How often do you weight yourself??



  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    Weigh myself every day and log my weight after each loss. If the scale fluctuates up, I'll wait about 3 days to see if it's from water and what not. If the weight is still higher than my last log, I will log the gain.

    This is kinda what I do too. When I notice a loss, I wait and make sure it registers 2-3 days in a row. Also, I'll downplay to loss. For example, yesterday I was at 159.9. Today I was at 160.5 but I lowered my weight today to 161.

    I hate having to go backwards so I try to make sure its a real loss first.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Every other month, I used to every day but was getting frustrated
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I weigh myself daily and the scale automatically logs the weight to MFP. I also have it connected to and get this nifty chart along with bf%, fat l and lean weight charts.


    Next time you see a post where someone's discouraged or depressed because their weight went up a couple of pounds over a weekend, point them to this graph and tell them to study it, particularly the larger zigzags ... That's called noise.
  • Once a week, first thing in the morning after I do my business but before my shower (I have really long hair, and wet hair weighs alot). Then I put the scale away under the sink so I cant see it. I do that so I wont step on the scale everytime I walk into the bathroom. I cant handle the daily ups and downs, it sorta stresses me out... So weigh and log once a week, its best for me...
  • vicelike
    vicelike Posts: 22
    Every morning and then record it.

    I like the feedback. Helps to keep me focused on my goal.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I weigh myself throughout the day...everyday. Probably a few times a day, like morning...afternoon...and before bed. I like to see the patterns of up and down.

    I noticed that when I didn't weigh, was when I gained weight.

    I only log if the loss is two days in a row.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Well was once a week, but it's now twice a week . Once for MfP - Monday and since we started a biggest loser group at work - twice - every Thursday !! Asked the work group to change to Wednesday.. So from now on going to weigh, once a week , on a Wednesday!
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning right after I get up and do the bathroom thing. I only log on Monday just as others have said, I get frustrated with the ups and downs of daily weight. So I try to avoid it..
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I weight myself three days a week. Deadlifts on Monday, squats on Wednesday, bench on Friday.


    Perfect! :love:
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I weigh daily if I can (was on a cruise and scale was in gym--didn't weigh because I typically remove EVERYTHING). I record it in MFP and find it helpful for trends (i.e. lots of salt = high weight, alcohol = high weight), and it keeps me focused. Now when I start to trend upward I can do something about it before 2 lbs becomes 20.
  • EyeOTS
    EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
    Daily, with an electronic scale.
    I really like the decimal point. If I lose even .1 pound, that feels very good to me.
  • b24ours
    b24ours Posts: 5
    daily. every morning. Keeps me accountable
  • amraf1024
    amraf1024 Posts: 74
    I weigh once a week and log once a week. i know your weight changes through the day but if i see that scale up and down i cringe so for me every Sunday morning...even though sometimes I really want to in the middle of the week lol
  • Becca1637
    Becca1637 Posts: 38 Member
    I do my weight and measurements at the end of each month. I started MFP a few weeks ago so I am looking forward to my first check in. When i lost weight before I found it more rewarding to only do it monthly. The numbers were bigger :)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I weight myself three days a week. Deadlifts on Monday, squats on Wednesday, bench on Friday.

    Ha! Awesome!
  • aidensanma
    aidensanma Posts: 36 Member
    Right now I am weighing myself once a week, so I do not get discouraged. I know that my weight may flucuate from time to time due to a heavy meal or more water intake during the day.. Bottom line is, I don't want to get to weight conscious. This is a life time journey and I want to make it as simple as possible.

    This - plus log onto MFP every day and log everything !
  • I weigh myself every morning.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Sadly, I don't have a scale :( So, I weight myself at the gym. I go to the gym usually every night and if I have time, I do it there. Then I log it into MFP if there's a 2+ lb difference.
  • kelooki
    kelooki Posts: 22
    Every weekday morning. I log every weekday morning as well.

    I think the long term pattern data will be interested to view. Although it's a bit discouraging to see "4lbs down!" next to a "2lbs down!" day sometimes - since weight fluctuates. But I like to see the progress.
  • Meggie1108
    Meggie1108 Posts: 15
    I dont have a scale at home so i weigh when im at a friends house. Keeps me from obsessing over every little fluctuation due to water or tom =) I try to focus more on how i look and feel rather than the number because its not always the best thing to go by.