Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • cassieinor
    I like the idea of rewarding myself. It's a good incentive.....although mabe you should go for something kinda frivolous instead of practical. That's always fun. Main thing is you're taking care of you. Just keep reaching those go girl.
  • cassieinor
    Don't know much about the auto immune stuff but I live with chronic back pain. As I get older aches & pains in knees......bad shoulders from 32 years as a pet groomer. Sooooo I would suggest very low or no impact exercises. Walk if you can and swimming would be takes all the pressure off your joints. And makes you fell light as a bubble in the water.
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Good morning! Omg it has been crazy. This is my last week of school and then I amk done officially on Monday! Five and one-half years and I cannot believe I am really going to be done!! But it was all worth it. Now to find a job in my field, ugh. With the end of my school here and my son starting back next week, it has been insane. I thought all I needed to finish getting his things was to get him pants, but nooooo, found out he needs new shoes! Are you kidding me?!?!?! I just bought him new shoes in June-July!! But he is already wearing the sole off and it is starting to peel back. Ugh!This boy goes through more shoes than I can keep up. It seems like every 2-3 months I am having to buy him new shoes again!

    As far as rewarding myself when I hit a mini-goal, I love the idea. I usually go and buy something for myself: shoes (I looooooove shoes), hair dye, a new shirt, get my nails done, etc. I like to do something that is going to make me feel good about myself :) I have also been known to go buy myself some flowers because I love fresh cut flowers in a vase on my table, it looks so pretty.
  • reneeb82
    Just wanting to say hi to everyone. I hope everyone is having a great day. :happy:


    Today I choose to eat right and exercise. :smile:
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Good morning! Omg it has been crazy. This is my last week of school and then I amk done officially on Monday! Five and one-half years and I cannot believe I am really going to be done!! But it was all worth it. Now to find a job in my field, ugh. With the end of my school here and my son starting back next week, it has been insane. I thought all I needed to finish getting his things was to get him pants, but nooooo, found out he needs new shoes! Are you kidding me?!?!?! I just bought him new shoes in June-July!! But he is already wearing the sole off and it is starting to peel back. Ugh!This boy goes through more shoes than I can keep up. It seems like every 2-3 months I am having to buy him new shoes again!

    Have you tried Skechers? I have four kids and my boys are especially hard on shoes. I always bought shoes at Wal-Mart or Payless. They would always ruin the shoes before outgrowing them. I have wasted so much money on cheap shoes. My sister told me about Skechers. I love them!!! I buy them for all my kids and me, too. They are excellent shoes! They outgrow them before they are worn out. Skechers has a great website. If you sign up (free) you get free standard shipping. You can also buy Skechers at many retailers. JC Penney's is always having some kind of sale on shoes and they have those coupons they put in their ads, too. (I never pay full price for anything there. Always sale sale sale and clearance!! Yeah! I saved a TON on their back to school clothes!) Ok, I will take a breath now. :tongue:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sm0810
    Oh Wow, You all are my motivation. I am so proud of all of you who have been losing as it's just so dang hard to lose! Thanks you sharing your success! It motivates me even more. I have 100+ pounds to lose.
  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    I would like to join your group, hope it's not too late. I joined MFP 3 weeks ago today, I have lost 15 pounds. I don't weigh-in for the week until tomorrow morning. Total I would like to lose 165 lb., but right now I'm happy with any lose.
  • beka2699
    beka2699 Posts: 16 Member
    :happy: I also need to lose over 100lbs. So i am in.....................
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Buccinator....I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. I know all about pain , it sure does make exercising hard. I started out walking and swimming just a little bit whatever I could do and I just keep trying to do more and more as I go along I have also added the wii fit plus and bikecycling .

    If you feel overwhelmed by how much you have to loose it helps to make smaller goals and just concentrate on that. I am concentrating on 20lbs at a time. It is easier then looking at 100+ . I hope this helps

    I lost another 1.4lbs this week YEAH.. So I have 27 more lbs to go by christmas. We can do this
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Good morning! Omg it has been crazy. This is my last week of school and then I amk done officially on Monday! Five and one-half years and I cannot believe I am really going to be done!! But it was all worth it. Now to find a job in my field, ugh. With the end of my school here and my son starting back next week, it has been insane. I thought all I needed to finish getting his things was to get him pants, but nooooo, found out he needs new shoes! Are you kidding me?!?!?! I just bought him new shoes in June-July!! But he is already wearing the sole off and it is starting to peel back. Ugh!This boy goes through more shoes than I can keep up. It seems like every 2-3 months I am having to buy him new shoes again!

    Have you tried Skechers? I have four kids and my boys are especially hard on shoes. I always bought shoes at Wal-Mart or Payless. They would always ruin the shoes before outgrowing them. I have wasted so much money on cheap shoes. My sister told me about Skechers. I love them!!! I buy them for all my kids and me, too. They are excellent shoes! They outgrow them before they are worn out. Skechers has a great website. If you sign up (free) you get free standard shipping. You can also buy Skechers at many retailers. JC Penney's is always having some kind of sale on shoes and they have those coupons they put in their ads, too. (I never pay full price for anything there. Always sale sale sale and clearance!! Yeah! I saved a TON on their back to school clothes!) Ok, I will take a breath now. :tongue:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I have bought him sketchers once and it was difficult because he has wide feet and is very picky about his shoes. He has sensory issues and if there is one small thing bothering him it can ruin his day. If the shoe fits snug he cannot wear them. We did find some shoes at wal mart for $12. He is in that transitioning size of 6 1/2 that almost noone carries, so he got a size 7. But I have a feeling that by Christmas he will need new shoes again :( I think I am going to buy him some skater shoes for Christmas because they have very thick soles on them. :)
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    I'm joining too. I'd like to lose about 190. I've always been overweight, but for the past three years I've suffered from TWO undiagnosed (until two weeks ago) autoimmune diseases. So I have two diseases that cause my immune system to attack my joints, cause fevers, exhaustion, joint pain/stiffness. It led to a lot of weight gain. A few weeks ago I went to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and they diagnosed me and also said that losing weight and exercising would not only help with my joint pain, but also help my natural immunity, since the drugs to treat such problems are immune suppressors. It's only day 2 of my diet and week 2/day 2 of exercising. So far I'm doing really well with the diet, but not so hot with the exercising. I'm exercising, but I don't enjoy it. Does anyone have any exercise recommendations for a girl with sore joints?
    water aerobics is fab for the joints. no impact and you can do things in the water you would never be able to do on land... also... doing them in the water trains the muscles and joints to do the movements... so that eventuall you will be able to do them out of the water... increases flexibilty and strength.... best wishes
  • reneeb82
    hello to everyone. I hope everyone is having a great and healthy 3-day weekend. I went to the gym and did 80 minutes. Now I am just going to relax the rest of the day. I think tomorrow I shall go swimming.


    Today I choose to eat right and move.
  • WarningHillAhead
    WarningHillAhead Posts: 22 Member
    Is it too late to join? Probably not, but I thought I'd ask. I totally have 100 lbs to lose, and need the support of an awesome group to help me! I'm already reading through the posts and it looks like everyone is doing fantastic; I'm looking froward to joining you guys.

    I will start by taking it day by day. To help me do that, I will (try!) to post one goal per day. Short term ones, of course. Feel free to join me in achieving my day to day goals!

    Today's goal....

    No more sugar! (my one downfall :tongue: )
  • YourFriendBecky
    To the ladies suffering from joint pain-- my ex used to have a lot of joint pain. He lifted weights a lot and was finally diagnosed with degenerative disk disease... but doc couldn't offer much help. He finally did get quite a bit of relief with a supplement of glucosamine-chondroitan and omega-3 fats (fish oil) -- Natrol brand. (No ad, just sharing info here.)
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I would love to join you guys in this mission!! I am ling time dieter with little motivation and yo yo results since I have joined mfp this is the first time ever I think I might succeed and maybe even make it to the onederlands! I would love to have friends that are in the same place as me, with alot to lose. I feel like even though the scale goes down I don't feel any skinnier and it's all really depressing, my boyfriend isn't supportive at all he will eat a large pizza right in front of me!! Ahhhh
    that's enough about me, I think it would be great if we set a goal for the month or had some kind of challenge! :)
    anyone looking for a friend feel free to add me!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :flowerforyou: HI NEWBIES !!!
    It is NEVER too late to join this group. WE will NEVER put a limit on how many can join. It seems I am the unvoted upon Leader since I was the one to start this group, but THERE ARE NO RULES!!!! For those of you who want to set a challenge of losing x about of weight by a certain date or HOLIDAY I'm all for that.
    I suggest that those interested in the challenge write to the the person who posts a challenge. Then you can have your mini-group within this forum and support each other thru mails. TO DO THAT, Click on the face or the name of the person who posts a challenge or date-by loss goal, and you'll get their "message to" box.
    I really support this idea even though I'm one to walk backwards away from any goal challenge - thats just me:tongue:
    So to the lady who posted above - I hope you do get a group of like-minded persons interested in a challenge.
    Perhaps write another post and ask that those interested write you.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    HI Guys...joint pain..... there is a great therapy called SCENAR.... it is an anacronym and great for chronic and acute pain... you can look it up online.... I believe they also sell home versions.. good stuff.

    Most importantly just take care of you.... if it hurts... that means you need to be careful and ease it into what you are trying to do... After my car wreck I couldn't do anything in am... I got up took pain meds and slept on couch in sitting position until the pain meds took effect so I could move.... Well Got sick of that and what I found was.... the more mobile the less pain and stiffness. So I weaned myself off the pain pills(narcotics) and took ibuprofen(nurofen).... got more active did my rehab.... then I weaned myself off of the Ibuprofen and continued to be active....The car accident was in 1999 and by 2002 I was off routine ibuprofen and only took it occasionally for severe discomfort.... and today... I only took it recently for a intense headache..
    SO... increase activity works... change your mindset... change how you think You are the boss......
    best wishes.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Ok so is anyone interested in starting 30 day shred with me? If so send me a message or add me because there is no way I can motivate myself alone!! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    (climbing on soapbox)
    OK - here's another suggestion - when you find a blog post you really enjoy, please VOTE for it. Blogs with several positive votes get special note for others to read under the heading "INTERESTING BLOGS" or something like that....:flowerforyou: so if you think a blog might help more people, be sure to vote.
    FYI- I just posted a blog on Depression - who out there doesn't feel depressed on this journey?
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, so today I am doing a no-no. It's my special day, my birthday, and I am going to have a small piece of cake in celebration that it is my birthday and tomorrow I will be completely finished with school. I have been going for 5 1/2 years and will finally be done! It is unlikely that I will go back to get a doctorate degree so this is it for me. I feel the need to celebrate this accomplishment and my bday. We haven't gone to pick out a cake yet, but part of me is thinking I really want strawberry shortcake and part is really wanting cheesecake. Hmmmmm decisions decisions....

    Have a great day!