Women who drink



  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    I drink a couple glasses of wine several nights a week. I don't go out partying anymore, though! If I did, I'd save it for the weekends. Log it all. And I always see these posts where everyone recommends hard liquor, but I find wine works better for me. I can drink it without mixing it with anything and it's fairly low in calories compared to a lot of other choices.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    See my profile pic. I make it fit!
  • melissarae27
    Wine, or gin with water and a twist of lime!
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    My usual is vodka and diet cherry 7up. I do still drink beer just not as much of it. Just make sure you log it. :drinker:

    OMG, vodka diet cherry 7up. . .YUMMMO

    Although I am still swearing by Walmart brand sparkling Strawberry Lemonade soda - zero cal, zero sugar!

    25 more minutes of work, So ready for a drink right now!!!
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Yep! I drink and definitely more than once a week. I log it and try to make it fit. It requires burning extra cals to really get crazy, but I find it to be worth not giving up my social life, as I won't stick with it if I did. I do vodka/soda usually. :drinker:
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    I use it as my great day, bc I'm not really a ohh I want to eat chocolate girl. Those night are my don't remember getting home. I never ever drink beer that's bloats me far to much.
    I'm a shot person thou - agwa, soju, whatever else is going around.
    I usually buy a bag drink which is as much as whatever drink and limit the sugar mix.

    If I could I would do wine, but it's not sold over here :(.
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    Vodka, Soda and a muddled lime... It's the lowest calorie drink for nights when I want to overindulge. Red wine for dinners out. If I know I'm going to really go out hard, I schedule my hard workout the day of and take a day off the next day. Lots of water! Sometimes, I actually weigh less the next day. Probably because of dehydration...lol

    Beer is a losing battle for me. I absolutely love it and I have trouble just having one or two of them. Making it a goal to reduce beer to a once every couple of months thing. I believe beer and Taco Bell is the reason I'm in this boat. : ( It may just be a trigger food/drink for me that I have to stay away from....
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    For the record, I was the "after" body in many fitness commercials about 10 years ago....and DRANK! I did cut out weekday (well, Sun-Thur) drinking but tended to party pretty hard on the weekends. And was 10% bodyfat, ripped, and in great health. It can be done. And I'd gotten lean doing the same thing, so it wasn't like I'd always been in that shape.

    Cheers! :)
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    You can still drink and enjoy yourself if that's what you want to do. Opt for spirits and a diet mixer. That's low cal hun x
  • Laffinhippiegurl
    Laffinhippiegurl Posts: 41 Member
    I drink...a lot

    I may love you...:drinker:
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    Russian Standard vodka. Keeps me sane.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I understand! Young 20's and Im not giving up going out with my friends and my margaritas!!! i stick to straight shots though...no mixers... it cuts the cals
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but go on an empty stomach. 2-3 drinks will keep you happy all night.
  • lost_in_thought
    Just try to resist the urge to get a kebab drenched in garlic mayo on the way home! *drooool* I can't help myself when i'm drunk. It's not the drink that adds the calories it's all the food I eat when i'm leathered and the following hungover day. Vodka and diet anything tends to keep calories low. Absolute vodka and cranberry gives me less of a hangover (cheap nasty vodka isn't as kind), so I make better choices the next day. A salad just doesn't sort a hangover out the same way a fry up does...
  • SouthernButt
    Here is what I know:

    I drink Stoli or Tito's and soda with plenty of citrus. I drink lots of water as well while I'm drinking. I've read that DRY champagne and DRY red wine has the least calories next to vodka as well. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I used to be big into craft beer but I don't really like beer anymore. Needless to say the calories are big. I also drink white wine spritzers with a dry white, soda and lemon. Bartenders look at me like I'm some flashback 80's housewife (who is also a bartender) but I stretch my alcohol out so I have a drink in my hand but it's lower alcohol since it's in a tall glass and I get the benefit of citrus and water again.

    The other problem is alcohol inhibits your self control. Next you're eating nachos or a late night burger or worse-- you're hungover the next day and you make even more poor food decisions. And science shows that greasy foods and caffeine make a hangover worse. The cycle continues... next you know you're off your meal plan and stopped exercising.

    Take me for example, I was on a roll! Then, I went out with my buddy and a few days later I hadn't done P90x as I was never home, I'd been drinking like crazy and my meal plan wasn't what it could be.

    It's a week later. Midterms are over and I am finally getting back on P90x.

    I'm not saying that wild nights lead to two wild nights which leads to a week long bender. (Unless you're me.) I am saying that I've learned from experience that I have to be in control or else I get out of control and then I'm bummed that I let myself get outta control. etc. Vicious cycle!
  • schakiiiii
    schakiiiii Posts: 39 Member
    Drinking is actually what made my weight go up 13 lbs! so i completly stopped. and if i do go out I get one of those Skinny drinks but even then its still not the best thing. but at 21 just do it socially that shoudl be fine. :drinker:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I drink occasionally--I stick to vodka with plain soda water and a slice of fresh lemon or lime. I also drink lots of water along with it. Sometimes I have champagne or a glass of red wine. I've never been a beer drinker, so I can't be of any help if that's your thing. :drinker:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    drinkers ADD ME!
  • beastmodekittyx
    beastmodekittyx Posts: 97 Member
    I usually go for diet coke with rum or long island iced tea!