What NSV did you have this week?



  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    I had three :)
    1. My doctor took me off the High Blood pressure meds
    2. I am fitting into my hidden in the back of the closet bucket full of clothes.
    3. I lost 1 inch of my waist and 1 off my hips!
    I'm doing a happy dance today

    Not to diminish anyone's successes, but the getting off the BP meds is the best one I've seen this week. Way to go!!!

    Thanks!!! :)

    And great NSV's for everyone else too!
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I fit scrubs that I haven't been able to in over a year.
  • granitendirt
    I had the gym to myself this morning so didn't feel weird checking myself out in the full-length mirrors. When I looked at the backs of my legs I thought, "Wait - where is my cellulite?"

    I had to rotate around and try different lighting before I could see any. Yes, I still have cellulite but it's great that I have to go searching for it now. Lifting really firms things up.
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    I ran 5 miles (8.5k) on Sunday. I started running in January and that is the furthest I've ever run!
  • headfullofsongs
    headfullofsongs Posts: 50 Member
    After six months of nobody commenting on it, today three different people asked about my weight loss. Made my day! I'm sure the new clothes probably helped, but I'm just thrilled that others can see the progress!
  • RJay64
    RJay64 Posts: 135
    1.) Lowered BP
    2.) Slept just fine without the CPAP.

    I have achieved #1, and want #2 so bad. Getting off the hose is a major motivator for me.

    This past weekend I was able to paint all five toes on one foot without straightening up to catch my breath due to my stomach smooshing my lungs in the bent-at-the-waist position.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I finally managed to fit into a Uk Size 10 dress (US size 6). It has been 16 years since i was able to do that.

    Also, we have a big hill near us that has some wide steps going up it. I used to struggle to walk up it, now when i come to it, I do lunges all the way up, and i can still breathe when i get to the top!!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    My son got me a shirt for christmas and it was WAY small. Today I fit ino it. He was very happy to seemy finally use his present.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I dropped 2 cup sizes.
  • ktrae3704
    ktrae3704 Posts: 2 Member
    #1 My arms are getting noticeably less flabby. YAY for summer dresses
    #2 I am starting to like bike riding more and more each ride.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    My lat pulldown is more than my body weight. I was completely out of the seat - will need a belt to hold me down next time.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    1. Noticing how loose many of my clothes are getting on me - some even a size L!

    2. Feeling more confident about wearing a new swimsuit (in a size I haven't worn in over 10 years) on a trip I'll be taking in 2 months.

    3. Having my daughter tell me "Mom, you're getting skinny!"

    4. Riding my bicycle without feeling sluggish (haven't been on it in at least 4 years).

    5. Enjoying many fruits and veggies and feeling full! :)

    I have an updated one - Size MEDIUM top purchased that fits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LeviLeDoux
    LeviLeDoux Posts: 151 Member
    This week I fit into a couple pair of size 1 jeans with no muffin-topping!!! I haven't been able to fit into that size since junior high! O.O
  • udphirho98
    udphirho98 Posts: 3 Member
    Been off my bp meds for a week with no problems! BP is regularly under 110/70.
  • SarahIluvatariel
    SarahIluvatariel Posts: 96 Member
    My NSVs this week are:

    I sewed three of my shirts smaller, in the past week. (took more than 2 inches off each side.) This is after seeing more shrinkage in my bottom half than in my top half, recently. So it's nice that the top might be catching up (or down, as the case may be). And then I realized that the arms of the one that was long-sleeved looked funny, because the sleeves were too big, too. lol Time for new shirts!

    And... There are several ladies who work in my building that are just as obese as I was. I saw one of these ladies today, and then incidentally noticed my own reflection in a window, and realized how much progress I have made. (Seriously, I wish I could "see" my size difference more often - it was pretty encouraging for me (but I was a little sad for the other lady))
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I just noticed that my face has cheekbones. I pretty much forgot they were there since I haven't seen them in 13 years :o)
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    1. This weekend, my mom said I look a lot thinner. A lot of my weight issues as a teenager came from her, as she is a slight health nut. It was huge for her to notice and compliment me!

    2. I survived hosting a big party for my Grandpas birthday, and although I did indulge a bit and go over my calorie goal, I was not mad at myself in the morning and noticed the scale did NOT go up even once ounce. I had a few chips and a slice of cake, but I did not much on chips and dip all day and ate tons of veggies with dinner.

    3. A coworker complimented me on my weight loss, and said he noticed my face is much thinner.

    4. I discovered my work slacks are now HUGE and I may be able to go down two sizes, not just one.

    It's amazing how much the little things matter, and instantly raise your spirits:) To me, it is motivation to keep going! In the past, I have started diets and never followed through, because they were just that, diets. This time it is a lifestyle change, not just temporary, and seeing the progress makes it that much easier to keep going!
  • mitsi94
    mitsi94 Posts: 64
    Yesterday I was changing in the locker room at work (I bike to work almost every day) and happened to turn/bend just right and all of a sudden noticed that my ankles looked skinnier. I haven't had "skinny" ankles in years! But dang if it didn't just strike me that they looked smaller than they used to. Then, I turned slightly to look at the back of my legs/ankles (to see if I was just dreaming), and noticed that I also have calf muscles now! I mean, they were always there, but now I can see them. I don't have "cankles" anymore! I was almost in tears. Made me realize that my hard work is really beginning to pay off!
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    Rode 16 miles this morning, 4 more miles then last week, in the same amount of time.

    My work pants are hanging on me fresh out of the dryer.

    Dead lifted 145(3x10) yesterday and my legs aren't even sore.

    Great job to everyone on the NSV's!!!
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    The new pants I bought 1 1/2 months ago because none of my other pants fit are now too big.
    Ditto- too long. I tripped over my pant legs! Had to roll them up!
    Did 45 minutes on the elliptical and thought nothing of it.
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