

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just back from our trip to Hawaii with children and DGKs. Had a great time but have serious jet lag! Marking my place on the new thread. I'm on page 2 of 13 but want to catch up with everyone.
    Sue in TX
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening ladies!!

    Can I just tell you how much I live summer vacation? I really need to retire. Today we decided to kayak the lake my DH is on when he teaches kayaking for LL Bean. I had not paddled that one yet. It was a perfect day for it. Not too hot, a slight breeze, very little waves, and almost no power boat traffic. We will go up north tomorrow for a longer paddle with a group of friends. I am trying to be even more careful about my eating. I really want to lose just a little more and I want it done!! I have been staying pretty steady for about a year now, but am just a little above where I feel my best. I am increasing my exercise and being sure to choose healthier foods- most of the time. Tonight we are having potato salad and fresh corn on the cob. The first for both this summer. I will stay within my calorie allotment.

    Barbie- I avoid fast food because I never feel good after eating it no matter how careful I am when ordering. I should have just told my sister I would wait and eat when I got home.

    Michele- I am glad you made it back home and hope Vince feels better. I am sorry it didn't all go as well as you wished it would, but give them time. If his bride is open to getting to know you better, your son will probably come around too. I can imagine how tired you must be!! Take some time to recuperate.

    I really need to try opening a word doc to that I can remember all I want to respond to. My brain just won't hold all that info at once.:huh: Hope I can learn all I need to for the new classes I am teaching next year!! Congrats to all with victories and hugs to all that need them!!

    Off to finish supper and then for a long walk.

    Have a great evening all!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I feel like a very lazy person reading how all of you get up so early and exercise. Since today was my day off I planned to get up when DH did and mow the yard. Well at 6am when I got up it was already 75 and muggy. We are still waiting for the rain. So I just went back to bed. Then when I did get up I folded towels and cleaned the fish bowl. It is 97 outside now and I am s
    staying inside.
    Jane- Renewing wedding vows. GREAT we did that for our 5th and 25th.
    Heather-Buying the necklace is a great reward and you are worth it. When I lost 75 pounds I bought myself a new braclet. Said a prayer for you and DH and the funeral. Glad that it went as well as it could and now DH can relax.
    Janie- Hope DH andDN enjoy their trip to Sturgis. We went almost 10 years ago and I would like to go again since I am losing the weight and able to walk around and check things out. Last time we went I set in the park at the edge of town and watched the bikes come in while DH and DS walked around. Our CMA group does a aide station in Broken Bow for bikers on the way to Sturgis the first weekend. We pass out water and different things and have a place for them to rest. Last year we had over 900 bikers stop. DH and I plan to work the station Aug 3. Enjoy meeting all the different people.
    Laura- Welcome and do come back often and get to know us. There is so much love and support here.
    Kate- I love the rhubarb story. I can picture that in my mind. When we moved into our house there were rhubarb plants behind the garage. DH loves strawberry-rhubarb pie so talked a friend to make him some. The neighbors must of been concerned for the plants as when DH went to pick some the next year the plants were gone and just a big hole left.
    Meg- Still waiting for the rain. We did get alittle last Friday but did not cool anything and just so hot and muggy now. Do have some in the forcast the next couple days. So keeping my fingers crossed.
    Katla- Glad you made it home ok and had a good time with family. Sounds like DH is slowing feeling better, that is good news.
    Said a prayer for DD and her family, I don't understand how family can take advantage of family like that. They knew he was working for the money to support his family. Pray it all works out.
    Michele- Glad you are home and DH is doing better. Sounds like your trip was very stressful and interesting. Sounds like you got to know Diana better and over time how that keeps getting better. I guess the good thing is Bryan did call and check on DH acouple time. Baby steps
    grandmallie- What a way to get a day off work with pay. Understand that it makes it hard to plan or enjoy the day when not sure if they will call and you have to go in. Hoping they get it turned on today.
    Katiebug- Sounds like you have been busy and getting alot done. It is hard to say no to our kids and it's great to be needed, even if it means work.
    Sandy-Congrates on the smaller size. Doesn't it feel great to be down to size 1x from 4 or 5x? I was excited last week when I bought myself a new shirt and it is size 3x when less than a year ago it would of been 5x
    Terewilliams- You have your hands full taking care of SO. Congrates on taking care of yourself at the same time. That is not easy as it is easy for us to put ourselves last. Hope SO feels better soon.
    Pat- I also need to buy some new bras. Mine are so loose that the girls fall out the bottom. Seems I spend alot of time during the day putting things back where they belong. I just am not sure how to get the right size. I keep thinking I will call acouple stores and see if they have those days when you can come in and they will help you.
    Well hope I have not left anyone out. I want to share the wounderful support I get from this group. I thank God for this group. So going to do some reading and waite for DH to get off work. Last evening we rode with our CMA group and another chapter to St Paul for supper. It was a nice ride and I did well. Had a baked sweet potato and some cottage cheese. Was under for the day. We talked about going for a ride this evening, but it will have to cool down alot first. Have a great rest of the day.
    Blessed! Vicki in HOT NE
  • missdiana61
    Hello everyone, I'm new here today. :)

    61 years old, live in Upstate, NY .... and have 50 lbs. to lose for my first goal. I am pre-diabetic, with high cholesterol and triglycerides.

    I was eating very little, and had NO appetite, so I started eating more, and have a better appetite now, and more energy.

    I walk on the treadmill for 25 minutes, as I have to start slow, due to having Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other health issues.

    Glad to be here, nice to meet you all!

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    <<<<<< there you go Pat :laugh:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Ladies, most of the large department stores have bra fittings. Personally, I love Soma bras and panties and they have worn very well. I put them in a lingerie bag in with the permanent press in the washer, then drip dry the undergarments. The first time or two I went to one of their brick and mortar stores, but this last time I ordered online since I knew exactly what I wanted.

    Going out to melt in the evening humidity with my neighbor shortly. It is very sticky these days.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Missy diana:flowerforyou: welcome to our family. It really helps me and my problem of accountablity.

    I have a group of 'old nurses'. We are a group of good friends that all worked back in the days when nursing was nursing and not so much managing others. You had a decent patient load and life was good for us. All of us are retired now. We chose between 2 places. I should have voted for Logan's Roadhouse because I could have gotten a salad and baked potato. But the other place that was thrown out was a Japanese grill buffet.:frown: Since we eat out so much and eat at Texas Roadhouse once a week I really didn't want to go to Logan's. It's been a while since I have been to an Asian buffet. They have a web site but there isn't anything on it about any of the menu items. So I stopped by tonight to see if they could give me any info. First she asked me if I was aware it is a buffet. I had to laugh at that, it's like being a buffet you are kind of expected to pig out. She did give me a flyer that had a short list of favorite items. Any ideas of what is best to eat at a Japanese/Chinese/ American buffet?? Unfortunately that day is my DH 65th birthday and his favorite place to go to is Cheddars. My choices I usually choose from is grilled salmon or a grilled chicken salad. I'm glad I take my blood sugar on Wednesday morning.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all I'm basically just bumping for tomorrow; I have had a sinus headache and an "allergy" attack all day and just don't feel the best. Take care and see you tomorrow. Meg from thundering Omaha (we had 10 whole drops of rain last night)
  • cindygary75
    I'm new here too - I'm 56, never had to worry about weight until I hit 50-ish! Thyroid problems, etc. - can't eat like I used to, that's for sure! So I need to lose 30-40 pounds in order to feel better and get into some of those "small" clothes in my closet. It's important for me to have support and accountability - I'm still thinking about Weight Watchers, but I won't do the low-fat, artificial-food route. I drink raw milk, eat pastured meats, lacto-fermented foods, grind my own wheat for bread, make my own bacon, etc. I love coconut oil in my popcorn and herbal teas - just too much of everything isn't a great idea! Prayer will be my greatest tool in this effort - I am a born-again Christian, and the Word of God is my daily strength. Hope to meet and get to know many of you!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just bumping for today. Reading all the posts to keep up, but very busy now that I feel better. I have a week of stuff to catch up on. :laugh:

    Tigress in GA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Great trip!!!! Got in about 4pm...........five pages here to scan!!!! You have all been very busy!!! Sure I missed a lot. No computers for the whole four days; a nice break.

    My dd is very happy with her summer research position and the professor (he's newly arrived from China) and grad student she's working with. She's 21 today and thrilled to share her birthday with the new Prince!!! We ate at local places: The Cellar (pretty much a Tech requirement, excellent food)---shared Alfredo with Filet Mingon (sp?) and The Farmhouse; can't count the number of people who told me not to miss eating there----great French onion soup!!! Went all over the back roads exploring and visited Claytor Lake State Park........gorgeous, but got chased by a thunderstorm just as we hit the water!!

    Had kind of a reverse NSV..........dd "borrowed" my new skinny jeans one evening----and they fit!!! (she did return them!!!) Also, took a skirt that almost fell off when I went to wear it.........bye bye skirt!!!

    Janie: did you say it is cool??? Don't know if I remember that feeling.

    jfenner: your crisp sounds a lot like my pie w/o the bottom crust!!!

    Grandmallie: I have friends who visited P.E.I. about 10 yrs. ago and still talk about it; loved it there........

    Sandy: major congrats on your shirt NSV!!!

    Amanda...........so glad for your daughter!!! Wonderful!!!

    Heather: BMI happy dance for you.........enjoy that beautiful necklace, you DO deserve it!!

    Welcome back, Michele, glad you got to see your son get married........sorry your dh had such a rough time of it.

    My very favorite aunt died at 47 of ovarian ca.----the whole year I was 47, I was terrified, so I understand that feeling.

    Tomorrow is going to be non-stop go--go--go........doing zumba; first real "exercise" since the concussion.......

    Goodnight, ladies!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    DeeDee - so sorry about your ankle. I can't wait to get to the farmer's market this Sat. The last time I was there the corn on the cob was sooooooooo sweet, probably due to all the rain.

    Cindy - I had a hard time dealing with foods over in Europe, mostly because I didn't know exactly what was on the foods and it was sometimes hard to communicate that you didn't want something. Interestingly, I did find (like the last <and only> day we were in Paris) that I was choosing more and more whole grains, or at least what I THOUGHT was a whole grain. Like the last morning we were in Paris, they had these mini-baguette things and also these grain rolls. I found that I wanted the grain roll. And at the Hard Rock Cafe Madrid I order what I THOUGHT was a veggie burger, but it was a burger with vegetables on top. How proud you must be of your daughter!

    Oh, yesterday driving from Washington to NC we did stop at a Wendy's. I really wanted this berry chicken salad but they didn't have any more so I had this apple chicken salad. I didn't know that it came with blue cheese on it! I'm not a fan of blue cheese. Had I known that it came on it, I would have asked them to make mine without it. Oh well.....

    Evidentally, Lance likes to go into hiding when Cheryl (cat sitter) came to give him his insulin. When we got home we had to move the sofa (not light at all) and the loveseat (even worse) back. Right now Vince is downstairs putting wires back. Before we left, I told him that we should close the basement door so that the cats don't go down there. But did he listen to me?????? Now he gets to deal with wires pulled out. His problem......

    drkatiebug - I honestly don't know about my daughter in law. I did ask that she or that she have Bryan call more frequently, but I didn't get the sense that she was going to. I guess time will tell. Have fun on your getaway. where are you going?

    Jessica just left for her interview in TN. Honestly, her grades from college weren't that great and I don't think she'd get into vet school on that alone. However....she's done A LOT of work with animals during high school and since college. Since colleges are looking also for diverse populations of students, if she sells herself enough, she just might get in. I do hope for her sake that she does. She has another interview at NC State sometime in Sept.

    sandy - awesome shirt! I agree that we need a happy dance icon.

    You know, Ronnie and I were talking and she said something interesting. Bryan spent so much time in South Korea where basically the men rule the roost. In Spain it seems that men are somewhat domineering. Diana & Bryan left a "thank you" in the room at the house where we could change, etc. Interesting now that I look at it. She put "Michele and Vincent" on the top but signed it "Bryan & Diana". I always sign cards and things like that with my name first and then Vince's. Guess it must be a cultural difference thing.

    She kept telling me that Bryan was happy that we were there. Yet, when we talked to him, he would have preferred if we didn't come but sent the money we would have spent. I'm thinking she was saying that more to be nice than anything else. I didn't get a feeling that Bryan was glad that we were there. I got more of a feeling of "let's get this over with and you just happen to be here, I'd prefer if you weren't"

    Lila - I really didn't do any formal exercise while away. However, I must say that I walked quite a lot. Up and down in the Metros, lifting suitcases (mine was so heavy! Must have been all that Swiss chocolate that I brought home).

    katla - at one point (and I don't know how serious this is) Denise said that Bryan told her that Diana was feeling nautious. She said to him if Diana were pg she'd bring her and the baby back to the US and Bryan's response was "Diana wouldn't like that". What does that mean? I don't know. I don't know if its so much adjusting his attitude but also her attitude. If she doesn't want to leave her family (not like LaReunion is real close), he would probably stay with her. I know his friend got married last Nov and wanted Brayan in the wedding party but Bryan told us that he didn't because he couldn't afford it yet he told Jessica that he didn't because he didn't want to leave Diana. Huh? It's just me, but if I were in that position I would want my partner/boyfriend/whatever to go. I don't think I'd feel so insecure that I'd want him to not go. But that's just me. My friend, Ronnie, in Switzerland teaches English and she said that its not where you earn a salary where you can provide for a family, it's a good supplimental income. Is it the same way in LaReunion? I don't know. Oh, he said that's where they'd probably move to. It's just me, but I don't think I'd want to move to someplace until I had a job. Well, he'll get something, that's for sure. I keep telling myself that one day he'll need us.

    Heather - to me the jetlag seemed the worst going from the US to Europe. It took me days, literally, to get my body adjusted. But I don't seem to be having much of a problem back here in the US. I do have to run to the grocery store and get some milk at least.

    tere - you take such good care of yourself and your SO. Hope he gets better real fast.

    Pat - Home Depot sells those slippers? I never knew that. Thanks for letting me know. Update: I just checked Home Depot's web site. You need to purchase them in a box of 50. Another update: I called the store and you can get something like 12 for $10

    Sue in TX - so glad you had such a good time

    Deb - when your dh teaches kayaking, does he make his students roll the kayak and then get out?

    Diana - welcome to a great group. Keep coming back often. We'd love to get to know you. So sorry you have all those health issues.

    Gail - be sure you stay hydrated!

    Joyce - happy birthday to your dh. We had a Chinese place around here and even tho it was a buffet, they would let you order off the menu. One problem was that the meal from the menu was usually BIG.

    Cindygary - welcome. You'll get lots of support here, that's for sure. Your diet sosunds really good. I'm not a fan of the fat-free artificial stuff, either.

    yanniejannie - your trip sounds great!

    One of the cats (we know it's Lexi) peed on Jessica's bed so now I have to stay up and wash the sheets, mattress pad, blanket. Not sure what I'm going to do. I'm thinking that I may not put my mother's blanket on the bed except when we're having company.

    Played mahjongg tonight, maj'd once only. Actually, I'm surprised that I maj'd that much. My sinuses are acting up and I'm out of practice. Tomorrow I'm going to do a DVD on the bosu.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Michele from NC
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good evening ladies. Its getting very late here so I don't know if I'll get all my replies out, but I'll try.:yawn:

    Today was my DH b-day (seems like a popular day to be born :wink: He wanted waffles before heading out to play golf so I got up early and made Belgium Waffles. I served them with fresh fruit and a little whipped cream to make them a tad healthier. Our DD even woke up earlier than usually because she could smell them.:bigsmile:

    Tonight we met up with my family and had a delicious but big celebration dinner at Wildfire. I had the macadamia nut crusted halibut with asparagus and mashed potatoes. For dessert I had a half portion of key lime pie. Needless to say I went over my calories today, so I'll just try and be extra good tomorrow.:blushing:

    I did finally finish cleaning out my closet and have quite the pile for donation. I have a meeting at a client's tomorrow and am excited to wear some of my new clothes. I still have the get the pants shortened so I guess it will be a skirt.:smile:

    Rori - hope you are feeling better. I love Mexican food and guacamole. Have a great trip :happy:

    Cindy - what is trigger finger?

    M - good for you and those bulging biceps :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - congrats on the NSV :drinker:

    Lila - stay tough. are you hungry? maybe you need more protein?

    Michelle - welcome home. I always have a harder time with jet lag coming back...I hope that the wedding is now over maybe Bryan with Diana's help will start to come around.

    Joyce - hope you feel like you are back on track soon. I wish I had some good advise on the Asian buffet. Try to stick to the dishes that your not deep fried or coated and go for the veggies as much as you can...its not easy to find healthy choices at that sort of restaurant :noway:

    Sue in TX - where were you in Hawaii? We leave for Maui and then Honolulu on Sunday. Can't wait :wink:

    Deb A - sounds like you had a great day on the lake :glasses:

    Meg - feel better soon. :sick:

    Yanniejannie - sounds like a great visit with your DD. Happy b-day to her :drinker:

    Welcome to all the newbies - you've found a great thread. :drinker:

    Ok - I'm falling asleep over the key board...time to sign off. Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for the advice on the Asian restaurant. I always start out ANT buffet with a big trip to the salad bar. I try to get as much fresh veggies as I can and I now know to stay away from cottage cheese, etc. I never liked cheese on a salad. Hopefully they might have some ham chunks and deviled egg. But it has to be the real ham and real egg, not the fake stuff. They advertize that they grill a lot of things. But there is so much on an Asian buffet I would love to just pig out on. :sad: :sad: Oh, they also have a large ice cream buffet, it says eight different flavors so I don't think it would be that fake ice cream that comes out of a fountain thing like DQ.

    My husband turns 65!!!:heart: Our oldest grand daughter has a birthday in August and we really like to have a small celebration for her even though they live 200 miles away. So the family celebrated the 2 birthdays together. She is requesting a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. That's one of the favorite things for DH to make so we won't go out and buy a cake this year. I think she is growing out of the theme cakes. So I will fix myself one of the cake in a mug for 116 calories and maybe one of my 100 calorie 3 oz cups of ice cream. Hopefully I will be content with that. Philadelphia cream cheese does have a chocolate delight cream cheese that I have put on one of my cake in a mug but having it around afterwards isn't good. I can usually control myself but it's DH who can't at all. I'm excited about her birthday, I bought her two outfits at Justice that I hope she will love at meddle school. The youngr one has a birthday a little before Thanksgiving so we have her party right after Thanksgiving dinner. I wish they lived closer but I know that I have it a lot better than a lot of Grandma's

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sandy in On:smile: Love your new profile pic! You look beautiful with that smile on your face:happy: !

    Meg:smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: ! My allergies are bothering me a bit too:angry: !

    Yanniejannie:smile: Sounds like you had a lovely trip:love: !

    Tigress:smile: So glad you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: ! It`s miserable to be sick:sick: , especially in the summer!

    Jodi:smile: What a lovely breakfast for the birthday boy:flowerforyou: ! You will be rocking that bikini in Hawaii:smokin: , I`m so proud of you!!!

    M:smile: I admire that you made yourself get to your exercise, you have done a fantastic job getting in shape!!! A friend of mine just gave me 5, 8, 10, & 15Lb. weights, guess it`s time for me to find a routine to workout with:tongue: !

    Joyce:smile: Just do the best you can at the buffet:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy the birthday celebrations, sounds like you have a good plan for your very own cake!

    I think I will spend the day cleaning the house a bit, need to dust:grumble: , not my favorite chore, vacuum and mop...I enjoy mopping most of the time, it`s like therapy for me, however the dog like to bark at the mop and get her ball, I think she thinks the mop is bat:grumble: , so she gets some play time while I`m cleaning :laugh: .

    Have a fantastic day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny and steamy NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    Morning all,
    Been up since 5:30 and I didn't go to the gym, and I didn't walk, we finally got some rain!!!!
    I did do 15,000 steps yesterday and I am up a lb,but think it might be the sodium in my lean cuisine yesterday, I still have a few in the freezer, but gosh are they salty and way to spicy for me..there is only one I really like and that is the butternut squash ravioli, so if I buy them again, that will be the only one I get...
    Well the electricity is back on at work,so will be crazy there today ,I did go down for about 2 hr yesterday to pull charts and make calls for today, I forgot to call my friend Jim who had an appt yesterday afternoon and drove all the way over to find out we were closed, I should have called him:blushing: .I was trying to make calls and the phone was ringing off the hook so I let the machine pick those up , it was very un-nerving.
    I will make it up to him, will make him some good eats , he is coming to take care of the pups when we go to florida..
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'll be honest and say I came straight to the last page. Haven't been doing good diet wise so that means poor blood sugar readings. I need to get back with it. I was busy picking and jamming strawberries and now done with that. Waiting for the blueberries. Should start that beginning of next week. Getting anxious.

    Today need to hem some curtains for the cottage have friends want to use it beginning of Aug. so need to get it looking half decent at least.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in the cold but beautiful Northern Ontario.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Had a nice visit with our children last night. So good to have my DD back and she told us some of her trip. She said she really wants to talk to my sister who is also an OR nurse (retired) and tell her about the OR in Nicaragua. I asked her what was the best part and she said actually doing surgery. She does love her job. They had some illness among the team (Montezuma's Revenge) and she went to the DR yesterday to get an extension of her antibiotic and said she is getting "dewormed" because parasites are really bad over there. She didn't say a whole lot but it will probably come out in bits and pieces as it comes to her mind.

    "Trigger Finger" is an inflammation of tissue inside your finger or thumb. Tendons can become swollen and so can the membrane that lets the tendons move easily. I'll try that rubber-band exercise if I can find one the right size. Right now I'm also taping it at night and taking Aleve 2X a day.

    I did just OK with eating yesterday but right now I am focusing on getting back to my exercise routine. Today will be Leslie Sansone and mowing the grass. I want to get started on that as early as possible as it is to be another scorcher day here.

  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
    Hope you had a great weekend. Thank you.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone. I'll admit it: I've spent this morning going back and forth between pages with live feeds, waiting for Will and Kate to show us the baby, and "How to boost your metabolism" pages :laugh:. I've been pretty lax about food lately - I'll be good all week and then blow it on a girls-night or day out with DH. Ugh. Anyway, DH tried to lure me into going out to eat last night but I was good - we made lettuce wraps with a yummy Thai peanut sauce and just tofu, shredded coleslaw mix, cucumber and mint. I used low-sodium soy (and not too much) and made my own nut butter with cashews, a bit of coconut oil and water, so the sodium count in the sauce wasn't very high at all. I really, really wanted popcorn afterwards but held fast. It helped to have DH - we can sometimes be a great team, inspiring the other when we don't want to. He said we should stick to a few days a week instead of every night with the popcorn.

    So, after reading what I thought was a very good article on how, specifically, to rev up metabolism for us over-50 crowd, I'm inspired again to redouble my efforts to up my protein counts. I already exercise plenty, so it's the "Abs are made in the kitchen" all over again.

    I also got a new fridge for the garage last night - one of the neighbors was selling one that was only a few years old. When I pulled the old one out there was frost and mold on the wall behind it - don't think it was doing a very good job of working anymore :laugh:. Anyway, got the new one loaded up and just have to have the trash guys haul the old one away.

    We had super-major storms roll through last night - I had gone to bed early and woke up when the electricity went out around midnight. Huge, crashing lightening and thunder, waves of water . . . went down to make sure the kitties were in (they were) and wound up working for a few hours, finally fell back to sleep at who knows when but feel great this morning.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day!

