
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So I have been really slacking since I made my 8/15 mini goal. :embarassed: So I am stating that tomorrow I bring it all on again. I am going to get serious.

    I have planned out my meals thru Friday already and I will stick to the plan.:drinker:
    I am starting my new exercise program tomorrow so I should be working out a minimum of 3 hours a day monday thru friday. More if I feel like it. :devil:

    I am going to visit my daughter:love: in 2 weeks and I will be back to my 8/15 weight by then and maybe even a little lower.

    Since I have publicly stated this it must now be so because I don't lie:tongue:

    I hope all of you ladies are doing well. I am excited to be ready to bring it again. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am incredibly busy this week. I had a bell polishing party/dinner for my bell choir after church today, and I am cleaning and doing yard work like a mad woman trying to get ready to have one of my clubs over for a hot dog roast Tuesday evening. Then Wednesday, I will be packing, including food to feed 16 over the weekend, as we make our yearly trek to Winfield, Kansas on Thursday for one of the largest outdoor music festivals in the country. Attendance probably averages 10,000. People come from all over the country (even some from Europe) to attend. wvfest.com if you are interested. Anyway, my workout to day will be similar to yesterday's - cleaning and cooking. Ugh! Hope all of you are doing well!
    Oh, almost forgot the exciting news. My oldest daughter, who is having her first baby in late January, called this weekend to tell us that it's a boy! Added to our two other grandsons! Having raised three girls, I find this very different. My husband thinks he might make a TV show, called "My Three Grandsons."
    Have a good Sunday, all!
  • Good day all:
    Well the kitchen renos are coming along. Just have one more coat of paint to do on the ceiling and then we can get to the walls. The kitchen is a total mess... plastic drop sheets everywhere so can't cook or get into the cupboards... Thanks goodness we're going to MIL tonight for dinner although it will be a challenge to keep the calories down. A light breakfast and fruit for lunch should help out in that department.

    Vicki - hope the tea party is a fun time for all. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - good thing they didn't have any of your favorite foods at the Alzhimer's walk... it's like they had everything you either don't like or couldn't have just to keep you on track. :laugh:

    Rebel - so sorry to hear about your aunt. :cry:
  • gride5307
    gride5307 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this group. I am also with the 100 lbs to lose group. I am 58. I am a full time student, going for my AA degree in accounting, while looking for a job. I was laid off 03/09 and my husband is legally blind so he cannot work. I cannot depend on unemployment checks for the rest of our lives.

    My challenge is to keep on track and like Colette; I have a Richard Simmons DVD that I plan on using as soon as everyone in my home is at work or at school. I have tried to use it in my bedroom but there is no room. I go to Curves almost every morning and try to use my treadmill for an hour every day.

    Coming up October 16th is the Oktoberfest 5k walk. My 2 sisters, DIL, granddaughter, niece and a friend are all signed up to walk. It will be my first 5k. I have to buy some shoes and up my walking time on the treadmill.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Amanda - I hope your swimming lesson goes well. It will be fun. Don't worry, they are not going to let you drown. I've often wanted to take them myself. Let us all know how it goes.

    Rebel - sorry to hear about your aunt.

    Congratulations to all who are meeting mini-goals or just having a day with good choices. Every step forward is a step in the right direction.

    I brought my Mom (92) to a Farmer's Market today. It was a riot. We had a good time and it reminded her of old fashioned stores where the food is real. I just bought fresh fruit and some fresh veggies.

    Corn is coming in right now at local farms, so I bought a dozen right out of the fields. I love harvest times.

  • Jocy50
    Jocy50 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone!! I just joined today. I marked all that I ate today and wow!!! I really went over my caloric intake. Guess I better cut down a tad tomorrow. lol I need to lose weight for my heart. I found out that my heart muscle is not working up to par and it started as a baby. I find out at age 52 about something that happened when I was 6 months old. The joys of separated families. Anyhoo, I aim to get back or close to the size I was 10yrs ago. I need to cut down on my liquids and salt intake. That is not an easy task. There is salt in almost everything you eat and I love my water.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Viv - that was so nice of you to take the bunny back to its owner.

    Peggy - I'll keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers

    Well, we were invited to a friend's home tonight for dinner (Sat). I'm thinking that I probably took in too many calories. But you know something, it used to be when I'd have a day where it was blown, I would really pig out late at night. Now, I'm just not feeling the urge to eat like I used to. That's interesting. Well, I'll get back on the stick tomorrow.

    Did 1 hr 45 min of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do the hula hoop on the Wii. Haven't done that in a while.

    Marilyn - what is a smart meter? Is it something electrical? What's its purpose? As you can tell, I've never heard of one.

    Today is Sun. I felt so out of sorts today that I napped almost 4 hours! Didn't get to exercise. Well, one day won't kill me. Tomorrow, I'll take an xtreme pump class (weights)

    Amanda - good luck tomorrow. You won't drown!

    tears for Rebel.....

    Congrats, Mary, on the grandson! What exciting news!

    Welcome Gayle. Good luck on your walk.

    Welcome Jocy. I hear ya about the salt. I try so hard to watch my sodium, but there are days when I don't even realize it, but I go over. I'm really surprised how much sodium is in certain foods like tuna and cottage cheese. Good luck to you.

    Well, I think I'm going to do a little crocheting right now.

    Have a great night everyone!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome Jocy,

    Based on what you said about a heart condition, and limiting water, I am going to go out on a limb here and assume we are talking about some form of congestive heart failure? Assuming that is the case, if you are taking diuretic meds, either due to edema or because of high blood pressure, I HOPE your doctor is monitoring your potassium level, and that you are on a potassium supplement. The effects that sodium have on your body are related to the balance between sodium and potassium. Magnesium, and Vitamin E, also Thiamine (AKA Vitamin B-1) are also important to someone with heart issues, as well as Co-Enzyme Q10.

    If what I am saying is not something you are familiar with, I recommend you educate yourself. Here is a link to one of many websites with information:


    You will find lots of support and information on this thread, and we look forward to getting to know you. We have women from the USA, Canada, the UK, and I think we might even have a Australian that pops in occasionally.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :love: I have to pop in here for a minute to tell you that I just met up with an "old" girlfriend today. We met for the first time 40 years ago when I was a new immigrant to Canada. We went through a lot together. I think I had not seen her in about 12 years!!!! She called out of the blue that she was on the island and came over with her new hubby, and we talked like we had just seen each other last week.

    I am wiping a tear right now, but they are tears of happiness.

    I am a grateful Renny and I love my friends.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Here's to friendships, new and old!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Will catch up and tell you about my swimming lesson in a while, but wanted to post a giggle that was sent to me today.

    How come when you mix water and flour together you get glue?..
    and then you add eggs and sugar...
    and you get cake?
    Where did the glue go ?
    You know darned well where it went!
    That's what makes the cake Stick to your bum and hips :laugh:

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Summer is over, I'm up 4 pounds and its time to put away the excuses and get down to my goal weight.

    I've let recent circumstances lull me into returning me to some bad habits like not exercising every day and eating too many simple carbs. I used a plethera of inlaw birthdays as an excuse to reawaken the carb moster. I could blame it on stress or numerous other things, but the bottom line is I've gotten lazy and made some poor choices that are making my jeans fir a bit too snugly.

    I have NO INTENTION of buying bigger clothes, so today I have remeasured, reweighed and readjusted my tracking goals. Its back to what I know works: daily exercise, no simple carbs and apple cider vinegar.

    I just got back from walking the girls and I start zumba class tomorrow night.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    The internet doesn’t reach all the way up to my room on the 4th floor so I’m down in the lobby posting this.

    The line dance workshop is going great……At the last minute I was offered a ride by two women I didn’t know were coming to the workshop so I accepted. I got to drive the first hour in a brand new Lexus Hybrid.

    We danced open dancing last night for two hours and I was amazed at how many of the dances I knew. Today we’ll start learning new dances.

    I miss my hubby but I’ve talked to him, emailed and texted a bunch of times.

    I did my yoga, had my breakfast and in a few minutes will walk the half mile to the workshop.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Jocy50
    Jocy50 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the welcome ladies.

    Barb you got it right.... I have heart failure. The specialist told me to do very moderate exercises to lose the weight slowly. My doc has put me on water pill a few years ago. But just found out about the heart failure. Also found out that it was probably from when I was in the hospital at the age of 6 months. I guess my parents failed to tell me why I was in the hospital. All I know is that I was baptized in the hospital because they didn't think I was going to make it. But I showed them eh? :tongue: My parents separated when I was a year old. Long story short, I was put in a foster home but I guessing they failed to transfer my hospital records. It would have saved me a lot of trouble and meds I didn't need.
    Now I'm working at showing everyone again that I can make it. and I will!!!!!! :heart:
    Thanks for the link!! I'm going to check it out.
    I did 10 min of Wii stepping. Will do more 10 min a few times in the day.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Amanda - Thanks for the giggle.

    Susan - With your determination that 4 pounds won't last long.

    Barbie - Enjoy the workshop. Can't wait to hear more details.

    Jocy- My Mom has congestive heart failure and has a pacemaker. She is 92 years old and still going strong. Being a candidate for future heart disease is one of my motivations for finally loosing weight. Just take it easy and keep at it. Good things will happen.

    Have a great Monday!

  • Just joined yesterday, still trying to figure out everything. Hoping this will keep me accountable and motivated! :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Monday, Monday!

    Just popping in to say Hi, I've been reading but too busy to post. Saturdays' weigh in was small...only .2 of a pound but I'm figuring this last pound is only going to come off "kicking and screaming".

    #2 Son was promoted to 1st LT on Saturday, then we went out to dinner at Mongol BBQ, I tried to keep it healthy, had a hugh salad and mostly veggies with the BBQ, but it was that "fruity" drink that was the killer I'm sure.

    Had bike rides Saturday and Sunday, I actually had a weekend with no falls:wink: thank goodness no new bruises this week.

    Friday night we went to a "couples" wedding shower, dinner was mexican food and I tried to go light on the amount of food but I'm sure it was those two glasses of wine that put my calories on the high side. I really try not to have alcohol too often as I'd rather have my calories in food:wink:

    Welcome to the newbies you have come to the best support group on here:flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear that Boo is recovering at home from her surgery.

    Everyone have a good week, not sure how much posting I will have time to do as we are leaving Thursday night to spend the weekend in Las Vegas with #1 Son & DIL and won't be back until Monday...hoping I will have time to at least log in my food:smile:

    Let's all drink our water:drinker: , eat plenty of veggies and get going on that exercise:smile:

  • Jocy50
    Jocy50 Posts: 17 Member
    How do you join the 50+ group? I will be 53 in Oct.

    What date in Oct.?? I'll be 53 in Oct also. :smile:
  • Hi everyone,

    I am still lurking in the background. I lost 1/2lb this week. It's very slow but at least it's down. I just spent a great weekend with two ladies I went to college with, one of whom I hadn't seen for 25 years. I ate a bit more than usual but we did walk loads. The weather was great, lots of sun and warm. It's not so good today though cold, overcast and showery. I will be eating more carbs this week as it's the Great North Run on Sunday but will try and get back on the wagon next week.

    Congratulations to everyone who has lost, welcome to all Newbies and love to those having problems.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just making a spot here. I have lost a total of 10.2 lbs. as of today.:bigsmile:
    Much support from my MFP friends have kept me motivated.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Well, I was supposed to be starting my new position on Tuesday, but it appears I will have a little more time before that happens, as I am not starting tomorrow after all. I started experiencing some foggy vision in one of my eyes Sunday afternoon,while working on the online training material for my new job. I decided it must be eyestrain and that I needed a breather from the computer screen, so after dinner I drove to the grocery store. By now it was dark, and I became aware of the sensation of occasional little flashes of light in my peripheral vision in that eye. I could still see with both eyes, but it was definitely distracting.

    When I got home, I looked up some info online, and discovered my symptoms can be an indication of a detaching retina, and that immediate attention is required to prevent permanent vision loss. :noway: So about 10p, I hopped in the car and went to the ER. I wanted an ophthalmology consult, but they didn't have anyone available, so another doctor examined me, said he couldn't "see" anything, despite my symptoms. Then they referred me to an ophthalmology clinic for today. I couldn't get an appointment until later today, so here I am, with my foggy eye, still trying to use the computer.

    I had to call my new boss and let him know what was going on. They are being understanding, and are willing to stand by until I know what is going on.

    I got home after midnight, a bit stressed, and remembering the leftover pizza that is in my fridge. There was a bunch left over after our meeting on Saturday, and I brought it home to give to another friend for her family. I had a bad case of the stress hungries, so I had a small slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple, and another small slice of combination.

    I am still having foggy vision in my right eye, and I am hoping whatever is going on can be dealt with QUICKLY, as it is very distracting to feel as though I am looking through a cloud. The best I can explain it is if you have ever gotten moisturizer in your eye, and you have that oily film that puts a halo around everything.

    I will let you know what they come up with later today.

    Renny, Glad you got to reconnect with your friend.
    Shirley, Congrats on your loss.
    Amanda, Your glue to cake story was funny.

    Everyone else, I am thinking of you, but it is easier for me to write at this time than it is to read, so I am going from memory, as doing a lot of personal replies is not practical.


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