SWaT Team Challenge-Month 3



  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I managed to get in 4miles today and I was proud of myself.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    iluvwdw--are you able to do workout routines that are done in a sitting position? There are some online--a friend of mine with neuropathy does them. I can find out the sites for you if you can do them.
    Why does she say 5 minutes a day? Would she be happy with 5 minutes at a time? That way you could do more but spread it out over the day.

    I change my September goals (in my signature) to be more specific. I need this. I need to get back on track. August was SUCH a bad month for me but this is a new day and a new month.

    I did Richard Simmons' Blast and Tone this morning and am going to downtown Olympia with my dd and the baby for a bit. I plan on doing 30 more minutes when I get back--probably one of my walking videos.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I"m still here, just haven't been walking. Seems like every week I've got a new complaint and I'm starting to sound like a whiner. This week it's a cold that my husband and son decided to share with me. Hopefully well enough by the long weekend ahead to get in some walking & exercising.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did the 4 Mile Super Challenge yesterday using my walking weights (1 pound each) for the first 3 miles for an added boost. I also did the Fat Burn video from exercise tv.tv. It's a 20 minutes cardio/strength training interval workout. I really liked it.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Sorry I haven't been here for a few days- I took 3 days of no exercise ( except walking Plum) and ate whatever (somehow managed to stay under).

    But I'm baaaaack!:laugh:

    Yesterday I did 3 miles and another 3 miles today.

    Just picked up walk off even more weight- 2x 2 mile with a weight belt, should prove interesting:wink: also looking for weight gloves to put a abigger challenge on my upper body.

    Also did SIS 2x this week (think I'll be doing it EOD..that's all I can stand of her):ohwell:

    Sandy-Sorry you're under the weather:flowerforyou: I Talked to someone from Beachbody here on line, and she agreed SIS most boaring! :noway: She recommened Hip Hop Abs or Turbo Jam , been looking on craigs list and finding some deals.

    Everyone you're doing great, have a super weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sandy--I hope you are feeling better soon. There seem to be a lot of "bugs" going around here. I'm glad I work outside or I'd probably be sick, too!

    I've been doing different workouts in the mornings (20-30 minutes worth) and walking in the afternoons after work. So far it's working out pretty well for my schedule.

    Yesterday I did the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk and used 1 pound walking weights (hand) for the first 4 miles.

    I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do today but I will soon. Have a good day, all.
  • artamuso
    artamuso Posts: 7 Member
    Just checking in to show that I'm still around and participating. Things were pretty crazy at work at the beginning of the week and I missed a few days walking, but I'm still on track to meet my goal by the 9th.

  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I haven't posted in awhile but I don't think I am going to make my goal of 36 miles by the deadline since I cannot walk every day. I have done 5 miles though.

    Can I still keep in with the challenge even if I don't make my goal??

    Absolutely! Stay with us. I didn't make my goal last month but all this enthusiasm from the group inspied me and I did it this month! I check in a couple times a week. I hope I see you on the boards! Stick with it!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I managed to get in 4miles today and I was proud of myself.

    I'm proud of you too! 4 miles is a great accomplishment! Keep up the good work!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    iluvwdw--are you able to do workout routines that are done in a sitting position? There are some online--a friend of mine with neuropathy does them. I can find out the sites for you if you can do them.
    Why does she say 5 minutes a day? Would she be happy with 5 minutes at a time? That way you could do more but spread it out over the day.

    I change my September goals (in my signature) to be more specific. I need this. I need to get back on track. August was SUCH a bad month for me but this is a new day and a new month.

    I did Richard Simmons' Blast and Tone this morning and am going to downtown Olympia with my dd and the baby for a bit. I plan on doing 30 more minutes when I get back--probably one of my walking videos.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    iluvwdw- I'm just putting this out there....don't want to offend or hurt your feelings....Richard Simmons has a workout video for people confined to wheelchairs. I think it might be something you could do without causing a lot of hip pain. Just a thought.
  • How did you do in the Walk for the Month?
    Hello: My name is Norma and it seems I have been trying to lose weight all my life, except for about 6 months when I lost with Nutri System, but gained it all back plus.
    This program (Myfitnesspal) is working great, but I fell off the wagon in my logging for one month. I just picked it up back
    again and plan to stay on the logging wagon from now on.
    Hope you are doing good and hope you did goo in your SWaT Team Challenge.
    (nmz916) Norma/Sacramento
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Well done everyone, I'm really please your all still Walking, brilliant and Good Luck:smile:
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Well done everyone, I'm really please your all still Walking, brilliant and Good Luck:smile:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome back, hope your holiday was great. I am walking in between riding the bike.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey everybody, Finally got back to exercising today after having the "crud" and did the 5 Fat burning miles. Maybe I can keep on track for a while now. lol Fortunately it hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss.

    Artamuso - Glad your still with us and 94 miles is AWESOME!

    Plumsgrl - If you happen to find the leslie sansone Punch up your Walk kit it comes with weighted gloves and is well worth the price. It's a great workout but kind of hard to find right now. It was originally sold at Target but I think Costco had it during their sale a while back. But I have seen weighted gloves at Target or Walmart I think. I've been looking at the hip hop abs but scared to invest in another DVD I can't do. Let me know if you do get it and like it.

    pmjsmom - I found some workout DVD's at a yardsale saturday but haven't had a chance to check them out yet. One is some kind of dancing and another is a set with 10 different workouts.
    Norma, welcome to the group and Rob, glad to see you back.

    Luney, your past your goal! WTG!

    Everybody keep up the good work.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone. I got 4 more miles in today which puts me past my month's goal of 50 miles. I think I'll try for 75 plus other workouts next time.
    We have hooked up a different computer to the big screen tv (where I do most of my workouts) and now I need to put my videos on it--most of them are downloads. I can't seem to find a jump drive and I hope one turns up soon--we only have like 4 or 5!

    Sandy--I love trying new dvds. I honestly never thought I see the day when I would say that!

    Well, dinner is almost ready so I need to go. Have a good night, all, and nice to see everyone back!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Everybody's been quite the last few days! Hope you are all doing well. I've kind of fizzled here at the end of this month's challenge. I just can't seem to get back on the exercise train. It's my fault. My husband's been off work this week and it's just kind of gotten my routine all messed up but still no excuse. Somebody give me forty lashes with a wet noodle or something to get me moving again! :laugh:
  • bump
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    So, how did everyone do? I went over my goal but it was a smallish one for me.

    I have joined a Thanksgiving challenge but will continue walking to Walt Disney World.

    If someone would like to start a new thread for this one I will pop in every now and then.

    Keep on walking, everyone!
  • artamuso
    artamuso Posts: 7 Member
    I had a very good month! I went a little past my goal, and will try to push it a bit more in the coming month. If there is a SWat month 4, I'll probably join it. In the meantime, I'm continuing my virtual walk to Colorado.

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