Looking for geek friends. :)



  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    In for the geek friends. =D

    Like others here my first computer was a Commodore64 where I began programming. Went in as a computer engineer but ended up being a computer programmer and now am a system administrator for a SMB.

    Big MMO gamer, starting with Ultima Online, DAOC, Warcraft and other assorted games throughout the years. Been a huge Final Fantasy buff since a kid starting with the first on the nintendo way back when... loved those games. And am looking forward to the FFXIV MMO that is set to come out later next month. Not as much time to play with my little girl so big in my life now but she is starting to sit on daddies lap and play games (of course mostly just to have me ride around on the horsies or the dragons then quickly progresses to dora on nickjr.... lol)

    What else can I say, I hail from the hometown of Bioware and Nathan Fillion.

    Feel free to send any friend requests. Let me know you are a fellow geek.
  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    The_GingerBeard_Man Posts: 197 Member
    I love this thread. I just spent my morning researching the best ways to build cosplay armor. I have not figured it all out yet, but I will try some things when I get the time.

    I love my xbox. Skyrim is my current favorite. I also love all the bioware rpgs. I have been hooked on them since they did Baldur's Gate for the PC.

    Dr. Who, Startrek and Star Wars are some of favorite movies and TV series of all time.

    Weadon is another great. I enjoy watching Buffy and Angel, Dr. Horrible’ s sing along blog, and I just keep trying to find the time to watch dollhouse.

    Any fellow geeks please feel free to add me. Also, if anyone has built a set of Skyrim style armor, and has tips, I would love to hear them.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member

    Been a huge Final Fantasy buff since a kid starting with the first on the nintendo way back when... loved those games. And am looking forward to the FFXIV MMO that is set to come out later next month.

    What else can I say, I hail from the hometown of Bioware and Nathan Fillion.

    Firstly I wish that I, too could claim to come from the same place as Nathan Fillion. Secondly I will give you and anyone credit who didn't come into FF with 7. Especially if it was with something before 7. As far as the FF mmos go, I wish that they didn't number them. And I haven't played any of them.

    I do play WoW every so often. I play about a month, get bored and quit and come back to it again later. I play Minecraft (which isn't an mmo but we have a server that all of our friends play on.) I also play a lot of random free mmos like DDO and Rift.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    Needs more Dark Souls talk to enter...
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Count me in :)
    Dr. Who and League of Legends are my big vices right now - but I still pull out my Gameboy Color from time to time for some Pokemon play >.<
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I think I've been thoroughly out-geeked by most in this thread but I do frequently dabble in geekery:

    - Love most things sci-fi and fantasy (Star Trek TNG, Deep Space Nine, Voyager; Babylon 5, Farscape, Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, anything to do with Arthurian legends)
    - Buffy and Firefly geek
    - I enjoy anime but haven't watched it in ages as I frequently knit while watching TV and haven't mastered reading subtitles while I knit

    Add me if you like!
  • jnninn
    jnninn Posts: 34
    Im a horror geek. I love all things horror, and I go to the convention closest to me. I love the Hammer films and I see as much new horror as I can. I LOVED Sinister.

    I game on Xbox 360 also, although I will be going over to PS4 and not Xbox One as I have no interest in the Kinect Surveillance System. I play a few rounds of COD every day and I am playing the original Metro game. There should be more horror games.

    Feel free to add me, as can anyone else that would like to. Im new here, and Im kind of a loner.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Needs more Dark Souls talk to enter...

    That game was the hardest thing to do :P
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Firstly I wish that I, too could claim to come from the same place as Nathan Fillion. Secondly I will give you and anyone credit who didn't come into FF with 7. Especially if it was with something before 7. As far as the FF mmos go, I wish that they didn't number them. And I haven't played any of them.

    I do play WoW every so often. I play about a month, get bored and quit and come back to it again later. I play Minecraft (which isn't an mmo but we have a server that all of our friends play on.) I also play a lot of random free mmos like DDO and Rift.

    Oh yea. I started on Final Fantasy 1 on the original Nintendo system and had owned every one of them up to the gameboy until one of my ex-friends sold them from underneath me so he could buy a leather jacket. I know priorities right. lol.

    Yea, do random F2P games right now, Neverwinter, Lord of the Rings Online.

    I R geek hear me "52 6f 61 72"
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    I put the eek in Geek!

    Hellsing is my favorite anime

    I dream in 8-bit.

    I love League of Legends (GO GRAGAS!)

    I am a Marvel superhero geek!

    I wanna be Gambit.

    Gragas for life! <3

    Still looking for more MFP Geek/Nerds! Add me!!
  • Ennaelangels
    Ennaelangels Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! Are there more card game geeks among you? I've been a Magic the Gathering player for approx 18 years, and still play regularly (although mostly casual at the moment).

    In addition to that I love myself a good playing session of Skyrim, or a nice episode of GoT/Supernatural. And reading, of course...
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Hi! Are there more card game geeks among you? I've been a Magic the Gathering player for approx 18 years, and still play regularly (although mostly casual at the moment).

    In addition to that I love myself a good playing session of Skyrim, or a nice episode of GoT/Supernatural. And reading, of course...

    I play about every TCG, or did. Right now really only MTG. I might pick a new TCG up this year if I demo anything fun at Gencon Indy this year.
  • Mainosaur
    Mainosaur Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone can always use a geek friend.

    I literally just discovered that myfitnesspal had threads, like half an hour ago.

    As for anime, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend Rurouni Kenshin. And if you're feeling bold, check out some K(orean)Dramas. They're practically live action anime :D

    At one point, I was an intern for Fantasy Flight Games! That was the coolest and best job I have had so far. Expense paid trip to GenCon in Indianapolis.

    I'm not much of a reader though, I'm pretty sure I have untreated A.D.D. xD
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Everyone can always use a geek friend.

    I literally just discovered that myfitnesspal had threads, like half an hour ago.

    As for anime, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend Rurouni Kenshin. And if you're feeling bold, check out some K(orean)Dramas. They're practically live action anime :D

    At one point, I was an intern for Fantasy Flight Games! That was the coolest and best job I have had so far. Expense paid trip to GenCon in Indianapolis.

    I'm not much of a reader though, I'm pretty sure I have untreated A.D.D. xD

    Ugh, I just watched all of Rurouni Kenshin (Outside of OVAs) at work, I was really not happy with the way the show ended up. I use to watch it as a kid on toonami lol. Show start's off so strong, but gets week after like ep 60ish

    Fantasy Flight Games is an awesome company!
  • Mainosaur
    Mainosaur Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone can always use a geek friend.

    I literally just discovered that myfitnesspal had threads, like half an hour ago.

    As for anime, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend Rurouni Kenshin. And if you're feeling bold, check out some K(orean)Dramas. They're practically live action anime :D

    At one point, I was an intern for Fantasy Flight Games! That was the coolest and best job I have had so far. Expense paid trip to GenCon in Indianapolis.

    I'm not much of a reader though, I'm pretty sure I have untreated A.D.D. xD

    Ugh, I just watched all of Rurouni Kenshin (Outside of OVAs) at work, I was really not happy with the way the show ended up. I use to watch it as a kid on toonami lol. Show start's off so strong, but gets week after like ep 60ish

    Fantasy Flight Games is an awesome company!

    I'm super attached to Kenshin, I really liked the old timey feel :D
    The live action had just recently been released, it's eh.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm here with all the Geeks, that's for sure. I started with Pong,then Atari,Nintendo. Then I kinda just quit playing the games. I started the Flight Sims. In reality I am more of a syfy fan. I also have probably seen all the Star Treks. TNG , DS9, Voyager. But I REALLY like Babylon 5. So much so I purchased the Box set. Fire Fly, Warehose 13, Eurkea, Continuum. If there was no syfy channel I wouldn't need Directv. I can't forget to mention Star Wars, Batman,Iron Man ....you get the idea.
  • AyeshaNewaz
    AyeshaNewaz Posts: 38 Member
    I love south park, futurama, but im a different sort of geek tho... im hugely into books, music and poetry... ANDDDDDDDDDD marvel/DC comics :-D Im prolly the only person who has the android marvel n dc app to read comic books on the phone. please send me a request if u want
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Everyone can always use a geek friend.

    I literally just discovered that myfitnesspal had threads, like half an hour ago.

    As for anime, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend Rurouni Kenshin. And if you're feeling bold, check out some K(orean)Dramas. They're practically live action anime :D

    At one point, I was an intern for Fantasy Flight Games! That was the coolest and best job I have had so far. Expense paid trip to GenCon in Indianapolis.

    I'm not much of a reader though, I'm pretty sure I have untreated A.D.D. xD

    Ugh, I just watched all of Rurouni Kenshin (Outside of OVAs) at work, I was really not happy with the way the show ended up. I use to watch it as a kid on toonami lol. Show start's off so strong, but gets week after like ep 60ish

    Fantasy Flight Games is an awesome company!

    I'm super attached to Kenshin, I really liked the old timey feel :D
    The live action had just recently been released, it's eh.

    I do like Kenshin, I just wanted a more finished ending. I heard the movie was good, but have not got to it lol.

    Also what K-Drama do you like? I watch a lot of J-Drama and K-Drama, but I have kind of ran out of one's to watch lol. I really like Hana Yori Dango <3
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member

    Oh yea. I started on Final Fantasy 1 on the original Nintendo system and had owned every one of them up to the gameboy until one of my ex-friends sold them from underneath me so he could buy a leather jacket. I know priorities right. lol.

    That right there is stab worthy. My step-mom sold my copy of FF3 for the snes. She was always selling my dad's kids' stuff. I never forgave her. (She had other crimes, but this is THE ONE I couldn't get over.)
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    Everyone can always use a geek friend.

    I literally just discovered that myfitnesspal had threads, like half an hour ago.

    As for anime, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend Rurouni Kenshin. And if you're feeling bold, check out some K(orean)Dramas. They're practically live action anime :D

    At one point, I was an intern for Fantasy Flight Games! That was the coolest and best job I have had so far. Expense paid trip to GenCon in Indianapolis.

    I'm not much of a reader though, I'm pretty sure I have untreated A.D.D. xD

    Ugh, I just watched all of Rurouni Kenshin (Outside of OVAs) at work, I was really not happy with the way the show ended up. I use to watch it as a kid on toonami lol. Show start's off so strong, but gets week after like ep 60ish

    Fantasy Flight Games is an awesome company!

    I watched Rurouni Kenshin on Toonami, too. It ends badly? That depresses me. I should finish watching that. I liked it a lot.

    Btw, I also play MTG but I don't enjoy it. Lol, it's a long story.