Movies that make you say "WTF did I just watch??"



  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    WTF/Horrible: Water World with Kevin Costner. i actually fell asleep during the movie. In the theater. It was embarrassing

    I just re-watched this in a series of dystopian future films; The Mad Max trilogy and Water World. I'd intended to re-watch Tank Girl and A Boy and His Dog to round things out, but haven't got to them yet.

    Water World gets a pretty ban rep... I enjoyed aspects of it, but it could have been edited down a bit. Sure, the tattooed kid was a McGuffin, but sometimes that's how you move the story along. Exceptional set dressing and costuming though, and some pretty decent acting.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Coen brothers, I admit, are hit and miss with me. Burn After Reading was a serious WTF movie for me. Fargo, No Country For Old Men, The Big Lebowski, True Grit, O Brother Where Art Thou?...cinematic gold.

    I've never looked at a wood chipper the same way since Fargo, donchaknow?
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    How anyone can dislike a Darren Aronofsky film is beyond me! The man is a genius.

    I am so disappoint right now. Gotta stop reading. :grumble:

    I think the issue with his movies, for me at least, so you have to be in a very specific frame of mind to watch them. Same with David Lynch.

    I guess that's a fair outlook. However, I prefer to think of it like Aronofsky chooses an emotion to portray, and he blasts it full steam. If you're not in that frame of mind, he'll root around in your brain 'til you are. He makes it all so relateable.

    I dunno. I frigging love the man. Lynch has my heart, too.

    Coen brothers, I admit, are hit and miss with me. Burn After Reading was a serious WTF movie for me. Fargo, No Country For Old Men, The Big Lebowski, True Grit, O Brother Where Art Thou?...cinematic gold.

    Both make me uncomfortable. That's not a bad thing. It just shows how talented they are. But I have to be willing to be made uncomfortable.

    Coen Brothers have their moments. Does does Terry Gillian. He made a movie about midgets stealing a treasure map from God. Not everyone can appreciate that... But I do. I still don't get Brazil though.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Star Wars, I was like really? In Space??
    And what is the deal with Titanic.. There is no way Bill Paxton could grow that much facial hair.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Coen brothers, I admit, are hit and miss with me. Burn After Reading was a serious WTF movie for me. Fargo, No Country For Old Men, The Big Lebowski, True Grit, O Brother Where Art Thou?...cinematic gold.

    I've never looked at a wood chipper the same way since Fargo, donchaknow?

    :laugh:! Oh, jeeeeeze.
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    pink flamingos......anyone else?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    'Teeth' the worst film ever made! Obviously never read the bio on it and decided to watch it with my 16 year old cousin and we were both so horrified we sat in silence too embarrassed to look at each other or turn it off! Avoid!!

    wrong. teeth was a wonderful film!

    although jaws kept me out of the ocean for a summer, teeth did not keep me away from vagina.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I love WTF movies that I watch and I just can't believe what I saw and yet, want to watch them again just to make sure

    at the top of my list are Old Boy and Ichi the Killer

    i LOVED the sleepaway camp series....i watched the first one when I was 8 (wen it came out) with my mom...and she had to do some fast talking to explain the end to me...
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    How anyone can dislike a Darren Aronofsky film is beyond me! The man is a genius.

    I am so disappoint right now. Gotta stop reading. :grumble:

    I think the issue with his movies, for me at least, so you have to be in a very specific frame of mind to watch them. Same with David Lynch.

    I guess that's a fair outlook. However, I prefer to think of it like Aronofsky chooses an emotion to portray, and he blasts it full steam. If you're not in that frame of mind, he'll root around in your brain 'til you are. He makes it all so relateable.

    I dunno. I frigging love the man. Lynch has my heart, too.

    Coen brothers, I admit, are hit and miss with me. Burn After Reading was a serious WTF movie for me. Fargo, No Country For Old Men, The Big Lebowski, True Grit, O Brother Where Art Thou?...cinematic gold.

    Both make me uncomfortable. That's not a bad thing. It just shows how talented they are. But I have to be willing to be made uncomfortable.

    Coen Brothers have their moments. Does does Terry Gillian. He made a movie about midgets stealing a treasure map from God. Not everyone can appreciate that... But I do. I still don't get Brazil though.

    Yeah, I can understand that. Maybe I like that feeling. Getting out of your "comfort zone" for the full experience. :smile:

    lol @ Terry.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    'I Spit On Your Grave' ...Now that was some f***ed up viewing :noway:

    The original or the remake?

    I thought the original was better and was brilliant in its controversay.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Millenium Actress. It was beautiful and intriguing, but it was purposely written to confuse you about which events were real and which were only movies she starred in.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Vanilla Sky, I have never been so confused during a movie. When it ended the theatre sat in disbelief as everyone tried to figure out WTF just happened.

    Yup, that'd be my answer too. That movie is so awful. For some reason we owned the DVD and I finally found some idiot who liked it and gave it to them.
  • Kiaford
    Kiaford Posts: 17 Member
    The Watchmen
    Most of Japanese horror movies
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    I just watched The Pledge with Jack Nicholson last night. I was so pissed by the end I wanted to put my foot through the tv. Slow pacing, bizarre character choices, bull**** ending. Hate!

    ^^ This. The Pledge was so disappointing -- total waste of time.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    'I Spit On Your Grave' ...Now that was some f***ed up viewing :noway:

    The original or the remake?

    I thought the original was better and was brilliant in its controversay.

    I remember selling the original to my wife (ex) on mother's day as a "female empowerment" movie. Took her a little while to get what I was talking about, and then the girl hacksawed the rapists junk off in the tub and it all fell into place.


    Paperboy. Hands down. WTH was going on in that movie????????
  • Kiaford
    Kiaford Posts: 17 Member
    Millenium Actress. It was beautiful and intriguing, but it was purposely written to confuse you about which events were real and which were only movies she starred in.

    I love that movie. I love all of Satoshi Kon's work.
    Perfect Blue was definitely a WTF movie.
  • stellarcanicula
    stellarcanicula Posts: 50 Member
    Holy Motors

    I was speechless at the end.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I watched a movie last night and I have to say Sleepaway Camp has to be one of the top on my list for most screwed up, had a nice shock factor to it that the sequels definitely could not beat.

    Sleepaway camp was awesome...i knew what was going to happen before it did and laughed at the characters for not listening to me.

    but my WTF movie would be: Going Overboard....I love Adam Sandler, but wtf? lol
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    'I Spit On Your Grave' ...Now that was some f***ed up viewing :noway:

    The original or the remake?

    I thought the original was better and was brilliant in its controversay.

    I remember selling the original to my wife (ex) on mother's day as a "female empowerment" movie. Took her a little while to get what I was talking about, and then the girl hacksawed the rapists junk off in the tub and it all fell into place.

    I did like that the remake took it's own twist with the way she got revenge but I like the style of the 70's horror movies better in general.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I watched a movie last night and I have to say Sleepaway Camp has to be one of the top on my list for most screwed up, had a nice shock factor to it that the sequels definitely could not beat.

    Sleepaway camp was awesome...i knew what was going to happen before it did and laughed at the characters for not listening to me.

    but my WTF movie would be: Going Overboard....I love Adam Sandler, but wtf? lol
    ^^^ YES YES YES. It;s not REALLY his fault because he was like 17. but that was a terrible movie.

    somehow we ended up owning it twice. huh? although there have been some other horrible ones, but 50 first dates is seriously my favorite movie. my husband and i want to find the cafe they used
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I LOVE Idiocracy! Its accuracy is a little scary though...

    I've only seen Killer Joe on stage and thought it was fantastic. I hate Matthew McC, so I never bothered with the movie.

    WTF disturbing was the original Last House on the Left, probably because I was much too young to be watching it and it gave me nightmares for weeks.

    WTF awesome is Pan's Labyrinth. Oh, and Fight Club, mostly because I hadn't read the book first and it turned me on to Chuck Palahniuk for which I will forever be thankful.

    WTF I didn't get it was definitely The Fountain. But I feel that way about most Aronofsky films. I guess I'm not all sophisticated or artsy or something. Meh.

    WTF I just spent too much money to take an uncomforable 3 hour nap is a tie between Howard's End and The English Patient. I've tried watching them both again and no dice. Never been able to make it through either one.

    ETA: Good god, I forgot about the horribleness of Rock of Ages. I must've blocked that one out. I love musical theater, but that was just terrible on top of horrible on top of I can't stop watching because it's so bad.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    Cloud's 3 very long hours of WTF am I watching!!!!

    Holy cow yes! I kept looking at the clock thinking "how long is this damn movie and is it going to start making sense soon?" I felt cheated out of 3 hours of my life :angry:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    My wife made me watch "Eat, Pray, Love" and through it, Julia Roberts stole (and consumed) 133 minutes of my life.

    I quite literally said, "What the f@*k did I just watch?" when the credits rolled.
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    Rock of Ages - I literally said "WhyTF did I just watch that?"

    I know! haha
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    One that quickly comes to mind: Tiny Furniture.
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    WTF movie: Americanizing Shelly.

    lol so stupid.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Like Water for Chocolate.... I still just don't get it...
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    sorry..haven't read through this at all..

    here are two recent ones that come to mind:

    cloud atlas
    john dies at the end
  • rachelc677
    rachelc677 Posts: 83 Member
    - Open Water

    - Buried

    - Premonition

    OMG seriously the most boring movies EVER made!!!!