Getting divorced?



  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going through this. At a time when you probably feel like you have very little control over major portions of your life, my advice would be to take control of the things that you can--like your health and fitness. I think you'll feel empowered if you stick with this and keep making healthy choices that will allow you to thrive in your new circumstances--which can be whatever you want them to be! Become the healthiest version of yourself for YOU and for the people in your life that really matter (friends, family, a new partner--if that's what you want). You don't have to "show him" anything--except the door!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. I, personally, would use this as a motivator. Take every ounce of anger and pain you feel and throw it into a work out. When you think about quitting, think about letting him know that you are not going to let this get you down. Set your goals and use it to keep your mind off of the divorce.
  • SunnySouth2013
    SunnySouth2013 Posts: 37 Member
    I told my husband one time that if we ever separated it would be the quickest way for me to lose 205 lbs (his weight) of ugly fat.
    Luckily, he has a good sense of humour.

    All kidding aside, it must be very difficult, but the thing is, you can do this! Do it for yourself. You deserve to be a better, healthier and happier you.
  • rebecc6
    rebecc6 Posts: 9 Member
    I am having marital problems too. I find that my husband is the reason I have trouble staying on track. He brings home fast food and always has to have dessert after dinner. We have talked about making healthier choices but his efforts do not last very long. It has been so difficult to stay on track. He is a larger guy and has weight issues of his own. I almost feel like he doesn't want me to lose weight.
    The truth of the matter is that we need to do it for ourselves. We need to stay strong and not allow our spouses to get in the way of obtaining our weight goals. Good luck!:wink:
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    If you have a gym membership, I recommend spending every minute you can there. Sit on a bike and read a book, or watch tv... Throw some weights around, keep circling around and around until you've done every machine. Exercise will release all those happy hormones that will help counteract the emotional eating. Plus, with all the extra effort, if you DO have a moment where nothing but food is going to make you happy, at least you have the spare calories for it.

    When I was going through a rough relationship, I spent a few hours at the gym every day.

    If I was sad, I got on an elliptical that faced a window which faced a field, and I totally spaced out for an hour. It was very peaceful to have my mind completely silent.

    If I was angry, I started with weights. Ok, ok, I started with weights every time. I had a lot of anger. But by the time that anger turned into sweat, I was ready for my meditation time on the elliptical.

    I ate pretty much whatever I wanted, because I was using a ton of energy in the gym every day.

    One other thing, spend time outside. Sunshine will help you feel happy.

    I am very sorry to hear that you are having such heartbreak right now. I wish you a healing transition.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    When I went through my divorce it was not pretty and I was not eating well. I found that going to the gym and doing a kick box class or 2 will relieve the stress. I found if I tried to hold in my emotions I would eat. If you have to cry or scream than do it. You said you are doing this for you, don't let him take this from you. You can do this and you WILL make it.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Stuffing your face is only going to hurt you and make you feel worse. Staying on track will make you feel strong and in control. Which sounds like the preferable option?

    Sorry your going through *kitten*, but I reckon this is sound advice ^^^^
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I lost the most weight during my divorce (legalized June 28 2013).

    Going through my divorce was one of the very few times in my life where stress caused me to lose my appetite and I lost 30 pounds in two months. I am normally a total stress eater.

    Me too.. my husband left me 5 years ago and I lost 20lbs in no time. Just now going through with the lawyers.. I just keep thinking the better I look the worse he will feel!! (He has put on a ton of weight in the last 5 years!!)
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Perhaps you could use exercise to distract you from the stress it's causing you. I'm assuming you'll want to date again eventually and want to feel confident in yourself when doing so, confidence is sexy, after all. ;) Having to lose the weight AGAIN isn't worth the 60 seconds of "happiness" that a Snickers bar might bring.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I am divorced also and while yes there were times I wanted to just throw myself into a chocolate/pizza coma I turned a negative into a positive. Overeating will make you feel good in the moment but then you will feel guilty.

    If you start exercising and seeing a change in your body, that will make you feel good forever! Dig deep and find out what makes you angry and take that aggression out in a workout.

    Chin up, the best is yet to come!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    1998 for me.
    I call it the "divorce diet"
    I lost a ton of weight, exercised like a fiend and worked crazy double shifts so I could afford to move out with my young sons.
    After the dust cleared, I surrounded myself with good Christians from my church and relied on my faith in God.
    This is what helped me the most.
    I am sorry you are going through this rough time.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I recently went through a very difficult break up. There is no better revenge than looking really good. It's helped get me past a plateau in my diet and its helped me to feel better.

    Don't feed your pain, exercise it away. Every time I feel bad or have anxiety over the situation, I get up, I walk, I move, I do something. It helps alot.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Lutah7
    Lutah7 Posts: 45
    Sorry to hear this
  • Lutah7
    Lutah7 Posts: 45
    Surround yourself with like-minded individuals in your area. Join clubs or fitness groups in your area to take your mind of what is going on. Those people will motivate you and keep you accountable if you decide to slip up.

    I think that this is exceptionally good advice.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    When my husband left me, I told myself that if I wasn't careful, I'd get really fat which would depress me even more. Look on this as something you have control over and a way to achieve something positive.

    Although it doesn't feel like it now, you WILL get over it. 'time heals' is a cliche- but it's true.

    Good luck,for now and also for a positive and exciting future.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sometimes divorce is the greatest thing to happen to you. You can start over now. Find someone who really loves you exactly the way you are right now. You can go for what you want and not settle for something because it keeps the peace. I know its probably scary, it certainly was for me, but the other side of this is exciting. I was 28 when I got my divorce after 10yrs of marriage. Now at 34 I have a wonderful husband and we added 2 babies to the 4 boys we had between us before. Don't dwell on him or how your are feeling. Don't give yourself an excuse to fail. Focus on your future and lose the weight so you can be extra confident when you start dating again.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Three years ago mine was final. Kept my son, my career, and moved to SD (Air Force). It was a very rough adjustment after 7 years of marriage/10 years together, and I put on about 25lbs. To me, the overall process felt like it couldn't be controlled, and the lack of control seeped into my food. It all boils down to where you find locus of control - internal or external.
  • nikikeenan
    nikikeenan Posts: 15 Member
    I always gravitate to topics where ppl are in relationship pain as I have so much empathy for them
    bc for me relationship pain is the worst emotional torture, I have found much serenity in my workouts.I weight train ..I listen to music and zone out , I follow a routine (Jamie Eason Live Fit 3 month program ) so I dont even have to think of what to do next ..I have a goal..I push forward..I see progress..I feel better about myself, I feel pride in ME..i LOVE THIS SITE bc i get to give and get fitness support and fitness is my me time. Wish you well..BTW I eat alot bc I eat pretty clean but not always so I can eat more and not gain..Lots of chicken!! haha
  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. I lost a huge amount of weight during mine as I lived in the gym. Not the healthiest way to lose weight....and then gained it all back when I met the love of my life. I agree, use this time as a fresh start in every aspect of your life....plan to come out the other end as a butterfly - the best version of you, that you can be.

    Hang in there. It will get better.

    Feel free to add me if you need support.

  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through this. I peeped at your profile and noticed you haven't been married long. I know it's tough regardless of years invested. As hard as it is, try to focus on your future and how you want to see yourself in the next year. You are still young, and as cliche as it sounds - you have many years ahead of you to mold your life in a way that brings happiness.

    Make yourself some goals for the short term and focus on YOU as much as you can. Whether it's weight, job, travel, hobby... anything that paints your canvas with hope and joy.

    As this chapter closes, try to focus on writing the next one as you see it. *HUGS*