What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?

I get, "Don't lose anymore weight."
"Are you starving yourself?"
"No more."
"You look so skinny."

I'm not even skinny. I'm still a bit chubby. I still have a tummy and flabby thighs. What they talking about? I'm 5'8" and 194lbs (gained 3 pounds). My weight keeps going up and down. I can still fit in my clothes, but I gain some weight? I was so close to 189lbs. Damn it! I just wanna be healthy, not skinny. My goal is 160-155lbs, but I feel like I'm never gonna get there. I feel like giving up, but I'm not going to.

I walk a lot, cardio, Tae Bo, Zumba, eat healthy and drink water. :explode:


  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    I got told that I need to stop and that I look sick !

    I'm not even to goal yet.
    Close but not yet !

    I use to weigh much less than this.
  • jzs20
    jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
    "i have to eat more"
    "... do you have cancer"
    "are you dying"
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back
  • kayemmgee5
    kayemmgee5 Posts: 86 Member
    "have you talked to your dr about this?"
    and my personal favorite...from a close relative..."if you keep exercising like this, you'll miss your cycle and won't be able to get pregnant." Because a baby is exactly what I needed right now lol.
  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    "You're too thin now" - from a friend who works out almost as much as me.....and she's a little shorter than me and 102 pounds rail thin.

    "You lost too much weight"

    "Hey why don't you have a cookie or two for me.....clearly you could use it"
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    "you're so skinny, i hate you"
  • dmueller111
    Last time I lost 30lbs and everyone wanted to know if I was OK, they thought I was sick.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    From my younger sister who used to be smaller than me "Great now I can be the ugly fat sister again, just like old times"
    "No pictures! I look fat next to you"

    No one will take pictures with me anymore, especially in bathing suits and I worked really hard to look like this and I wish I had pictures of the fun summer I've been having with my friends.
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    "You have a long way to go." This came from somebody at work after I had lost the first 25 pounds. I saw the same person today and he told me, "You're looking really good!"
  • SergeantG
    "have you talked to your dr about this?"
    and my personal favorite...from a close relative..."if you keep exercising like this, you'll miss your cycle and won't be able to get pregnant." Because a baby is exactly what I needed right now lol.

    That has always astounded me how some people base the value of a woman solely around 'if she can have a baby' or not....ugh! That comment would totally pi$$ me off!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    (years ago; I was at about 140 from 167, goal 128)

    "You're losing your womanly curves (from a male friend)." I had gone from D cup to C cup; I assume that's what he was looking at.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    Was told I was getting too "skinny" and that I had chicken legs now..... 2 things a guy really doesn't want to hear ..LOL...

    I weigh 222 lbs @ 16.9%BF and have 26" legs..... FFS ....
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Fortunately I don't get that a whole lot (not at goal yet though), except for the occasional "Here, have a cookie, you can take it!" I still eat cookies thank-you-very-much, when I want to, not when anyone tells me if I can have one or not.

    My most negative experience actually happened at a Weight Watchers meeting 4 years ago. I had lost about 12kg/25lbs through the online program, but they introduced the new system and I got stuck. After a month or two, three of nothing budging on the scale, I decided I could go to meetings for a few weeks and see if that would help.

    The women there were telling me that I was too skinny, that I shouldn't lose anymore weight, and how they would kill to be the weight I was at. I'm only 5' and was weighing in around 60kg/132lbs at the time, which for me is a BMI of 26. And they had this information, they knew my BMI was too high, and they knew I had already lost a total of 15kg/33lbs since my highest. I live in Europe and the average woman here is more like 5'7". I thought it was really unfair that they were judging me based on my weight in numbers, and telling me they wished they'd weigh so little. For MY frame, the weight was too much.
  • wondermommie85
    wondermommie85 Posts: 30 Member
    "doing that won't help you lose weight, you are wasting your time" said by my sister and her husband as I was jumping rope for cardio when I still lived at home. Then they proceeded to laugh at me. This is the brother in law who convinced everyone around me that I was anorexic because I happened to have the stomach flu one time and threw up a lot. Both were morbidly obese. BIL has shut up since he lost his weight, and I only see my sister and her family about twice a year anyways. We live in the same town, I just don't feel a need to be close to them (for obvious reasons).

    "You are gonna make yourself sick" said by my neighbor when I ran up and down my super long driveway this spring.

    And at first my husband made the anorexic comments too (HA! I love to eat, so I got no idea where they get this from. They have seen me put away the goods like person at an eating contest). But.....come to find out DH was feeling a little insecure about his own body and he thought I would get all sexy and leave him. So I just told him: "it's not like you haven't given me cause to leave, but if I were going to go I would be gone by now. I love you and I am not going anywhere so just stop it." And that was that. Now he is on board and putting money back to take me clothes shopping when I reach my goal.
  • parallelfifths
    parallelfifths Posts: 17 Member
    I'm still in the process and haven't been accused of losing too much quite yet....but I DO get "You must have had surgery to have to lost that much weight."

    No disrespect to those who went with gastric surgery options....but, I hate when people assume that must have been the only way I could have done it...blech!
  • Ichigo2012
    Ichigo2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Most of my friends support my efforts pretty well. It's actually my mom that is against me getting more fit and reducing the amount of extra fat I carry around. I dunno why she worries, I've never been more fit and healthy in my life.
  • captainjclark
    "You don't need to lose weight."
    "Why don't you eat some real food?!"...also known as cheeseburgers and fried foods to them...
    "At least I can be happy with what I eat even if it kills me sooner..."...yeah I bet your kids appreciate that too.
  • kayemmgee5
    kayemmgee5 Posts: 86 Member
    "have you talked to your dr about this?"
    and my personal favorite...from a close relative..."if you keep exercising like this, you'll miss your cycle and won't be able to get pregnant." Because a baby is exactly what I needed right now lol.

    That has always astounded me how some people base the value of a woman solely around 'if she can have a baby' or not....ugh! That comment would totally pi$$ me off!!

    I've only been married for just under 1 year and we bought a home 3 months ago. I believe I have time to have a child, if my husband and I wish to do that!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    You guys have crappy people in your lives! My friends and family are nothing but supportive. Of course they were supportive when I was 70 pounds heavier. I can't imagine people refusing to take pictures with their friends for fear of not bring the cutest/hottest/skinniest. Weird!!!!
  • jaznon
    jaznon Posts: 68 Member
    "You're getting there. At least your belly doesn't stick out past your boobs any more."
    I think it was meant as a compliment but still didn't sit well with me...?