Is your SO into fitness with you?



  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    My significant other sleeps like 20 hours a day. They scarf down their dinner like they haven't eaten in years. It's so bad the food sticks to their whiskers! The only activity they like to do is chase a ball over and over and over. And I don't like the way they look at other women, especially their a--.

  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    My wife and I are complete opposites. We have taken those compatibility test and they support that. We are both here on MFP but are not working together hardly at all. The only thing we have in common is that I do 100% the cooking and I make the plates, measuring and weighing the food. I log in every day without fail, she doesn't. We exercise separately. I have no clue what she is doing and she has no clue about me.

    We have been married 34 years the same way. I guess it is entirely possible to work.
  • fittie_cent
    Yes and no... it's hard to make meals that he enjoys but he's up for the challenge :)

    He's very Italian and is used to the huge portion pasta sizes, meatballs and all that other good stuff!
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    My husband and I were both sedentary for a decade. I started exercising and eating right 10 months before he got interested. Now he's completely onboard. I was leading by example.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Q: Is your SO into fitness with you?
    A: Absolutely not! She hates exercise with a passion.

    It's just one of many ways we differ, in some ways diametric opposites - she's a church warden and I'm an atheist for example.

    It works though as we've been married for 30 years.
    I actually find it a little creepy when meeting couples that are like twins and finish each other's.....

    .....sentences. (Said my wife)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Not with me, but yes. She enjoys dancing (ballroom and salsa with some Zumba mixed in) but she also lifts and occasionally comes in and does my TKO (kickboxing boot camp) classes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • beachbabe6206
    beachbabe6206 Posts: 9 Member
    My bf works in the health field and studies medicine and nutrition but he also lovessss his treats, desserts, restaurants etc. This makes it pretty hard for me most days, because he loves to treat me to dinner and grab candy for our movie dates. I love to be active and I love to eat smaller healthier meals. He will go a whole day and eat 4 donuts, cake, cookies, ice cream and nothing else its terrible. I try to remind him to eat "real" food but when it comes down to it, he can't change until he decides to for himself. We are getting gym memberships this week and I've bought him swimming gear so he can swim laps with me. Hopefully that helps.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Pretty much the same here. Although my BF says he feels amazing when he works out and says he likes to, it's so difficult to get him started. When I met him he drank soooooo much beer. Easily a 6-pack or more a day. He stopped that. I didn't pressure him, just helped him because he said he truly wanted to. He started becoming addicted too hookah which is no good especially because he quit smoking, that's not a good thing to get into.

    Either way it's tough to motivate him, yet he says he wants me to. I feel like I don't want to be a nag or sound like I NEED him to workout, but it's confusing when he says he wants it and doesn't go for it. He knows he can't really used that excuse of not having time because although we both work full time I am also a full time student and workout 5 days a week. He just has his job.

    I told him the most important thing to me is that he makes smart choices because I too want him to live a very long life. I hate the thought of ever being without him in my life.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Nope, my husband isn't so much into it. He started doing the 100 push ups challenge though and he's started to eat better, purchased weights for us etc but I don't feel he is as motivated. I wish he would work out with me more :3 But I'm glad he doesn't 'sabotage' my eating like I often read here, or make nasty comments. He eats all the foods I eat and links fit girl pics for me xD
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Pretty much the same here. Although my BF says he feels amazing when he works out and says he likes to, it's so difficult to get him started. When I met him he drank soooooo much beer. Easily a 6-pack or more a day. He stopped that. I didn't pressure him, just helped him because he said he truly wanted to. He started becoming addicted too hookah which is no good especially because he quit smoking, that's not a good thing to get into.

    Either way it's tough to motivate him, yet he says he wants me to. I feel like I don't want to be a nag or sound like I NEED him to workout, but it's confusing when he says he wants it and doesn't go for it. He knows he can't really used that excuse of not having time because although we both work full time I am also a full time student and workout 5 days a week. He just has his job.

    I told him the most important thing to me is that he makes smart choices because I too want him to live a very long life. I hate the thought of ever being without him in my life.

    It was your status earlier that made me want to write this post!

    I wonder if he says he wants to work out just to please you? Maybe he's not that interested but says he is because he's afraid of losing you? I catch my bf in that lie every now and then. Then he just outright admits his fear that I will leave him for a super fit runner.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Pretty much the same here. Although my BF says he feels amazing when he works out and says he likes to, it's so difficult to get him started. When I met him he drank soooooo much beer. Easily a 6-pack or more a day. He stopped that. I didn't pressure him, just helped him because he said he truly wanted to. He started becoming addicted too hookah which is no good especially because he quit smoking, that's not a good thing to get into.

    Either way it's tough to motivate him, yet he says he wants me to. I feel like I don't want to be a nag or sound like I NEED him to workout, but it's confusing when he says he wants it and doesn't go for it. He knows he can't really used that excuse of not having time because although we both work full time I am also a full time student and workout 5 days a week. He just has his job.

    I told him the most important thing to me is that he makes smart choices because I too want him to live a very long life. I hate the thought of ever being without him in my life.

    It was your status earlier that made me want to write this post!

    I wonder if he says he wants to work out just to please you? Maybe he's not that interested but says he is because he's afraid of losing you? I catch my bf in that lie every now and then. Then he just outright admits his fear that I will leave him for a super fit runner.

    Hm. My bf sometimes says I'd live him for a big muscular guy, which is ridiculous! Although I know there is a big part of him that wants to workout. I've told him many times that if he doesn't like working out he can tell me and I'd just leave him alone. I only remind him every now and again because he's given me the impression that he wants me to get him going.

    He's just the type of person that needs a push. He actually enjoyed running and only stopped when he hurt his knees. That was a while ago and he's fine now, so I told him I'd run too to motivate him. I am definitely not a runner. It's just never been my strong suit, but I'm going to do it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Options wife lifts with me and we're both doing Wendler's 5/3/1. She also runs and does 5Ks and 10Ks with me and is working towards a marathon (I am not interested in running a marathon)...but I also cycle and swim which she's not really into and I'm working towards triathlon.
  • mbucchieri
    mbucchieri Posts: 44 Member
    I love my husband , but he has no intrest in joining this journey with me at the moment..He wants to loose weight, but just doesn't seem to have the motivation to get started.It makes it very hard to stick to it and not slip up.But it's ok I am doing this journey for me to make me happy, and when he's ready, I know he will join!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    He really wants to be into fitness, and is terribly upset about the way his body looks (I think he is gorgeous) but he struggles with motivation no matter what I try.

    I think Battlefield 3 and Dota are more his calling for now.

    My husband was spurred to action by my insistence I could out lift him. We're just starting to workout and run together but he has found that shutting down lol or wow for 90 minutes doesn't hurt.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Nope, he couldn't care less. It makes me concerned for him, and we've had discussions about his overall health, but I don't try to change him. I just hope that as he supports MY goals and watches me achieve them that I will inspire him to set some for himself and act on them. I love him no matter what.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Kathleen- with exception for the 6-pack I think we are dating the same person! He's a machinist so the dangers are pretty close to the same. lol I thought I could deal but it is starting to wear on me. I'm trying to be a healthier me but only last a week or so because I hate having to cook two seperate meals since he wont eat anything unless it came from a cow or out of a box. It's already hard enough to cook for two when one of us doesnt do left overs- (not me).There is my rant on the subject!

    Thank You! You are def not alone in this, Thank god mac n cheese is easy to cook
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    We're pretty much on track in the lifestyle department. We workout almost daily, we golf together, and we love the same foods (healthy or otherwise). We keep each other motivated when one of us feels like not working out...etc. On the other hand, if I (or he) feel like eating something that's a bit on the 'unhealthy' side, or indulging a bit, we don't give each other a hard time.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Nope. She just keeps packing on weight and her midsection keeps getting bigger and bigger. More rapidly lately. It might be my fault. She's due in November.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    He's into fitness, yes, though prefers to stick to running, crunches and kettlebell workouts. I like doing different things (trying new things... he's not so open to change). He's not into healthy eating with me tho...

    bloody SABOTEUR!!!!!
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Nope. She just keeps packing on weight and her midsection keeps getting bigger and bigger. More rapidly lately. It might be my fault. She's due in November.
