

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Amanda, what great news. I have everything crossed for your daughter.

    Sveltwisher, my batwings are still there, despite lifting heavy dumbbells, doing pushups etc. I have a few more lbs to lose, so here's hoping it comes off there. Not holding my breath!

    Vicki, fantastic news on the dress size. Well done.

    Sandy, what a great loss! I'm struggling to lose a few oz these days

    Kate, I used to do a lot of binging. I used to stuff myself until my stomach was distended and then sleep. Even now I am tempted when DH goes out for the day, but I feel so accountable to this thread and feel I have to confess that it inhibits me. Cheese was always my downfall, but now I know it is so salty that it really messes up my daily weigh in. So a small sliver has to be enough. Anyway, you are definitely not alone and getting it out into the open is the first step. Good for you and good luck. I do have a few things in the house that I can eat that don't do too much damage.

    Love from Heather in Hampshire UK
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Icing knee for now, but I want to get out and do some yard work today.

    Svelte – how wonderful that you and DS are motivating each other. Best of luck; check in often because this is a fantastically motivating group. My nephew is the one who got me started this time. DH has never had a weight problem, but continually tries to quit smoking. I quit almost 20 years ago. We each have our struggles.

    Amanda – wonderful news for you and DD, prayers and well wishes!
    Sandy – do that happy dance, OMG, 3.4 lbs., amazing!

    Grandmallie – good for you! I’m thinking I’ll see the 150s sometime next year.

    Heather – sounds wonderful having a vacation in Rome. I did 15 days with a Eurail pass eons ago & would love to get back eventually.

    Robin – don’t you love our weather, especially when there’re heat waves everywhere! I plan to do yard work also. Give yourself permission to take your time, a new job, no matter how enjoyable, is still a stressor as you adjust.

    Barbie – I found and was able to post it thanks to you, swipe away :-D

    Kate – you’re finding your way, good for you getting out today. Chat often.

    Meg – so hope DD# 1 remembered parent-daughter day.

    Joyce – I’d say you more than earned that 2.4 lbs. Good for you!

    Johanne – All I can say is WOW what a garden!

    Pat – thrilled that you are home again and enjoying creative time with friends. Envious of the bike time – to be honest, I’m short enough and awkward enough I’d be afraid of tripping while mounting or dismounting from the recumbent bikes at my gym. Wish I could carry a mounting block-like step stool. ;-)

    Vicki – I am so sympathetic to all those with raging temps, so happy you can walk in your building at least.
    Katla – glad you made the trip, sorry about the traffic. Welcome to WA, I have a friend in Auburn so I know the area (& the supermall) very well. Enjoy!

    How I’m feeling today –

  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Oh my gosh-I want to eat that adorable baby kitty above! Soooo cute!

    Got a call from doctor today that my chest x-ray looked fine, whew! I was very impressed that they called on a Saturday. She knew I was extremely anxious. So next apt will be with the gastro. Part of the reason I have extra anxiety is that in Feb. I turned 50, and that is the exact age I lost my mom. I just feel like I'm going to die this year! I'm sure that sounds silly, but it is a real fear. I still remember coming home from school and seeing her in bed so sick from the cancer and the effects of the chemo.

    Waiting for storms to roll in to cool things off. Sky is starting to look a bit funky. The dogs will not be happy with the big boomers!
    I have had the air conditioners going nonstop. The electric bill will be extra disgusting next billing!

    How nice to hear the baby news! Speaking of, when is that royal baby going to pop out?!

    Had some quinoa with hummus and veggies for lunch. I swear I could put hummus on anything-love it!

    Going to get a new kitty end of month. Hubby doesn't know yet. He'll figure it out when he jumps into his lap, lol...

    Happy Saturday to all!

    Critter Sue
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I would love to get another cat, preferable a very active rambunxious cat. My cat is very slow paced, doesn't play much. she needs some one to stimulate her. DH knows that when he dies I am getting at least 2 more cats. I love me my rescue animals. My daughter has 3 rescue dogs. That's OK, she can have the dogs, I'll keep to cats.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    evening ladies,
    I was thinking this afternoon( I know scary isn't it?)the reason that we are losing weight ,is because we are doing it the right way.
    No fad diets,we watch what we eat, we log it and we have a support group of friends that help us through the rough parts..
    I have read many many times that ,this is the key to long lasting weight loss.. and us chickie's are doin it..
    you all should be very very proud of yourselves:bigsmile:
    i have a NSV moment, I am going to have to go out and buy new undies:blushing: mine aren't falling down ,but they are all baggie and feel funny so I guess I will have to hit Walmart and pick some up..
    I am a size lrg now in some things and xl in other's but I am still looking for a swimsuit in a size 10 for october.. I know I am pushing it a bit,but hey at least it gives me insentive:laugh:
    I am hoping for a good thunderstorm tonight to take away this freakin hot weather, I am Melting here and I am NOT the Wicked witch of the west either.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Spent the day with a good friend - had lunch out, walked around some shops in a little downtown area visiting the day away. After that it was getting stormy so I just walked inside for 30 minutes...but then it blew over and it was notably cooler, so I went out for a 5-mile walk (90 minutes). Hopefully that and the extra water I've consumed will offset the lunchtime sodium.

    Church tomorrow, then household chores and the YMCA.

    Off to cool down and eat something for dinner.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies. I've been missing this tread for quite awhile. :cry: This summer has been amazingly busy with work and family - all in the most positive way.:bigsmile:

    We've been to visit my DS and his GF. We had such a great time with them. It is so wonderful to see how happy they are together:heart:

    My DD did take me shopping today (for those who remember my combo panic attack and NSV when I discovered my work clothes where too big even though I weight the same as I did back when they fit). I feel like I should log calories for the experience - lugging piles of clothes and hours of trying on. She is good personal shopper. I got 3 jackets, 2 pairs of pants, 2 pencil skirts, 2 dresses (1 strapless that is fantastic!), 1 blouse. She thinks she can take in some of my old blouses so I should have a nice wardrobe when she is done. We started pulling all the old stuff out of my closet...I just couldn't seem to part with them even though most don't fit. thank goodness she helped me out.:flowerforyou:

    I also got a new bikini today. So cute. I couldn't believe it was really me when I looked in the mirror. Thank you MFP!!!! :laugh:

    Its a good thing I have all this work..next month's credit card bill will be a doozy. At least I bought all of it at the outlets and on sale too!:blushing:

    I'm hoping I can catch up on the posts soon. Please know I'm thinking about all of you even if I haven't had time to read posts or reply individually (or even post myself). My reality is that the rest of this year is going to be as frenetic as my present situation if not more so since I start working in a clients office in a couple of weeks (hence the need for work clothes that fit). So add a long commute in and I can only imagine I'll have even less time for my VitF pals. :sad: :sad:

    congrats to all those succeeding in their health journey:drinker:
    hugs to all that need one:love:
    encouragement to each and everyone of you:wink:

    Have a great evening, Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi again.:flowerforyou:

    Meg . . . thanks for the words of encouragement. It's funny that you mention years and years of habits; for the 1st time the other day, I thought of something that may be related to this type of nonstop, mindless eating. When I was a child, I used to steal quarters from my parents' bedroom. I would then go to the drugstore and buy a lot of candy with the money (candy bars were only a nickel then). I'm pretty sure I would eat most of it before getting home. Maybe I hid some - I still do hide "goodies" sometimes.

    Pat . . . I'm like you - no creativity or artistic ability - but both my kids are very talented. It's there on both (mine and my husband's) sides of the family, but in my case it skipped a generation. I'm working on chatting more, lurking less.

    Vicki . . . we finally got a good thunderstorm this evening - cooled things off just a mite.

    Heather . . . glad to hear you've been able to deal with the binging. I am hoping that talking about it more will help. My husband doesn't understand any eating issues - he's like yours - naturally thin (extremely so).

    Janie . . . so you're also one of the lucky ones in the Northwest? Love the gif!

    Sue . . . I think your fear of dying is very understandable. My best friend's mother (who in many ways was a better mother to me than my own) died at 42, and then her father died at 45. My friend was very stressed throughout most of her 40s.

    Joyce . . . We have 2 cats, they play a little with each other, but not as much as the 2 cats we had prior to these. Both sets of these cats were sisters from the same litter, and both had some siamese blood, which mostly made them smaller cats. The first set were much more fond of each other, although they did have their quarrels. This 2nd set mostly tolerate each other, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of sisterly love.

    Grandmallie . . . using MFP, reading the forums (mostly this thread!) and not attempting to eat super low calories has made a huge difference for me. I've never lost this much weight before, and certainly never kept up trying to change my eating habits for this long. Despite my failings, I have no intention of reverting to my past habits.
    I think I may also finally be entering the neednewundies club - yes!

    Gail . . . Impressive walking! Where (what environs) did you take your 5 mile walk? Did your friend accompany you?

    Jodios . . . way to shop! I'm lucky 'cause at my "day" job I don't have to look professional at all, it's very casual (as in jeans and t-shirts). During the school year I also work evenings, and in that job I have to look business professional. (I don't always pull it off.) I'd like to get my sewing machine fixed and see if I can do some very simple tailoring. Do both you and your daughter sew?
    What do you do (for work)?

    Wishing you all a Sunday of pleasant weather, companionship, and healthy, tasty food.

    :smile: Kate in Brooklyn, NY :smile:
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I spent a lovely afternoon and evening with my sister, swimming in her pool and later relaxing in the hot tub. Her husband made a delicious salad with smoked salmon for dinner.

    Amanda…Exciting, Happy news about your daughter, I hope all goes well for her and the baby!

    Kat…I planted tomatoes and peppers directly into straw bales that were left outside from last fall. It’s not the most attractive, but the plants are doing well. Your planter boxes on the deck sound great; I have large pots for my flowers on the front porch and back patio.

    Grandmallie…Congrats on the loss and being in the 150’s!

    Jodios…Congrats on the new clothes!!

    Meg…Were you able to enjoy your parent-daughter day?

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from HOT (100 degrees) Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Hi all
    Must just pop in to tell you that the ounces are gone! I am now officially NORMAL!:laugh: BMI this morning - 24.96 !:bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Phew - that was a long wait! I wasn't all that optimistic when I got on the scales as I had cheese last night. But there it was. Now you can all let that breath out and do a happy dance for me!

    Must go. :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Congratulations Heather! You have deliberately made yourself healthier and it wasn't easy:bigsmile: !
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Congratulations Amanda! You’re out of hospital, your dad is going to be in a better living situation, and you’re going to be a grandmother again! Wow!:flowerforyou:

    Kate in Brooklyn: How can anybody be accountable for normal behavior in unbearable heat? :huh: Find a way to cool off and then get back to business. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Thank you for thinking of me. I went ahead and came up to Auburn to see the kids, at DH’s insistence. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Congratulations on the weight loss! You are doing well. My momma used to tell me not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Your weight loss seems to be a gift. Are the antibiotics your gift horse? I hope they kick the sinus infection in addition to unexpectedly leading to losing some pounds.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: I’m glad you’re home and happy.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Thanks for your kind words for all of us. You’re part of the helpers around here. Congratulations on the great NSV. :bigsmile:

    DH said he needed rest and sent me to see the kids. He has been at home with the dog and his health is improving. He told me, “I still need you, and I’ll still feed you, though you’re 64.” :laugh: I’ve had a wonderful birthday. DS and DDIL took me to Seattle and treated me to seeing an amazing blown glass art museum, having a great seafood lunch at the Crab Pot, visiting Pike Place Market and going for a bike ride. It has been the best birthday I can remember in a very long while.:bigsmile: I’ve had some good conversations with DD and was wished happy birthday by DGD, too. I am happy.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla temporarily in Beautiful NW WA

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning ladies,
    we finally, finally have the window's open,the humidity has broken...
    going to hit the gym this morning, i haven't been going much lately, I have been walking.. but I better keep it up..,tryng to do stuff this morning because I am going to park myself in front of the tv this afternoon.they have a Anne of Green Gables marathon on today,and that was one of my favorite shows,Anne was played by megan follow's
    the guy who took our tree's down is coming to take away the ground stump mulch and lay down the topsoil..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie :smile: Congrats on getting to the 150`s!!!! Congrats on having to get new smaller undies, feels good doesn`t it?

    Sandy in ON :smile: Woo hoo!!! 3.4 lbs in a week, that`s fantastic…congrats!!!

    Amanda :smile: Glad you`re home from the hospital, take care of yourself!!! Congrats to you and your daughter, a baby…how wonderful. Will keep you all in my prayers!!!

    Robin :smile: Congrats on the job, I`m sure you`re making a good impression!!! Sounds like Bodi and Ritter are having fun in the yard!

    Barbie :smile: I know I`ve been here over a year now, I remember last year when you went to The Lavender Festival and the yummy ice cream!

    Kate in NY :smile: Glad you`re coming in and chatting with us, instead of just lurking! Good for you logging every bite, I think that`s the key to changing things!

    Meg :smile: Hope DD#1 remembered and you had a good time together! Hope you got your wish of rain…wish I could send you some, we seem to be stuck in a wet cycle these days:grumble: .

    Joyce :smile: Well, congrats on the weight coming off! Have you been drinking more water? I know you haven`t felt too good lately and let up on the exercise a little, sometimes when you exercise your muscles hold on to water for repair, maybe you`ve just shed that water weight. Just keep a check and if it really bothers you, check with your Dr.!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: Glad you`re home and sleeping like a baby! I always look forward to your posts, they make me giggle and smile:happy: …thank you for that!

    Vicki :smile: I know about just enough rain to make it muggy:angry: , it`s been that way here seems like most of the summer! Stay inside and stay cool!

    Jane Martin :smile: Stay cool too!!! Love the profile pic with your grandgirls:love: !!!

    Heather :smile: I love cheese too, Brie is my favorite:love: !

    Janie :smile: Love the graphic, I`m sure I look like that too:laugh: ( the happy dance)! Hope your knee feels better soon! Oh my gosh, I just saw the kitten graphic, I LOVE it…”rawr”!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Critter Sue :smile: Glad your test look good!!! My a/c has been running non stop too:grumble: !

    Gail :smile: Glad you got a little break from the heat, sure wish we would get a little break from all this humidity!

    Jodi :smile: How fun, shopping with your DD, sounds like you got lots of nice things!!! A bikini:wink: ….you should be so proud of yourself…I`m proud for you!!! A least your credit card bill is full of things you love...mine has a washer and dryer on it:ohwell: !

    Terri :smile: What a wonderful afternoon and evening you had! Salad with smoked salmon…YUM:love: !

    Heather :smile: Woo hoo, yippee, congrats on being in the normal range!!! I`m doing a happy dance for you!!!

    Katla :smile: Happy birthday:flowerforyou: !!!! Sounds like you`ve had a wonderful time and a fantastic birthday!!!

    I had a fantastic weekend with the granddaughters:love: , I swear I don`t think I sat down except to eat on Friday and Saturday. Those girls are constantly on the go…we shopped, we walked, we played tag (yes, I ran too:noway: ), we hula hooped, we jumped rope (yep, did that too:tongue: ), we rode the golf cart, and we laughed a lot:laugh: , lots of hugs and kisses, it was a fantastic weekend. After I got home from taking them home last night, the house was so quite, it was nice, yet it was also a little sad:cry: . They keep me on my toes that`s for sure. Noel was totally worn out too:yawn: , she just wanted me to sit down and pet her, she ran a lot with us, so she got lots of exercise too! I managed to slip on my garage steps:grumble: ( I only have 2 coming into the house, and I did something to my left ankle, it`s not swollen, but boy does it hurt, I think I`ll do what Barbie does and put some ice on it! Then I`m off to boss the boys for a bit this morning:devil: :laugh: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in steamy, yet sunny at the moment NC:glasses:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    The heat has finally broken here! It was a pleasant night for sleeping. The first in weeks!!

    Amanda- I am so glad to hear you are out of the hospital and doing better! Very exciting news about your DD!! I will keep her in my prayers.

    Katla- Enjoy your visit. Glad your DH is feeling better.

    Congrats to all with victories!! There are so many positive things happening to all of us. Thank you all for sharing. It makes it all seem possible!!

    I am thinking of all of you with struggles. Hang in there- things will get better!!

    Yesterday was a bad eating day. I went to visit with family and did not plan ahead well enough. I did go for a walk with my sister, but then we ate at Wendy's and I did not do very well. I never eat fast food and thought the chicken sandwich would be grilled. It wasn't and came in at over 500 calories!! When I got home, DH had made guacamole- I love it and ate my share.:embarrassed: I will be very careful today!!

    Today will be busy with some sewing projects, quick clean through, and some work outdoors. I need to take advantage of the sun and lower temperatures!! I will also do my workout with weights and a 5 mile walk. Best get started!!

    Have a great day!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Finally feeling better today, I'm having my first cup of tea in a week. I'm glad the heat is breaking for everyone, of course in GA it's always hot and humid during the summer,

    Congrats to all the people who have lost weight, I think it was Heather who's BMI is now in the normal range. I have got to write this down so I can remember who is who.

    Have a great day, Tigress in Ga.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning ladies. Sounds like for alot of you the weather is cooling off. We are still in the HOT and the rain we were to get last evening did no come, So hot and humid today. I am working so in the AC, this evening we are to ride with our CMA group and a chapter from York (which is 45 miles away) to St Paul for supper. So I am hoping by 5 pm it will not be to bad. Seems I complain about the heat alot. It just wears me down.
    Critter Sue- I understand your fear. My DH lost his dad at 60 and he is 59 this year and thinking next year will be his last. Then my mom lost her mom at 72 and the year she was 72 she was so depressed. Oct 4 of this year she will be 80. But it is a real fear and I hope you can get some peace about it soon.
    Jodios- What a great bonding expericne with your DD. I know what you mean about letting clothes go even if they do not fit. I have clothes that are way to big and I still wear them. I know they look baggy but my mind has not got to the point yet where I believe it. I have found several outfits that were to small and am wearing them. I just need to sort out and give away the to big stuff. Maybe your DD could come help me when she is done at your house.LOL
    Heather- Congrates on being NORMAL. That has to be a great feeling.
    Katla- Sounds like you are having a delightful birthday and visit with family. Making memories are the greatest gift.
    DeeDee- You sure got alot of exercise having fun with the GDs. One thing I find when I spend time with the GC is we do alot of things and since we are having fun I don't think of it as exercise. They do keep us young.
    Tigress- gald you are feeling better, I do believe being sick when it is so hot is harder than the cooler weather. But then I think the heat is not my friend.
    Well my thoughts are with all of you and pray that you have a great Sunday. I will work till 5pm then off on the motorcycle for the evening. I am off tomorrow so plan to sleep in and clean house.
    Blessed! Vicki from HOT NE
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and happy Sunday, everyone -

    Quick pop-by while DH does his chores :wink:. I was planning a mini-strike because he can never seem to find the time to do his chores, but I hear the vacuum now, so I guess he took me seriously. Anyhoo, had a fun weekend, which means it wasn't terrific eating-wise but fun nevertheless. I went out with my sister and a group of her friends Friday night for a Ladies' Night. We went to the new restaurant for happy hour/music, then on to a wine-tasting, then back to the same restaurant for dinner. I can't say the happy hour was a success - the music was too loud and the place was too crowded/hot/stuffy. Do I sound old and cranky :laugh:? It wasn't just me, though - everyone felt that way, even the people who worked there. It was better when we went back, and the food was good again.

    Yesterday I only managed to get out for a walk with DH in the afternoon. I did better today and made up for yesterday - did resistance training and abs for over an hour, then another half-hour of cardio/kickboxing to make up for it. I haven't done a "double" for quite some time. I kind of sucked at the cardio, but I pushed through and managed to burn off an extra 250 calories. :drinker:

    Michele, I'm glad the wedding went well. I'm so sorry to hear about Vince's hospital stay. I'm sure it's not Europe's fault, but I can understand how he might feel a little snake-bit.

    Heather, contrats on reaching a "normal" BMI! :drinker::flowerforyou: It's a great feeling, isn't it?

    Katla, happy birthday!:flowerforyou: It's my DD's birthday today - she's 29. Cancers rock.

    We had the most amazing storm last night. Kat, I almost called you to see if you were watching. We took a video of it for about six minutes - it was like a light show. All we needed was orchestra music to go along with it. DH and I had been watching a TV show but quit to go outside and watch. You could hear all the neighbors out oohing and aahing too. Everyone had turned off their lights so we could see better. Very cool.

    It was supposed to cause a break in the temperatures, but it's already up to 90 degrees out today. I don't think it's going to work. Heading to Chesapeake City to try to stay cool and have brunch.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  • colograndma
    Hi there dear friends.... so sorry that I have worried some of you. We are fine, not near any fires and the Southfork area fire has not damaged any of our families homes. I just had to come to the conclusion that I was spending way too much time on the computer between here and FB etc... and yet so much was left undone at home. I have been working an average of 85 hours a pay period as well. So here is what I am doing. I am still watching what I eat. I am spending more time at what needs to be done AND with DH. I am learning more jewelry skills from Him and friends, and soon we will be on the road going to fairs and rock shows. I also am ramping up my Mary Kay business that I have not been doing. (Have to brag here.. our middle daughter just became a Mary Kay Director). All so that I can leave my stressfull job eventually. I do not agree with alot of the stress and politics, and for my own sanity need to be in charge of my own destiny. Anyhoo ladies I still love ya, and will pop in now and then, and am recording my weight. (I have a button attached to my blog), I just cannot be here daily. :heart: But I will try be back more often and keep up with you all... I miss you too.
    :flowerforyou: Connie!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning ladies again.
    I am a ball of energy today, must have had a good nights sleep, well I went over to Kmart because there was this top of a swimsuit I really liked, and it was 50% off, I bought it ,it was a size 10:bigsmile: I cant get into it now, but I promise you I will in October when I go to florida, Now to find some boy shorts to go with it, bought new undies 3 sizes down,:happy: came home went through more of my clothes and got a huge garbage bag full for my SIL , got rid of swim suit,and alot of winter stuff I know she will be able to wear..
    My DH bless his heart,said why dont you hold onto that stuff, you know how hard it is to keep weight off.
    I told him to give me a little credit. He said I give you all the credit in the world and I hope that I spend the last 5 minutes in this world with you:blushing: Thought that was sweet. But at my age,I have learned that to keep the weight off ,I will have to do what I have to do the rest of my life. and I am fine with that...
    gonna bake some cookies for the DH in a few minutes and make him some chicken and mashed for dinner..
    I am doing good, I am not even hungry.. will probably find something for lunch..
    gotta be ready for my Anne of Green Gables... doesn't one of you ladies live in Nova Scotia? I have always wanted to see PEI. I will get there someday