Have you ever been insulted about your weight loss?

What did people say to you?
I've been told to not lose anymore weight, but I'm still considered overweight at 194lbs and I'm 5'8".


  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Not necessarily insulted, but definitely annoyed by ignorant statements.

    My mom likes to warn me to "not get too skinny".

    It's not like I'll go to bed 112lbs and one day accidentally wake up a skeleton at 82lbs. It doesn't work that way, Mom. Soo, ummm, thanks? I mean, I'll do my best! :laugh:
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    My favorite:

    "Five pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Ten pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Twenty pounds! That's all water weight."

    Yes, someone said that to me after I lost 20 pounds. Can't people just be cool and say, "You look great!"
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    "i'd tell you to gain weight, but that would offend you" -my mom. -.-
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    some that tick me off the most are

    People say "oh It is easy for you because you can dedicate all your time to working out and eating healthy since you don't have a husband or kids". To them I say, no sorry. I have struggled for 25 years and this was the first time out of many where I put myself first and was determined to make it happen. I stopped making excuses and learned about food, portions, exercising and acted and stayed the course even if I failed I never gave up. This time it clicked for me instead of wishing for results I earned them with time. I hate the down play of my hard work because everyone has a life with obstacles just some measure a hard life differently.

    People say "you look weak and sick". My response you are just used to the old me.
    People say "you will gain it all back once you get a man". No, this is my new normal lifestyle and it is not going anywhere.

    People say " stop losing because you are losing your womanly figure" I will stop losing when I am happy and content with my body.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    My favorite:

    "Five pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Ten pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Twenty pounds! That's all water weight."

    Yes, someone said that to me after I lost 20 pounds. Can't people just be cool and say, "You look great!"

    They are probably jealous, 20lbs weightloss is bloody good going!!!
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    Yes, a very overweight woman at my TOPS club peered with great concern into my face and told me I had lost too much weight, that I looked gaunt. That was when I was at a normal BMI.

    Another very overweight woman (morbidly obese) told me when I'd lost weight that my face looked too thin. I told her I did not normally have a round face, that was fat. Hahahahaha

    Have you noticed the people who are concerned are almost all overweight or morbidly obese?

    Or jealous?
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    I've heard "you must be starving yourself" and your too skinny !! A bunch of times. I'm 5'10 180...I mean really. I
    think it's because overweight has become the norm in our society.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    My favorite:

    "Five pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Ten pounds! That's all water weight."

    "Twenty pounds! That's all water weight."

    Yes, someone said that to me after I lost 20 pounds. Can't people just be cool and say, "You look great!"

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!! haters!!! umm noo.. unless you weighed 600 pounds then 20 lbs isnt water wt.. maybe 5! man thats wack
  • gowrirao81
    gowrirao81 Posts: 139 Member
    I got ... "Aw, are you sick? ... you look sick!". Hate that ... *kitten* off I lost 16 pounds working my *kitten* off, I didn't magically contract an illness that made me thinner. :explode:
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    I don't feel insulted for whatever people might think or say, I am doing this for me, after all. Makes me laugh, if nothing else. I have an acquaintance who, whenever she sees me, gets this horrified expression on her face and then she starts rumbling about "you lost so much, this must not be healthy, this is horrible, you lost so much weight., this isn't healthy...". This after she lost a lot of weight and she looks really great. So it's a puzzling combination. As to me, I haven't even lost so much to begin with....
  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    "you will gain the weight back eventually, how long can you resist eating like before" - a family friend . I wanted to tell her that I can still eat anything, I just control how much of it I eat.

    "you can do it because you are working from home and you do not have to commute" - a friend. I agree it makes it easier for me but does not mean that it was just handed to me on a platter.

    Both these people are themselves obese.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member

    "when are you going to stop, your looking gaunt..."

    "your getting too skinny, your bones are going to stick out..."

    "youve lost your boobs and your butt..."

    "you need to stop losing, you look like olive oil from popeye..."

    "your too tall to be skinny, just stop, you look fine..."
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I had a relative grab my wrist and tell me that I was too skinny because it looked very small.

    I can't help it if my wrist drops fat before my waist!

    I had a couple of positive comments. "You're so tiny" and "You've lost a lot of weight. Congratulations." Both from women who were also slender. I politely declined a piece of cake at work and was told "you definitely don't need to worry about calories." Of course they did not know me when I was obese. I have to be very careful not to backslide.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    The one I kept hearing was "have you been sick?" Or ...do you realize loosing weight will make you look older....duh! I am 62 and feel beautiful with my weight loss.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    My boss called me a skinny b!tch.. meaning I was too skinny and my hormones are off balance, resulting in b!tchiness. :laugh:

    Point is im 5'4 126 pounds.. hardly qualifies as 'too skinny'. Lol.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've heard "you must be starving yourself" and your too skinny !! A bunch of times. I'm 5'10 180...I mean really. I
    think it's because overweight has become the norm in our society.

    This is very true. I am 5'11, 184, 7lbs away from a healthy BMI and 30ish lbs from goal and I've been getting comments like this. Ridiculous. I've even been told to go see my doctor because I must be sick, "because eating healthy and exercise doesn't work..." :noway:
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I've found older women always assume if you have dropped a lot of weight - I am just shy of 150 lbs - that it can only be because you are sick...
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I once mentioned that I was cold at work.... A women goes "That's because you don't have enough meat on your bones"

    I once mentioned at the end of the day that I was hungry. The same women says "That's because you are starving yourself"

    WTF. I am 5'5.5" and the lowest I ever got was 136.... No where near 'too skinny'
  • TheNavet
    TheNavet Posts: 162 Member
    An old 'friend' once told me - 'You re always so strict with your diet, you are never eating anything fun.' First of all, to eat something 'fun'? Secondly, I treat myself daily except if I know I ll have a huge meal at some point of the day. And finally, you are the one with sh**ty eating habits, so don t you even dare criticize mine (I prefer to eat lighter and lower in terms of carbs at lunch.).

    It might not seen very insulting if read but the way it was said in definitely was :grumble: