, i also had much more downtime than i am used to and i definitely hit the snacks while wathcing tv to avoid having to just sit and feel - and i know i did

    sitting with the reality of this divorce and all it brings is HARD - necessary work but HARD - and the quiet in this house without my two favorite little people while welcome is deafening all the same time. and it reminds me even more that i am ALONE. and that makes me want to eat

    so when i have weekends to myself. while i want to relax, i also have to make sure that my time is occupied so i don't BINGE like crazy...

    sorry for the ramble... sometimes it helps t write it down.

    here's to another week to kick some BUTT
  • Hi all!

    I just got done with my daughters sweet sixteen dinner this past Friday. Saturday I had a fair to do where I got sun burn on my face. Let's just say I have been running around since Thursday. I havent worked out since then. I slept all day today so I will be back on my schedule tomorrow.

    @ Deb I hope you are having a great vacation.

    @ Allison You will make it through this period of time. It will make you stronger. You are not alone! I am unsure of your spiritual beliefs but non the less you are not alone. Take you time to yourself to do things that you enjoy. Plan your goals for you and your family. Read or go for a walk. I know its hard but it will all pass.If you binge make smart choiices. Have fruits and some peanut butter. Plan your snacks.

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Today starts my CLX/TF hybrid!! I'm excited, I really need something to break this 2 week plateau. I'll be starting with Week 4, so it looks like mostly Turbo Fire workouts for this week. Then I can get back into the strength training with the Push phase from CLX. I previewed some of the workouts last night and it looks challenging but fun! My neighbors in the apartment downstairs will just have to deal with some jumping for the next few months... haha.
  • mom2boys75
    mom2boys75 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been through P90X and now I really wnat to do the ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid!! I have ChaLeAN Extreme already and ordered Turbo Fire yesterday. Where do I find info/details on how to do the hybrid program?? Woo hoo -- I am SO EXCITED to get this started!

    Hi! So that we can get to know you on here, what's your name mom2boys75? Welcome to the thread, glad to have you! You've come to the right place for support and motivation! Congrats on P90X!! You are going to absolutely LOVE Turbo Fire girl!!! When you get your program, there is the schedule for the hybrid in the back of the guide book! It's all laid out for ya! Chalene thinks of everything!

    So, get ready to burn up those calories and keep us posted!


    Hey Deb! Thanks for the info -- I found the schedule in my guidebook.

    My name is Shirley and I just started the 5-Day Inferno Plan yesterday. Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 Class were my very first two Turbo Fire workouts last night. Tonight when I get home from work it will be Fire 45 / HIIT 20 / Stretch 10. I'll be checking back to see how everyone is doing.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies - hope I can join this chat even though I'm only doing TF for now. I'm on week 8 day 2 so today I did TF 30 and Stretch 10. Funny thing is that yesterday I felt horrible so I only got through 15 min of TF 55EZ (my fave), Core 20, and 10 min of Stretch 40. My HRM said I burned 289 calories in that 50 min but today it said I burned 704 in 40 min!

    I've been loving TF and will do the TF/CLE hybrid once I complete this initial round...looks like I'll end the 20 weeks in December.

    Can someone tell me more about TF 60? I see it on the schedule in 2 weeks and I might be scared!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I started the Turbo Fire/CLX hybrid yesterday!! I'm picking up with Week 4, so I did Fire 45. OMG I have never sweat so much in a workout!!! I'm happy that I have been doing Zumba, I was able to pick up the sequences pretty quickly. I really like the energy in the workout and it went by so fast for being 45 minutes. I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday (had a great workout today!) so I'll probably be skipping the day where it's Stretch 40 and Core 20. I'll work Core 20 into another day. I've never been a fan of yoga or anything and it bores me out of my mind, so I'm fine with skipping it... haha. It's nice to have a week off from CLX workouts, I need something to bust this plateau to pieces... hehe. I think Chalene can manage that :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have been through P90X and now I really wnat to do the ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid!! I have ChaLeAN Extreme already and ordered Turbo Fire yesterday. Where do I find info/details on how to do the hybrid program?? Woo hoo -- I am SO EXCITED to get this started!

    Hi! So that we can get to know you on here, what's your name mom2boys75? Welcome to the thread, glad to have you! You've come to the right place for support and motivation! Congrats on P90X!! You are going to absolutely LOVE Turbo Fire girl!!! When you get your program, there is the schedule for the hybrid in the back of the guide book! It's all laid out for ya! Chalene thinks of everything!

    So, get ready to burn up those calories and keep us posted!


    Hey Deb! Thanks for the info -- I found the schedule in my guidebook.

    My name is Shirley and I just started the 5-Day Inferno Plan yesterday. Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 Class were my very first two Turbo Fire workouts last night. Tonight when I get home from work it will be Fire 45 / HIIT 20 / Stretch 10. I'll be checking back to see how everyone is doing.

    Hi Shirley! I love that Inferno Plan! I lost a total of 6 inches! Let us know how it goes! So, what do you think so far of TF? Isn't it fun and full of energy? Thanks for keeping us posted!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies - hope I can join this chat even though I'm only doing TF for now. I'm on week 8 day 2 so today I did TF 30 and Stretch 10. Funny thing is that yesterday I felt horrible so I only got through 15 min of TF 55EZ (my fave), Core 20, and 10 min of Stretch 40. My HRM said I burned 289 calories in that 50 min but today it said I burned 704 in 40 min!

    I've been loving TF and will do the TF/CLE hybrid once I complete this initial round...looks like I'll end the 20 weeks in December.

    Can someone tell me more about TF 60? I see it on the schedule in 2 weeks and I might be scared!


    Hi Sharon,

    Yes, welcome to the chat, glad to have you! So, how are you liking TF? I can't get enough of it myself! I did TF 60 yesterday and usually, I'm pushing through it, but after vacation and being completely exhausted, I was dogging it; wasn't happy with my calorie burn. But, usually, I burn close to 600 calories with that one! It's tough but even though it's 60min, it goes pretty fast. I would suggest doing the "new to class" option the first couple of times. It's a great workout! Keep up the good work!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I started the Turbo Fire/CLX hybrid yesterday!! I'm picking up with Week 4, so I did Fire 45. OMG I have never sweat so much in a workout!!! I'm happy that I have been doing Zumba, I was able to pick up the sequences pretty quickly. I really like the energy in the workout and it went by so fast for being 45 minutes. I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday (had a great workout today!) so I'll probably be skipping the day where it's Stretch 40 and Core 20. I'll work Core 20 into another day. I've never been a fan of yoga or anything and it bores me out of my mind, so I'm fine with skipping it... haha. It's nice to have a week off from CLX workouts, I need something to bust this plateau to pieces... hehe. I think Chalene can manage that :)


    Way to go girl! Woo hoo!!! I've done a few Zumba classes too, so much fun! And I think it does help with getting the choreography down on TF! I'm on yet another plateau myself so time to kick it into gear!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Deb! I love Turbo Fire. It's helped me to lose 7 lbs in 7 weeks! Today I did 45 EZ and 10 min stretch. HRM said I burned 1031 calories so I was happy. Just bought a Bodybugg for me and my husband and we can't wait to see how those numbers compare to my HRM. 1/2 way through week 8 and pushing hard to see if I can lose another pound by the weekend. I think my eating looks pretty good...feel free to review in case you see anything I could be doing better.

    Have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Wow, good for you!!! That's awesome! Yep, Turbo Fire sure does melt those calories and pounds away, doesn't it?! Let me know how the BodyBugg differs from the HRM; I want one so bad but can't afford it right now. I'm sure you'll hit that goal by the weekend, keep it up! Sounds like you are eating clean; you're getting results that's for sure!

    I'll be posting my workout later, think it's Burn Circuit 2 and Abs 10 for me. Love those ab workouts!

  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    So I have a question for all of you. I was planning on ordering ChaLean Extreme tonight, just to do this program. What do you think is better ChaLean or Turbo Fire? I would like to lose about 10 lbs and tone up!

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