Weight Sabotage's or Bridezilla?



  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Can I see a picture of the bridesmaids dress?

    I think it's kind of early to have the dresses made 13 months in advance. The men's ties don't even matter. If they didn't match whatever color the dresses turned out to be they could just be black or white. If they needed to match exactly she could just take the tie from the rental place which those colors never change and have them match the dress to the tie a couple months in advance.

    Bridesmaids dresses over a year before the wedding is just asking for a whole slew of alterations. People might get pregnant or lose or GAIN weight. It's too much. My advice to you is to go ahead and apply for a new sister.

    If you application gets turned down. Buy the stupid dress now and save up for needing a new one in a year because I think you may change THAT much depending how much weight you have to lose. Just accept you may have to toss a brand new dress in the trash because your sister has lost her mind. IF this is her normal state of affairs please direct me to "stoopid fiance's R us" because I have a few nieces in law who I'd like to marry off soon and I'd like one of those guys like the one your sister found cause I can't imagine anyone proposing to that.

    It's looks a little like this only dark blue with a hanging neckline.


    My mother calls it hideous or "Blue Potato sack" as both I and the only remaining bridesmaid are very curvy hourglass shapes and she said it didn't look good on either one of us.

    Sorry ive never posted a pic >.<

    this one?

    if so that is an ugly dress that if you don't have a perfect body then anyone would look horrid in it. Also how in the world would anyone see cleavage in this?

    edit...oh I see...hanging neckline
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I don't think she's necessary trying to sabotage you as she just wants "her" day to be perfect and she just wants reassurance now that it will be. She may also be frustrated with you trying if you've tried before to lose weight, and just doesn't want to hold up having her own peace of mind about everything being ready and in order. My SIL had us get our dresses about a year early and unfortunately I had to have mine let out the day of the wedding. Every single seam, and I was still bursting out. :( Another bridesmaid lost weight and had hers taken in that day. I wish we knew each other before the wedding because with the sizes we could have just switched. Lol. It is true that it is much easier to have it taken in.
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I've never had a sister, nor have I ever been a bridesmaid, but I'd tell your sister (if she were mine) to eat **** and die.

    Unless you and her are roughly the same size? Is she bigger than you? Then I would completely understand where she was coming from (she doesn't want to look bigger on her wedding day) but I'd tell her gently that working out is a stress reliever and invite her out for walks and such.

    If she doesn't want that push to get healthier either, then I'd tell her to eat ****.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    My best friend just got married in late June. I went in December to get my dress.. and got it altered in May.

    If it's her wedding then she should have the color for the dress already picked out (Umm. HELLO? It's her wedding!! She should know her EXACT colors already!) and from the colors she picked she should know the men's stuff..

    Honestly, your sister is being a nutcase.

    Side note: That's a horrible dress. She should get something in Chiffon. Everyone looks good in Chiffon. :)
  • SidsMom80
    SidsMom80 Posts: 97 Member
    Can I see a picture of the bridesmaids dress?

    I think it's kind of early to have the dresses made 13 months in advance. The men's ties don't even matter. If they didn't match whatever color the dresses turned out to be they could just be black or white. If they needed to match exactly she could just take the tie from the rental place which those colors never change and have them match the dress to the tie a couple months in advance.

    Bridesmaids dresses over a year before the wedding is just asking for a whole slew of alterations. People might get pregnant or lose or GAIN weight. It's too much. My advice to you is to go ahead and apply for a new sister.

    If you application gets turned down. Buy the stupid dress now and save up for needing a new one in a year because I think you may change THAT much depending how much weight you have to lose. Just accept you may have to toss a brand new dress in the trash because your sister has lost her mind. IF this is her normal state of affairs please direct me to "stoopid fiance's R us" because I have a few nieces in law who I'd like to marry off soon and I'd like one of those guys like the one your sister found cause I can't imagine anyone proposing to that.

    It's looks a little like this only dark blue with a hanging neckline.


    My mother calls it hideous or "Blue Potato sack" as both I and the only remaining bridesmaid are very curvy hourglass shapes and she said it didn't look good on either one of us.

    Sorry ive never posted a pic >.<

    I just want to say that A) I'm sorry you're sister is being such a jerk about your decision to get healthy. B) I'm sorry you have to wear that dress...bleh. How is that dress going to show cleavage :huh:

    The only thing with buying it now, and altering it in a year is that sometimes dresses can only be downsized so much. 13 months is a long time. I'm not sure how much you have to lose, but if you lost 50+ pounds you might not be able to get it altered small enough, and could need to buy another dress. It just depends how many sizes you end up shrinking. I 100% agree with all the other posters DO NOT let her deter you. She's your sister and should care more about your health than outshining her at her wedding. :grumble:

    If you're looking for support feel free to add me.

    Good Luck!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Grace215lbs
    Grace215lbs Posts: 129 Member
    Can I see a picture of the bridesmaids dress?

    I think it's kind of early to have the dresses made 13 months in advance. The men's ties don't even matter. If they didn't match whatever color the dresses turned out to be they could just be black or white. If they needed to match exactly she could just take the tie from the rental place which those colors never change and have them match the dress to the tie a couple months in advance.

    Bridesmaids dresses over a year before the wedding is just asking for a whole slew of alterations. People might get pregnant or lose or GAIN weight. It's too much. My advice to you is to go ahead and apply for a new sister.

    If you application gets turned down. Buy the stupid dress now and save up for needing a new one in a year because I think you may change THAT much depending how much weight you have to lose. Just accept you may have to toss a brand new dress in the trash because your sister has lost her mind. IF this is her normal state of affairs please direct me to "stoopid fiance's R us" because I have a few nieces in law who I'd like to marry off soon and I'd like one of those guys like the one your sister found cause I can't imagine anyone proposing to that.

    It's looks a little like this only dark blue with a hanging neckline.


    My mother calls it hideous or "Blue Potato sack" as both I and the only remaining bridesmaid are very curvy hourglass shapes and she said it didn't look good on either one of us.

    Sorry ive never posted a pic >.<

    this one?

    if so that is an ugly dress that if you don't have a perfect body then anyone would look horrid in it. Also how in the world would anyone see cleavage in this?

    edit...oh I see...hanging neckline

    Yes! She wanted to have the neck line change to this

    As she feels its more elegant. hence the potato sack name haha
  • Majorette2015
    You are making the decision to do something that will benefit your health! Don't let anyone talk you out of it. When the wedding approaches and she has to deal with venue, food, etc. there will be so much on her mind she won't miss that you got the dress you paid for altered. It's rude of her to try to discourage you. Your body= your business. She shouldn't have a say in YOUR weight loss
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Can't stand it, ya know I planned it, Imma set it straight, this Watergate!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    bridezilla. it's your body, your choice. don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body. if she can't handle that then i guess she is going to be bridesmaid-less.
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    I'm paying for the dress, (My mother calls it the very hideous $200 dress) as my sister said it would be my way of helping her out. So i asked if it would be okay, if i we're to have it altered closer to the date, which i would happily pay for, as i don't want to hold off my health for another 13 months+. And she went off the handles asking me why i cant wait until after her wedding to lose weight, telling me i'm stupid and it's a waste of time and money and i should just be happy that i get to be her bridesmaid.

    Here's a female plan:

    You should really apologize to her.

    The best way to do this is to write her a little note of apology, and send it to her along with 5-6 delicious chocolate muffins.

    Then keep losing weight while she stuffs her face in a rage.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I don't see why you need to tell her that you plan on getting the dress altered. It's your dress and your money, it's really none of her business if you decided to get it taken in or not.

    ^^ this.

    OP, there is only one person in the world who can sabotage you... and that is you. Woman up.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I'm paying for the dress, (My mother calls it the very hideous $200 dress) as my sister said it would be my way of helping her out. So i asked if it would be okay, if i we're to have it altered closer to the date, which i would happily pay for, as i don't want to hold off my health for another 13 months+. And she went off the handles asking me why i cant wait until after her wedding to lose weight, telling me i'm stupid and it's a waste of time and money and i should just be happy that i get to be her bridesmaid.

    Here's a female plan:

    You should really apologize to her.

    The best way to do this is to write her a little note of apology, and send it to her along with 5-6 delicious chocolate muffins.

    Then keep losing weight while she stuffs her face in a rage.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Can I see a picture of the bridesmaids dress?

    I think it's kind of early to have the dresses made 13 months in advance. The men's ties don't even matter. If they didn't match whatever color the dresses turned out to be they could just be black or white. If they needed to match exactly she could just take the tie from the rental place which those colors never change and have them match the dress to the tie a couple months in advance.

    Bridesmaids dresses over a year before the wedding is just asking for a whole slew of alterations.

    I don't think she really needs the dresses made a year in advance. I think she just said that to try to bully her sister into not losing any weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    "If you're worried about my cleavage, I'll have a lot less of it after I lose weight." :indifferent:

    Also, that dress has some pretty complex seaming. Alterations might be problematic. I'd discuss what kind of policies they have in regards to fitting before buying a dress.

    Before her own wedding, my niece went from a size 12 to a size 4, and they couldn't alter it enough to fit, so they ordered a new dress in her new size at no additional cost.

    But if a bride - sister or not - was treating me this way? She'd be looking for a new bridesmaid.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    My advice? Lose all the weight you want. Be super hot. Show some cleavage and be amazing.
    Let no one hold you back.

    This. I'm competitive enough that if someone had said that to me, I'd be cranking my weight loss efforts into overdrive. :smile:
  • favhrnstr
    favhrnstr Posts: 55
    The only thing with buying it now, and altering it in a year is that sometimes dresses can only be downsized so much. 13 months is a long time. I'm not sure how much you have to lose, but if you lost 50+ pounds you might not be able to get it altered small enough, and could need to buy another dress. It just depends how many sizes you end up shrinking.

    This^. I can't begin to wear or alter clothes I had at my heaviest a year ago... especially more fitted pieces. You've gotten lots of good advice here about how to handle her, but you may want to start saving your money now if you've got a lot to lose. Frankly, at that point it may be cheaper to buy new than alter a complicated style by 4-5 dress sizes.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You are right. Your sister, who sounds like a spoiled little b=ch, is wrong. Tell her you'll either order the dress a size or two smaller now, order it later, or get it altered, but you aren't going to hold off on your welfare and health so she can play bridezilla. If worst comes to worst and she won't see reason, you don't need to spend $200 (!! Holy crap, I paid $35 for my wedding dress!) for something you'll wear once, and she can get somebody else to be in the wedding party.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Here's a female plan:

    You should really apologize to her.

    The best way to do this is to write her a little note of apology, and send it to her along with 5-6 delicious chocolate muffins.

    Then keep losing weight while she stuffs her face in a rage.

    Lol. This is why MFP needs a like button.

    To sum up the thread:

    - Don't listen to a word she says. Do what is best for your body.

    - She's probably just super jelly that you might get attention on her wedding day for your weight loss.

    - If you're paying for the dress, then surely you're paying for the alterations and thus have no need to tell her if you do indeed get it altered.

    - Consider firing yourself from bridesmaid if she can't handle it.

    My personal thoughts:

    Knowing that you really only need to order bridesmaid dresses a few months in advance (more than 6 is a bit excessive), she probably has an ulterior motive and given some of the stuff she is saying, good luck making it through the next 13 months without ripping her face off. I've been a bridesmaid several times, gotten my dresses from different stores, and every time the shop lady has consulted with me after taking measurements in order to determine size. Yes they have a chart to use based on what the measuring tape says, but these ladies know that things will change and they don't want to have to get you a new dress for no charge because you shrunk too far out of the size you ordered for it to be altered. Tell the nice lady at the store (preferably out of earshot of your sister) what you are doing and that you would like to order your dress at least one size down from your measurements. If necessary you can fudge a bit and say "oh i've been at it for three months already and have lost 20 lbs" so they don't think it's a lark. Just a suggestion.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You are right. Your sister, who sounds like a spoiled little b=ch, is wrong. Tell her you'll either order the dress a size or two smaller now, order it later, or get it altered, but you aren't going to hold off on your welfare and health so she can play bridezilla. If worst comes to worst and she won't see reason, you don't need to spend $200 (!! Holy crap, I paid $35 for my wedding dress!) for something you'll wear once, and she can get somebody else to be in the wedding party.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Can I see a picture of the bridesmaids dress?

    I think it's kind of early to have the dresses made 13 months in advance. The men's ties don't even matter. If they didn't match whatever color the dresses turned out to be they could just be black or white. If they needed to match exactly she could just take the tie from the rental place which those colors never change and have them match the dress to the tie a couple months in advance.

    Bridesmaids dresses over a year before the wedding is just asking for a whole slew of alterations. People might get pregnant or lose or GAIN weight. It's too much. My advice to you is to go ahead and apply for a new sister.

    If you application gets turned down. Buy the stupid dress now and save up for needing a new one in a year because I think you may change THAT much depending how much weight you have to lose. Just accept you may have to toss a brand new dress in the trash because your sister has lost her mind. IF this is her normal state of affairs please direct me to "stoopid fiance's R us" because I have a few nieces in law who I'd like to marry off soon and I'd like one of those guys like the one your sister found cause I can't imagine anyone proposing to that.

    It's looks a little like this only dark blue with a hanging neckline.


    My mother calls it hideous or "Blue Potato sack" as both I and the only remaining bridesmaid are very curvy hourglass shapes and she said it didn't look good on either one of us.

    Sorry ive never posted a pic >.<

    this one?

    if so that is an ugly dress that if you don't have a perfect body then anyone would look horrid in it. Also how in the world would anyone see cleavage in this?

    edit...oh I see...hanging neckline

    Yes! She wanted to have the neck line change to this

    As she feels its more elegant. hence the potato sack name haha

    Oh ICK!

    And that first dress looks like satin. If it is, the hanging neckline is NOT gonna work at all.