
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Just saying “Hi!” to all of you. Thank-you so much for the warm welcome!
    I started to walk the dog this evening and the skies opened up and it began to pour. So now the dog is in the garage and we’ll try again in a few minutes (you could hardly see the rain shower on the radar; it was just parked over my house! However, there was a beautiful rainbow). At least I got a 30 minute run in this morning.

    I’m gearing up for a family reunion this coming weekend–about 65 relatives are coming beginning Thursday evening. So after a ½ day of work tomorrow, I need to start getting things ready, including a major grocery shopping trip. I wanted to mow the lawn this evening, but it’s a little difficult to do that in the rain!!! Hopefully, I’ll get it done tomorrow.

    Sue–Nine years ago we had our family reunion at Palmer Gulch. It was a great location!! The Black Hills are special to me, because my grandparents lived just south of there in Edgemont, SD and we visited often while I was growing up.

    Yanniejannie–So thankful your injuries weren’t any worse!!

    Grandmallie–Hoping things improve for your FIL; I can’t imagine how he (and you) must feel.

    Thoughts and prayers going out to all of you who are dealing with illness, injury, and infections, as well as the “blahs”.
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Where does the time go? I can’t believe I fit work into this schedule! I went to water aerobics today and did about an hour of yard work. Some of my day lilies are infested with what I think are mites so I’m pulling the dead stuff off and spraying. It was so humid…not that hot…that I only lasted an hour. Then studied all day for Advanced Cardiac Life Support renewal tomorrow. I let it lapse…bad me. I used to teach it (for years!) so I’m not too stressed about it. Next week is Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Thank goodness American Heart Association lets you “challenge” the class at a renewal if you expire instead of making you take it all over again (2 days that way). Trouble is I won’t get anything done at work.

    Gail: the hydrangea is very pretty…the change in colors sounds intriguing. You’ll have to let us know how it works out. My hardy hibiscus are blooming now; nearly plate sized flowers!

    Grandmallie: congrats on hitting that 40 pound mark! We are all proud of you. I sure hope something significant comes of the investigation into the abuse.

    DeeDee: glad your blahs have gone away!!!

    Cityjane: I couldn’t survive without my airconditioner!!! It’s nice that your DH stayed on good terms with his former family-in-law.

    Linda: sounds like a great plan for eating today. Glad you’re getting some rain.

    Katla; I started a 20 minute beginner yoga tape. If that’s for beginners I’m glad I didn’t get an advanced one. I can’t do one thing on the tape except sit on my butt when she does! I thought you were feeling better a few days ago? No?

    M; my garden has been besieged by rabbits, but now that things have grown to be taller, they kind of have backed off and eat leaves on the ground.

    Pat: I didn’t realize SO had a hunting/fishing camp. I bet that does get old being apart so much. I am anxious waiting for mine to come home from work on days I stay home!

    Helen : I think if you keep calling it “pub grub” you won’t want any!

    Lucy: AKA cool 60 year old: I did read about your heat wave. UGH! What a nice nsv!

    SandY : hope the bbq-ing went well and you didn’t roast!

    Yanniejannie: glad the injuries seem to at least be on the minor side!!!

    Joyce: hope the shots help and what a nice nsv that your doctor was so proud of your accomplishments!

    Patceoh: keep up your good work!

    Well we weren’t as chatty as normal around here today. We must all be wilted. I’m too tired now to finish getting the taxes read y for the accountant…yes we are always late but get an extension. Even turning them in this week will give the poor guy heart failure. We usually wait til October! . OK take care and stay cool in this weather. As DeeDee says, drink up! Meg in steamy Omaha where at least the senior golfers didn’t keel over during the senior open!
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Oh poo, I've fallen behind! I apologize ladies! :flowerforyou:

    On track with my goals thus far this month. Went to the gym again today and made the appt with the trainer for tmrw, that was one of my goals. Starting to get nervous about the dentist appt Weds, but still going! Even though it's hot & humid 90's, still walked outside too.

    Thank goodness for A/C! Going to be in the 90's all week. :devil:

    Hitting the shower and bagging some zzzzzzzzzzzs :yawn:

    Kat in Maryland
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    TA-DA!!! Good for you, Grandmallie! I also just got down far enough to read about the fleas – Really?? Why don’t they remove him from there for his own safety, like they do minors? Poor fella!

    M – GREAT idea about the use of laundry facilities for Deb’s flooded-out person!

    Went to the Y after work and did weights and a little cardio. Tomorrow will be cardio only, so longer.

    Well, off to figure out something to eat for dinner.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Love your yard !!! how do you keep the grass so green?
  • CFHutton
    CFHutton Posts: 2 Member
    I am having a hard time losing any weight. Not sure what the problem is though. Ok, I do know, eat less and exercise more. It just doesn't seem like I eat that much. Stay within my 1200 calories pretty much all the time. Any ideas....this is getting frustrating and I keep quitting with the recording.
    Collyfaye in Calgary
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I’m just back from a very difficult business trip to OKC and NYC. The time in NY was tinged with added stress and sadness as I had to say good-bye to 45 colleagues taking their early retirement. :cry: :cry: :cry: Lots of hugs. Lots of tears. Lots of fear. Lots of comfort sought in the sweet treats and drinks at multiple farewell parties. It was crazy busy, so I didn’t post. Walking was my only exercise and I did manage about 7000 steps a day. I brought back a 1.5 pound gain, a sore throat and a heavy heart. This morning my four-legged alarm got me up at the normal time, but just did not have energy to dress and go to the gym. I must be sick. :tongue:

    “when people suck the life out of you, wouldn’t it be nice if they took some fat too?”
    Brooke: I like many of the quotes you’ve been sharing, but this is my absolute favorite!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Jb: Your garden is breathtaking. Photos look like they belong in a home and garden magazine. :smile:

    My affirmation today is around forgiveness: I forgive myself for being imperfect like everybody else. However, I still manage to live the best life that I can. :blushing:

    I’m nowhere near caught up with reading all the posts, but I’m working on it. :embarassed: Great to be home, back on my routine, and in the warm, supportive place that this thread has become for me. I'm sending a virtual ((((hug)))) to all who need it and a giant high five to everyone who is hitting their goals. Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    July Goals:
    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations.(going well)
    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days (projecting only 5 plane days in July).(good)
    Try a new vegetable recipe. (not yet)
    Try a new exercise activity at the nearby community center. (not yet)
    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker. (trying!)

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rhonda:flowerforyou: are all of those people expecting you to feed them:noway: Our family has never had a big family reunion like that, it sounds like fun. My dad had a brother that we all thought the family was dysfunctional, they had 7 kids and made anyone who turned 18 leave the house as soon as they graduated from high school. His wife was pretty difficult to get along with. She always acted like she deserved special treatment.. But that family of seven kids is the closest I have ever seen. They live all over the US but make sure they get together for a good reunion. I envy them now.

    Meg :flowerforyou: I always hated taking my ACLS exams. That was one thing that I didn't miss when I had to go on disability. Even thoguh we weren't ICU nurses they let us sit in on the critical care certification classes without paying a registration fee. There is no way I could have tried to pass those things. But I guess if you worked that life every day some of it just gets absorbed. We had assistant head nurse on our unit, post ICU open heart recovery, heart attacks, caths, angioplasty, etc, that if I ever had a family member in a cardiac arrest, I would want her running the code. My favorite job during a code was asking if I could take some one else's patient load so they could go in the room!:embarassed: Those were the good days. i miss them, teaching patients, family members, new nurses was one of my favorite things to do. But I was a diploma graduate, not even a bachelors so no way could I have even been a nursing professor. And I was not a good student myself. My knowledge came from experience.

    HMMM, I guess I got in a reminiscent mood tonight. Maybe I can remember what it was like to be at 118 pounds, measurments 36-24-36!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    I am having a hard time losing any weight. Not sure what the problem is though. Ok, I do know, eat less and exercise more. It just doesn't seem like I eat that much. Stay within my 1200 calories pretty much all the time. Any ideas....this is getting frustrating and I keep quitting with the recording.
    Collyfaye in Calgary

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, I hope you'll keep coming back. Checking in with this great community has kept me motivated for a long time. I don't know what you're eating in your 1200 calories, but have you examined your food carefully to make sure that it's all nourishing food and that you've eliminated the "empty calories" that don't nourish your body? What kind of exercise do you do? Do you eat more on the days you exercise?

    :bigsmile: I've had a wonderful busy day with lots of dog walking, working in my yard, time with friends, and a much needed nap.:yawn: After three days of restaurant food, it felt so good to be back to eating normally again. I know my body is thanking me for it.

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington


    July Resolutions (with mid-month comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making great progress)
    *continue with the squat challenge ( have started a harder challenge)
    * a plank a day (every day)
    *18,000 steps a day (every day

    33,000 one day
    *don’t take things personally ( wow, is this a great resolution)
    *don’t expect praise or recognition (this is also a great way to live)
    *keep doing the things that have been working (going great)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I am feeling better, but not all the way better. I’m probably up to 80% or 90%. DH has the virus now, and we’re just plugging along.

    I read the posts but feel like the cat has my tongue. I’ll be back tomorrow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello all, just a quick check in to say hi & thanks again for having this wonderful thread! Just settling in after having gone to the gym after dinner for more cardio via treadmill & abs & obliques work on machines. I told myself that doing 48 minutes of Leslie Sansone's 3 mile walk at home was enough for a day, but then I remembered I'd told you all I was going to the gym, too. That gave me the extra shove & I exercised through that part of the evening where I consider what I might snack on. :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well even though my foot hurts I am attempting to get back over to the gym..Until i see the podiatrist I am not going to try and walk, will find something to do over there..
    will check in once I get back..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    I am back from the gym, did a little bit on the recumbent bike, and then did upper body and legs and some scrunches..
    the pain is constant in my left heel now, so I have to be very careful..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve got lots to say but no time to say it this morning:sad: . I`ll try to pop back in later in the day, however, no one hold your breath for it, my best intentions sometimes don`t happen:ohwell: .

    Still waiting for my test results:grumble: :angry: , if I haven`t heard from them by noon today, I`ll be making the call to them:angry:

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny again:glasses: NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning, my beautiful friends! I don't have much time but I have read the posts and want to comment on a few:

    JB, your garden is absolutely beautiful. It must give you such pleasure. My yard needs some serious work. I'd be happy if my grass just looked like yours!

    Gail, I love the hydrangea. I have a spot that is actually calling out for one a blooming bush. I was thinking hydrangea of some kind. I may very well get that one if I can find it.

    Joyce, I am concerned about your headache. I'm glad you are getting it checked out today.

    Rhonda, Welcome out of lurkdom and thanks for the well-wishes. I believe you diagnosed me exactly when you said "the blahs."

    School starts back for me on Monday; I have a data dig on Thursday of this week, and I am mourning the loss of my summer vacation (what little I had) and the lack of progress I have made on my to-do list. Maybe if I can get the laundry room decluttered and organized today I will feel better. A cyber-friend on another board that I read set a goal of getting rid of 500 things one day last week. The Fly Lady pushes for 27-fling boogies. I think I'm going to shoot for 100 things out of my house TODAY! That makes me sound like such a clutter bug, but I'm really not. Stuff just seems to accumulate.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Dr. Katie Bug - good luck with your flinging today. I'd have to do it on a day DH was not at home! He has such a hard time parting with things. :ohwell: We have worked out a balance of sorts in the stuff-quotient. RE: the hydrangea, I've been admiring my neighbor's blooms for 7 years and this is the first hydrangea I have ever had. What is nice is how long the blooms last. Peonies are gorgeous, too, but last such a short time in my garden here in Georgia.

    Need to finish up getting ready for work and feed the dog. Happy hours to you all!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Got to the end of page 4

    Jill I'm a diabetic and was browsing for recipes here's what I ended up making. 4 green apples, 3 cups of strawberries and 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Cooked the apples and mashed them added the strawberries mashed those. Brought it all to a good boil added a pkg of strawberry jello let it boil a few min. and jarred it. Had some on my toast this morning tasty but not as thick as I was hopping. but could be my fault I put it in my blender and pureed it. But it works for something on toast.

    I think today I will be getting my exercise in the strawberry patch. It probably will be my last pick. I want to make at least one batch of rhubarb and strawberry jam. Diabetic style.
    Yesterday I worked and my patient wanted to go out for a walk. Walked a good mile. But then came home only to defeat the purpose had strawberry cake it's like muffin it's homemade and so good. But need to leave it alone today enough harm done on both my diet and diabetes. Neither likes that stuff.

    So need to get myself dressed and ready if I want to go out for coffee.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario and weather has cooled down thank goodness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Morning from sunny and beautiful NW Washington. No early meeting for me today so I stayed in bed until almost 5 AM even though Bernie, the cat thought I should have gotten up earlier to feed him. I have walked each dog alone, fed Bernie, spent some time with spiritual reading, and am finishing my breakfast ( the same one I have every day----my diary is open so you can see what I eat), and in a moment the dogs will hear me scrape the sides of the cup from the Bullet Blender and know that I'm finished with breakfast and ready to take them for a walk. It helps me so much to have a routine that doesn't chance. It saves me from the time and energy needed to make decisions.

    :flowerforyou: thank you to all of you for your newsy and thought-provoking posts. It's like having breakfast with a room full of my best one-name friends.

    :flowerforyou: :laugh: Gail, on my walk yesterday morning, I discovered that there are two hydrangeas like your around the cornier from me, so now I don't have to lament not having one of my own.

    :flowerforyou: Have a fabulous day today. Act the way you want to feel. Don't take things personally. Come from a place of love in all you do.

    :heart: Barbie

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
    Working at losing it!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues!!
    Another hot one.Grandpa surprised Violet with a kiddie pool for here.
    Gonna spend the day by the pool.