40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone! I'm excited to report that I met two major milestones today....1) I weighed in at less than 170 lbs for the first time since....crap...the '90's? and 2) I got into that lone pair of jeans that have been at the bottom of the stack because they were an inch smaller than all the others!

    I want to thank the people in this group....especially Beeps. All of your talk about weights, lifting, how only that will change your shape, led me to the Y to start lifting weights rather than 6 days of cardio. I think it's paying off!

    Thanks again everyone!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    jlaplount- congrats on the loss!

    Good morning! Rest day for me and boy, do I feel that I need it!!! Just worn out, but I have a long day ahead so... Onward!
    Have a good one everybody!
  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121
    Congratulations JLA! Had a similar experience this am as well. Put on a pair of 36 x 32's this am for the first time since college. The 36's looked so tiny next to my 52's that I keep in my closet.

    I started using an elliptical this week (dont laugh) but I went from 5 minutes on monday up to 7 this am. I also started doing a push-up routine and I banged out 33 (total in 4 sets).
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow! Wonderful NSV reports today! Congrats JLA! Oh what a feeling to get into those jeans again. I have a pair in my closet that I am hoping to get back into soon.

    Hitem - that is an incredible loss! Going from a 52 to a 36 is amazing...so is banging out 33 push ups!! :drinker:

    Welcome LB!

    Did not have our guests for dinner last evening, but did not get a workout in either. I was supposed to have company for dinner, but they had to cancel at the last minute. I ended up cleaning both our vehicles.

    Mani & pedi this evening. :happy:
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Wow! 33 pushups! That's amazing!

    You will get used to the elliptical in no time. I was up to an hour a day. My PT told me to start doing HIIT on it for 20 minutes. I start with a 3 minute warm up and end with 2 minute cool down so 25 total. Sometimes, the cool down feels so good I just keep walking! LOL He started me out running as fast as I could on it for 20 seconds then walking for 40 seconds, back to running for 20 seconds and then walk for 40 seconds. DO this for 20 minutes, VERY Effective workout. I am now doing 30 second run, 30 second walk and was able to up the resistance. Not boring and a quick workout so Win-Win!

    I only do cardio 2x a week, if that. I'm with BEEPS on the lifting! LOVE IT! And feel so empowered when I beat my last workout! So an hour on the elliptical, though I love my ellipticaddy, was killing me!

    Have a great day!! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Wow, jla, that's AWESOME! Thanks for the "shout-out" - glad that YOU put in the effort and gave it a try!

    Nothing but good news in here - i'll add to it! Turns out, I am 5'9"!! I am at the dr's ofc right now for pre-surgical blood work, etc. They weighed and measured me, again, and my Feb height was just plain wrong! (it's the outlier 5'8" measurement!)

    That extra inch means 2 things:

    1. I get 50 more calories per day (yay!); and
    2. I've accidentally arrived at Venus!!!!

    I'll forever be known as "the accidental Venus" - there's a movie in there somewhere!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Wow! I must be the only surviving "relic" on MFP. All you kids in your 40's better behave and eat your veggies! lol

    NO YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE, I THOUGHT I WAS. There really is no place for me but keeping to myself, cause I'm not able to lift weights like Arnold. That's the way to go, but I'm only able to do 3 pound dumb bells and extremely light at gym. Somebody on here told someone never to pick up a pair of dumb bells that small size again, and I said "oops" no place for me. You kids sound awesome!
  • mrszee1
    mrszee1 Posts: 11
    Feeling a little intimidated here. I want to join but it seems like everyone here goes to the gym and lifts weights. I just started trying to get in shape at the beginning of July. I can only do easy workouts so far. Don't tease me, but I like doing Richard Simmons videos. Are you guys out of my league?
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Congratulations JLA! Had a similar experience this am as well. Put on a pair of 36 x 32's this am for the first time since college. The 36's looked so tiny next to my 52's that I keep in my closet.

    I started using an elliptical this week (dont laugh) but I went from 5 minutes on monday up to 7 this am. I also started doing a push-up routine and I banged out 33 (total in 4 sets).

    why would somebody laugh at you using ellip machine? Are they "out"? Well dang my hide!
  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121
    Congratulations JLA! Had a similar experience this am as well. Put on a pair of 36 x 32's this am for the first time since college. The 36's looked so tiny next to my 52's that I keep in my closet.

    I started using an elliptical this week (dont laugh) but I went from 5 minutes on monday up to 7 this am. I also started doing a push-up routine and I banged out 33 (total in 4 sets).

    why would somebody laugh at you using ellip machine? Are they "out"? Well dang my hide!

    I assumed laughter at the limited time I am able to do it. I thought I could just hop on, start at the lowest level and do half an hour or so (i can walk for hours!). Well when I hit 5 minutes my legs felt like rubber bands and I had a new found respect for my elliptical machine. No wonder I got it so cheap on Craigslist, its brutal!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    If you're over 40, you're welcome here....everybody started on mfp somewhere, right??

    Don't feel "intimidated" - just JUMP INTO THE CONVERSATION!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    If you're over 40, you're welcome here....everybody started on mfp somewhere, right??

    Don't feel "intimidated" - just JUMP INTO THE CONVERSATION!

  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    mrszee1 - no one is out of anyone's league here! I started by just using MFP to watch my calories in/out. Changing those eating habits allowed me to drop 5 pounds very quickly. Then I started just walking everyday....dropped a few more. After I felt better about myself and saw progress, I adding riding my bike to work. Then I took a big jump and started Insanity...that really made an impact (i actually started to get sore!). I just recently added some weight lifting at the Y since my weight loss was going well. I simply wanted to start toning my body.

    Take it at your own pace...as you get comfortable with what you're doing, it's time to add something more.

    Nice to see someone local to me in this group too! (I'm in Holmen)
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    mrszee1 - no one is out of anyone's league here! I started by just using MFP to watch my calories in/out. Changing those eating habits allowed me to drop 5 pounds very quickly. Then I started just walking everyday....dropped a few more. After I felt better about myself and saw progress, I adding riding my bike to work. Then I took a big jump and started Insanity...that really made an impact (i actually started to get sore!). I just recently added some weight lifting at the Y since my weight loss was going well. I simply wanted to start toning my body.

    Take it at your own pace...as you get comfortable with what you're doing, it's time to add something more.

    Nice to see someone local to me in this group too! (I'm in Holmen)

    AGREE!! I started with doing no exercise at all and just logging. then I quit logging and started exercising! Then I did both but cardio only. I continue to evolve and change my workouts! I learn about new things on MFP. Some I like, others I don't. This isn'a a one-size-fits-all site! ALl are welcome so we can learn from one another!!

    BTW, I cannot HEAR Peggy Sue or Leader of the Pack without doing some sweating to the oldies moves!! LOL Love my Richard Simmons and TurboFire with Chalene Johnosn. DOn't forget Denise what's her name!?! (I'm so proud of yoooou!)
    I want to try ShAun T's new series.

    My kids want to know how I can beat them at Just Dance on the Wii. I tell them I grew up with aerobic videos! I can follow the moves on a TV screen with the best of them!! LOL
  • ksteele66
    ksteele66 Posts: 3
    Hi all, nice to have a group in my age bracket, well at least for a few more years then I'll have to find the 50+ group. Love MFP and the great vibe you all provide. I have about 10lbs to lose to get back to good. My husband and I do P90X weights and a variety of cardio tapes Sun-Fri mornings (mostly). I get my workouts in but if I don't track, I gain.

    Whenever I stop logging and just wing it the scale always moves in the wrong direction, so I'm back to being faithful starting late last week and can always use encouragement.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    hello other 40+ ers :)

    i am so glad this thread is here! is there a separate group or are we sticking to this thread?

    i'm new to the club, just turned 40. Really noticing changes in the way my body reacts to food and exercise, and also struggling with feelings of "but i love food too much and life is short" vs "i really want to hit that goal weight"

    I'm not all that overweight, just trying to lose approx 10lbs and get more toned. Of course i'd love visible abs but i just don't think it's going to happen, because I love food too much.

    I work out 6 days a week, lifting, circuit training, lots of cardio, and i walk everywhere (i live in a big city, makes for great walking!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Hello to all the new posters!

    I just got back from my (late) lifting session. My lower-back is really SORE....somewhere (likely my American deadlifts) I did NOT squeeze by back/glutes HARD enough.

    But, I got it done! I have still eaten NOTHING today! Still saving for supper and that's only 2 hours away, now.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Hello to all the new posters!

    I just got back from my (late) lifting session. My lower-back is really SORE....somewhere (likely my American deadlifts) I did NOT squeeze by back/glutes HARD enough.

    But, I got it done! I have still eaten NOTHING today! Still saving for supper and that's only 2 hours away, now.

    How did fasting affect your workout? I love fasted cardio but I find it hard when lifting. Two weeks ago, I did a workout in the evening. I had a patty melt and fries for lunch (don't judge :noway: ) and I breezed through the workout. This morning, same workout but no breakfast. I did add 45 lbs to the sled. i had a much harder time gettign through it.
  • mrszee1
    mrszee1 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I think I'm going to buy Richard Simmons Project Hope. Does anyone know how it is? First I wanted to buy 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels, the result pics of people are amazing, but they all look young and I wasn't sure if I could actually do it without killing myself so I'm starting slow. Has anyone here done the 30 day shred and survived?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    LBN, I've been doing ALL work-outs fasted (about 14- to 15- hours fasted, actually) since November, 2012. I NEVER figured I could EVER handle it (too much old bikram noise in my head, I guess...), but it turns out I LOVE IT!

    I don't have any DVD products, mrszee1, so am hoping someone chimes in with some suggestions/advice!

    Date night is on the horizon for me - chat at you later!