Fasting never okay?



  • dta4ever
    dta4ever Posts: 27 Member
    Here's what works for me:

    I fast for a few reasons.
    (1) Sometimes I get so caught up in life that I feel like I have ZERO control. So, in order to prove to myself that I do have some control, I will fast for 1 day and 1 day only. It takes a lot of mental control to do this, even for just one day. When I succeed, I feel so much better about myself!
    (2) If I have a day where I eat WAY too much, my stomach stretches out. So, the following day I will try to either fast all day or only consume 500 calories. This helps shrink my stomach back so it doesn't take as much food to fill me up.

    I'm no doctor so I can't tell you whether this is harmful to your metabolism or not. But I know it works for me mentally. And as we all know, you have to have a strong mind to succeed in anything!
  • jennorris1991
    jennorris1991 Posts: 61 Member
    There is fasting and intermittent 5:2, which is a completely different concept.

    I have been on the 5:2 IF diet since March 2013 and I can honestly say it is the ONLY diet plan that has ever worked for me (I am 63 years old and have tried a lot! Read Dr Michael Mosley's book. 5:2 dieting has took off in the UK big time, everyone you speak to and all the newspapers and magazines are talking about it.

    It works and it fits into your life as after your low day 500 cals for women and 600 cals for men, you then eat normally (albeit carefully) the next day, so it never feels as if you are dieting and you don't think about food all the time.

    Health benefits include lowering of blood pressure (just had mine taken last week and lowest for years) and improved cholesterol readings.

    Whoops, didn't see this before i posted! :blushing:
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    I've been doing IF ( intermittent fasting) for a week- loving it
  • kiwidrop
    kiwidrop Posts: 222 Member
    Good post, not as vicious as some other fasting posts I've read. I've been doing 5:2 Intermittent Fasting since March. I've lost 35 lbs, not to mention gaining lots of energy and helping to curb my eating on non-fast days. I won't repeat what others have said about the diet but I will reiterate that you should do your research to see if it could work for you. Also want to correct what one person said about the 5:2 diet. You can fast (500 cals) on any 2 days you like, consecutively or nonconsecutively. I fast on consecutive days most weeks. You can change your fasting days to meet your weekly schedule. Lastly, here is the working link to Dr. Mosley's documentary. It's really more about fasting in general, not 5:2. Either way, it is very good and informative:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so you know all about starvation mode and fasting, you already do 18/6 IF...what exactly is the question?

    if you want to do a 24 hour fast then go for it...however, if you are thinking about anything longer than 72 hours then you will put yourself into starvation mode.

    It sounds like you may not have the healthiest relationship with food..

    Fasting is not a magic bullet to lose weight. People use it to control their calorie intake and because they would prefer to eat one large meal a day or every other day...but just doing a 72 hour fast is not automatically going to guarantee that you melt fat off...

    If you are not happy with your progress right now, it is probably because you are over eating and not creating a large enough deficit. I would focus on that before you go running off on a ten day water fast or something...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I wouldn't fast Hun. You tend to find that if you do your body just stores what you do eat when you start eating again as fat. (speaking from experience that is - you may be luckier than me :D). I have found since starting on here that I am like you, i feel bored and therefore think i am hungry. Try having some water (or even diluting juice) and leave it for half an hour. If you are still hungry then you are genuinely hungry. Sometimes your body also confuses thirst for hunger.
    I dunno if this helps at all. Good luck honey. You know where I am if you need me xx

    sorry hun, but this is just dead wrong...
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    I didn't mean to start a ****storm here sorry folks

    That's what the forums are for!! :happy:

    People are very passionate about works for them and hate it when there are mis-informed attacks by people that are just shocked by the idea you don't actually need to be eating "3 square meals a day", or whatever myths they grew up (and grew fat..) on. Myths like "breakfast fires up your metabolism" or your "metabolism will crash if you don't stoke the furnace" also spring to mind...

    IF certainly isn't necessary for everyone, some people try it and don't like it, some try it and find it works really well for them (like me - I do 5:2). There are also people that would be well advised not to fast (children, pregnant, previous eating disorder...).

    Really don't think the idea of a long term (many day) fast is a good idea at all though and would hope you reconsider.

    Here's some studies that a 5:2 buddy helpfully researched.....

    Abstracts of clinical trial:

    Thanks for the scientific articles! Am I reading that first abstract correctly that fasting increased HDL cholesterol? I wonder why. My HDL is always too low (44 at the last check). I know I need more cardio, but if I wonder if just that dietary change would make much difference.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Personally I wouldn't do it at all. Ever. It slows your metabolism and can lead to short and long-term damage.

    I used to get horror cravings for my old favourites (sugary foods; starchy, empty carbs; soft drink; caffeine etc) if I didn't eat enough of the other stuff (protein, lower GI carbs and fat), or get enough sleep. Sometimes if I'm tired, or haven't eaten regularly I still get them, though it's rarer now. It takes a long time to get through it, but keep pushing through and your cravings will subside, provided you are filling your body with nutrient-dense food. My 'treats' or 'cravings' now consist of things like Quest bars (a protein bar that tastes so completely naughty but is as clean as can be! If you have a sweet tooth, and struggle with those cravings, look them up) sweet potato fries, popcorn and other things like that.

    That's a vague statement. It takes at a MINIMUM 3 days of zero calorie intake for your metabolism to slow, before this time, your metabolism can actually speed up. If you are healthy, any fast no longer than 10 days is not going do cause any type of damage to your body. Please stop trying to scare people...

    Goodness, I wasn't aware that what I wrote was so terrifying. I humbly apologise for making vague and scary statements *rolls eyes* I'm just going on what I know, have seen and have read about fasting. I personally don't think it's a great way to achieve ANY health/fitness goals, and find that eating regularly and not skipping food/meals has helped me achieve mine.
    the scary part is that your advice is dead wrong...

    Plenty of people do IF and are absolutely shredded and have zero health issues...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My old chiropractor used to have me do a 3-day fast for my liver. Eating nothing for 3 days and drinking nothing but water and apple juice. Of course, if you eat healthier and limit the fatty foods and alcohol in your diet, you won't need to do this kind of fast. I wouldn't recommend it, but 3 days without food isn't going to hurt. You'll just be damn hungry.

    why are you taking diet advice from a chiropractor????
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I don't know too much about the science of it, but I fast for 30 days every year for the month of Ramadan.

    Here's what I've noticed: I loose a bit of weight, but not much more than when I'm watching my calories outside of Ramadan. I do not gain weight after the month is over by gorging on food. I tend to make healthier choices and take smaller portions once the fasting month is over, because I'm not used to eating as much so I don't feel like I *need* larger portions.

    Keep in mind, this is a spiritual fast as well as a physical fast, food is not the only thing we abstain from during Ramadan.

    Also, different people fast differently during Ramadan, some people eat so much when breaking fast that they can barely stand, this is not what the Religion teaches, but many people do it anyways. This is why we hear a lot in our communities about how people gain weight during the month, it's because they fast all day and feast all night. This defeats the purpose.

    These are just some of my experiences, but every body is different, and some people are physically unable to fast like those with illnesses like diabetes, or those who need to be taking medication at specific times during the day (These people are excused from fasting during Ramadan).

    What I experience during fasting may be completely different from what the person next to me experiences, so my suggestion would be try it for a day or two and see how you feel. If you're getting dizzy and feel sick, then better break your fast, however if you find benefit in it, then great. Just listen to your body, and be safe when trying this sort of thing.

    This is really insightful. Thank you for sharing.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    its dangerous
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    its dangerous

    care to clarify? that is a pretty broad statement...
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Try a 24 hour fast to test if it is something you can do and if it makes you feel better. A good friend of mine fasts for 24 hours every 2 weeks and it works for her. If it's fine and you survive ;), choose a wise plan that works for you. As for me, the fasting method cannot do.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I think fasts for shorter periods of time are okay every once in a while (3-10 days). You'd want to follow a plan for it, and probably schedule an appt. with your primary care doctor to make sure your body's up for it - but that's a general recommendation for any new plan or change in diet and exercise programs, I guess. :) Your body doesn't necessarily need for you to do it, but they can leave you feeling very nice at the end.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think fasts for shorter periods of time are okay every once in a while (3-10 days). You'd want to follow a plan for it, and probably schedule an appt. with your primary care doctor to make sure your body's up for it - but that's a general recommendation for any new plan or change in diet and exercise programs, I guess. :) Your body doesn't necessarily need for you to do it, but they can leave you feeling very nice at the end.

    why would you fast for three to ten days and really put yourself in starvation mode?

    anything over 72 hours is unhealthy..IMO
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    I've fasted all my adult life twice a year after holidays and christmas. I would only drink water for first day then water and a few grapes at night second day. I do this because I over indulge and I feel bloated and sick after holidays, these days I eat more moderately but if I want ice cream on holiday, I'll bloody have have it.

    I also do a juice fast to cleanse my palate if my sweet tooth or salt addiction get out of control. It works like a dream and I never do this more than 3 days max.

    I currently follow the 5:2 diet and I love it. It's cured my portion distortion, my anxiety has all but disappeared, I've lost 8lbs in 4 weeks and I finally understand when to stop eating.

    That said it isn't for everyone. Google some articles, there is a wealth of information out there. Only you will know what's right for you.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You lose all the benefits of fasting essentially after a 72 hour window because it'll eat at your muscle. Juicing is just sugar and carbs and will be horrible for your mouth health with all that acid + weaken your jaw muscle from not eating.

    Jump start your weight loss by diving in.. It's about effort level and not tricks.
  • MorningWhispers
    Juicing is not just sugar and carbs - not if you are doing it right anyway.

    I juice breakfast and lunch just about every day - I invested in a juicer so this is juice I make not store bought stuff. I juice mainly vegetables - kale, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, etc and add an apple and a slice of lemon to sweeten it up. My homemade juice is packed full of vitamins and minerals and no processed sugar or other additives.

    I eat a small meal for dinner and most days I have a snack sometime before dinner.

    I try to not have anything to eat after 7pm.

    This "modified" juice fast, is what is working for me. I have more energy, I sleep great at night, my body doesn't have the aches and pains it had before I started all this and I average about 3 pounds a week weight loss. (I've been doing this since March).

    I agree with most of what was posted here about intermittent fasting - it might work for you or it might not. There are lots of ways to lose weight, it's a matter of finding a plan that works for you.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Fasting for as few as 12 hours may reduce your metabolism by as much as 42%.

    Do you have a source for that?

    That seems like self-evident nonsense IMO.

    Everyone fasts for 12+ hours: Eat dinner at 6pm, eat breakfast some time after 6am...
    This and so much this. 'cause 96% of statistics are made up.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Juicing is not just sugar and carbs - not if you are doing it right anyway.

    I juice breakfast and lunch just about every day - I invested in a juicer so this is juice I make not store bought stuff. I juice mainly vegetables - kale, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, etc and add an apple and a slice of lemon to sweeten it up. My homemade juice is packed full of vitamins and minerals and no processed sugar or other additives.

    I eat a small meal for dinner and most days I have a snack sometime before dinner.

    I try to not have anything to eat after 7pm.

    This "modified" juice fast, is what is working for me. I have more energy, I sleep great at night, my body doesn't have the aches and pains it had before I started all this and I average about 3 pounds a week weight loss. (I've been doing this since March).

    I agree with most of what was posted here about intermittent fasting - it might work for you or it might not. There are lots of ways to lose weight, it's a matter of finding a plan that works for you.

    dont you think that the weight loss is due more to the caloric deficit that you are creating by eating so few calories, rather than the juicing?

    You could achieve the same with a few small meals a day and same calorie intake as while juicing...