Time for us Moms! Group



  • kcampbell453- I find when I do this to myself,, Doing a little house cleaning or yard racking or something that needs to be done that burns calories is the way I get back up so I can eat some for dinner and great thing for me is my stomach has shrunk from eating portion sizes so now a lean cuisine dinner fills me up most are under 300 there are even a few in the 100's which is nice for days like that lol so dont fret about drinking water for dinner!!!!

    BOGmama2010- Thank you! Creeks here are like small rivers there are lots of spots that are very shallow that is why they dont call them a river but there are really deep spots as well like the spot we swim is roughly 14ft deep reasoning for the deep spots is when they used to log around here they had used TNT to deepen it but thats been years ago!! I hope your 60/20/20 works well for you!
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies this is my 1st post on this thread. I have a 4yr old son, soon to be 3 daughter, and soon to be 1 baby girl. My husband works out of town so during the week it is just me and we will be completely homeschooling as of October 1st. I have just started working out again as of August 28th, after almost crying when I stepped on the scale and it said 200lbs. i also wanted to rip my husband a new one when he told me i still looked good. the drss i wanted to wear that still had the tags on it was now too tight it was white and i felt like a blimp but ireally didn't have any better options. anyway that was my rock bottom. There is also a history of diabetes on me and my husband s side of the family, heart problems, shingles, etc etc. you nme it it's there except cancer.

    good news is after 2 weeks I am already aroung 195 unofficial until my real weigh-in day on Sunday. I am determined to be healthier for my kids and encouraging my husband to do the same. if we just lived by what we make our kids do We wouldnit have a problem. No soda's, only one cup of juice a day maybe 2 if they are small. 2 cups of milk and the rest water. Candy and sweets very rarely. Little meat and lots of vegetables...want a snack get a piece of fruit. But we adults get to make our own choices. Anyway I look forward to following this group

    Oh yeah I found out this morning while doing cardio my 4yr old is the best motivator. He sat there eating his cereal saying "good job mommy...mommy your the best exerciser" this one almost hurt till he explained hisself.."mommy your too big" then he said"the floor's shaking" I was jumping so I told him "that's why mommy is exercising so she can be little" when I finished he said "Mommy are you little yet" I said no but I'm getting there!
    I definately need him when I am up against Jillian on 30 day shred
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Faith! Welcome. We just started homeschooling this week for the 2nd year. I was at the heaviest point I had ever been not pregnant when I started to workout with my husband. I tried to eat my best, but I only started tracking my calories here about 65 days ago. Your 4 year old is very cute. They are good motivators! You can do this. I love your mini-goals and rewards. Oh, and I think about that all the time (used to do it even when I was gorging on sweets). I wouldn't let my kids eat all of these cookies so why I am allowing myself to? I have been having a battle with that ever since the twins were born about 9 years ago. I am just now getting it under control. Have a great day!

    Mary - wow, 14 feet! That's pretty cool.

    I definitely had more energy this morning for my workout. I left everything on the floor. Dripping sweat, smiling, and just knowing that I brought it and did my best! I love Kenpo! I finally ordered my Bodybugg too. Hubby had a hard time having his card go through, not sure why, but it should be here by the 8th. Yay!

    Got an e-mail from my boss yesterday. He agreed to do the billing since he needs the money faster. I mentioned he's been hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for 2 years right? So, I guess my job goes on. God has me there for some reason. LOL

    Have a great day! It's Friday! What are your plans for Labor Day? Have any challenges that you think you will face?

  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    BOGmama thanks, as far as Labor day we are having a cookout so I know there will be temptation. I am NOT going to make my favorite peach cobbler!!! I dont think the filling is too bad it's really just fresh peaches a spoonful of sugar and vanilla and lemon juice but I make a ton of crust and that is atleast 1 cup of flour, equal parts sugar and egg crumble it up then drizzle butter all over it! Deliciously sinful:(
    I am trying to save up a few calories and I will probably space my meats out over the day so I will stay satisfied.
    hotdog and AAAAAA rib for lunch and a burger for dinner. Also skip the buns a slice of honey wheat only has 35 cals:).
    Anyway any healthier sides would be appreciated. We usually have baked beans potato salad, coleslaw, etc.
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Well ladies I didn't have to drink water for dinner last night! I tried a new aerobic video online yesterday afternoon, and with what I had left before I exercised and what I gained from exercising I was able to have some chicken and a sweet potato. So I was good!! I too think my stomach has shrunk over the last two weeks, because I can tell that I'm not eating as much as I used to, and I'm feeling full. Evenings are still my struggle, but I'm trying to keep myself busy doing something, or if I feel like I need to snack, I pick up my free weights instead and start lifting! It's been so nice here today that I decided on my lunch hour to take a little walk, because I knew that this evening I probably wouldn't get any exercise in. It was great! So refreshing, and even woke me up a little bit to get me through the afternoon!!

    Well I hope all of you have a great Labor Day weekend! Everyone is doing great, and I'm so glad I found this group!! Thanks for all of your great suggestions and your motivating words!!!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome faith! You're off to a great start - you can do this! My kids get a kick out of watching me exercise - and are always full of comments that keep me going, lol. But I have gone from hearing, "mommy why are you all sweaty and tired", to "mommy you're the best exerciser" so I must be doing something right :laugh:

    Lisa - LOL, you must be destined to keep that job! You'll have to let us know how you like the BodyBugg when you get it! I'm dreading the planks - I do okay on crunches, but holding myself up is going to be a trick.

    KCampbell - nice job "earning" dinner! Way to get in your exercise whne you can - that's what it's all about!!

    No big plans for us over the long weekend. I don't usually plan anything, I'd rather just do what feel like. I'm sure at some point we'll end up at the pool before it closes for the season (outdoor city pool), and the kids want to go fishing. We extended our walking route so we now do just over 5 miles a day - I never would have figured that I'd actually look forward to exercise. Enjoy your weekends ladies - summer is almost unofficially over!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Faith - if you're one Facebook, check out my notes section. I have a recipe for Cauliflower Egg Salad. You can check it out here: http://www.facebook.com/notes.php?id=1236360927&notes_tab=app_2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=142838389082163

    It has been my go-to recipe for 7 years now, I got it when I did the Atkins diet after having my boys, but it is still requested all the time now.

    K - there ya go! Exercise will always help you earn those dinner calories. Nice job! We're glad to have you here.

    Cori - I guess! He and his wife have told me how much they love me working there (it's a really small company) and I think I am the longest bookkeeper they have had. Oh well. I will let you know about the Bodybugg. I am excited for it to come. I even paid $5 extra to get it shipped a week faster. I'm too impatient for online shopping, I really am - but yet I do most of my shopping there. LOL

    I think we may go to the amusement park this weekend. Our weird weather continues. Got warm for a couple of days this week but it's not supposed to be over 70 again next week. Sigh..... At least that means Gilroy shouldn't be too hot. I need to enjoy these next few weeks before Birthday Season starts here. It becomes mayhem, especially since my brothers are planning on flying in for a few days in October. Oh joy!

  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    BOGmama that sounds like something I will have to try first, Unfortunately people expect their traditional items but I a, going to do corn on the cob and use parkay spray not real butter, maybe some oven roasted veggies and oven potatoes instead of potatoe salad, but I will do smashed potatoes for Sunday dinner with a low cal pork roast I got off of the recipe section.

    As for the exercise I just did 30 day shred and guess who did it with me. My 4 and 2 year olds. They made it fun I gave them ottles of seasoning to use as weights and at one point my son said mommy this makes my legs hurt, I said I know but it's good for you. I told him he could stop if he was too tired and he went almost to the end. I love my babies:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    Well now its time to go clean-up the hubby is coming home for the weekend. i can't wait for this living in 2 separate states to come to an end:frown: :cry: :happy:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi ladies,
    I love how your children are encouraging you. It is so cute. I went bike riding with my 10 yr old daughter the other night. This is the first time I have ever gone riding with her. She was so excited she said "Mommy you loosing weight is the best thing that has ever happened to our family" , kids are too funny. But they do encourage us. We are staying home this weekend hubby is remodeling our bathroom. So I will be keeping the kids busy and out of his hair. Probably bike riding, swimming, and walking. Maybe a good movie too. I lost another 1.4lbs this week > YEAH.

    Hope everyone has a great healthy weekend
  • Hi there! I too would love to join this group I am a new mother too a beautiful 5month old. I'm only 21 but I have a huge struggle with my weight...all my life. I am hoping I can connect with some other moms that can share tips of how to loose weight excercise all while juggling the mom life and the house wife life. Pleasure to meet you all! Have a great day!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey Kids :o)

    I have been one eyeball above water all week. But, homework was finished, articles were turned in on time (although now I freak out until my editor send back the final copy), and I stayed under my calories all week. Work was stressful as usual, and I narrowly avoided a major argument with the hubs. BOG - I have a Jeremy too! So I'm definitely glad its the weekend. A long one at that!

    I've missed too much to comment on everyone's progress individually, but you guys all sound like you've been doing really well! I'm proud of our group. Lots of newcomers too... welcome!

    I liked the stories of the kids' comments during workouts. Mine's not old enough to hit me with those gems yet, but I can only imagine what she'll say when she hits that point. haha! Right now she just sits on my lap and pokes my fat. And my boobs. For some reason, she really likes my boobs. Such a weirdo.

    Also, tell me more about this bodybugg. I've heard about it, but I'm interested to know how well it works since it's so expensive. I'd hate to spend the money if it's only mediocre.

    SO here's my latest dilemma: sometimes I'm really hungry at like, 5.30 so I make dinner. Then I have to stay up super late doing homework, or writing, or lesson planning, etc. and I start to get hungry again around midnight. I've used up all of my calories already, but I know I still have an hour of work to do and if I go to bed hungry i just lay there miserable. How do I handle that? I don't want to eat more, or that late, but going to bed with a rumbling tummy doesn't work. I try to drink a big glass of water, but that only seems to offset it for ten minutes or so.

    I'm excited that the weather is starting to cool off at night. My apartment is at the bottom of a big hill. My goal now is to start walking up the hill. If I can make it from here up to the main road and back, it will be 3 miles. Heck of a walk, especially if it's half way up a steep hill! I know I won't make it all the way up the first shot, but I'll get a little further every time. I'm hoping to make it all the way up by the end of the month. Woot!

    Keep up the good work this weekend! Resist BBQ temptation!

  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Hi Everyone! I was laughing at all of the kids comments and thought I would add my own 2 year old's "help" during my reps of crunches. He loves to lay his head and upper body, with the rest of his body between my legs on the floor :) ...during the entire time! 10 reps of 10 crunches....so much more challenging!

    BOG...I can't really....no let me rephrase that....I choose not to get up early enough to exercise before my husband leaves for work...at 6:10am....I have trained my kids to sleep late...so we are all in bed until 8am :) Hurray! I would be so so sick if I tried exercising at that hour anyway...I ran today at 9ish and wanted to vomit for the next 2 hours.. That could be due to the fact that I am terribly out of shape....but either way, morning exercise...not happening! I am dedicated though...so, that will make the difference :)

    Busy labor day weekend with my family....hope everyone is having fun!
  • J~ :noway: that sounds painful to me lol but then again I am still in the light exercise phase I haven't gotten to the actual crunches and leg lifts and stuff like that I feel like I need to work on loosing a few pounds so I dont feel like I am dieing from doing 1 rep of 10 lol Great work with you son BTW!!! way to get some resistance in there!!!

    Kaitlyn~:ohwell: My baby girl does the same thing but I account it for her being breast fed for so long! "Right now she just sits on my lap and pokes my fat. And my boobs. For some reason, she really likes my boobs. Such a weirdo. "

    jnel17~:bigsmile: Welcome to the Group!!!!:flowerforyou:

    mommie~ hope your weekend with the kids turned out Great!! Maybe the hubby got the bathroom finished while yall had a good time lol

    faith~ I would be excited to do the 30 day shred as well but I always feel like an Idiot working out to a video... Hope you do Great with it!! Having a well fit hubby doesn't help he likes to giggle about me jumping around the living room we have gotten in more then one fight about this he doesnt do it to be mean it just in the 6 years we been together he's never seen me jump around the living room with stuff like this. He always says he's sorry lol

    Ok so for me I have been going swimming alot for my exercise but it being labor day weekend the place I go to swim is most likely packed and I am not yet comfortable enough to be out in a bathing suit with a bunch of people around so for 2 days I haven't exercised... I will get up am make myself do something today even if its just chasing the kids in the yard (410 cal breakfast) On another sad note I haven't been getting my water intake like I should either... I have however been tracking for 22 days and have only been over 1 day!!!
    I will be having a full hysterectomy soon due to my endometriosis! In a way I will be sad but in a way, I hope it helps with my weight loss my poor hormones are crazy from all this and I am in bad pain!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Faith - those sound like some great alternatives. LOL my kids like to work out with us too. We actually use it as a reward. :D They do lots of exercise outside, but working out with mommy and daddy to P90X (only Kenpo) is something that we don't do all the time. Oh goodness! Why do you live in 2 separate states? That would suck!

    Mommie - nice job on the weight loss! Hope you and the kiddos have a great day today.

    Hi Jnel! Welcome. I too have struggled with my weight all my life (well since I started grade school). What types of activities do you like to do?

    Kaitlyn - sometimes when we are so stressed, it is just easy to vent our frustrations out on our husbands, isn't it? Sorry you had a rough week. LOL at the boobs. My 2 year old used to pinch the fat at the back of my arms before I started losing weight. Thank God he can't do that anymore! It hurt! I will let you know when I get my BodyBugg. I can't wait! Hmm, is there anyway you could have a low cal snack at 5:30 and then dinner around 7? I think that is a great goal for the hill. Sounds like it will be a good butt burner.

    JP - glad that you are motivated! Some people love to work out at night and that is cool. More power to them! I can't. :D How long was it before you ran that you ate?

    Mary - I never thought that I would be the one to workout to DVDs either because I am so self conscious and don't like people watching me while I workout. Since hubby does it with me, he is focused on what he is doing and can't comment too much on me. Sometimes he does, I usually snap back that I am trying my best and that I will try to improve my form - and I do make a conscious effort the next workout to fix what it was. Great job tracking. Do you have your date set for your surgery?

    Happy Labor Day! Workouts planned (none done yet. :D) and a trip to Gilroy Gardens as well. Looking forward to just relaxing today. We've been exercising later in the day this weekend and it's been an ok change. Kind of killed me yesterday. Got done with our Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps workout and had an hour before I had to go do Slim in 6. We have Cardio X today. I may wait to do that tonight after Slim in 6. LOL Have a great day!

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    How was everyone's weekend? Good here. We BBQd some kabobs tonight. My man is a master griller! The Bear (that's what we call our daughter) has decided she only needs one nap a day now, but then crashes around 5.30pm. So we're trying to find some middle ground for her. Hopefully bed time will be less of a fight once she gets situated.

    As for my boobs, I don't think it's because she breast fed. In fact, she didn't. She never latched, so I pumped the first six weeks' worth of bottles so she would get all the yummy nutrients. Maybe she's regretting the decision. HAHA! Ah well.

    So the hubs took me shopping today since I met my first weight goal! Unfortunately, we're also broke, so I came away with two pairs of pants and a sweater. All on sale, thanks to the holiday. I had to order the pants in a tall, so they should both be here in the next week. I decided to wait to buy new undies until the current ones get a little looser. No sense in spending more money than I have to, right?

    Back to the grind tomorrow. Have a good night!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - mmm, kebabs. Nice job! Feels so nice to get some new clothes doesn't it? I still haven't bought new underwear yet. Hubby and I both need it though! Your daughter is only a year and a half, right? Make sure you get that nap as close to noon as you can. Does she sleep through the night? I had to pump as well for all 3 of my boys. Blech!

    Decided to do our DVD outside today for the first time. Doing Yoga among the bees in the field. LOL We needed to keep on eye on the twins and didn't want to be inside in case they needed us. It was a different experience for sure. Had a couple of people watching at times and commenting (especially during Kenpo). Didn't get to do everything we wanted today, but it was nice and relaxing.

    So, we need a new challenge. I'm thinking a fitness challenge on this one. How about 20 push-ups a day? Toes or knees, it doesn't matter. Just get 'em done.

    Have a great night!

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    I think I can handle 20 push ups a day. I'm feeling almost human again. Sorry I'm so behind. Seems like one thing after another here. My son is sick now too, so I wasn't able to go to my zoo workout today which was a bummer. I think I'm going to attempt to do some Turbo Jam today. To make up for my lack of zoo workout. A couple of my neighbors started running and when Matt gets home I'm hoping to join them in the mornings. Until then I'm going to try and run once the big 4 are at school. Hope ya'll have a good day I will try to stay caught up, I swear.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Oh, Lisa, you would do that! haha! Okay, okay. 20 pushups isn't that bad. At least you let me do them girly style. :o)

    I hate my job so much. It's really stressful and makes me really unhappy. I'm applying to the nurding program next week, and I should know my results by Halloween, so it's just a waiting game until then. If I don't get in the first time (and word on the street is that most people don't) I'll start looking for a new job. I can't do this one anymore. It affects my life too much.

    Doing well with the calories today. I actually looked up the cafeteria lunch before I ate it to decide how much of it to eat! Glad I did, too. It would have so not been worth it.
  • Hi there! What type of activities do I like?...well, hmm, I look most anything truth be told but now that I have had my daughter my life has changed drastically I have moved, live in an apartment so I am still getting to know the new city and being I live in an apartment I have such a small space I can't have excercise equipment. BUT i did purchase the biggest loser workout DVD I am now going to try and Jillian Michaels 30 shred is on the way in the mail!!!
  • Lisa~ well I didn't get in my 20 for the day I have a very sick baby and she hasn't let me put her down all day!! After I got her in bed I didn't have energy to do anything!!! have to do 40 tomorrow to catch up God help me lol!!! No my date for my clean out hasn't been set he wont do my check up and set a date tell my TOM comes to visit (which should be this week:frown: )

    Heather- I feel your pain:cry: my 15 month old has a double ear infection! I haven't put her down tell a few hours ago:frown:

    britishstar41- I have recently left my job do to hubby's orders I guess you could say because I would get so stressed just the thought of me going in made me cry!! He got a good paying job and told me to give up that place and go find me somewhere I wouldnt get that stressed out about!!!

    jnel17- Glad to here you are making the best of your situation lol I wish I had as much motivation to do the DVD's lol you will do great!!
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