Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • shimacrema
    So I have a question for all of you. I was planning on ordering ChaLean Extreme tonight, just to do this program. What do you think is better ChaLean or Turbo Fire? I would like to lose about 10 lbs and tone up!


    Hi rcrews77!

    I think that Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire are great. I can't see myself without either one. Chalean Extreme is a weight lifting program that pushes you to go heavy with shorter reps (10-12). Muscle burns fat so don't worry about getting bulky.
    Turbo fire is an all out party in your house. It is full of great music and high energy. I absolutely love it. You will truely burn off the fat while having fun. It also has some core and strength workouts thrown in.
    All in all the 2 programs are different from 1 another. If you want weights go for Chalean Extreme. If you want a fun filled cardio workout go for Turbo fire.

    Today is my off day but I will be working out. I had a lot going on since last week Thursday so I didnt get a chance to work out. I worked out last night and it felt great. I will be doing Fire 55ez new to class. I love that new to class feature. I have learned the steps better with that. I will also be doing zumba and some ab work. I'm going to be starting the 200 squats challenge today also. I plan on adding some of my own little workouts to really shred my body. I want this so bad. I hope everyone is having a great week so far. I am so proud of you all! Keep up the great work.

  • Bthack
    Hello Ladies!!!! I am a long time turbo jammer and bought Turbo Fire in July. LOVE The workouts and the music. I decided to buy the chalean extreme as well to kick it up a notch. I cant wait to turn this body around. I just ordered it but it should be here in a week and i've done a month or so of turbo fire. I'm hoping to start the Hybrid towards the end of september since im going to be out of town a lot this month. I've been reading through some of this thread and im so excited to start it. Can't wait to join you guys! Keep rockin out!

  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    turbo fire is kicking my butt in a good way - there is NOTHING easy about the 45 EZ class but i got through that and HIIT 20 today - also brutal

    i am in the lean phase of CLE which also kicks my butt - lean 3 and my chest is so sore that can't do anything for the next day but i keep pushing through

    i am off work until tuesday with the kids and i am going to try to get up early and work out each day so that i can just have fun for the last week of summer

    one thing is for sure about the workouts - it really does help me forget about all the things i was upset about beforehand - and with everything happening in my life right now that is a LIFESAVER

    night all!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! Well, I'm back on track! Did Fire 30 and Abs 10 today and back to eating clean! It feels great!!! I have to admit, I had a few oops' this past weekend on vacation and the first workout was rough but now I'm back in it. As much as I love being on vacation; I miss my routine!

    I ate clean all day today too and unpacked, got everything in order, did laundry, back on track ladies!! :happy:

    Becky: Welcome to the thread girl! Welcome to the girls who love Turbo Fire!!!! You are going to love the combo of the two programs! I can't wait to hear what you think of Chalean Extreme!

    So, I can't wait until Friday ladies!!!! Chalene is coming to Seattle and I'm going to workout live with her for a second time!!!! I will definately post pics! I can't even contain myself, I'm so excited!!!! :bigsmile: We're going to do a Turbo Kick workout and then a Hustle workout; I've done TK, but not hustle and looking forward to it!

    Hope everyone had a great day and had good workouts!!! Keep pushing that play button!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Wow! I'm so jealous that you get to work out with Chalene!!! Definitely give us all the details!

    I did Day 2 of Week 4 for the hybrid today, sorta. Instead of just doing HIIT 15 and Stretch 10, I did HIIT 15 and Core 20. That Core workout was tough! The HIIT wasn't too bad, but I was trying not to jump too hard since I live on the second floor of an apartment building. Don't want my neighbors storming up to my apartment and find me at the door sweaty in a sports bra... hahah! I need to make sure my HRM chest strap is tighter next time, it wasn't picking up my heart rate for half of the HIIT workout from all the jumping. When it was though, my heart rate was 180, which is about as high as I can get it (180-183 is my highest range). Tomorrow is a gym day for me, I'm gonna shoot for running 30 minutes, with as few walk breaks as possible in there.
  • Bthack
    SO..i have a question for you ladies...since I am about a month in of Turbo fire, but have not done any of chalean extreme, would you recommend that I finish TF then move on to extreme? or just start the hybrid when I can? I was flipping through the hybrid schedule from TF and I noticed that in the later weeks she starts incorporating some of the advanced dvds from TF (which, i did not purchase but could sub them out for other ab videos). Thanks!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning girls! It's going to be a beautiful day here in Seattle! We haven't had nearly enough summer!!!

    Haven't done my workouts yet, but just wanted to pop in before I do. Looks like I've got Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10 on the schedule; love those EZ workouts! Calorie burners!!!

    Sara: Girl, you are a machine!!! Love your motivation and drive! I should tighten up my chest strap too on my HRM to get better results. So, what workouts do you do at the gym?

    Becky: Are you doing the12 week program? I mean I'm tempted to say jump into the hybrid, but then the kind of person I am, I would want to finish it out and then start the hybrid. That's a toss up, but I would say, finish out TF and then do the hybrid.

    Well ladies, I'll be back, time to log in to WOWY for my chance to win! Have you logged in today?

    Have a great day and make it a healthy one!

  • Bthack
    Yup, I'm on the 12 week plan. I'd like to do them separately and then maybe try the hybrid after i complete both, but then again, I dont know if i can wait that long to try ChaLean! Hahaha. I guess we'll see how it goes, maybe i'll make my own hybrid! :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Wow!!!! So, apparently, I haven't done Fire 45 EZ!!!! It was by no means EZ!!! But, I loved learning a new routine; I did the new to class option! Good stuff! I can't wait to get to the lean phase, I know it'll be a while, but it's my fav phase in the CE program!

    Becky: I think that's a good decision. Keep pushing play with Turbo Fire and you'll be more than ready for the hybrid! Keep at it girl! How are your results thus far?

    I hope you all have a great day and keep up the good work! Rock those workouts!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you're all planning to push play today. On tap today was Core 20 and Stretch 40. I know stretching is an integral part of this program but jeez my HRM only showed 193 cal burned and my Bodybugg (day 1 today) showed 169 cal burned. I feel like I slacked off because I didn't burn at least 500 cals! Tomorrow the schedule has me doing my 2nd fave - 45 EZ - so I know things will improve.

    I think I need to go for a walk during lunch to see if I can burn some more.

    Have a good one! Deb I am so jealous to hear you're going to work out with Chalene. Take lots of pics!


    ETA the scale this morning showed a 1 lb drop. Official weigh-in is Saturday but I like to monitor my progress daily.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    OMG you guys. Official weigh in today and I've lost another 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 7.6 in 8 weeks. This stuff works!

    Turbo Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10 today...bodybugg said I burned 457 calories. Love it!

    Have a great day y'all!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    OMG you guys. Official weigh in today and I've lost another 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 7.6 in 8 weeks. This stuff works!

    Turbo Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10 today...bodybugg said I burned 457 calories. Love it!

    Have a great day y'all!


    Great job girl!!!!! That's awesome! Gives me inspiration to keep pushing play that's for sure! Keep up the good work!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Options all I have to say about today...........AMAZING!!!!!! I still can't believe Chalene was here, in Seattle, in person!!!! It was such a blast and I have never done a Hustle workout before so I was a little scared but it was sooooooooo much fun!!!! She is so full of energy, it's crazy! We had a dance off at the end, the room was cut in half and it was fun!!!!!

    I felt like an amazon woman next to Chalene, she is sooooo tiny!!!!! I had to make sure I was sucking it in and flexing just to look good! LOL

    So, needless to say, those were my workouts for the day! We did Turbo Kick and then right after, Hustle! I burned..........are you ready..............1488 calories!!!!!

    So, how can I attach pics peeps?!!!! I want to share and I can't figure it out; do I just do it to my profile?

    Hope you ladies had good workouts yourselves! I know you pushed play, you girls ROCK!!!!

  • shimacrema
    Options all I have to say about today...........AMAZING!!!!!! I still can't believe Chalene was here, in Seattle, in person!!!! It was such a blast and I have never done a Hustle workout before so I was a little scared but it was sooooooooo much fun!!!! She is so full of energy, it's crazy! We had a dance off at the end, the room was cut in half and it was fun!!!!!

    I felt like an amazon woman next to Chalene, she is sooooo tiny!!!!! I had to make sure I was sucking it in and flexing just to look good! LOL

    So, needless to say, those were my workouts for the day! We did Turbo Kick and then right after, Hustle! I burned..........are you ready..............1488 calories!!!!!

    So, how can I attach pics peeps?!!!! I want to share and I can't figure it out; do I just do it to my profile?

    Hope you ladies had good workouts yourselves! I know you pushed play, you girls ROCK!!!!


    OMG Deb!!!! I am so glad you had a fab time! I really didnt expect anything less. I plan on going to Turbo camp next year. I was suppose to go this summer but it didnt work out. Im still going strong with my workouts. I hope you ladies are having a great weekend.

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Deb - so glad you had a great time working out with Chalene! Over 1400 calories that's impressive!!!:happy:

    I've been pushing play. Today is my rest day from Turbo Fire so hubby and I went for a 3 mile walk this morning instead. Hope you girls are having a great holiday weekend!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Had Tone 30 class for the first time in my rotation (I'm in week 9 of the 20 week hybrid). I used the burgundy resistance band and I haven't been this sore since I first started working out last year. OUCH! (but in a good way!)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Hope you're all enjoying your long weekend! Even though today is a holiday, make no excuses!!! Get out there, push play and eat clean!

    Today starts the Push Circuit portion of the hybrid and I love to keep my muscles working!!! Not a huge fan of the Push circuits but I will follow my instructions! lol

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang!

    Started week 9 of the TF schedule today so I did HIIT 15 and Tone 30. Hubby then pushed me to go with him on an hour walk so right now I am completely exhausted and my legs are rubbery! Bodybugg says I burned over 600 calories total between the two so I can't complain. We're considering going on another 30 minute walk after dinner but we'll see how ambitious I can be today!:laugh:

    Enjoy your Monday!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! Ok, it's officially fall here in the NW and I'm not ready for it! We haven't had much of a summer at all! So, I am vowing; no hiding under baggy sweatshirts and jeans and sweats all fall and winter!!! Time to get fit girls! The holidays are right around the corner and we can do it; be strong!

    Today I did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 and later tonight at fit club, we're doing the Insanity Fast & Furious!!! Kind of scared! lol

    Also, I think my new Saucony's are a little too tight on my left foot; I think I'm going to lose my big toe toenail!!!! Noooo!!!! I can't NOT workout you guys!!!! It doesn't hurt and it's not totally black and blue but it feels really weird. This has nevery happend to me but I know it's common for runners and exercisers, so we'll see.

    Sharon, way to rock it girl! I wish my hubby would push me to go walking, but usually, I'm the one doing the pushing!

    Keep up the good work ladies! We can conquer anything!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey All! Hope your Tuesday is on fiyah! :laugh:

    On tap today was EZ absolute favorite! Bodybugg showed 511 calorie burn. Hour walk with hubby tonight should burn another 250 - 300 calories (bodybugg reading suggests I've been burning 4.5 - 5 calories per minute during these walks). Another 1/2 lb gone this morning. Another 1.5 lbs gone and I'll be back in the 150s...YAY!!!!!!

    Deb - come to Vegas. We're still in the 90s...cooling down for us but definitely still shorts weather. Don't remind me about the holidays. Soon I'll have to deal with Thanksgiving and how many hours of walking I'll need to do to make up for my Mom's noodle pudding!

    Have a great day!