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How disgusting is this...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OP, you're training to be a PA? I feel sorry for your patients. Empathy is an important quality in a health care professional.

    first off... stop.

    secondly. i just went from 231 to 186 pounds since feb. I know what it is to be obese. so take your protest sign elsewhere.
    Knowing what it is to be obese is not the same as understanding this woman. I don't have a protest sign. I have had bad doctors.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    its the same as someone who is anorexic. its horrible what they are doing to themselves and its likely the result of some mental disorder.

    we should look on these people with sadness and try to get them help.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    Short sighted is more like it. Perhaps it does have to do with age and the fact that, at 23, she has no major health problems from her weight. This clearly won't be the case forever.
  • this article is the best thing i've read all day. thanks!

    (and to answer your question: not disgusting at all.)
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    my add kicked in after the first paragraph
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Why do you think it is disgusting? its her choice.

    You're kidding... right?

    It is her choice, even though she is just slowly killing herself. People who don't care about themselves can find ways to be content with all sorts of bad behavior: be it overeating, not exercising, doing drugs, sex addiction...you name it. She obviously has deep seated self esteem issues, and she's fighting against one thing she shouldn't be: her health. Still like another poster said, it is her choice, and she's not hurting ANYONE except for herself.

    her family... her community... oh yea and the burden of the healthcare system

    Burden on the healthcare system? her Community? REALLY? Thank you Mr.Marx, FOR THE GREATER GOOD , I know.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    this article is the best thing i've read all day. thanks!

    (and to answer your question: not disgusting at all.)

    would you feel the same way if it was an anorexic person who was just skin and bones? they are both destroying their health, bodies, future...
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    Why do you think it is disgusting? its her choice.

    You're kidding... right?

    It is her choice, even though she is just slowly killing herself. People who don't care about themselves can find ways to be content with all sorts of bad behavior: be it overeating, not exercising, doing drugs, sex addiction...you name it. She obviously has deep seated self esteem issues, and she's fighting against one thing she shouldn't be: her health. Still like another poster said, it is her choice, and she's not hurting ANYONE except for herself.

    her family... her community... oh yea and the burden of the healthcare system

    ^^Yes, true, but have you ever been pressured to make a change? Does it work? I pressured my husband to stop smoking for 10 years, and it didn't work. All it did was ruin our relationship. He finally did stop smoking, but it took him having a SERIOUS health consequence. Some people think they are invincible and that all the statistics don't apply to them, and they don't realize they do until it's almost too late. She has to realize that what she is doing is hurting herself, and decide in her heart to change...not for anyone else, but herself. Only then will she be able to do it (as I'm sure you realized on your weight loss journey).
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    I think that she really means is that her weight doesn't define her as a person but everyone chooses to see her as a person who needs to lose weight period.

    And even though I don't think that remaining obese is the best way to stick it up to the Man, I kinda get that.
    I've never been really fat, just 10-20lbs overweight. That's all my family could see.
    Last year I lost 20lbs in a little less than 3.5months, and that's all I could hear about. Nothing about the internship I got as a Law student or being a straight-A student or anything about my other accomplishments. It is and always was about weight and it's painful and maddening. It feels like one's persona doesn't really matter as long as they go along with everyone else's expectation.

    But I must insist, remaining obese is certainly not the way to prove your point. But I kinda understand her.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    Why do you think it is disgusting? its her choice.

    You're kidding... right?

    It is her choice, even though she is just slowly killing herself. People who don't care about themselves can find ways to be content with all sorts of bad behavior: be it overeating, not exercising, doing drugs, sex addiction...you name it. She obviously has deep seated self esteem issues, and she's fighting against one thing she shouldn't be: her health. Still like another poster said, it is her choice, and she's not hurting ANYONE except for herself.

    her family... her community... oh yea and the burden of the healthcare system

    Burden on the healthcare system? her Community? REALLY? Thank you Mr.Marx, FOR THE GREATER GOOD , I know.

    yes ma'am. Her unwillingness to get health is a burden. It affects her performance at wok, in relationships, with her family. And yes.... we all pay into the health care system. Obesity is the major cause of all CVD and cancers.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    *She* is not disgusting...I see her point, and it's good to read that someone is finding peace with herself.

    But to just...choose...to be overweight because you can? It's a little sad and seems like an excuse - just like doing drugs or being an alcoholic or surrendering to any addiction on GP.

    She says all this stuff about not wanting to starve herself to conform, and that's something we've all struggled with. But those of us who have lost anything know that we don't have to starve.

    She says it's great that people who lose weight feel good about themselves, but that their lives should not be summed up by one accomplishment. I agree...but I have worked harder to lose this weight than I have at any other goal in my life. I have other accomplishments, and in their context I am proud of those things. But every time I walk in my closet, and know that I have clothes that fit and look decent on me - I am reminded of what I have achieved in this area.

    It's like she is demeaning the losers for conforming...like the work we have done was for the wrong reasons...just to excuse her love for cupcakes. I love cupcakes. I have eaten cupcakes since I started this journey. I will eat more. But I don't eat a cupcake every time I see one simply because it's there. That's the difference.

    I don't believe we should all be a size 2. I don't believe everyone should be thin. But healthy? Yes. We should all be healthy...
  • srankara2004
    srankara2004 Posts: 9 Member
    The author of this article has been through a lot, and there is a lot more going on in her mind besides her weight. The point is she has to make to the choice to live a different lifestyle and get healthier, but no one else can do it for her. The weight battle is very personal and it is sad that so many people judge her, especially the number of medical professionals. Yes they should encourage her to choose different life style choices but ultimately it's her life and it won't happen until she DECIDES to make that happen. No amount of surgery or doctors will change that.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    While it is her choice, it's an absolutely heartbreaking story! Staying overweight is her defense mechanism for now, but she's so angry at the world/parents/childhood/society that she has more problems than just the weight! Hopefully, she can find some sort of therapy other than eating for her issues, so that 10 years from now when she is 100 lbs heavier she isn't still dealing with all of the anger/emotional issues, but serious health issues as well!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    Why do you think it is disgusting? its her choice.

    You're kidding... right?

    It is her choice, even though she is just slowly killing herself. People who don't care about themselves can find ways to be content with all sorts of bad behavior: be it overeating, not exercising, doing drugs, sex addiction...you name it. She obviously has deep seated self esteem issues, and she's fighting against one thing she shouldn't be: her health. Still like another poster said, it is her choice, and she's not hurting ANYONE except for herself.

    her family... her community... oh yea and the burden of the healthcare system

    ^^Yes, true, but have you ever been pressured to make a change? Does it work? I pressured my husband to stop smoking for 10 years, and it didn't work. All it did was ruin our relationship. He finally did stop smoking, but it took him having a SERIOUS health consequence. Some people think they are invincible and that all the statistics don't apply to them, and they don't realize they do until it's almost too late. She has to realize that what she is doing is hurting herself, and decide in her heart to change...not for anyone else, but herself. Only then will she be able to do it (as I'm sure you realized on your weight loss journey).

    i feel you on this... but...

    her "fat acceptance" is a just adolescent take on being ok with yourself. It is immature and self-destructive.

    Instead of this chick, you know who us overweight people should paying attention to? Adele. She was defiant and vowed to never diet or bend to social pressure. Then she had a baby and realized was rationalizing and started living healthier. You don't have conform to some unattainable standard of beauty. You just have to not be selfish and set an example for your God Damned children.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    everything written is Salon.com is complete and utter garbage. Theyshould rename it Pravda.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    Some days I can certainly relate to how the author feels about always being expected to lose weight and being expected to be interested in losing weight by everyone else. Sometimes it does seem unfair that a fat person just can't be okay with being fat BUT that being said, I am here for a reason and it's because I have been thinner and I understand how much better I felt by being at a healthier weight. Clearly that is not something the author has yet experienced or she would probably not choose to remain fat.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm surprised no one's commented on how absolutely delish the sandwich in the original article looks:
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I found this very sad. Saw a lot of myself in it. I blamed the weight for not having a significant other in my life. When I had one, I tried so hard to be the perfect girlfriend. I blamed my weight when the guy broke up with me. All in all, I'm just very unhappy with myself but I have no one but myself to blame. I hope this individual starts to see some of the things I have at a much younger age than I did. I wish her well.
  • newmanel
    newmanel Posts: 61 Member
    this article is the best thing i've read all day. thanks!

    (and to answer your question: not disgusting at all.)


    What is actually disgusting is rampant body shaming, fascist ideas about what bodies are supposed to look like, or the notion that everyone should have the same desires about their own size and weight.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    its the same as someone who is anorexic. its horrible what they are doing to themselves and its likely the result of some mental disorder.

    we should look on these people with sadness and try to get them help.
    Some people don't seem to understand the psychological problems behind certain people with binge eating disorder. If you don't suffer from it, it's easy to look at an obese binge eater and just say, "You're overweight. Don't eat like that, and you'll be healthier." But that's just as misinformed as telling an anorexic, "Just eat. You're too skinny."
    Short sighted is more like it. Perhaps it does have to do with age and the fact that, at 23, she has no major health problems from her weight. This clearly won't be the case forever.
    I agree. She states in the article "I’m more concerned with what my blood work reveals than what the number on the scale says" which is a good way to look at things, but I think she's missing the fact that her blood work may be fine now, but unless she becomes healthier/fitter overall, it WILL NOT stay that way. By the time a problem shows up on her blood work, it may be past the point of repair. Why not prevent the problem by getting healthy now than to put it off and try to fix the multiple problems that will occur later in her life?