Ugh, my foods touched each other



  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    Some people like to enjoy their foods.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member

    HAHAHA. First World Problems (FWP)

  • TeamDale
    TeamDale Posts: 383 Member
    i hated it when i was a kid, I tolerate it today.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    Oh, that last picture makes me feel bad!

    But I am really picky, I need things to stay separate. There are exceptions, but I generally eat everything super plain, not touching. I haven't had pizza, hamburger, hotdogs or really any sandwiches as I don't like bread and meat in one bite (although I will eat fried chicken and fried fish which I guess is similar).

    I don't eat a lot of fruit, but I only eat it plain/alone ... no apple pie, yogurt or smoothies.
  • tlath70
    tlath70 Posts: 10 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    THIS is the problem for those of us who don't like our food to touch! It is ok if it mixes AFTER it vacates my taste buds. :ohwell:
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    Orange and chocolate don't mix? Someone better tell these people...

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    I'm the complete opposite. I just pile all of my food on my plate and eat it. When I take a bite I try to get a little of each on the fork.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member


    I was going to add that I don't like my food to touch much, and definitely not mix (although I'd dip one food into meat into mashed potatoes)....but my thing is that I have to cut EVERYTHING into bite-sized pieces before I start actually eating. All the meat, the broccoli, etc. Once everything is cut, I will salt, sauce or whatever, and only THEN will I actually take a bite.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I'm the same way....and I also turn my plate so what ever I'm eating is right in front of me....

    I do the same thing usually clockwise. Some thing are ok to touch. I also have texture issues.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    Orange and chocolate don't mix? Someone better tell these people...


    Orange infused dark chocolate bar is my all-time FAVORITE flavor....seriously. YUM!!!!!

    edited: for rereading the label
  • FatIsNotGood4Me
    FatIsNotGood4Me Posts: 45 Member
    Hahaha the most stupid thread I ever read LOL... Whatever you put in your moth separated its gonna be mixed in your pancreas, get over and worry about other things that are important than food touching, probably seek some therapy regarding this?
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    Orange and chocolate don't mix? Someone better tell these people...

    Orange and chocolate mix fine (I don't like it, but lots do). But something happens when orange juice and chocolate pudding mix that tastes like Death is personally sharpening his scythe on your tongue like a leather strop.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    It's "crazy" until someone's chocolate pudding and orange juice touch.

    It doesn't matter that they mix in the stomach, it's annoying when things that don't go together mix on your taste buds.

    Orange and chocolate don't mix? Someone better tell these people...

    Orange and chocolate mix fine (I don't like it, but lots do). But something happens when orange juice and chocolate pudding mix that tastes like Death is personally sharpening his scythe on your tongue like a leather strop.

    Perhaps, or perhaps it depends on the ratio. 2 drops of OJ in a cup of chocolate pudding should not ruin it, equal parts though, I can see how that could put a damper on your pudding eating enjoyment.

    Honestly, I understand that people have their preferences, I'm just poking fun. My wife won't eat anything with a sauce on it, yet if you give her the sauce on the side, she will dip the hell out of it. I can also see if it's at an extreme (say, brussels sprouts covered with cheesecake), but other than that, I just can't imagine having an issue with it myself. Again, that's just ME.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    sometimes you're supposed to mix your food. to get the full flavor of the dish you have to take a little bit of each thing and taste it all together. what to do then? do you just not enjoy your meal to its fullest potential?

    personally i mix it all up. especially thanksgiving. yummy. :)
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    having eaten many dozens of cuisines and in multiple country's, I have never seen food not touch must have to go through a lot of effort to eat. ><
  • MzTanya77
    MzTanya77 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm not crazy about my foods touching either, but my weird habit is that I only eat one food item at a time. All my veggies, all my meats. I don't skip back and forth between food. My parents still laugh at me about it to this day. LOL
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hahaha the most stupid thread I ever read LOL... Whatever you put in your moth separated its gonna be mixed in your pancreas,

    Um... What?
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Oh wait... I still eat it. I'm just less happy about it. I'm pretty sure I would never throw away food unless it would literally make me sick.. like if its expired but thats it.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    I can't stand my food touching unless I actively choose to mix them! My mum is the same so I think it's just learned behaviour!

    YES! My boyfriend thinks I am mental, but he has learned to separate things eg. not put my beans ON my toast. I also have to add my gravy a little a time so I can control the sogginess factor.
  • SithLordJane

    invest in a food tray....
