Day by Day Challenge



  • inmyshoes
    PSUgrl921.... I'm the same way with sodium. I am always *way* over. Once my weightloss stops then I think I'll take a closer look at it and actually try and stay under. But usually I'm at least 500-1000 a day over...
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone! If it's not too late I would love to join in. Reading through the posts is so inspirational! You're all doing so well!

    My goals for the day:

    1. drink lots of water.
    2. go to the gym tonight - at least 30 mins of cardio.
    3. get to bed at a reasonable hour!

    Have a good day!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    Today's goals:

    1. NO SWEETS!
    2. Water ONLY to drink (no juice)
    3. Stay positive

    Good Luck All! :)
  • chriscuts
    completed my goals, drinking 2 litres of water, did 30 mins of wii shape and logged all food.

    tomorrows goals are
    drink 2 litres of water
    log all food
    30 mins of shape..(if I can walk after todays session...!! phew!!)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good afternoon ladies. I hope you are all having a good day so far.

    I failed on today's goals.......
    1. Take a packed lunch to work so I am not tempted to eat anything not calorie counted - I took a packed lunch but couldn't eat it because everyone went across to the other building at work for the lunch that was provided. The only food there was lasagne so I had some vegetarian lasagne and salad. It was ok but I had to guess the calories for it.

    2. Do level 3 shred - too tired to do anything but I will do it tomorrow! Because of this, I am staying within my 1200 cals.

    3. Drink lots of water - I did this!

    I will keep the same goals for tomorrow and hopefully be able to stick to them this time!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi:) My name is Beth. I'm gonna join this one cause its one I think I can stick too:) I'm a Homemaker so I have all day to do everything I need to do.

    I have already done one of my goals for today so here there are.

    1. Go for a walk with a friend.

    2. Do laundry.(I have to walk up and down a flight of stairs with every load:) makes it worth the effort trying to lose the weight)

    3. Organize the sewing rooom. ( not weight related but I might be able to get some down today)

    I've already gone for a walk with a friend and its the middle of the afternoon for me. This should be easier for me to keep up with cause I need small goals instead of looking at the big goal I'm heading for.

    I look forward to getting to know you guys a little better too:) More support is what I think I need.
  • debieanne
    :flowerforyou: good afternoon how is everyone today i did all my water yesterday i think after a week i am getting back on track can't believe ist's already 1:43 p.m. wered id this day go. to anyone not feeling good i hope tommorw will be a better day for yous.ok need to get ready for the school buses to bring the children home debi
  • marybelmontez
    Hello, I'm Mary Ann.

    My three goals: 1) count all my calories, 2) Walk for one hour, 3) not stress
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    H everyone! I see we have some new faces. So I decided to jump on to say hello!

    Hi Beth, welcome. Great goals, they don't always have to be related to weight loss. If you've read back on some of the posts, you'll see we set goals to buy trousers for work, read a chapter in a book, etc. One of my goals last week was to clean out my car. :) Glad you were able to complete them all. Nice way of looking at laundry as getting in a mini workout. I've been slacking on my laundry because I was under the weather the last few days.

    Deb, wtg on getting your water in! I still have a little ways before my daughter gets off the bus. I am feeling better, thanks for asking. I hope to make completely back to normal on Friday.

    Hey Mary Ann, thanks for stopping by. I see that you've joined in May and this is your first post. I'm honored! Nicole was nice enough to think up this idea. So I'm glad you jumped in to set up 3 mini goals for yourself. They sound reasonable. Try to stop back tomorrow to let us know if you made it.

    I'll stop in tomorrow! have a great night.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's goals:
    1. No diet soda, I haven't had a diet soda all week. I'd like to continue this trend for the rest of the week.
    2. Get in my workout early before any distractions.
    3. Prepare a big salad for 2 or 3 servings, so I don't have to cut up each ingredient everytime I want a serving of salad.

    I still haven't had a soda. I miss it, but not really. I did my workout this morning, only 25 minutes, but its about quality, not quantity. I did make extra salad. I cut up the whole head of lettuce.

    Friday's goals:
    1. Complete shred after my daughter gets on the bus. I haven't completed a whole shred since Monday. I really want to get it done so I can move on to level 3.

    2. Bake a few pounds of chicken breast and then freeze it. It will make it easier to unthaw when I'm in a crunch and that way I won't have to keep turning the oven on and making the house hot everytime someoone wants some chicken!

    3. Continue to eat more fiber to keep myself full longer.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I may have to post my Saturday and Sunday goals together Friday evening and then come on Monday to say if I reached them.
  • chriscuts
    achieved yesterdays goals.

    drink 2 litres of water
    log all food
    30 mins of wii exercise

    today my goals are the same, and will be the same until I dont have to push myself or think about doing them!!

    have a lovely productive day everyone :smile:
  • inmyshoes
    Today's Goals:
    1. 30 min cardio + spin class
    2. Begin 20 page essay (1-2 pages.... it isn't due for a few weeks)
    3. Respond to weekly discussion board / post response for one of my grad classes

    1. DONE
    2. FAIL
    3. DONE

    Friday Goals:
    1. 60min cardio
    2. Walk dog for at least 20 minutes
    3. Research for monster paper
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone! If it's not too late I would love to join in. Reading through the posts is so inspirational! You're all doing so well!

    My goals for the day:

    1. drink lots of water.
    2. go to the gym tonight - at least 30 mins of cardio.
    3. get to bed at a reasonable hour!

    Have a good day!

    Afternoon all!

    I'm so glad I joined this group because it pushed me to get to the gym last night even though I got back from work really late. Usually I would have slouched about at home but didn't want to fail on my first attempt!

    So I managed to get through about 2 litres of water and spent 45 mins doing cardio last night! Didn't quite achieve getting to bed early though so still feel a bit sleep deprived today.

    My goals for today:

    1. Gym tonight (no excuses)
    2. Get this particular job done at work which I have been putting off since March!
    3. Eat more green food - definitely a lack of veggies in my diet so need to do something about this.

    Hope you're all having a good day!
    Namita x
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Go for a walk with a friend.

    2. Do laundry.(I have to walk up and down a flight of stairs with every load:) makes it worth the effort trying to lose the weight)

    3. Organize the sewing rooom. ( not weight related but I might be able to get some down today)

    1 done 2 fail 3 fail

    Today's goals

    1. laundry (I swear I'll get it done today)
    2. Organize Sewing room(really need to get it done I gotta make some clothes for my kids)
    3. Clean coffee table(I think theres still one under all the junk hehe)

    Now if only I could find the energy today to do all of that! I got drug out to a bar last night by a friend I haven't seen in awhile and she wouldn't let me leave until almost 2am I was then awake again at 7. Maybe I should make take a nap one of my goals today:)

    Good job Chriscuts on acheiving all your goals:)

    Leela, thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to making some new friends on here

    inmyshoes, getting started on a long essay like that is the hardest part for me. I'm no longer in school but I know what its like. You'll get it done. Good luck on it!!
  • MichelleWinkMil
    Wow I am absolutely loving this idea!! Ladies I will be joining all of you on this challenge. Ok my goals for today will be:

    - Get at least 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away. The putting away is the hardest part.
    - I also need help in the water department, so I will drink 4-16.9 oz bottles of water today.
    - I will start working out again for at least 20 minutes.

    Brand new baby at home and working today. Hopefully, I won't have too many interruptions. Good Luck Everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!

    First off, welcome to all the new members!! It's so great to have you all and I'm glad it's helping you guys! Feel free to tell us a little about yourself if you wish! Sharon and I did little blurbs earlier in the posts!. A little late this morning... I went out to celebrate my THON interview being done last night. Goals from yesterday...

    1. Eat more calories--- I definitely did this and since I didn't go to the gym I think it was good for me. While I have a bit of a head cold today my body doesn't feel like it is going to collapse in around me so that's good.
    2. Vitamin C! Did this to a certain extent. I drank OJ in the morning and got more than my 100% for the day in. But didn't drink anything else after that.
    3. Be confident and ready for my THON interview. -- Ha let me tell you, I was a nervous wreck. I was ready an hour early. However, as it got closer to time I calmed myself down and I THINK it went really well. So keep your fingers crossed. I find out on Sunday!

    Goals for today...

    1. Hit the gym and listen to my body in case it needs to stop earlier than I want to.
    2. Clean my room and go grocery shopping.
    3. Start studying/get some reading done for my classes.

    Football Season starts TOMORROW!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!! Go Penn State!
  • inmyshoes
    Friday Goals:
    1. 60min cardio
    2. Walk dog for at least 20 minutes
    3. Research for monster paper

    Yesterday's Goals:
    1. DONE - 65min cardio and 45min run
    2. DONE
    3. FAIL

    Saturday Goals
    1. Spin Class
    2. Drink 2L of water (not including water at the gym)
    3. Clean living room and bedroom
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I got all my goals done yesterday! Yay!

    So ... I'm taking a bit of a day off today. It's football Saturday so I will just be at the game today and then on my way home. So my only goal is to have fun!! Hope everyone has a good day!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Chris, glad you're keeping up with your daily goals. I think its a good idea to keep the same goals until they become habit forming.

    inmyshoes, I hope you get a chance to start your essay. Good just on making it to spin and doing 30 minutes of cardio. That's tough. Glad you made it on the discussion board for your classes. You really reminded me that I shouldn't count the water I drink while working out as part of my intake. Because when you work out, you are supposed to drink more than the regular 64 ounces. Thanks for the reminder.

    Namita, great job getting to the gym even once it got really late. Sounds like you were able to drink plenty of water too. I still sometimes have a problem getting to bed at a decent time.
    Were you able to finish your work project? I like the eat more green food goal, but too many green foods conflict with my medication.

    Ravyn, did you get the house work done? That's awesome that you made it to walk with your friend.

    Michelle! Welcome, thanks for taking the time to drop in. I'm with you on the laundry, I still have two loads that are folded but not put away. Its on my mental list of things to do. I have a 24 ounce water bottle and if I drink 3 of those, it takes me over my water limit, so that's what I strive for. Congrats on the new baby!

    Nicole, I can't wait to hear the good news about the THON interview. I hope you made captain! Great job on meeting all your goals. I love your Saturday goal...sometimes we get too stressed out or caught up in everyday life and forget to have fun.

    Going to post goals...
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's goals:
    1. Complete shred after my daughter gets on the bus. I haven't completed a whole shred since Monday. I really want to get it done so I can move on to level 3.
    2. Bake a few pounds of chicken breast and then freeze it. It will make it easier to unthaw when I'm in a crunch and that way I won't have to keep turning the oven on and making the house hot everytime someoone wants some chicken!
    3. Continue to eat more fiber to keep myself full longer.

    1. I didn't shred, but I did a 40 minute aerobic video. It was actually 45 minutes, but the last 5 minutes was a cool down.
    2. I didn't bake the chicken. But I did separate the family pack of chicken breast that I bought and labeled what each smaller pack was supposed to be for. I put a marinate on the chicken, so I will get some of it in the oven today.
    3. I completely hit this goal!!! Wasn't very hungry at all and I'm not sick anymore!
    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I may have to post my Saturday and Sunday goals together Friday evening and then come on Monday to say if I reached them.
    Saturday's goal:
    1. Hit the gym hard. (They are closed Sun and Mon for the holiday)
    2. Don't eat while watching tv. I am getting better at this one, but I still need a reminder.
    3. No pop. Going to try to go all weekend without it.
    4. And most important one- Balance my active lifestyle with my family life.

    Sunday's goal:
    1. Find a creative way to workout at home.
    2. No sweets.
    3. ?? Those are the main two for now.

    Have a great weekend.