Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?



  • shinimul
    shinimul Posts: 5 Member
    Oh and feel free to add me ;)
  • mapleleafmom
    mapleleafmom Posts: 33 Member
    Yesterday was my day 2. I thought my DVD was stuck on fast forward LOL!!!!!!
    Yeah it is INSANE. I was ok with most but the floor work I will admit, I couldn't do it. When he does the four push ups fast, then the run, then the in and outs, then just up and go down and do it, could not.keep.up.

    Day 3 today. I am skeeeered.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    Yesterday was my day 2. I thought my DVD was stuck on fast forward LOL!!!!!!
    Yeah it is INSANE. I was ok with most but the floor work I will admit, I couldn't do it. When he does the four push ups fast, then the run, then the in and outs, then just up and go down and do it, could not.keep.up.

    Day 3 today. I am skeeeered.

    Don't worry, day 3 seemed to be a touch easier than day 2 for me. Although the moving pushups just about killed me..I have zero upper body strength.

    I'm on day 4 today, but I'm afraid to even get out of bed because of how sore I was yesterday!
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Hubby and I did Day 2 and yes ShaunT motivates me with encouraging work and eye candy...I love how he tells the others to take a break when they need too and the camera shows them really working to keep up and even their frustration when he keeps going and going. I'm so pumped and can't wait to get to the end of the week like you!

    I totally agree with you about Shaun T. But what I really like is the rest of the bots in the video are real people, working hard and sweating just like me. I don't find anything annoying - like mannerisms, quirky statements etc. - this entire dvd set is a keeper for sure! I love love love putting in the dvd each morning!
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I am on Week 2, Day 11. Today was Cardio Recovery which is good as I have a Crossfit class later. I found the first week tough but this week tougher as I have been murdered with heartburn. I know the exercise is doing it but I could also be pushing myself more. Some areas I am finding a bit easier like the level 1 drills. I have no upper body strength whatsoever. It would be great to get some support.

    You might want to try taking 1 omeprazole (prilosec) first thing in the morning. I take either 1/2 or 1 most days and it took care of the exercise induced heartburn.
  • clairemilz
    clairemilz Posts: 3 Member
    Just started Insanity this week. Today was day 4 and thank god for the recovery period seriously as I have been aching so badly at work, and especially getting out of bed in the morning haha.
    Time passes so fast though when you are doing it!!!!!!
    My 60 days finish just before my birthday and boyfriend said if I keep to it he will buy me a new dress (only if I get to my desired dress size) if thats not motivation I dont know what is haha.

    How is everyone else getting on with it?

  • Just ordered today and can't wait to get started and check back for motivation when it arrives!
  • shinimul
    shinimul Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I am not sure where to get that. Can you get that in Northern Ireland? I have just been taking indigestion tablets with milk which normally works when I do get heartburn but it is taking a while when doing the exercises.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    Does anyone do Insanity before work? I usually try to, but working as a cashier and being on my feet 8 hrs a day is a real killer! I also find I usually need an hour or so after the workout to recuperate lol.
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Just did Day 3 and I think it was a little bit easier than Day 2 except the last 10 minutes. I didn't get to finish it completely so now I'm feeling a little disappointed but I've just gotta work harder tomorrow!! :) Hope everyone is doing good with it!!
  • versatility
    versatility Posts: 6 Member
    I took the fit test today! It begins now!:happy:
  • Lass70
    Lass70 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting Sunday 7/28, just to stick with the calendar and give me a couple days to build my nerve!
  • Lass70
    Lass70 Posts: 18 Member
    You know... this is really the only place where the phrase...

    "Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?"

    .... isn't a cue for people to start chasing you with giant butterfly nets. Or a cue for people to start thinking the local mental institution has bad padlocks.

    I really do love this site.

    Ha! You're so right!
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Today was max recovery (Day 40 for me). No insane cardio - but a lot of upper body plank work/pushups and holding triangle pose to ungodly lengths!! lol All in all, a very good workout. What day is everyone else on?
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    I took the fit test today! It begins now!:happy:

    How did you do on the fit test? Post your results! It is amazing to see the improvement every two weeks.
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Just did Day 3 and I think it was a little bit easier than Day 2 except the last 10 minutes. I didn't get to finish it completely so now I'm feeling a little disappointed but I've just gotta work harder tomorrow!! :) Hope everyone is doing good with it!!

    Did you do cardio power & resistance? I like that one. How are you feeling afterwards? I always feel like I climbed the mountain. Keep going - you are doing great.
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Does anyone do Insanity before work? I usually try to, but working as a cashier and being on my feet 8 hrs a day is a real killer! I also find I usually need an hour or so after the workout to recuperate lol.

    Yes I do insanity before work - I usually do it first thing in the morning around 5:30-6:00. I am wiped out afterwards and don't start recovering until I have my second meal around 10:00 am. But, I work at a desk job - I am not on my feet like you so that has got to be really difficult. I don't have the energy/time to do it in the late afternoon or evening - way too many excuses to not work out so I tough it out first time in the morning.
  • miss_dreamer
    miss_dreamer Posts: 50 Member
    I started Insanity on 24th as well, just about to go and do my day 3 workout! I will definitely add you :)
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Just did Day 3 and I think it was a little bit easier than Day 2 except the last 10 minutes. I didn't get to finish it completely so now I'm feeling a little disappointed but I've just gotta work harder tomorrow!! :) Hope everyone is doing good with it!!

    Did you do cardio power & resistance? I like that one. How are you feeling afterwards? I always feel like I climbed the mountain. Keep going - you are doing great.

    Yea today was the cardio power & resistance. I like it to but the last 10 minutes of it is the butt lifts with your hands and alot of stuff to do with your hands and pushing up off your hands and my wrists were hurting when i did it so I decided to stop and then re-try it the next time. I felt great afterwards but you are definetely right it makes you feel like you climbed a darn mountain lol!! Thanks :)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I did the fit test yesterday my thighs feel sore today been awhile for me I am not planning to start im still deciding if I should do ripped in 30 first or insanity I did insanity last year along with zumba so I know weight lloss is achievable also regarding meal plan I followed it last year but I was doing shakeology too this year im working any suggestions what to do meal plan wise and also replacing shakeology with a different shake or smoothie if anyone has tried or heard of this I would love pointers