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Do you believe in ghosts?
I've experienced paranormal activity my entire life, as has my mother. I don't have a choice whether to believe or not, because the evidence has been presented to me many many times. What I would like to know, is why some people can go through their lives without so much of a hint of any paranormal experience, and yet there are other people who experience things regularly and constantly?0
Going back to what someone said about possession and speaking strange languages...
I had a book when I was a kid, I can't remember much about it but it was all about real life mysteries and explanations for the paranormal. Apparently, according to one of the stories, a guy under hypnosis once started reeling off a mysterious language that a language expert eventually identified as an obscure and long dead ancient language. Apparently, after investigating, it turned out his housemate or something had a book which had a passage in this language on one page, and they reckoned a single glance at the page when it was open on the table was all it would take for him to be able to recite it under hypnosis years later. Madness.
This is why I don't believe in ghosts or any of this stuff. Our brain is capable of so many weird things.
I have a friend who suffers from night hag syndrome. Sounds freaking TERRIFYING.0 -
It's same as believing in GOD.
Atleast ghost manages to scare us. GOD can't even do that.0 -
I believe in ghosts, spirits, demons and "aliens". being alive can't just end with death, where do we come from b4 life if there's no afterlife just for arguments sake.
and how did we come from nothing if there's nothing to come from?0 -
No such thing as ghosts, or spirits, or zombies, the dead do not come back to life on any form. Once death occurs, kaput, you're dead.
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
― Albert Einstein
But if there's no life, there's no energy, so there can be no transference of energy.
And no, clowns don't apply either.
That doesn't make any sense. Energy transfers. This is physical law.
Explain it then, cause right now you're not making any sense to me. If there is no life, there is no energy, so how can energy transfer if there was no energy to begin with. The only way that it makes sense to me is if through decomposition then bugs turn that into energy or the body becomes compost for vegetation.
The statement in bold is wrong. The universe had energy well before life formed. The total energy in the universe remains constant, but it changes forms, e.g. it goes to the ground & air as we decompose. Not "spirits".
[Edited to fix typo]
Ok, you're right, but I was talking in terms of the dead's energy passing into a spiritual ghost whatever. My statement had nothing to do with the universe, or what happens to you physically when you die. It had to do with spiritually. Which as I pointed out, nothing. Your spirit dies when you did. There is no transference of energy into some ghostly spirit..... Thing.0 -
I know why don't we all start listing bible quotes and references...
Yes I do and have seen several.
Even my father who was completely against anything ghost related (or anything else that is open to conjecture) before here saw an apparition of a lady walking through a wall when working in the basement of an old shop in London a few years ago.
Spooky.0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
Yes I have experienced The Supernatural experience of Redemption, Sanctified, Justification by totally unmerited Grace and that thru Faith--not of myself nor anything in this world, but is a Gift of God by His Holy Spirit and have supernaturally received Salvation from sin...I believe in, trust on, rely upon The Holy Ghost. He is my Comforter. He points me to Jesus and Teaches me all things of The Lord and Jesus shows/teaches me of The Father God. Because God is a Spirit, I worship Him in Spirit and Truth. The Pictures I have are His Word. His Word is worth a billion pictures and though I do not fully understand the mysteries of God in totality...I Seek His Face and study His Word to know Him more and more. This surely is not exactly what you were asking about--but I wanted to include my experience with The Holy Ghost and to let you know that God is no respecter of persons and will reveal Himself to anyone who humble themselves, pray, seek His Face and turn from their wicked (which means twisted) ways--whosoever will dare to call upon The Name of The Lord and Seek Him with their wholeheart--He will be found of them. God has not given us a "spirit" of fear, but of love, joy and a sound mind. {{{{Hugs}}}}
Check this out--These are some Words from Jesus, that talks about The Holy Ghost:
John 14
King James Version (KJV)
14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.
30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.
^^^^^THIS0 -
I strongly believe. In fact, I know they exist. If that pic is legit, that is freaking cool. They live among us but normally we can't see or hear each other. They are nocturnal. So, they are active at night, we are active in the day. We're kind of on opposite schedules. I don't really share this with too many people, but they exist, they are there, and I think if that photo is legit, I'd spend time trying to contact that person and find out what they need. They are hanging around for a reason. They get stuck sometimes. Or, they think they're alive still.0
Why does every claim of a ghost sighting always open with "I never believed in ghosts until...", as though that somehow lends it more credibility?
I never believed in unicorns, but then this one time I was walking through a field and I saw a unicorn. It winked at me, then it ate a sandwich.0 -
The bible also contains references to dragons, sea monsters, and zombies. Fun stuff.0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
I have included a photo of a picture my husband took on his cell phone late one night. Yes, I understand that there are apps that insert images in photos. But if you blow up the photo I have included, there is no disturbance of pixels and you can see right through the object in the photo. This happened when my husband was taking photos of our living room because he was using the "night vision" on his phone. My husband's shorts have been tugged on in our bedroom. Our laundry soap on the dryer has fallen off the dryer when it wasn't even running. We have heard the toilet seat drop and our children were in bed and everyone was asleep. This actually happened in our bathroom and not our children's bathroom.
Wait..your husband took that photo? yes, I do believe in spirits and ghosts. No question that these exist. If that photo is real I'd be terrified to be in your house!0 -
and I don't believe in religion either.....0 -
and I don't believe in religion either.....
:flowerforyou: a sane person, finally.0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
I have included a photo of a picture my husband took on his cell phone late one night. Yes, I understand that there are apps that insert images in photos. But if you blow up the photo I have included, there is no disturbance of pixels and you can see right through the object in the photo. This happened when my husband was taking photos of our living room because he was using the "night vision" on his phone. My husband's shorts have been tugged on in our bedroom. Our laundry soap on the dryer has fallen off the dryer when it wasn't even running. We have heard the toilet seat drop and our children were in bed and everyone was asleep. This actually happened in our bathroom and not our children's bathroom.
Wait..your husband took that photo? yes, I do believe in spirits and ghosts. No question that these exist. If that photo is real I'd be terrified to be in your house!
It's obviously photoshoped....0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
I have included a photo of a picture my husband took on his cell phone late one night. Yes, I understand that there are apps that insert images in photos. But if you blow up the photo I have included, there is no disturbance of pixels and you can see right through the object in the photo. This happened when my husband was taking photos of our living room because he was using the "night vision" on his phone. My husband's shorts have been tugged on in our bedroom. Our laundry soap on the dryer has fallen off the dryer when it wasn't even running. We have heard the toilet seat drop and our children were in bed and everyone was asleep. This actually happened in our bathroom and not our children's bathroom.0 -
That scared the crap out of me!! lol
What movie is this from?0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
I have included a photo of a picture my husband took on his cell phone late one night. Yes, I understand that there are apps that insert images in photos. But if you blow up the photo I have included, there is no disturbance of pixels and you can see right through the object in the photo. This happened when my husband was taking photos of our living room because he was using the "night vision" on his phone. My husband's shorts have been tugged on in our bedroom. Our laundry soap on the dryer has fallen off the dryer when it wasn't even running. We have heard the toilet seat drop and our children were in bed and everyone was asleep. This actually happened in our bathroom and not our children's bathroom.
Wait..your husband took that photo? yes, I do believe in spirits and ghosts. No question that these exist. If that photo is real I'd be terrified to be in your house!
It's obviously photoshoped....
^^ I have to agree. In all honesty it looks more like a very well done painting than a photograph.
However I DO believe in ghosts and spirits.0 -
With the popularity of ghost and possession movies, do you believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff? Have you experienced something that you can't explain? What are your experiences? Do you have pictures?
I have included a photo of a picture my husband took on his cell phone late one night. Yes, I understand that there are apps that insert images in photos. But if you blow up the photo I have included, there is no disturbance of pixels and you can see right through the object in the photo. This happened when my husband was taking photos of our living room because he was using the "night vision" on his phone. My husband's shorts have been tugged on in our bedroom. Our laundry soap on the dryer has fallen off the dryer when it wasn't even running. We have heard the toilet seat drop and our children were in bed and everyone was asleep. This actually happened in our bathroom and not our children's bathroom.
Wait..your husband took that photo? yes, I do believe in spirits and ghosts. No question that these exist. If that photo is real I'd be terrified to be in your house!
It's obviously photoshoped....
^^ I have to agree. In all honesty it looks more like a very well done painting than a photograph.
However I DO believe in ghosts and spirits.
Yes they do exist...once in my dream I was sleeping and I felt like someone was trying to push me down on the matress, I couldn't get up.. and at some point it just let go of me. It was around Halloween time and they say that usually the spirits start wandering around around that time.
Also, my mom and I had a very strong bond. After she passed away, she was trying to communicate with me through music and moving things around (like a picture of her that I removed from my wallet and that I saw again in there and some bday cards that I put in a box all together except for ONE (the last one she gave me before she passed away) that I kept finding in my bedroom drawer (even if I am SURE i put it in that same box 2x...) and one night, I was sleeping with my dog by my side (which my mom loved!!) and I open my eyes and I see her face only floating near my bed with a big smile on her face, I yell Mommy?? and she dissapeared slowly...
FREAKIEST THING EVER... but i know they exist... spirits and ghosts..0 -
If there were ghosts then why aren't there more of them? What I mean by that is consider how many things that have lived in the billions of years the earth has been around have died (hint: all of them except the things currently alive). Why don't we see ghosts everywhere? Why don't we see caveman ghosts? Animal ghosts? Why do all ghosts seem so prone to boring mischief like knocking over pictures or hiding socks? Why can't we get better pictures of audio of them? Why can't we get any video of them? Why do ghost hunters wear Affliction shirts? These are kind of obvious questions people glaze over. I feel the same way about possession stuff. So you're telling me there's this all powerful dark spirit of pure evil who can take over anyone and use them for it's deeply evil purposes? Well obviously this evil would choose to possess a 6 year old girl instead of, hmm, I dunno, the president of a country or a general of an army. Hell, the manager of a grocery store would at least be a better choice since he/she would wield some power of someone. Why not at least the family dog since the dog could at least maul the family. Nah, let's go with the six year old girl. Pure evil!!!0
Yes I do, seen several and lived in several locations that had activity that I couldn't explain (and oh yes, I looked and searched and tried to find logical explanations/reasons).
But I also believe that dying ins't the "end" of us, also that not all "ghosts" where humans or intelligent and yes, there are things out there that pre-dated modern man.
For everything we as humans have discovered, there are dozens of things we still can't "explain".0 -
im scared to answer srs0
1. That picture is super freaky.
2. I don't know if I believe in ghosts or not. It does seem that people have experienced things that can't be explained. What I find interesting is what people emphatically believe, whether politics, religion or spirituality. So, I'm always willing to listen.
3. I have been reading the account of Andrea Perron, who grew up in the house featured in The Conjuring. A lot of people criticize her writing style, but she's self published, and I'm approaching it from more as reading a journal rather than a professional book (she's written two, actually...) and I'm just enjoying the story and trying to not edit! House of Darkness, House of Light. Hmmm... just fun, leisure reading for daytime only! (Cause I can creepity creep myself out at night!) I haven't seen the movie yet.0 -
For everything we as humans have discovered, there are dozens of things we still can't "explain".
Ghosts are easy to explain. Every sighting can be explained with a marker on a 10 point scale, where 1 is insane delusion, 5 is hallucination and 10 is attention-seeking lie.0 -
I had an experience I can't explain. I don't know what it was, I just know that it happened and it was real. I was at work in a small hospital in Arizona, gosh, I guess it's been 12 years ago now. I'm a nurse. We had a busy day, I had a huge patient load and one of my patients was an elderly demented lady. The nurse who reported off to me said this patient had a really bad night, no sleep. So, I got started on my day, and honestly, I kind of left this lady till last on morning rounds because I know I'd get stuck in her room for a long time. I guess our respiratory therapist thought the same thing because we got to her room at the same time. We decided to work together. Got in there, and it was just as bad as I'd feared. Room was a mess, patient was really dirty. My nursing assistant had just put her breakfast on the tray but not set it up for her or anything so it was cold. I went to get more breakfast for her and the RT started picking up. Came back with her food, and the RT and I worked together to give her a bath, change her linens, put clean clothes on her and feed her. I gave her meds and the RT did her breathing treatment. She was getting kind of tired finally so I lowered the lights, got her comfy and told her she could nap if she wanted. She laid down and closed her eyes. The RT and I left the room, and I went and got a piece of paper, made a sign that said "Do not disturb. Pt. resting. Please see nurse at desk." and taped it to the door. We kind of sagged up against the door for a minute to rest. Just then, out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy walk onto the hallway on our unit from the lobby. He was probably mid 60s, and looked like a tough old farmer. ****ey (Seriously, MFP? You're going to censor D-i-c-k-e-y? It's a brand name for the love of all!) overalls with a worn round imprint of a Skoal can in the bib. White tee shirt. Red and black plaid flannel jacket over it all. Green John Deere baseball cap on his head. And he looked angry. He stomped down the hallway, red faced and glowering. Paused at the door, looked at the RT and I, then walked right between us, opened the door, and went into the room. He tried to slam the door in our faces, but I threw up my arm and caught the door on my forearm and barged in right behind him, ready to give him a piece of my mind. The RT was right behind me. We walked into the room. . . and stopped. Because there was nobody in there except my patient who was awake, sitting straight up in bed with a smug little look on her face. I froze and looked at the RT who was looking back at me. And we did the logical but probably silly looking thing and started to look for the guy. We looked in the bathroom. We looked in the closets. We looked under the bed. Pulled back the curtain and looked in and under the OTHER bed in the room, but we couldn't find him. Finally I looked back at the patient and asked "Honey, did someone just come in here?" "Yes." she says (kinda snotty sounding really, like I'm stupid or something. I said "Who was it?" She says "My daddy." I asked "Oh. What did he want?" She says "He told me that when he was done planting tonight he's going to come back and pick me up and you guys can't be mean to me any more." (Ouch!) I looked at the RT who was looking back and me with the (I'm assuming) the same "WTF?" look on her face that I had on mine. I smiled weakly at the patient and said "Well, if you're going on a trip with your daddy this evening, you'll probably want to get some rest." She agreed, and I got her settled in for sleep and left the room again. The RT and I looked at each other and I said "Okay, what the hell just happened in there? Did we really see that?" She said "We are never talking about this again."
BTW, if you guessed it already, you were right. The patient passed away in her sleep that afternoon.
No, I'm not making it up to be creepy. No, I'm not lying for attention. I have NFC what happened because I don't believe in ghosts. I'm not the kind of person who watches horror movies or reads horror novels. I have put this down in the "HOLY **** THAT WAS ****ING WEIRD!" category in my life history. Edited because MFP is dumb.0 -
For everything we as humans have discovered, there are dozens of things we still can't "explain".
Ghosts are easy to explain. Every sighting can be explained with a marker on a 10 point scale, where 1 is insane delusion, 5 is hallucination and 10 is attention-seeking lie.
Blame it on evolution for making humanity the most delusional species on the planet. I guess it's all part of our special adaptations to a changing environment that separates us from the animals . And we are the most intelligent ? :laugh: However, the previous quote holds true, there are things we can't explain and perhaps never will due to perhaps limitations of senses and delusional intelligence :laugh: I digress0 -
this is 2013 people!
in the past people believe comets were signs from the Heavens...do you guys still believe that?
we believed people who acted differently were possessed and now we know that its mental/psychiatric disorders.
the "ghosts" you are seeing are other such phenomena.
and all of you who were starting to believe that picture was real have just found out its a photoshop.
those who believe in ghosts stop being gullible!!!! join us in the modern world and leave all that in the past where it belongs.0 -
For everything we as humans have discovered, there are dozens of things we still can't "explain".
Ghosts are easy to explain. Every sighting can be explained with a marker on a 10 point scale, where 1 is insane delusion, 5 is hallucination and 10 is attention-seeking lie.
Blame it on evolution for making humanity the most delusional species on the planet. I guess it's all part of our special adaptations to a changing environment that separates us from the animals . And we are the most intelligent ? :laugh: However, the previous quote holds true, there are things we can't explain and perhaps never will due to perhaps limitations of senses and delusional intelligence :laugh: I digress
yep our brain fills in patterns everywhere. we see shapes in clouds...we see virgin mary in a potato chip etc...
Occam's razor people!0 -
yep our brain fills in patterns everywhere. we see shapes in clouds...we see virgin mary in a potato chip etc...
Occam's razor people!0
This discussion has been closed.
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